proxy jumperproxy是什么意思思

Field Attachable Connectors
Molded Trunkline Adapters
DeviceNet Tees
Bus Terminators
Bus Power Tap
Cordsets with Circular Connectors:Mini-Change and Micro-Change (M12) 5 pole cordsets for DeviceNet
Cordsets with Open Style Connectors:Cordsets with Phoenix Open Style connector for DeviceNet
Bulkhead Feed-Through
Panel Mount with Molded Cordset
Panel Mount with Wire Pigtail
DeviceNet Bus Extenders
Bulk Cable
Tees:Mini-Change 4p tee for tapping into 24 Vdc power trunk feeder cable
Field Attachable Connectors:User installable 4-Pole Mini-Change connectors
Tee that allows the creation of single wire loop in the Auxiliary Power cabling for possible use as a machine stop signal
Plug to be used to close the single wire loop in the Auxiliary Power cabling that may be used for machine stop signal
Mini-Change 4 pole corsets for supplying 24 Vdc power
Mini-Change 4 pole Front Mount, Bulkhead, and Mounting Accessories114网址导航一键切换DNS(Dns Jumper)下载_快速切换DNS服务器 v2.1.0绿色免费版 - 软件下载 - 代理服务器
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