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中文翻译n.雪莉〔女子名〕。&&&&马克蕾&&&&宝贝&&&&雪利微型梳毛机&&&&莎莉贝雪; 雪莉贝西&&&&教育厅长庞雪丽&&&&雪莉?布恩; 雪莉布思&&&&雪莉布朗&&&&锡莱梳棉机&&&&奇斯和姆&&&&戴娇倩&&&&雪丽道格拉斯&&&&雪莉伊顿&&&&雪莉埃利斯&&&&雪莉弗莱&&&&雪莉布贾马&&&&哈泽德&&&&雪莉亨德森&&&&霍恩; 雪莉荷恩&&&&许汤娱英&&&&雪莉琼斯&&&&专家简淑贤&&&&雪莉?奈特&&&&关淑怡; 淑怡&&&&李雪虹&&&&舍洛&&&&伯林纳德
例句与用法After a while, shirley subsided .过了一会儿,谢利气消了。Shirley dropped the crayon as if it burned her fingers .谢利连忙放下铅笔,仿佛它烫了她的手指似的。Mr. orwell told shirley to her face that he didn't agree with her .欧威尔先生当面告诉雪莉,他不赞同她。With any unaffected individual shirley could easily and quickly cement an acquaintance .谢利同任何一个不矫揉造作的人能一下子结成朋友。Caroline found shirley sitting gravely at her desk with an account-book before her .卡罗琳看到雪利端庄地坐在写字台旁,面前摆着一本帐薄。Shirley sang them well: she breathed into the feeling softness, she poured round the passion force .谢利唱得很好,她唱得含情脉脉,倾注了激情和力量。There stood shirley in the gallery, looking contrite, ashamed, sorry as any repentant child .谢利站在过道上,象个悔悟的小孩那样,显得后悔,羞渐,难受。For one moment shirley looked not quite certain whether she would obey the request or disregard it .一时间,谢利显得把握不定,究竟是听从吩咐呢还是置之不理。Shirley leaned forwards on the table, her taper fingers interlaced and compressing each other hard .谢利欠身向前,靠着桌子,尖细的手指交叉在一起,彼此钩得紧紧的。For the measurement of drafting forces of staple the shirley draftometer or a similar instrument is used .至于测量短纤维的牵伸力,可以应用雪莱牵伸仪或其它类似仪器。更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&&&
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