
扫描下载二维码上传用户:plioghfivv资料价格:5财富值&&『』文档下载 :『』&&『』学位专业:&关 键 词 :&&&&&&&&&权力声明:若本站收录的文献无意侵犯了您的著作版权,请点击。摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。)付与面料特别的功效性、进步面料的高附加值一向是纺织品成长的主要偏向。多年来国际外的异形化学纤维开辟一向是成长热门,但是在异形纤维截面外形品种开辟、运用基本机理、面料芯吸机能评价办法等方面的体系化研讨还不敷成熟。整体上存在着种类开辟实际根据性不高、运用机理深度不敷、评价办法不标准等实际成绩。是以本课题基于异形纤维及吸湿排汗面料开辟和评价表征的现实困难,环绕了以下内容做了深刻研讨与商量:体系化剖析了纺织面料吸湿机理,明白润湿、芯吸、接触角等主要基本概念和道理。以面料接触水源方法的分歧,面料吸湿普通划分为无限量水源芯吸和无穷量水源芯吸景象。对纺织面料芯吸分歧景象的产生道理和评价办法停止深刻商量,指出润湿和芯吸是纺织品吸湿景象中的两个阶段,即芯吸是在润湿基本上产生于纤维之间年夜范围吸湿景象。纤维聚集体毛细空间模仿及液体活动猜测。商量了影响疏水性异形聚酯纤维束毛细效应的诸多身分,如纤维之间毛细孔隙的尺寸和散布、纤维截面外形、纤维比外面积、纤维外面特点、纤维的吸湿机能、液体特征等。采取盘算机模仿技巧树立了纤维束单位模子MFB和纤维束截面随机分列模仿体系Shape一Generator,用以研讨纤维束的单纤维截面外形、纤维束内毛细闲暇的尺寸和散布、纤维半径年夜小、纤维和毛细管根数等对芯吸效应的影响。依据模仿成果对异形纤维束芯吸效应停止猜测剖析,从找到了单纤维截面外形变更对纤维聚集体毛细效应影响的系列纪律。单纤维截面外形对纤维束外部毛细闲暇的组成和散布影响很年夜,形如十字形如许的凹形截面外形更有益于毛细管的构成且毛细管当量半径多在(1~2×10一6m)的低值区域散布。异样细度的纱线内,单纤维的半径越小,纤维束内包括的纤维根数越多,构成的毛细闲暇越多且在低值区域散布的也会越多;固然十字形纤维束内包括纤维根数最高到达140~150根,但单根纤维构成毛细孔隙的才能却不如王字形纤维。将两种以上的多种截面外形纤维混纺在一路时,纤维束内的毛细闲暇构成情形不会由于截面外形的品种增长而产生显著改良,但是将多种凹形截面外形混纺的纤维束毛细闲暇构成情形则显著有益于形如三角形的凸形截面外形混纺而成的纤维束。经由过程树立这套模仿猜测体系,可以初步设计分歧的单纤维截面外形,再经由过程猜测纤维聚集体毛细效应进而优化截面外形,从而年夜年夜下降纤维种类开辟进程中的本钱消费。是以,该猜测模仿体系对异形化纤研发具有很年夜的指点意义和较好的经济效益。纺织品吸湿导湿概念及道理的体系化研讨。在纺织纤维聚集体毛细芯吸效应产生机理的实际研讨方面重要做了以下商量:经由过程盘算临界分散系数来比拟圆形和异形纤维束润湿行动的难易水平,证实了异样纤维材质的条件下异形纤维更轻易润湿,例如十字形的临界分散系数—0。8700γ小于圆形的—0。8571γ。在Reed & Wilson的实际模子基本上,应用垂直芯吸模子对纤维束在无穷量水源中的芯吸景象停止力学剖析,推导出了异形纤维束的芯吸高度、芯吸时光、芯吸速度实际盘算公式,并联合盘算机模仿成果,对纤维束的芯吸效应停止猜测,发明十字形和双十字形的静态芯吸效应更加显著。商量了纤维束内毛细闲暇尺寸的有用界值成绩,解释纤维束外部闲暇具有产生毛细效应的根本前提为孔隙半径年夜于0。01um;提出了表征异形纤维束垂直芯吸机能的锥形液柱主要外形函数,剖析该外形函数对评价异形纤维束的芯吸静态接触角具有积极的意义。成果显示了十字异形纤维束的纤维根数最多,φ0(x)散布值最小。纤维的粗细对φ0(x)的影响也较为显著,其他参数不变时,纤维较粗的纤维束,φ0(x)较小。在纺织资料芯吸机能测试仪器和办法方面进一步立异和改良。今朝为止,异形纤维重要运用于功效型吸湿排汗类面料的开辟,但是该类面料芯吸机能的表征其实不公道、完美。鉴于试样材质、构造和终究产物用处的分歧,应公道选用恰当的试验来表征样品的芯吸机能特色,本课题立异式采取了OCA40 Micro光学视频接触角丈量仪开辟出无限水源液滴芯吸测试;应用3S Balance毛细水测试仪微量式测试样品垂直芯吸机能;研制开辟了Demand Absorbency—液体程度芯吸测试仪测试面料程度芯吸机能。这三种分歧的芯吸测试办法可以比拟周全地表征样品在分歧芯吸水源、芯吸方法下的芯吸机能,构成一个比拟完全的纺织资料吸湿导湿机能测试系统。采取OCA40 Micro光学视频接触角丈量仪对无限水源前提下的液滴芯吸微不雅景象停止不雅察研讨。初次提出了液滴芯吸进程中依据芯吸高度和芯吸时光的关系可以分为芯吸预备时光和主体芯吸时光。经由过程剖析比拟液滴芯吸进程的整体芯吸时光和主体芯吸时光的长短和这两段时光的散布,发明十字形和扁平形纤维聚集体具有较快的主体芯吸时光。扁平形面料的主体芯吸时光最短,芯吸速度最年夜,但是芯吸预备时光绝对较长。综合来看,十字形面料的芯吸后果最为优良。对液滴芯吸主体时光停止线性拟合剖析,发明这六种异形面料的芯吸动力学都表现了很好的线性后果。对COOLDRY/棉混纺面料和U型/棉双层吸湿面料的研讨成果注解,液滴在混纺面估中的芯吸动力学仍坚持很好的线性关系。以三种非织造布功效型吸湿面料为例,选用3S Balance毛细水测试仪,采取垂直芯吸测试办法来研讨面料芯吸液体分量与时光的静态关系。经由过程丈量面料芯吸时核心构成液柱的分量,盘算了面料外面芯吸静态接触角均为50~60°阁下;在芯吸动力学的基本上,商量了面料外部的毛细芯吸静态接触角的算法,发明纺织资料外部的静态接触角在液体静态传输时根本上为0°,是以纺织资料外部的液体活动是惹起芯吸景象的重要身分。经由过程剖析面料芯吸液体的芯吸动力学,基于Washburn液体毛细活动道理,将芯吸分量与芯吸时光的平方根拟合发明两者具有很好的线性关系,线性拟合度均到达95%以上。采取毛细闲暇当量半径表征静态芯吸时的面料外部毛细闲暇的尺寸,盘算成果与第二章我们树立的盘算机模仿成果根本分歧,属于统一数目级10一6m程度。剖析了面料外部芯吸的液体体积和面料的液体承载系数,来比较面料和液体对芯吸效应的影响,以为不是一切的液体在纺织资料内产生芯吸景象时都可以占满一切毛细孔隙。好比液态水在V7中芯吸时的充斥率为90%阁下。纤维资料自己的亲水机能对芯吸时的收缩、毛细闲暇尺寸、静态接触角影响较年夜;面料加工和染整工艺中添加的亲水或疏水性化学试剂对芯吸后果也具有必定的影响,须要依据产物用处选定试剂的水性;在液体中参加定量的无机外面活性剂,有助于芯吸效应。研制了Demand Absorbency—液体程度芯吸测试仪,应用该仪器对三种非织造布吸湿面料的芯吸机能停止了程度芯吸测试和剖析表征。经由过程对试验数据的比较剖析和摸索性测试,慢慢提出试验步调的修改计划,成果证实修正以后测试获得的数据具有优越的纪律性。面料程度芯吸测试成果注解,在必定压力前提下,面料芯吸到达饱和的进程中,吸湿分量与时光平方根呈优越的线性关系,且拟合度均在99%以上。是以纺织资料的液体程度芯吸与垂直芯吸一样也相符Washburn毛细芯吸道理。芯吸到达饱和时,液体并没有占领面料外部一切的毛细闲暇,液体充斥率在70~80%阁下。面料芯吸饱和量与芯吸速度不具有线性相干性。芯吸速度遭到面料芯吸给水方法影响,即面料与液体直接接触的芯吸面积。面料的垂直芯吸和程度芯吸在道理上都相符Washburn毛细芯吸道理,然则芯吸给水方法的差别招致了两者分离具有一些分歧特点。两种测试办法给水方法的分歧,使得面料接触水源的面积年夜年夜分歧,从而招致面料的综合芯吸效应表示出各自分歧的动力学特点,普通地,程度芯吸速度是垂直芯吸的4~5倍阁下。在研讨面料的微不雅准确芯吸静态力学时普通可以采取垂直芯吸方法,而在表征面料的年夜量吸水机能时更合适采取程度芯吸方法。只要依据产物分歧用处和接触水源量年夜小的分歧来肯定测试方法和表征方法才是公道而有用的门路。本课题的异形纤维模仿实际为化学纤维种类开辟供给了无力实际支持;明白了液体在异形纤维聚集体内活动的特点;为吸湿类面料的标准化测试与表征研讨树立了实际根据。Abstract:High value-added fabrics give special efficacy, progress is always the main textile fabrics tend to grow. Over the years the special chemical fiber development has always been a hot growth, but in profiled fiber cross-section shape variety development, using the basic mechanism of fabric, wicking function evaluation methods etc. the system research is not mature enough. There are a wide open on the whole is not high, according to the actual use of the mechanism of depth is not enough, not the actual performance evaluation standard. Is in this paper based on profiled fiber and moisture wicking fabric development and characterization of practical difficulties, around the following content made a profound research and discussion: system analysis of the textile fabric moisture absorption mechanism, understand the wetting and wicking and contact angle mainly basic concepts and principles. The water contact fabric method differences, divided into ordinary fabric moisture wicking and unlimited water water wicking scene infinite quantity. The textile fabric core ceiling of different scene produce reason and evaluation method to carry on the deep discussion. It is pointed out that the wetting and wicking is hygroscopic textiles scene in two stages, namely the wicking is in the wetting basically produced in the fiber between the eve of the hygroscopic range scene. Fiber aggregate capillary space imitation and liquid speculation. To discuss the effect of hydrophobic profiled polyester fiber bundle of capillary effect of many factors, such as fiber between capillary pore size and spreading, the external shape of the cross section of the fiber, fiber than area and outside characteristics of fiber, fiber moisture absorption function, liquid characteristics. By computer imitation skills to establish a fiber bundle unit model MFB and fiber beam stochastically disaggregated imitate system shape a generator, to research fiber beam single fiber cross-section shape, fiber bundle in the capillary free size and spreading, fiber radius is small, fiber and capillary Guan Genshu etc. the core ceiling effect. On the basis of analysis of the results of imitation stop guessing shaped fiber bundle wicking effect, from found a series of discipline of single fiber cross-section shape change influence on fiber aggregate capillary effect. The external shape of the cross section of the single fiber of fiber bundle external capillary leisure composition and spread influence is very big, shaped like a cross such concave cross section shape is more beneficial in capillary and capillary equivalent radius of many in (1 ~ 2 * 10 6m) low value area spread. Strange fineness of yarn, single fiber radius is small, in the fiber bundle includes the fiber root number, a capillary leisure more and in the low value
although cross fiber bundle including fiber root number peaked at 140 ~ 150, but single fiber structure of capillary pores to is not as good as king of shaped fibers. Will be more than two kinds of many kinds of section shape of fiber blended in a way, in the fiber bundle of capillary leisure constitute situation will not have improved significantly due to the section shape of the varieties growth, but the variety of concave cross section shape of blended fiber bundle of capillary leisure constitution situation is significantly beneficial in shaped like a triangle convex cross-section shape blending and the fiber bundle. Through the process of establish the imitation speculation system, can preliminary design differences of single fiber cross-section shape, again through the process of guessing fiber aggregates capillary effect and to optimize the shape of section, thus greatly decreased fiber type development in the process of capital spending. This is to imitate the system, speculation has the very big significance and good economic benefits of special chemical fiber research and development. Systematic research textile hygroscopic moisture concept and reason. In the theoretical study of textile fiber aggregates wicks ceiling effect mechanism of important discuss the following: through figuring process critical dispersion coefficient to compare the level of difficulty of the round and special-shaped fiber wetting action. It is confirmed that the fibrous material under the condition of profiled fiber more easily wet, such as cross the critical dispersion coefficient 0. 8700 round - 0 less than gamma. 8571 gamma. On the basis of the actual model of Reed & Wilson, application of vertical wicking model of fiber bundle in infinite water quantity of core ceiling picture stop mechanics analysis derived absorption core of profiled fiber beam height, wicking time and wicking speed practical formula to calculate, and combined with computer simulating result, on core fiber beam ceiling effect to stop speculation, the invention of cross and double cross shaped static wicking effect is more significant. Discuss the useful circles within the fiber bundle of capillary free size values results, explaining the fiber bundle has a fundamental premise of external leisure for the capillary effect of pore radius is greater than 0. 01 liquid cone column main shape function characterization of profiled fiber bundle vertical wicking function is proposed to analyze the shape function of angle has the positive significance to the evaluation of the beam shaped fiber wicking static contact. The results showed the number of fibers cross shaped fiber bundle up, with 0 (x) minimum distribution. Effect of the thickness of the fiber of diameter 0 (x) are more significant, when the other parameters are fixed, coarse fiber of the fiber bundle, Phi 0 (x) smaller. Suction function testing instrument and measures in the textile materials core further innovation and improvement. So far, profiled fiber is important to use in the efficacy of moisture wicking fabric development, but this kind of fabric core ceiling function characterization of actually not fair and perfect. In view of the sample material, structure and eventually product use differences should be reasonable selects the appropriate tests to characterize the wicking performance characteristics, the subject innovation take the OCA40 micro optical contact angle measuring instrument open up unlimited water droplet 3S application type micro balance capillary water tester test samples verti research and development of the demand Absorbency - liquid core ceiling tester fabric degree core ceiling function. The three differences Wicking Test method can more comprehensive characterization of samples in different water suction and core wicking method under the wicking function, constitute a match the textile materials moisture absorption and conduction function test system completely. Take OCA40 micro optical contact angle measuring instrument of unlimited water under the premise of droplet wicking micro Ya picture stop indecent observes the research. The first to put forward the droplet wicking process based on the wicking height and wicking time can be divided into wicking time and wicking time for the main. Through analysis droplet core compared to the wicking whole process of suction time and the main core ceiling the length of time and the time of the spread, cruciform and flat fiber aggregates invention has faster subject wicking time. The main core of flat fabric suction time is the shortest, the most Nianye wicking speed, but the preparation time is relatively longer wicking. Overall, figure ten wicking fabric is the most excellent result. The droplet wicking body the time stop linear fitting analysis, the invention of this six kinds of special-shaped fabric core absorption kinetics showed a good linear consequences. The results of the annotation of COOLDRY / cotton blended fabrics and U / cotton double absorbent fabric, blended surface droplets in the assessment in wicking kinetics still insist on a good linear relationship. In three kinds of nonwoven effect type absorbent fabric as example, using 3S Balance capillary water tester, take the static relationship between vertical wicking test method to study the fabric wicking liquid component and time. Through measuring fabric core ceiling when constitute the core components of liquid column, brooding wicking fabric outside static contact angle are 50 to 60 wicking kinetics, discuss the outer fabric wick ceiling static contact angle algorithm, the invention of textile materials to external static state contact angle in the liquid static transmission basically is 0 degrees, in textile material outside the liquid activity is cause wicking scene of important factors. Through the analysis of the process of fabric core ceiling liquid wicking kinetics, based on Washburn liquid capillary movement principle, wicking components and core ceiling fitting of the square root of time both invention has a good linear relationship. The linear fitting degree have reached more than 95%. Take the capillary leisure equivalent radius characterization of static wicking fabrics external capillary leisure size, calculation results and the second chapter, we establish the computer imitation results fundamental differences, which belongs to the uniform number class 10 6m degree. Analysis of the outer fabric wicking of liquid volume and fabric liquid bearing coefficient, to compare the fabric and liquid influence on wicking effect that not all liquid in textile materials produced wicking scene can fill all the pores. Like the liquid water in the V7 when the wicking rate is 90% with you. Fiber material of hydrophilic functional contraction of wicking, leisure capillary size, static con fabric processing and dyeing and finishing process is added to the hydrophilic or hydrophobic chemical reagents of core ceiling consequences also has certain effect needs according to the product use selected te to in the liquid quantitative inorganic outside active agents, in wicking effect. Developed the Demand Absorbency liquid level wicking test instrument, using the instrument of three kinds of nonwoven fabric moisture wicking function to stop the degree of Wicking Test and analysis. Through the process of experimental data analysis and comparison of exploratory testing, slowly put forward the test pace of revising the plan, after the correction results confirm the data obtained from the tests with superior discipline. The degree of wicking fabric testing results of notes, in a certain pressure under the premise of wicking fabric reaches the saturation in the process of absorption component and time square root has a linear relationship with the superior, and the fitting degree was more than 99%. As a liquid core data as absorption degree of textile is consistent with Washburn capillary wicking principle and vertical wicking. The wicking reaches the saturation, liquid and no capillary occupied all external leisure fabric, liquid filled in the rate of 70 to 80%. Wicking fabric saturation and wicking speed does not have linear coherence. The wicking rate of fabric by wicking effect is in direct contact with the water supply method, fabric and liquid wicking area. The vertical core fabric suction and degree of wicking in reason are consistent with Washburn capillary wicking principle, water absorbing method but the core difference has some differences from their separation characteristics. Divergence of two ways to test the water supply method, making fabric contact with water area of big differences, which leads to the fabric of the integrated core ceiling effects show different dynamic characteristics, the ordinary, the degree of wicking speed is 4 ~ 5 times your vertical wicking. Methods taken in the research of vertical suction core fabric micro wicking accurate static mechanical ordinary, and large amount of water in the characterization of the fabric is more suitable to the degree of functional wicking method. As long as the use of according to the product differences and the large amount of water, small differences to affirm the testing method and the characterization method is reasonable and useful. The subject of profiled fiber to imitate the actual chemical fiber type development provides a we understand the liquid the profiled fiber aggregation characteristics o set according to the actual absorbent fabrics Standard Test and characterization studies.目录:中文摘要11-15英文摘要15-17第1章 绪论18-38&&&&1.1 研究背景与意义18-22&&&&&&&&1.1.1 吸湿排汗类面料发展近况18-19&&&&&&&&1.1.2 异形纤维的开发和应用19-21&&&&&&&&1.1.3 吸湿排汗类纺织品研究存在问题21-22&&&&1.2 研究内容相关概念体系22-31&&&&&&&&1.2.1 纺织材料润湿和芯吸机理22-28&&&&&&&&1.2.2 纺织多孔介质中液体的流动机理研究28-29&&&&&&&&1.2.3 纤维集合体吸湿模拟理论29-30&&&&&&&&1.2.4 纺织品吸湿性能评价体系30-31&&&&1.3 本课题研究内容、方法与创新点31-32&&&&1.4 本章小结32&&&&参考文献32-38第2章 异形纤维集合体芯吸流动模拟理论38-67&&&&2.1 异形纤维束模拟的背景意义39-40&&&&2.2 已有纤维集合体堆砌排列模型40-41&&&&&&&&2.2.1 Schwarz理想化模型40&&&&&&&&2.2.2 D.Lukas和潘宁的纤维束浸润模型40-41&&&&&&&&2.2.3 织物组织结构模型41&&&&2.3 Shape Generator-异形纤维束随机模拟系统41-50&&&&&&&&2.3.1 纤维束随机模拟系统的假设42-47&&&&&&&&&&&&(1) 纤维束单元模型假设的物理意义42-44&&&&&&&&&&&&(2) 纤维束截面无规随机排列模拟的意义44-46&&&&&&&&&&&&(3) 纤维束随机模拟系统的假设条件46-47&&&&&&&&2.3.2 纤维束随机模拟系统的原理47-50&&&&&&&&&&&&(1) 模拟系统的物理基础47-48&&&&&&&&&&&&(2) SG纤维束截面随机模拟软件运行原理48-49&&&&&&&&&&&&(3) 单纤维截面设计49-50&&&&2.4 纤维束随机模拟结果与分析50-63&&&&&&&&2.4.1 异形纤维束模拟图50-52&&&&&&&&2.4.2 截面形状对异形纤维束内毛细空隙分布的影响52-55&&&&&&&&2.4.3 纤维半径对异形纤维束毛细空隙分布的影响55-58&&&&&&&&2.4.4 不同截面形状混纺对异形纤维束毛细空隙分布的影响58-60&&&&&&&&2.4.5 异形纤维束毛细流动效应预测分析60-63&&&&2.5 本章小结63-64&&&&参考文献64-67第3章 液体在异形纤维集合体内的流动研究67-89&&&&3.1 纺织品芯吸流动理论67-69&&&&3.2 异形纤维束芯吸浸润的临界扩散69-72&&&&3.3 纤维束垂直芯吸物理模型72-73&&&&3.4 纤维束芯吸流量、时间及速率计算73-76&&&&&&&&3.4.1 纤维束芯吸流量73-74&&&&&&&&3.4.2 纤维束液体芯吸时间计算74-75&&&&&&&&3.4.3 纤维束初始瞬间芯吸速率75-76&&&&3.5 异形纤维束芯吸性能预测研究76-80&&&&&&&&3.5.1 异形纤维束模型在预测中的应用76-77&&&&&&&&3.5.2 纤维束静态及动态芯吸预测分析77-80&&&&&&&&&&&&(1) 静态芯吸饱和最大高度78&&&&&&&&&&&&(2) 芯吸时间78&&&&&&&&&&&&(3) 芯吸动态过程研究78-80&&&&&&&&&&&&(4) 芯吸初始瞬间速度80&&&&3.6 毛细空隙当量半径的界值分析80-82&&&&3.7 垂直纤维束芯吸的液柱形态变化及动态接触角研究82-86&&&&3.8 本章小结86-87&&&&参考文献87-89第4章 纺织材料芯吸性能测试方法与原理89-110&&&&4.1 纺织材料芯吸性能测试方法与原理89-96&&&&&&&&4.1.1 静态法垂直芯吸测试90-91&&&&&&&&4.1.2 动态法织物芯吸测试91-92&&&&&&&&4.1.4 纺织品芯吸性能的表征方法92-93&&&&&&&&4.1.5 纺织品芯吸性能评价优化选择方法93-96&&&&4.2 有限水源液滴芯吸测试仪器与测试方法96-99&&&&&&&&4.2.1 OCA40 Micro光学视频接触角测量仪器原理96-98&&&&&&&&4.2.2 有限水源液滴芯吸测试方法98-99&&&&4.3 3S Balance毛细水测试仪器和测试方法99-103&&&&&&&&4.3.1 3S Balance毛细水测试仪器原理100-102&&&&&&&&4.3.2 3S Balance毛细水测试仪实验方法102-103&&&&4.4 Demand Absorbency—液体水平芯吸测试仪器与测试方法103-107&&&&&&&&4.4.1 Demand Absorbency—液体水平芯吸测试仪器原理103-106&&&&&&&&4.4.2 Demand Absorbency—液体水平芯吸测试方法106-107&&&&4.5 本章小结107&&&&参考文献107-110第5章 异形纤维集合体有限水源芯吸性能110-122&&&&5.1 OCA40 Micro光学视频接触角测量仪实验方案111-112&&&&&&&&5.1.1 异形聚酯面料试样111-112&&&&&&&&5.1.2 异形聚酯纤维/棉混纺面料试样112&&&&5.2 异形聚酯纤维集合体水液滴芯吸性能测试结果112-118&&&&&&&&5.2.1 液滴在单根异形纤维上的芯吸现象112-113&&&&&&&&5.2.2 液滴在异形聚酯纤维集合体上的吸附现象113-115&&&&&&&&5.2.3 异形聚酯纤维集合体液滴吸附动力学研究115-118&&&&5.3 异形聚酯纤维/棉混纺吸湿排汗面料水液滴芯吸性能测试结果118-120&&&&&&&&5.3.1 异形纤维(COOLDRY)与棉混纺面料芯吸性118&&&&&&&&5.3.2 U形/棉双层差动吸湿面料的芯吸性能118-120&&&&5.4 本章小结120-121&&&&参考文献121-122第6章 功能型吸湿面料垂直芯吸性能122-143&&&&6.1 非织造布高吸湿面料垂直芯吸实验方案设计122-124&&&&6.2 非织造布高吸湿面料试样特征重量测试结果124&&&&6.3 非织造布高吸湿面料与液体动态芯吸接触角124-128&&&&&&&&6.3.1 正癸烷(Decane)溶液动态芯吸接触角126&&&&&&&&6.3.2 液态水动态芯吸接触角126-127&&&&&&&&6.3.3 异丙醇(Isopropanol)溶液动态芯吸接触角127-128&&&&6.4 非织造布高吸湿面料中芯吸的液体体积128-129&&&&6.5 非织造布高吸湿面料的液体承载重量129-130&&&&6.6 非织造布高吸湿面料的垂直芯吸动力学130-135&&&&6.7 非织造布吸湿面料内部毛细动态接触角135-137&&&&6.8 非织造布高吸湿面料内部毛细空隙当量半径137-141&&&&6.9 本章小结141-142&&&&参考文献142-143第7章 功能型吸湿面料水平芯吸性能143-162&&&&7.1 Demand Absorbency—液体水平芯吸测试探索方案143&&&&7.2 功能型吸湿面料水平芯吸性能测试结果分析143-147&&&&7.3 Demand Absorbency—液体水平芯吸测试修正方案147-149&&&&7.4 功能型吸湿面料水平芯吸性能测试结果149-159&&&&&&&&7.4.1 面料水平芯吸动态分析149-156&&&&&&&&7.4.2 面料水平芯吸状态分析156-159&&&&7.5 织物垂直芯吸动力学与水平芯吸动力学拟合对比分析159-160&&&&7.6 本章小结160-161&&&&参考文献161-162第8章 结论与课题展望162-167附录1 芯吸高度和时间关系公式推导过程167-169附录2 3S Balance实验数据例2169-172附录3 水平需求芯吸测试相关实验数据172-174博士期间发表文章174-175致谢175分享到:相关文献|


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