
Virginia was ready to pull out her hair. Why wasn't anyone responding to her email?维吉尼亚都快抓狂了。为什么就没有一个人回复邮件呢?
As the director of training for a global professional services firm, she'd recently sent out a note explaining important changes to the summer training schedule and asking office directors to respond with their preferred locations. But only a few had done so. Training was a huge
for her firm, so why were they ignoring her request?维吉尼亚是一家国际专业服务公司的培训主管。最近,为了说明暑期培训方案上的一些重要调整,她发了邮件向其他主管征询培训地点的意见。但只有少数几个人回复了她的邮件。培训是公司的重头戏,这些人为什么如此无视她的邮件呢?
Corporate employees receive and send more than 100 emails a day on average, according to tracking sites like Pingdom and Radicati. Competition for attention is . So, no matter your title or department, you need to master electronic messaging to get your job done.根据Pingdom以及Radicati等跟踪网站的统计,公司员工每天大概平均收发100多封邮件。因此,如何让邮件脱颖而出就显得尤为重要。这样说来,不管你担任什么职位或在哪个部门,为了保证工作顺利完成,都有必要学会如何发送电子邮件。
Luckily, crafting emails in a way that encourages people to read and act on them is relatively easy. You just have to apply some age-old techniques of .某种程度上讲,有特色的邮件更能激发人们阅读并采取行动。你要做的只是稍微应用一下那些老生常谈的说服技巧就行。
Before you start typing, consider:写邮件前,请先考虑:
The objective. What do you want to achieve with this email? Is your purpose to inform? Request input? Ask for help?目的:你写这封邮件想要达到什么目的?你是要发出通知、要求回应,还是寻求帮助?
What-who-when. Your objective will inform the message, including what to write, who should receive it and when to send it. Also think about whether it should come from you, or someone with more seniority.何时何人何事:你的目的就是邮件内容,包括具体信息、收件人和发送时间。另外,想好发件人应该是你本人还是你的上司。
Visual logic. Clear structure and
signalling will boost the odds that your reader will get your message quickly and respond in ways that meet your goal.逻辑清晰:清晰的结构和重点标记更容易让人迅速理解邮件内容,并按你的要求作出答复。
Let's look at Virginia's original, unrequited email.让我们来看下维吉尼亚先前无人回应的邮件。
To: Blue Corp Office Directors
From: Virginia Brown, Training Director
Date: Friday, May 30, 2013
Time: 5 p.m.
Subject: New Hire Training
日 期:日,星期五
时 间:下午5:00
主 题:新员工培训
Dear Colleagues,
I'm writing to let you know about significant changes to our new hire training schedule. Instead of running training from August 15 - 20th at our New York location, we'll be hosting regional trainings in New York, San Francisco and Cincinnati on three different dates. And we'll be bringing our best trainers to every location. For those office directors with new hires, we'd like to hear which training location you prefer and how many new hires you'll be sending. If for some reason the timing, which will be August 10-14th in NYC, 15-19th in SF and 20-24th in Cincinnati, doesn't work, please contact my assistant, Francine Nordell at x2345, and we'll see if there is enough demand for a make-up session. We need to put the calendar for training together by June 30th, so please get back to me by June 15th. I think you'll be pleased with our new approach and your new hires will benefit tremendously from getting to know a smaller group of colleagues as they participate in the training.
Virginia's message isn't long, but it's a
of mixed signals. Her opening line sounds like her goal is to inform office directors of a new approach to training. But in reality she's requesting input: preferred training locations. That's hard to quickly recognize, and the urgency isn't clear.维吉尼亚的邮件并不长,但信息却乱作一团。首句听上去好像是她本人在向各位主管发号培训新方案的通知似的,而事实上她是要征询主管们对培训地点的意见。邮件真正的目的很难一眼看出,所以最重要的事情没有得到清晰表述。
There are several things she can do to better telegraph her intent, thereby prompting a better response:如果稍作调整,她或许就能写出更好的邮件,也能收到更多答复了:
Put the subject line to work. Most of us already use our subject line to
the &what,& e.g. &Re monthly financials.& But it's also the place to build a personal bridge: &Re monthly financials, per Peter's request,& and to indicate urgency: &Re monthly financials, per Peter's request. Need feedback by Tuesday.&用好标题栏。很多人已经学会直接用标题说明目的了,例如:&关于月度财务问题&。不过,标题也可包含个人信息,例如:&关于月度财务问题&应彼得要求&;标题还可以强调紧急性,例如:&关于月度财务问题&应彼得要求&周二前必须答复&。
Visually highlight the key message. Structure your email so the most important request or information is at the top, then put it in bold. This may seem like a, &duh,& but people often &bury the lede&, as journalists like to say, several paragraphs down. If you are sending to multiple readers, also bold the names of anyone you address directly, so they immediately connect to content that's relevant to them. If you're making multiple points, use indentations and numbers or bullets.标记重点信息。将邮件结构化,把重要信息加粗放在开头。有些人表示不屑,但他们也常犯&先次后主&的毛病,像新闻写作那样把重点隐在几段之后。如果收件人很多,你也应该把需要强调的人名标记出来,这样当事人一眼就能知道该段信息跟自己有关了。如果信息点比较多,那就首行缩进、加标号或项目符号。
U voting buttons to get answers. If you want someone to act on your email then make it
and jargon-free. Use links to let readers go deeper or access forms, and voting buttons to get folks to sign up.引用链接说明详细信息,设置按钮征询答复。如果你希望别人回复你的邮件,那就请写得言简意赅一些。采用超链接来说明具体信息,设置按钮让对方点击答复。
Time the delivery for maximum impact. Never send an email at the end of the day or the start of a weekend. Make sure people are opening it at a time when they're at their desks and have time to read it.恰当选择发送时间。不要在快下班或周末时发送邮件。发送邮件要趁收件人办公的时候,确保他有时间查看邮件。
Add clout by having a superior co-sign. We may be moving into a less
work world, but the boss's name still gets attention. If you need help, ask for it.引用上司的联合署名加以强调。当今职场或许不再那么阶级分明,但上司名字的威力也还是不容小觑的。若有需要,但用无妨。
Leave the ball in the reader's court. If you want people to get back to you or take action, make sure you put the request in bold as well. Make clear what you need from them.让收件人无法忽视。如果你希望收件人给予答复或采取行动,那就特别标记出你的要求,明确表明你希望他该怎么做吧。
Let's apply this to Virginia's email.现在我们运用以上技巧来修改维吉尼亚的邮件:
To: Blue Corp Office Directors
From: Gordon Boss, SVP Human Resources and Virginia Brown, Training Director
Date: Thursday, May 29, 2013
Time: 9 a.m.
Subject: Need Your Site Registration for New Hire Training by June 15th
时 间:上午9:00
Dear Colleagues,
We are converting from national to regional sites for our new-hire training and offering three dates. We need you to register your trainees for a venue by June 15th to accommodate all. Please click on one of the following sites to register and enter the number of trainees.
New York: August 10-14
San Francisco: August 15-19
Cincinnati: August 20-24
If the timing doesn't work, please contact my assistant, Francine Nordell at x2345, who will gauge demand for a make-up session.
We'll be sending our best trainers to all locations. We anticipate that getting to know a smaller group of colleagues will strengthen relationships and spark .
Thanks in advance for registering.
人靠衣装狗靠发型 狗狗做完造型如何大变身?
How do you convey tone in email without seeming
or girlish? Can you ever use exclamations in emails? 如何在邮件里传达语气的同时又不显得幼稚或娘娘腔呢?邮件里能用惊叹号吗?
As we all know, tone is hard to convey properly via email. However, whenever I am inclined to use an ! to convey a positive tone, I get the sense that it actually reads as childish or . I also never seem to notice men using !&s in emails, either&. I&d love to hear yours and others thoughts on this!我们都知道,通过邮件是很难传达语气的。然而,每当我试图利用一个惊叹号来传达积极的语气时,我却发现这读起来让我显得很幼稚。我也从未见过有男人在邮件里使用惊叹号&&我很希望听到你们和其他人对此的想法!
A lot has been written about overuse of exclamations in emails & with some people even suggesting that one exclamation mark per email is a good rule to follow. There&s even an app to help you check the tone of your email! My best general advice is that abbreviations, multiple
marks (!!!), and overly casual phrases (&amazeballs!&) have no place in professional emails. Beyond that, I think a lot of this depends on why you want to use a positive tone. For example:很多读者都写到了在邮件里过度使用惊叹号的问题&&有些人甚至觉得每条邮件里都加一个惊叹号是个很好的习惯。甚至还有人开发了能帮你检验你邮件中的语气的app!但我最好的一般性建议是,缩写语、多个重复的标点符号(!!!)以及过于随便的词句(&酷毙了!&)都不应该出现在商务邮件里。除此之外,我就你为什么要使用积极的语气做了些思考:
& If you&re telling a subordinate he or she did a good job: They don&t care if you u they&re just happy to get the praise. I think something like, &Outstanding!& is professional and encouraging without seeming juvenile.& 如果你想要告诉一位下属他/她干得不错:他们根本不在乎你有没有用惊叹号;他们总是很高兴得到表扬的。我觉得就像&真不错!&这样的语句就很职业而且很能激励人,还不会显得太幼稚。
& If you&re trying to
a bad situation for a superior: Exclamation marks aren&t going to help you here & in fact, they&ll probably hurt you. You don&t want to be overly grave (&I am so sorry this happened!!!&), or overly
(&&but on the plus side no one lost a limb!!!&)& it&s a tough tone to strike in email. Which, honestly, is why I recommend picking up the phone or dropping by your boss&s office. Not only do you not have to worry about tone, but you can better gauge your boss&s reaction, and & bonus! & there&s no paper trail that might get forwarded, misconstrued, filed away, etc.& 如果你想在你的主管面前粉饰一个糟糕的情况:惊叹号对你不会有帮助的&&事实上,它们可能还会有坏处。你一定不想显得太过郑重(&对发生这样的事我感到非常抱歉!!!&)或是太过轻松随意(&&&不过值得庆幸的是没人受到了什么损失!!!&)&&这种语气在邮件里会显得特别强硬。实话实说,这是为什么我建议你打电话或者直接到老板办公室去说。那样你不但不用担心你的语气,还能更好地观察你老板的反应,另外,这样也不会留下会被转发、误解、存档的书面记录。
I guess that&s my best tip & if you&re worried about the tone being misunderstood, it&s best to have the conversation orally . Otherwise, trust yourself and the English language & word choice goes a long way towards, you know, communicating. For example, writing &Great news, team: we are done with the doc review.& doesn&t need any exclamation marks to get the point across.我想这是我最好的建议&&如果你担心你的语气会被误解,最好就做口头交流。或者,就相信你自己和英语这门语言&&你知道,选词对于交流来说关系重大。比如说,如果你写&同志们,大好消息:我们的文档审查做好了。&这句话不需要任何的惊叹号,也能够正确传达意思。
人靠衣装狗靠发型 狗狗做完造型如何大变身?
修改的建议:编辑点评:正如Rock老师常常给我们灌输的概念:if you want to speak english like a native speakerFocus on input first !所以今天让我们来点商务英语的干货!上班狗和即将踏入社会,想要进入外企的筒子们前方高能,赶紧马克!
Email is a daily part of the office life.电子邮件是日常办公室生活的一部分。
Everybody and every company uses email as a way to communicate quickly.每个人以及每个公司都将电子邮件视为能够快速沟通交流的一种方法。
This article will cover all aspects of using the email.这篇文章将涵盖如何使用电子邮件的所有方面。
Asking for email address,requesting information through email,&sending attachments, email problems, reply versus reply all,&and other General email sentences.询问电子邮件地址、通过邮件索要信息、通过电子邮件发附件、电子邮件中产生的问题、回复和完全回复以及其他通用的电子邮件句型。
Asking for Email Address询问电子邮件地址
-&Can I have your email address?&
-&What is your email address?&
-&Do you have an email account?&
-&My email address is someone at hotmail dot com
-&Do you have his email address?&
-&What was her email address again?&
'/'-forward slash(左斜线) '\'-back slash (右斜线)
'&'-hyphen(连字符) '_'-underscore(下划线)
Requesting information through email通过电子邮件索要信息
-&Can you send it to my email address?&
-&You can send it to me through email?&
-&Can you email it to me?&
-&Can I email it to you?&
-&Can I send you the information through email?&
-&Can I verify your email address? The address I have on file appears to be incorrect.&
-&I am unable to email it to you.Can you tell me your email address again?&
-&I am getting a mail saying it is undeliverable I might have misspelled it.Can I double check your email address?&
-&The email address I sent it to was .Is this correct?&
-&I sent the email to .Didn't you get it?&
-&That's the wrong email address.My email address is .&
-&Oh...I see the problem.My email address is &
Verify = check on sth, you want to make sure sth is correct.
Undeliverable 发送失败
Misspelled = 拼写错误(过去式)
Double check = check again
Sending attachments through email通过电子邮件发送附件
-&I can send you the document through email.&
-&I'll send youthe images to your email account.&
-&Can I send the documents to your email?&
-&Can I email you the files.&
-&Can I email the files to you?&
注意:传输文件格式有问题的时候,你可能会用到下面这几句话;extension 在这里的意思是文件的后缀。
-&I received your email,but I didn't receive the attachments.&
-&My company prevents many types of attachments.Can you send a text file instead?&
-&Before you send the document,change the extension .doc to .txt and then send it.When I receive it,I will change it back to .doc before I open it&
-&Hi Mary I sent you an email with my proposal as an attachment Did you receive it?&
-&The file is too large to send through email.&
-&My email account will only allow sending attachments that are 1 MB or smaller&
-&My email account will only allow me to receive attachments that are 2 MB or smaller.&
Email Problems电子邮件问题
-&My email is getting full. I better delete some old mail.&
-&I better save my emails to my hard drive so I can make some room in my inbox.&
-&How do I request more storage space for my email account?I am constantly running out of space.&
-&You're running out of email space too? I have the same problem at least once a month.&
-&I hate getting the mail that I am running low on space.&
make some room 腾出一点空间
storage space 存储空间
running out of sapce 就是说快没有存储空间存邮件啦~~
-&I just started my job so I haven't received my email address yet.&
-&My email account hasn,t been created yet. They said I should receive it tomorrow.&
-&I haven't received any emails in the last four hours. I think the server is down or something.&
-&I think the exchange server is down.Is down. Is somebody taking a look at this problem?&
-&I can't send anything right now. Is anybody else having a problem with their email?&
-&It could be a network problem, but my email account is not
-&I can't access my email right now. I think the server is down.&
-&Who should we contact if we are having email problems?&
-&I keep getting junk mail in my work account.How did they get this email address?&
-&How do I prevent junk mail?&
server 服务器
junk mail 垃圾邮件
Reply and Reply All回复和全部回复
-&I sent out a mail to the whole group. I requested that they little'r'me with their ideas.&
-&When I receive a mail sent out to multiple people,I keep forgetting to send to all.&
-&Start a mail thread on your idea . I think everyone should get in on this discussion.&
-&Do you want me to start a mail thread for this?&
When you reply all, it goes out to everyone on the To line (收件人)and the CC line(抄送).
Can you copy me on that email you're going to send?
发邮件的时候如果需要抄送某人,你可以说&I CC'd you&.(我已经抄送你了哦!)在这里CC stands for Carbon Copy
Forwarding Mail转发邮件
-&I can't find the mail about our next project. Can you forward the mail to me?&
-&I got a useful email on productivity. I think I will forward it to our team.&
-&I'll forward you the mail I got from the manager.&
-&I received a mail from the marketing manager.I don't know what she is asking for.Can I forward the mail to you?&
-&One of our clients is asking for more data on the BB project. Who should l forward this mail to?&
-&My work email is currently down. Can you send it to my personal email address? lt is .&
-&I'm having problems with my work email account. Can you send it to
-&I'm having problems sending you an email to this account. Is there another email account you have that I can try?&
-&Our exchange serveris down for the next thirty minutes. lf this is urgent, you can send me an email to my personal account. lt is .&
Auto Reply自动回复
-&I will be vacation until June 4th. I will be on email occasionally, but if you have an emergency, you can reach me at 555-555-5555.For information on financial reports, contact Suzy Mona.For information on quarterly earnings,contact Jim Beam.For other urgent matters, contact Billy McGale.&


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