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& 若不等式5-x 7 x+1 若不等式5-x&7|x+1|与不等式ax^2+bx-2&0同解则a=多少b等于。
若不等式5-x 7 x+1 若不等式5-x&7|x+1|与不等式ax^2+bx-2&0同解则a=多少b等于。
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若不等式5-x&7|x+1|与不等式ax^2+bx-2&0同解则a=多少b等于。先解5-x&7|x+1|,当 x&=-1时 5-x&7x+7, 解得 x&-1/4; 故 -1=&x&-1/4.当 x&-1时 5-x&-7x-7, 解得 x&-2; 故 -2&x&-1.所以解为 -2&x&-1/4.所以a&0且ax^2+bx-2=a(x+2)(x+1/4)=a(x^2+9x/4+1/2);比较系数得到b=9a/4;-2=a/2;所以 a= -4, b= -9.。若不等式5-x&7|x+1|与不等式ax^2+bx-2&0的解集相同!。先解5-x&7|x+1|, 当 x&=-1时 5-x&7x+7, 解得 x&-1/4; 故 -1=&x&-1/4. 当 x&-1时 5-x&-7x-7, 解得 x&-2; 故 -2&x&-1. 所以解为 -2&x&-1/4. 所以a&0且ax^2+bx-2=a(x+2)(x+1/4)=a(x^2+9x/4+1/2);比较系数得到 b=9a/4; -2=a/2; 所以 a= -4, b= -9.。解不等式5-X& 7/X+1/假设X+1&05-X&7X+7-1/4&X∴-1&X&-1/4假设X+1&0X-5&7X+7-2&X&-1综合-2&X&-1/4。(1)若不等式x-m&n(n&0)的解集为{x1&x&5},求不等式x的平方-。(1)x-m7(x+1),8x0同解 所以a=0,bx&2应有b。若不等式5-X&7|X+1|和关于X的不等式AX+BX-2&0解集相同则。解集怎么么可能一样&。设不等式5-x&7|x+1|与不等式ax^2+bx-2&0同解,求实数a、b的。5-x&7|x+1|因为|x+1|&0,所以5-x&0不等式两边平方得:(5-x)²&(7|x+1|)²(5-x)²&(7|x+1|)²x²-10x+25&49x²+98x+49x²-10x+25-(49x²+98x+49)&0x²-10x+25-49x²-98x-49&0-48x²-108x-24&0两侧同除以12得:-4x²-9x-2&0因为-4x²-9x-2&0和ax^2+bx-2&0同解,通过对比系数得:a=-4b=-95-x&7|x+1|当x&=-1时则x+1&=05-x&7(x+1)=7x+77x+x&5-78x&-2x&-1/4 则有 -1&=x&-1/4 1当x&-1时,则x+1&0则5-x&-7(x+1)=-7x-77x-x&-7-。设不等式5-x&7|x+1|,则-2&x&-1/4则设f(x)=ax^2+bx-2则f(-2)=f(-1/4)=0且a&0列方程,解方程即可。设不等式5-x&7(x+1)与不等式a x的平方+bx-2&0同解,求a b的。设不等式5-x&7(x+1)与不等式a x的平方+bx-2&0同解&91142不等式5-x&7(x+1)解为X0中无二次项,a=0,X&2&b,b&8。如果不等式5-x&7|x+1|和不等式ax2+bx-2&0,有相同的解集,。解;5-x&7|x+1|调一个位置可得 7|x+1|&5-x原不等式可化为7(x+1)&5-x ①7(x+1)&5-x ②由①可得: x&-1/4由②可得: x&-25-x&7|x+1|的解集为{x|-2&x&-1/4}因为不等式5-x&7|x+1|与不等式ax2+bx-2&0的解集相同所以当a&0 时 方程ax2+bx-2=0的解为 -1/4 ,-2由韦达定理可得:-1/4+(-2)=-b/a(-1/4)*(-2)=-2/a解得 a=-4 b=-9经检验符合题意。不等式5-x&7|x+1|的解为什么是-2&x&-1/4当 x & -1 时,5 - x & 7(x + 1)5 - x & 7x + 7-8x & 2x & - 1/4所以 -1 & x & -1/4当 x & -1 时5 - x & 7(- x - 1)5 - x & -7x - 76x & -12x & -2所以 -2 & x & - 1综上: -2 & x & -1/4。
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若不等式5-x 7 x+1相关
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private Iterator it1;
private Iterator it2;
public ZigzagIterator(List v1, List v2) {
this.it1 = v1.iterator();
this.it2 = v2.iterator();
count = 0;
public int next() {
if ((count % 2 == 1 && it1.hasNext()) || !it2.hasNext()) return it1.next();
else if ((count % 2 == 0 && it2.hasNext()) || !it1.hasNext()) return it2.next();
return -1;
public boolean hasNext() {
return it1.hasNext() || it2.hasNext();
}}Zigzag Iterator IIProblemFollow up Zigzag Iterator: What if you are given k 1d vectors? How well can your code be extended to such cases? The "Zigzag" order is not clearly defined and is ambiguous for k > 2 cases. If "Zigzag" does not look right to you, replace "Zigzag" with "Cyclic".ExampleGiven k = 3 1d vectors:[1,2,3][4,5,6,7][8,9]Return [1,4,8,2,5,9,3,6,7].Note对多个一维向量进行交叉的迭代操作,建立一个迭代器数组its和一个计位器index。初始化:将迭代器数组初始化为ArrayList(),再将向量数组vecs循环使用迭代器并加入迭代器数组,然后将计位器初值设为0。hasNext()方法:只要迭代器数组its.size()大于0,就返回true。next()方法:直接查找its数组的index位的迭代器,调用next()方法得到的整数it即为要返回的元素。不过,找到it之后要先更新index:若当前迭代器不为空,index进行先+1后对its.size()取余的操作,指向下一个迭代器;若当前迭代器为空,从迭代器数组中remove这个迭代器,并对index进行对its.size()取余,刷新下个迭代器的位置。更新index后,返回取出的元素it。Solutionpublic class ZigzagIterator2 {
public ZigzagIterator2(ArrayList<ArrayList> vecs) {
this.its = new ArrayList<Iterator>();
for (ArrayList vec: vecs) {
if (vec.size() > 0) its.add(vec.iterator());
index = 0;
public int next() {
int it = its.get(index).next();
if (its.get(index).hasNext()) index = (index+1) % its.size();
if (its.size() > 0) index = index % its.size(); //注意这里要判断its.size()不为0,才能取模
public boolean hasNext() {
return its.size() > 0;
}}Binary Search Tree IteratorProblemDesign an iterator over a binary search tree with the following rules:Elements are visited in ascending order (i.e. an in-order traversal)next() and hasNext() queries run in O(1) time in average.ExampleFor the following binary search tree, in-order traversal by using iterator is [1, 6, 10, 11, 12]
12ChallengeExtra memory usage O(h), h is the height of the tree.Super Star: Extra memory usage O(1)Note用stack对BST进行初始化:查找并加入所有左子树结点。next()方法:对stack.pop()的当前结点cur操作,存为temp,然后对cur.right进行查找左子树结点并压入stack的操作,最后返回原结点temp。hasNext()方法:stack非空,则为true。Solutionpublic class BSTIterator {
public BSTIterator(TreeNode root) {
stack = new Stack();
while (root != null) {
root = root.
public boolean hasNext() {
return !stack.isEmpty();
public TreeNode next() {
TreeNode cur = stack.pop();
TreeNode temp =
if (cur.right != null) {
cur = cur.
while (cur != null) {
cur = cur.
}}Flatten Nested List IteratorProblemGiven a nested list of integers, implement an iterator to flatten it.Each element is either an integer, or a list -- whose elements may also be integers or other lists.ExampleGiven the list [[1,1],2,[1,1]], By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1,1,2,1,1].Given the list [1,[4,[6]]], By calling next repeatedly until hasNext returns false, the order of elements returned by next should be: [1,4,6].Note建立此种数据类型的迭代器iterator,和它的指针peek(初值为null)。首先,要进行迭代的数据类型为NestedInteger,其实是一个树状的层级结构,可以用stack+recursion来做。先写一个迭代层级结构的递归方法iteratorNext():当迭代器非空--hasNext(),取出下一个元素next(),若此元素满足isInteger(),就返回它;否则将外层的迭代器存入stack,而对当前元素继续迭代和递归。当迭代器为空--而stack非空,就pop出stack中的元素继续递归。再写迭代器的next()方法:返回指针元素的getInteger();并让指针通过递归方法指向下一个元素。hasNext()方法:指针元素不为空,就返回true。Solutionimport java.util.Ipublic class NestedIterator implements Iterator {
private NestedInteger peek =
private Iterator
private Stack<Iterator> stack = new Stack();
public NestedIterator(List nestedList) {
iterator = nestedList.iterator();
peek = iteratorNext();
public NestedInteger iteratorNext() {
if (iterator.hasNext()) {
NestedInteger i = iterator.next();
if (i.isInteger())
iterator = i.getList().iterator();
return iteratorNext();
else if (!stack.isEmpty()) {
iterator = stack.pop();
return iteratorNext();
public Integer next() {
Integer next = peek.getInteger();
peek = iteratorNext();
public boolean hasNext() {
return peek !=
public void remove() {}}Peeking IteratorProblemGiven an Iterator class interface with methods: next() and hasNext(), design and implement a PeekingIterator that support the peek() operation -- it essentially peek() at the element that will be returned by the next call to next().ExampleHere is an example. Assume that the iterator is initialized to the beginning of the list: [1, 2, 3].Call next() gets you 1, the first element in the list.Now you call peek() and it returns 2, the next element. Calling next() after that still return 2.You call next() the final time and it returns 3, the last element. Calling hasNext() after that should return false.HintThink of "looking ahead". You want to cache the next element.Is one variable sufficient? Why or why not?Test your design with call order of peek() before next() vs next() before peek().For a clean implementation, check out Google&s guava library source code.Follow upHow would you extend your design to be generic and work with all types, not just integer?Note略。Solutionclass PeekingIterator implements Iterator {
public Iterator
public PeekingIterator(Iterator iterator) {
// initialize any member here.
if (it.hasNext()) peek = it.next();
// Returns the next element in the iteration without advancing the iterator.
public Integer peek() {
// hasNext() and next() should behave the same as in the Iterator interface.
// Override them if needed.
public Integer next() {
Integer res =
peek = it.hasNext() ? it.next() :
public boolean hasNext() {
return peek !=
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