
  1.The headmaster wanted the new classroom building___as soon as possible.  A.to put up        B.to be put up  C.to have been put up   D.being put up  2.At the shopping-centre,he didn’t know what____and____with an empty bag.  A.to buy;leave    B.to be bought  C.to buy;left     D.was so buy;leave  3.The policeman put down the phone,____with a smile on his face.  A.satisfied   B.satisfying  C.to be satisfied  D.having satisfied  4.____,your composition is full of mistakes.  A.Writing carelessly      B.Written carelessly  C.Having written carelessly   D.Being written carelessly  5.She made a candle_____us light.  A.give   B.gave  C.to give  D.given  6.The stranger you saw_____with a big travelling-bag stayed in Room 104 yesterday.  A.to come in   B.come in  C.has come in  D.who came in  7.――What do you suppose made her worried?  ――_____a gold ring.  A.Lose   B.Lost  C.Losing   D.Because of losing  8.He feft a stone____his back.  A.hitting   B.hit   C.hitted  D.to hit  9.I know it’s not important,but I can’t help_____about it.  A.to think  B.and think  C.thinking  D.being thought  10._____several times the young scientist still kept on making his experi-ments.  A.Having been failed   B.Having failed  C.Though failed     D.Because of failure  11.In Australia,he made a lot of friends____a very practical knowledge of the English language.  A.get   B.go get  C.getting   D.got  12.――What did you mean by saying that?  ――I mean no harm.I only____.  A.meant heping  B.want to help  C.meant of help  D.want helping  13.I never expected the shoes_____.  A.wearing out  B.to be worn out  C.to have worn out  D.being worn out  14.You must learn_____.  A.that your time needs a wise use  B.how to make lest of your time  C.to make wise use of your time   D.wise ways to use your time  15._____is better_____one’s life than_____one’s spirit.  A. That; lost; you lose    B. It; to lose; lose  C.This ; losing ; losing    D. It; to lose ; to lose  16. Peter wanted his TV______,but his wife would rather have it______off.  A. fixed; thrown   B. to be fixed ; be thrown  C.fixed ; throwing   D.fixing ; throwing  17. _____the news of his father's death, he burst into tears.  A. After hearing  B. On hearing  C. Having heard  D. While hearing  18. Most of the artists______to the party were from South Africa.  A. invited   B. to invite  C. being invited   D. had been invited  19. Tom kept quiet about the accident_______lose his job.  A. so not as to   B. so as not to   C. so as to not  D. not so as to  20. She searched the top of the hill and stopped______on a big rock by the side of the path.  A. to have rested   B. resting  C. to rest   D. rest  21. Last summer I took a course on_______.  A. how to make dress    B. how dress be made  C. how to be made dress   D. how dress to be made  22. The secretary worded late into the night,______a long speech for the president.  A. to prepare   B. preparing   C. prepared  D. was preparing  23. She's upstairs_______letters.  A. writes   B. is writing   C. write   D. writing  24. The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself______.  A. hear  B. to hear  C. hearing   D. heard  25. The murderer was brought in ,with his hands______behind his back.  A. being tied  B. having tied  C. to be tied  D. tied  26. On Saturday afternoon, Mr Green went to the market,_____some ba-nanas and visited his cousin .  A. bought  B. buying  C. to buy  D. buy  27. Jane was made______the truck for a week as a punishment.  A. to wash   B. washing   C. wash   D. to be washing  28. Mr Smith warned his daughter _____after drinking.  A. never to drive   B. to never drive  C. never driving  D. never drive  29. ――The light in the office is still on.  ――Oh, I forgot _______.  A. turning it off  B. turn it off  C. to turn it off  D. having turned it off  30. I can hardly imagine Peter ______across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.  A. sail   B. to sail   C. sailing   D. to have sailed  31. ――Shall we go skating or stay at home?  ――Which____do yourself?  A. do you rather    B. would you rather  C. will you rather   D. should you rather  32. ____a reply, he decided to write again.  A. Not receiving     B. Receiving not  C. Not having received  D. Having not received  33. The salesman scolded the girl caught______and let her off.  A. to have stolen    B. to be stealing  C. to steal       D. stealing  34. Little Jim should love_____to the theatre this evening.  A. to be taken   B. to take   C. being taken   D. taking  35. ――I usually go there by train.  ――Why not____by boat for a change?  A. to try going   B. trying to go   C. to try and go  D. try going  36. I would appreciate______back this afternoon.  A. you to call   B. you call   C. your calling   D. you're calling  37. _____is a good form of exercise for both young and old.  A. The walk   B. Walking   C. To walk   D. Walk  38. "Can't you read?"Mary said_____to the notice.  A. angrily pointing     B. and point angrily  C. angrily pointed     D. an angrily pointing  39. The computer centre,______last year, is very popular among the students in this school.  A. open   B. opening   C.having opened   D. opened  40. Charles Babbage is generally considered______the first computer.  A. to invent    B. inventing   C. to have invented  D. having invented  41. How about the two of us_____a walk down the garden?  A. to take   B. take   C. taking   D. to be taking  42. ______down the radio ―the baby's asleep in the next room.  A. Turning   B. To turn   C. Turned   D. Turn  43. The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with his talks,______that he had enjoyed his stay here.  A. having added   B. to add   C. adding   D. added  44. The first textbooks ______for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.  A. having written   B. to be written   C. being written  D. and arrived  45. She set out soon after dark _____ home an hour later.  A. arriving    B. to arrive   C. having arrived  D. and arrived  46. The missing boys were last seen ______near the river.  A. playing   B. to be playing   C. play   D. to play  47. Rather than ______ on a crowded bus ,he always prefers ______ a bicy-cle.  A. ride; ride   B. riding ; ride   C. ride ; to ride   D. to ride; riding  48. ――I must apologize for _____ ahead to time.  ―― That's all right.  A. letting you not know   B. not letting you know  C. letting you know not   D. letting not you know  49. Paul doesn't have to be made _____. He always works hard.  A. learn   B. to learn   C. learned   D. learning  50. We agreed _____here but so far she hasn't turned up yet.  A. having met   B. meeting   C. to meet   D. to have met  51. ――You were brave enough to raise objections at the meeting.  ――Well,now I regret ______that.  A. to do   B. to be doing   C. to have done   D. having done  52. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street ,but his mother told him _____.  A. not to   B. not to do   C. not do it   D. do not to  53. ______in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him.  A. Losing  B. Having lost   C. Lost   D. To lose  54. The patient was warned _____oily food after the operation.  A. to eat not   B. eating not   C. going   D. having gone  55. I would love _____to the party last night but I had to work extra hours to finish a report.  A. to go   B. to have gone   C. going    D. to be first playing  56. The Olympic Games, ______in 776 B. C. , did not include women players until 1912.  A. first playing   B. to be first played  C. first played    D. to be first playing  57. _____is know to all, China will be an_____and powerful country in 20 or 30 years' time.  A. That;advancing     B. This;advanced  C. As; advanced      D. It ; advancing  58. ――Do you feel like _____there or shall we take a bus?  ――I'd like to walk. But since there isn't much time left. I 'd rather we _____a taxi.  A. walking; hire  B. to walk; hire  C. to walk ; hired  D. walking; hired  【试题解析】  1、选B。want 一词表示“打算,想要”,通常构成want to do与want sb. /sth. to do两种形式,因为building与put up之间逻辑上是被动关系,故want复合宾语中的不定式使用了被动式。该句的含义是“校长打算让这座新教学楼尽快建成”。  2、选C。注意该题中buy和leave不是两个并列动作,而是说“他在购物中的不知道该买什么,就带着空兜子离开了”。What to buy 作didn't know的宾语,left与didn't know并列。  3、选A。satisfy意为“满……,使……满意”,既然人作了主语则用它的过去分词形式作状语。该句的含义是“警察放下了电话,脸上露出满意的笑容”。  4、选B。该句主语your composition是write这一动作的承受者,故write应用过去分词。该句的含义为“因为写的太粗心了,你的作文到处是错误”。该句中过去分词短语作状语,相当于Your composition is full of mistakes because it is written carelessly.  5、选C。不定式to give us light作目的状语。该句的含义是“她做了一个蜡烛来照明”。  6、选B。  7、选C。该题的前者问“你认为什么使他着急?”该题的答句是个省略句,这部分应在句中充当主语,故用名词或动名词。该句的完整形式是:Losing a gold ring made her worried(丢失一枚金戒子使她着急),故C为正确答案。  8、选B。该句中feel后面接的是一个宾语从句。hit应使用一般过去时,又因为hit过去式与原形相同,故B为正确答案。该句的含义是“他感到有块石头打在他后背上”。  9、选C。can't help doing sth. 意为“忍不住,禁不住做某事”。该句的含义为“我知道这并不重要,但我忍不住总去想它”。  10、选B。  11、选B。该句的含义是“在澳大利亚他交了许多朋友,学到了英语语言的实用知识”。不定式to get a very practical knowledge of the English language在该句中作结果状语。  12、选C。高中学生应该知道mean的两个常见词义。该题问句中的mean表示“意思……,含……意思”,后面要接名词或动名词,答句中的mean表示“意欲,意指,企图”,后面要接不定式。该句的含义是“你那么说什么意思?”“我没有什么恶意,我只是想帮忙”。再如:  I'm sorry. I didn't mean to hurt her. 对不起,我没想伤害她(但事实上已造了伤害)。  13、选B。expect意为“预料,想到”,常形成expect sb./sth.to do结构,因为shoes与wear our为被动关系,所以作为宾语补足语的不定式要用被动形式。该句的含义是“我没想到这双鞋会穿破”。  14、选C。learn to do sth. 意为“学会做某事”。该句的含义为“你必须学会聪明地利用时间”。make use of 意为“利用,使用”。  15、选D。该句中it 作形式主语,to lose one's life不仅作it的真正主语,而且与to lose one's spirit并列。该句的含义是一个人失去生命总比失去灵魂强”。  16、选A。  17、选B。On hearing the news of his father's death…意为As soon as he heard the news of his father's death…。该题也可以用现在分词的一般式hearing作状语,但不可以用现在分词的完成式(C项),因为“他突然哭了”这一动作与“听到爸爸去世”这一动作几乎是同时发生的。  18、选A。句中的Most of the artists与invite之间为被动关系,而且表示的是完成的动作,所以答案应选择A。句子的意思是:“应邀参加晚会的大多数艺术家均来自于南非。过去分词invited在句子中作定语,其作用相当于Most of the artists that were invited to the party were from South Africa.  19、选B。so as to 相当于in order to,它的否定式应放在不定式to之前。注意:so as to 不用于句首。  20、选C。stop to do sth. =stop and do sth.是停下来正在做的事而去做另一件事。stop doing是停止做某事。  21、选A。疑问词how加不定式,可作介词的宾语。  22、选B。用现在分词作伴随状语。A项是不定式,可以做目的状语,但目的状语前不用逗号。C、D项属语法错误。  23、选D  24、选D。make oneself done是惯用法。在本句中的意思是:“使自己的声音被别人听到。”  25、选D。在with 结构中,hands与tie之间的关系是被动关系,故排除B项。tied不仅表示被动,还表示动作已完成,故排除A、C项。  26、选A。  27、选A。make sb. do这一句型变成被动语态时为:be made to do sth.  28、选A。warn sb. not(never) to do sth.是惯用法。  29、选C。forget to do sth. 是“忘记去做某事”。forget与remember的用法类似。  30、选C。imagine后接动名词作宾语。Peter是sailing的逻辑主语,也可写成Peter's,它们合起来称为动名词的复合结构。  31、答案选B。would rather do sth. 是惯用法,变问句时,把would提前。  32、选C。receive与主句的主语he 之间有逻辑上的主谓关系。故用现在分词,但主句中的again又暗示考生,分词的动作发生在主句谓语动词之前,因此用现在分词的完成式。not必须置于分词之前。此句可理解为:As/Since he hadn't received a reply, he decided to write again.  33、选D。考生如果掌握catch sb. doing(发现某人正在做某事)这一短语,便可知girl与catch之间是被动关系,因此用catch的过去分词形式作后置定语,相当于a girl who was caught stealing.  34、选A。should love to=would like to,句子Jim与take之间是被动关系。  35、选D。抓住原题中的for a change便知why not +do表示一种建议,而try to do是“尽力设法做某事,try doing是“试着做”。  36、选C。appreciate需要动名词作宾语,your calling是动名词的复合结构。  37、选B。动名词作主语通常表示习惯性、泛指经常性、不具体的动作。而不定式作主语则表示一次性、特指、未来、具体的动作。原题中的a good form又暗示考生,这个动作是泛指的,经常性的。  38、选A。“生气地”是用来说明说话时的表情,应放在被修饰词said的后面,选A或C; “指着”这一动作的逻辑主语是Mary,应该用现在分词作伴随状语。全句意思是:“你不会看吗?”玛丽指着布告生气地说。  39、选D。opened是过去分词作非限定性定语,与先行词the computer cen-tre之间是被动关系,相当于which was opened last year,意思是:“去年开业的”。  40、选C。  41、选C。what/how about +doing sth.是“做某事怎样”,而the two of us是动名词的逻辑主语,它们合起来构成动名词的复合结构。  42、选D。这是一个祈使句,意思是:“请把收音机的音量调小些。”原题中的破折号相当于一个连接词for,说明音量调小的原因。  43、选C。现在分词作伴随状语。句子的意思是:“来访的部长对其双方会谈的结果表示满意,并补充到在逗留期间感到很愉快。”  44、选D。“课本”被“写出”,此空白应该用表示被动的非谓语动词作定语,可排除A; to be written表示即将发生,与题意不符;being written强调正在进行时,与题意不符;written表示已完成的动作。全句的意思是:“把英语作为外语来教的第一批课本,是在十六世纪出版的。”  45、选D。  46、选A。  47、选C。prefer后可接不定式,也可接动名词,接动词不定式时通常与rather than连用,表示否定。故该题的正确答案为C。即正常语序是:He al-ways prefers to ride a bicycle rather than ride on a crowded bus.该句还可以这样来表达:He always prefers riding a bicycle to riding on a crowed bus.即prefer后接动名词时,常与介词to连用,表示否定,意为:“喜欢做……而不喜欢做……。”  48、选B。letting是现在分词短语作介词for的宾语,且否定时,not 置于动名词之前。  49、选B。  50、选C。  51、选D。regret后接不定式表示没有发生的动作;接动名词则表示后悔做过某事。根据题意:“后悔提出了反对意见”,故答案选动名词的完成时。  52、选A。  53、选C。句中的主语he和lose之间为被动关系。所以应用过去分词短语作状语。  54、选C。  55、选B。would love to have done表示“本想去做,而没做”。从下文“but I had to work extra hours to finish a report”可知事情没有做。  56、选C。  57、选C。  58、选D。该题问句中的feel like doing sth. 表示“愿意,打算”,like为介词;答句中would rather后面接的宾语从句中谓语动词要用一般过去时。该句的含义是“你愿意步行去还是乘车?”“我想步行去,但既然没有多少时间了,我们就叫辆出租车吧。”
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&embed src='/DocinViewer-4.swf' width='100%' height='600' type=application/x-shockwave-flash ALLOWFULLSCREEN='true' ALLOWSCRIPTACCESS='always'&&/embed&
rated答案是A.to have been rated B,Pamama and Mexico are reported ——among the best places for people to spend their golden years.having been ratedc,where the cost of living is low and the weather is warm.rating D。A,说是用不定式的完成被动式表示已经发生的被动动作,但是我不理解一个非谓语动词的题目
Pamama and Mexico are reported ——among the best places for people to spend their golden years,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮。因为are reported好吗接【不定式】.having been ratedC,where the cost of living is low and the weather is warm.rating
D。A.rated选项是A.to have been rated
你的意思说这是固定搭配,那么如果这题不是 are reported 是不是也可以填D选项
因为are reported后面接【不定式】,选项D不是【不定式】这题如果不是 are reported,还得看动词,每个动词有每个动词的【具体用法】,你说是吗? 欢迎追问。如果我的回答对你有所帮助,请点击本页面中的“选为满意回答”按钮,谢谢!
BE REPORTED TO 据说。所以用被动语态
be reported/said to do sth。这个用法是固定的,翻译为:据报道,据说单从这一点看就可以选A了
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  1._____Sunday, the students are at home.
  A.Being&& B.To be&& C.It is&& D.It being
  2.The boy lay on his back, his teeth __and his glaring eyes ___.
  A.set;looked&& B.set;looking&& C.setting;looked D.setting;looking
  3.All the thing____,his proposal is of greater value than yours.
  A.considered&& B.considering&& C.to consider&& D.consider
  4.____who she was, she said she was Mr.Johnson's friend.
  A.Asking&& B.Asked&& C.To be asked&& D.When asking
  5.He hurried to the station,___the 9:30 train had already left.
  A.to find&& B.found&& C.only to find&& D.only finding
  6.Which do you enjoy ___your weekends, fishing or watching TV?
  A.spending&& B.to spend&& C.being spent&& D.spend
  7.___all my letters, I had a drink and went out.
  A.Finished&& B.Having finished&& C.Finishing&& D.To finish
  8.She had no money ___a birthday present for her children.
  A.to buy with&& B.buying&& C.bought&& D.with which to buy
  9.From the dates___on the gold coin, it is conformed that it was made five hundred years ago.
  A.marking&& B.marked&& C.to be marked&& D.having been marked
  10.____time and labour, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.
  A.To save&& B.Saved&& C.Saving&& D.Having saved
  11.O'Neal works hard.He is often seen ___heavily before his teammates start.
  A.sweated&& B.to be sweated&& C.sweating&& D.being sweated
  12.I can hardly imagine Peter___across the Atlantic Ocean in 15 days.
  A.sail&& B.to sail&& C.sailing&& D.to have sailed
  13.Such___the case, I couldn't help but _____ him.
  A.being;support&& B.is;to support&& C.has been;supporting&& D.be;supported
  14.Does the way you thought of___the water clean make any sense?
  A.making&& B.to make&& C.how to make&& D.having made
  15.In order not to be disturbed, I spent three hours__in my study.
  A.locking&& B.locked&& C.to lock&& D.being locked
  16.You will find the word &psychology& ____under &P& in your dictionary.
  A.have listed&& B.list&& C.listed&& D.listing
  17.Sandy could do nothing but ___to his mother that he was wrong.
  A.admitting&& B.admits&& C.admit&& D.to admit
  18.When I caught him cheating me, I stopped __things in his shop.
  A.buying&& B.buy&& C.to buy&& D.bought
  19.A doctor can expect___at any hour of the day or night.
  A.calling&& B.to call&& C.being called&& D.to be called
  20.Nearly every great building in Beijing was built___ south.
  A.to face&& B.facing&& C.to have faced&& D.being facing
  21.With his son___, the old man felt unhappy.
  A.to be disappointed&& B.disappointing& C.being disappointed&& D.to disappoint
  22.It was____computer games that cost the boy a lot of time that he ought to have spent on his lessons.
  A.to have played&& B.playing&& C.played&& D.having played
  23.And there, almost___in the big chair, sat her little brother, who never had to be told to keep quiet.
  A.having lost&& B.losing&& C.to be lost&& D.lost
  24.As I will be away for at least a year, I'd appreciate___from you now and then__me how everyone is getting along.
  A.hearing; tell&&&&& B.to hear; tell
  C.hearing; telling&& D.to hear; to tell
  25.The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, __ after 11 pm.
  A.to stay out&& B.from staying out
  C.staying out&& D.not to stay out
  26.I worked so late in the office last night that I hardly had time__ the last bus.
  A.catching&& B.to catch&& C.having caught&& D.to have caught
  27.__to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one's skin.
  A.Exposed&& B.Having exposed&& C.Being exposed&& D.After being exposed
  28.Mike didn't start____the importance of a foreign language till he graduated from school.
  A.knowing&& B.to know&& C.know&& D.to have known
  29.-- Why was a special meeting called?
  -- ___a new chairman.
  A.To elect&&& B.Electing&&& C.Our electing&&& D.Elected
  30.-- Why did Bob weep?
  -- He couldn't bear___like that before the whole class.
  A.making fun of&&&&& B.being made fun of&& C.to be laughed at&& D.being made fun
  31.The students expected there__more reviewing classes before the final exams.
  A.is&&& B.to be&&& C.being&& D.have been
  32.I don't mind___by bus, but I hate__in queues.
  A.traveling;stand&&&&&&&&&& B.to travel;to stand
  C.traveling;to stand&&&&&&& D.traveling;to standing
  33.We are looking forward to___the film____at the Grand Cinema.
  A.seeing;to show&& B. shown&& C.seeing;shown&&& D.see;to show
  34.At the shopping-centre,he didn't know what__and__with an empty bag.
  A.to buy;leave&& B.to be bought;left
  C.to buy;left&&& D.was to buy;leave
  35.The policeman put down the phone, ___with a smile on his face.
  A.satisfied&& B.satisfying&& C.to be satisfied&& D.having satisfied
  36.___, your composition is full of mistakes.
  A.Writing carelessly&&&&&&&&& B.Written carelessly
  C.Having written carelessly&& D.Being written carelessly
  37.She made a candle___us light.
  A.give&&& B.gave&&& C.to give&&& D.given
  38.-- What do you suppose made her worried?
  -- ___a gold ring.
  A.Lose&& B.Lost&& C.Losing&& D.Because of losing
  39.I know it's not important, but I can't help __about it.
  A.to think&& B.and think&& C.thinking&& D.being thought
  40.__several times, the young scientist still kept on making his experiments.
  A.Having been failed&&& B.Having failed
  C.Though failed&&&&&&&& D.Because of failure
  41.___all over the hill and around the lake are wild flowers of different kinds.
  A.To grow&& B.Growing&& C.Grown&& D.Grow
  42.--Who are you going to have__this letter for you?
  -- My secretary.
  A.type&& B.typed&&& C.been typed&& D.been typing
  43.The food___at the moment is for the dinner party.
  A.cooked&& B.to be cooked&& C.is being cooked&& D.being cooked
  44.A kind old gentleman offered___my bags to the taxi stand.
  A.his help carried&&& B.carrying
  C.me to carry&&&&&&&& D.to help me to carry
  45.You can hardly imagine the difficulty the woman had___her children.
  A.brought up&& B.to bring up&& C.bringing up&& D.to have brought up
  46.He was___today, but was asked to stay for___week.
  A.to have returned;another&&& B.returning;one more
  C.returned;another&&&&&&&&&&& D.to return;other
  47.-- Where should I send my form?
  -- The Personnel office is the place___.
  A.for sending it&&& B.to send it to&& C.to send&&& D.to send it
  48.I could feel the wind__on my face from an open window.
  A.to blow&&& B.blowing&&& C.to be blowing&&& D.blown
  49.-- Lucy, why didn't you come last Sunday?
  -- I___, but my father was in hospital.
  A.would&&& B.had&&& C.was going to&&& D.did
  50.--What terrible weather! I simply can't get the car___.
  -- Why not try____the engine with some hot water?
  A.starting;filling&&& B.start;filling
  C.started;to fill&&&& D.to start;fill
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