iq eq pqwhich is more important?

在职业生涯中情商比智商更重要 EQ counts more than IQ in career
is known to all, many famous people have high IQ such as Albert Einstein, a
thinking machine, who was considered as the greatest scientist of the 20th century.
Does high IQ play an important part in one’s career? The answer is yes.
However, with the development of our society, more and more studies show that
EQ counts more than IQ in career.
it or not, there are several reasons. In the beginning, IQ means cleverness and
intelligence, and EQ stands for an ability of judging, dealing, adapting and so
on. Furthermore, IQ represents rational while EQ is in the name of emotional. The
latter one helps you get well along with other people by a positive way, which
is more significant to your success. At last, high IQ just gets more knowledge
and skills, but high EQ gains people’s respect, understanding and support.
a word, EQ counts more than IQ in career. Please remember to improve your EQ if
you are high in IQ.
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英语作文网 版权所有IQ is more important than EQ in modern society_百度文库
IQ is more important than EQ in modern society
你可能喜欢IQ (Intelligence Quotient)智商、EQ (Emotional Intelligence
Quotient)情商、HQ (Health Intelligence Quotient)
健商:是指个人所具有的健康意识、健康知识和健康能力的反映。MQ (Moral Intelligence Quotient)
德商:是指一个人的德性水平或道德人格质量。DQ (Daring Intelligence Quotient)
胆商:是一个人胆量、胆识、胆略的度量,体现了一种冒险精神。AQ (Adversity IntelligenceQuotient)逆商、FQ
(Financial Intelligence Quotient) 财商:是指理财能力,特别是投资收益能力。MQ (Mental
Intelligence Quotient) 心商:就是维持心理健康,调试心理压力,保持良好心理状况和活力的能力。WQ (Will
Intelligence Quotient) 志商:就是意志智商,指一个人的意志质量水平,包括坚韧性、目的性、果断性、自制力等方面。SQ
(Spiritual Intelligence Quotient) 灵商:就是对事物本质的灵感、顿悟能力和直觉思维能力。PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient (PSP)PQ:
Practical Intelligence Quotient has players solve a series of graphical
puzzles set in a virtual world. Puzzles include such tasks as moving
blocks into required positions while avoiding obstacles. Based on the
amount of time and number of moves it takes you to solve the puzzles,
the game determines your IQ. As the main focus of the game is to
determine your IQ, controls are being kept simple. You'll interact with
the game only with the D-pad and with the circle button, which should
leave your mind free to think about the solution to the puzzle. PQ uses
the PSP system’s Infrastructure Mode and allows players to post their PQ
score on the worldwide ranking site to see how they rank against other
players around the world. &jokingly said to himYes everyone can be successful not fall from
the sky, but through constant practice, accumulate and access, as
louboutin shoes sale long as the improvement “10 business” wisdom and
ability, comprehensive, balanced development, you will be able to build a
successful and buildings .1. Quotient (IQ)IQ (Intelligence
Quotient, abbreviated as IQ) is a level of human intelligence, said the
number of indicators, but may also be manifested in a person’s mastery
of knowledge, reflecting the people’s powers of observation, memory,
thinking ability, imagination, creativity and analyze problems and
problem-solving ability. Indeed, the IQ is not fixed, through learning
and training is to develop growth. We want to succeed, we must continue
to learn and accumulate IQ.We not only from books, from the social
learning, but also there to learn from our superiors. Because your boss
today to be eligible for when your boss, there must be places where
powerful than you, there are many places worth to learn. Many people
want to go beyond his boss, this is a very commendable spirit, but to go
beyond your boss, you do not learn from his successful place, so what
is beyond? Continuous learning, improve IQ, which is the basic condition
for success.2. Emotional Intelligence (EQ)EQ (Emotional
Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated as EQ), is to manage their own
emotions and interpersonal capabilities. Today, people are faced with a
fast-paced, high work load and complexity of human relationships,
without a high EQ is difficult to obtain success. People with high EQ
people have contacts with him, always to get the endorsement and support
of large numbers of people. At the same time, interpersonal relations
are also important resources, good interpersonal skills can often get
more chance of success. Contingency theory, one representative Fred
&S226; Lu Sensi (Fred Luthans) of successful managers (promoted
fast) and effective managers (management performance, high) conducted a
survey and found a significant difference between the two is that :
maintaining interpersonal relations on the success of the network
managers the greatest contribution, accounting for 48%, while only 11%
of effective managers. Can be seen in the workplace, we should get, just
hard working is not enough, good interpersonal relationships are an
important factor in success.3. Inverse operators (AQ)Inverse
operators (Adversity Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated as AQ), refers
to the ability to pressure the face of adversity, or, and capabilities.
Today years of peace, the ability to cope with adversity, it enables you
invincible. “Suffering for the genius is a stepping stone for the
talented people are an asset, and for the weak hand, is an abyss.”
“Suffering is the best education in life.” Celebrity talk tells us:
great personality, only experienced melting and suffering, potential
before excitation, field of vision will open, the soul will sublimate
before success is to eat the so-called life of hardship, Fang Wei Ren
Exalted.Any country or region of the wealthy, about Bacheng
impoverished or low academic standards, they are created from scratch
cause, and has won an enviable wealth and reputation. None of them is
smooth sailing, and even ups and downs, ups and downs, failures and
setbacks without success.Adversity will not last long, the strong
will certainly win. Because people have amazing potential, as long as it
is determined to play, we will be able to tide over the difficulties,
achievements glory.4. Moral Quotient (MQ)&&& German Business
(Moral Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated as MQ), refers to the level of
a person’s virtue or moral character. German manufacturers include
caring, respect, tolerance, forgiveness, honesty, responsibility, peace,
loyalty, courtesy, humor and other virtues. We often say “De Zhiti” in
the first place was to Germany’s; Coles said that character is better
than knowledge. Can be seen that Germany is the most important. A high
German business people, and respect will naturally have more chance of
success.Is an old saying: “moral support from many, Unjust,” “Road
to Germany, and Germany who were also”, that is, tells us that morality
should be to regulate their own behavior, constantly cultivate their own
in order to obtain success in life. Ancient and modern, all the real
winners, in the moral majority reached a very high level.The large
number of facts show that many people fail, not the ability to fail, but
failure, moral failure.5. CQ (DQ)CQ (Daring Intelligence
Quotient, abbreviated as DQ) is a person’s guts, courage, courage of the
measure, reflects a spirit of adventure. CQ-high people can grasp the
opportunity that can act. No matter what age, did not dare to take risks
courage 成不了气候 at any time. Almost all the successful businessmen,
politicians, both with extraordinary boldness and courage.6. FQ (FQ)Financial
Business (Financial Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated into FQ), is the
financial management capacity, particularly in the ability of
investment income. There is no financial management skills, you will
gradually spend much money, the so-called “rich, but three generations”
refers to the rich and friendly I painstakingly saved up the money, most
would eventually defeat at the hands of descendants of non-financial
business . Finance business is most in need of a person’s ability, but
also the most overlooked ability.Our fathers are “” and is only
taught us to study hard to find a good job, to save more and spend less.
Earn less does not matter, the key is stability. They never taught me
to have financial providers, to consider how financial management.
Therefore, the financial business for us it is an urgent need to develop
a capability. Will be more and more wealthy people who finance, a key
reason for this is difference between financial providers. Especially
the rich, how can the lifetime accumulation of so much wealth? The
answer is: finance and investment capabilities.7. Heart provider
(MQ)Heart providers (Mental Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated as
MQ), is to maintain mental health, commissioning psychological pressure,
and maintain good mental state and dynamic capabilities. The 21st
century is “depression era” human face greater psychological pressure,
improve heart business, maintaining mental health has become an urgent
need for the times. Modern desire to success, and success increasingly
depends on a person’s mental state, depending on a person’s mental
health. In a sense, the heart-friendly height, directly determines the
course of the joy of life, dominated by success in life.That there
are a lot of people have achieved great success may be due to withstand
the pressures of life, ending up depressed because of life bear the
weight or can not afford a setback suffered psychological barriers, and
even onto the road of no return, deduction one scene of human tragedy.8.
Zhi Business (WQ)“Chi-business” is the will of the intelligence
quotient (Will Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated into WQ), refers to
the will of a person’s quality standards, including the tenacity of
purpose, decisiveness, self-control and so on. As for learning and not
afraid of hard and tiring work of the tenacious fighting spirit, that
is, Kao Chih-business.“Chi-chi-do is not strong, the words you do
not believe those lines to no avail”, “Qinnengbuzhuo is a good training,
a hard one sub-sub-only.” They illustrate a truth: blog business of a
person’s intelligence has an important impact. Life is a small blog
Xiaocheng, ambition Dacheng. Many people, not because there is no
competence, but to clear. Is particularly true in the business, to
achievement, you have louboutin shoes to have lofty ideals.9. SQ
(SQ)SQ (Spiritual Intelligence Quotient, abbreviated as SQ), is the
essence of things, inspiration, insight ability and intuitive thinking.
Planck considered the father of quantum mechanics, creative scientists
must have a clear intuition of the imagination. Whether inspired by
Archimedes from the bath and found the law of buoyancy, Newton’s falling
apple from the inspired by discovery of the law of gravity, or Kekule
connected end to end on the dream of a snake caused by the discovery of
the benzene ring structure, are is a scientific leap in the history of
the immortal soul by example.There is no fixed style to succeed in
life, theory alone can not solve the written practical problems that we
will need savvy need to SQ pop. Spiritual cultivation providers, the key
is to keep on learning, observing, thinking, should have the courage
bold assumption, dare to break through traditional thinking.10.
Health Quotient (HQ)Health Quotient (Health Intelligence Quotient,
abbreviated as HQ) refers to individuals with health awareness, health
knowledge and health, a reflection of ability. Health is the greatest
wealth in life, as if health is one, the business of power, and so is
the one behind ,,,,, zero, so just having a life is far from enough, but
of a (health), the latter 0 more right you do not have any meaning, is
the so-called Pinganshifu. Therefore, the premise that a happy love,
their lives, and efforts to create, share career, love, wealth, power,
and so the value of life.In Africa, a dense jungle walked four skinny
men, carrying a heavy box, in the dense jungle staggering forward.The
four individuals are: Bari, Maikelisi, Johns, Jim, they are to follow
the captain Makegefu adventure into the jungle. Makegefu had promised to
give them generous salaries. However, the task is nearing completion,
when Makegefu got the disease and, unfortunately, buried in the
jungle.This box is hand-crafted Makegefu dying. He made it very
sincerely to the four said: “I want you to assured me that not only the
box step. If you put boxes to my McDonald, professor of hand, you will
be even better than gold, precious things. I think you will be sent to,
and I also assure you that even precious than gold, but you will be able
to get it. ”Makegefu buried after the four men on the road. But the
jungle walk the road more and more difficult, more and more heavy boxes,
and their strength is growing smaller and smaller. They are like
prisoners in the same struggling in the mire. All are, as in nightmares,
but only only the box is real, is only boxes insisted on their bodies!
Otherwise, they all fell. They each other depending on the clinical, not
allowed to any person either alone or tamper with the box only. In the
most difficult times, they thought of how much future rewards, of
course, has something more important than gold … …Finally one day, the
green barriers suddenly lifted, they have painstakingly finally out of
the jungle. McDonald rushed to find four professors, asked to be
impatient to get paid. Professor not seem to understand, but do nothing
about sticking his hands and said: “I am nothing ah, oh, maybe the box,
what treasure it.” So in the presence of four faces, professors opened
the box – all What is most perplexing, full of a
bunch of useless wood!“It’s opened a joke?” Johns said.“Fart money
worth, I had seen that guy with neurology!” Jim shouted.“The reward more
valuable than gold, where? We fools!” Maikelisi angrily shouted.At the
moment, only Barry silent, he remembered them just out of the jungle,
the explorers everywhere piles of bones of the dead, he remembered the
box if not only, they may already fallen four of the … … Barry Station
up to the partners cried: “You Do not complain about the. we got
something more valuable than gold, that is!”Makegefu is a wise man, but
also a great person. On the surface, he was given only, In fact, he gave the purpose of their actions. People different
from animals is that people generally have a high-level thinking skills,
so people can not, and animals Hunhunee a person’s actions must be a
purpose. Some objective is to ultimately remain beyond reach, but at
least they had the support of incentives for some of our lives, which is
worth appreciation. The modern, world-weary, the lack of passion, its
root cause, mostly because the purpose of the loss. After all, we have
to go about. There is one, two years older than me, in an engineering
company as a secretary.Everyone knows, secretarial work without any
technical content. Roughly a day to answer the call, send and receive
fax, print copy some files, and then some tea and bottled water to the
leadership of Eurya BagThe girls also text, occasionally. When she knew
me through, after the performance of very warm, very often, send e-mail
to me, I can help her onto the road of writing.“Even if you can not
royalties. I hope to change jobs quickly.” At that time appeared to be
very urgent. She seems to have realized, the secretary is not a
promising career, especially in such a small company, Moreover, she had
no professional background, her own career advancement is not the
slightest confidence in the.So, I told her some writing methods, and
encouraged her to go slowly. Soon, I saw what she had written. Because
it is the first time to write the manuscript, of course, the result is
not.I told her how to modify the. She nodded in response.May be that the
next, her own work very busy, with little to writing. Not until a year
later, she was in the original post, do the original thing.
Occasionally, very busy, and occasionally very busy. The unfinished
manuscript has also been set aside there.Maybe when she entered the time
of writing and found that writing was not her imagination so easy. A
manuscript that she will be defeated. She has an excuse for no longer
insist to write down, because sometimes she was really busy, because she
did not have any publishing experience, write a book for her, the
difficulty is too high. Thus, she already do yourself tired and has no
future trivial matters. A year ago, the puzzle has not let her
escaping.She did not quit his job, concentrate on his writing. In the
work of no confidence in their own circumstances, then three days to
engage in fishing nets two days of drying a second job, and want to
switch opportunities. When she felt secretarial work Although there is
no future, but it does a very relaxed when she felt that lack of
confidence on the writing, to start to fight.Is difficult to imagine
that she eventually changed jobs to work from a Secretary of an author
is when. Perhaps three years, ten years, twenty years later, when her
enthusiasm for trivial chores have been obliterated, when her appearance
get old boss quit her, she again thought of career change.A No, or do
not adhere to convictions only been
and a stick to
convictions, will never be difficult to knock out. Because the power of
faith is amazing, it can be difficult to change the status quo, forming
an incredible happy ending.With the “Harry Potter” has swept the world,
its author and writer JK Rowling has become Britain’s richest, her
wealth than even the Queen of England is even more. She had a history of
poor dire straits, her precisely because she insisted on their own
convictions.Rowling childhood love of English literature, writing and
love, and she never had. , She majored in French. After graduation, she
traveled to Portugal alone development, then a reporter with local fall
in love and get married.Is that this comes and go. After getting
married, her husband’s true colors exposed, he beat her, and in spite of
her begging her from the home.Soon, Rowling so she took three-month-old
Jessica back to the UK, living in an unheated Edinburgh, a small
apartment.Away from her husband, job, and of no fixed abode, penniless,
coupled with feeding of crying daughter, Rowling suddenly become
destitute. She had to rely on benefits, are often fed her daughter, she
still hungry.But, do not discourage the enthusiasm of Rowling writing,
using her own words: “Maybe in order to complete, perhaps the machines
to entertain the minds of displeasure, or maybe every night in order to
be able to tell the story of his daughter, prepared to listen to. “She
kept all day to write 呀 writing, sometimes in order to save money and
save energy, she even stay in a coffee shop to write a day.In this way,
at her daughter’s cries, her first book “Harry Potter” was born, and
created a publishing miracle, her works have been translated into 35
languages in 115 countries and territories, caused a sensation around
the world.Rowling has never been far away from their own beliefs, and
use the wisdom and perseverance to win back her enormous wealth. Even
though her life is hard, she also convinced that one day she will reach
the pinnacle of the cause.Everyone wants to one day destined to succeed,
want to be able to board, followed by rich fruit. Unfortunately, people
tend to stick to not live their faith. Always felt that the peak is so
unattainable, imagine had enough.I remember when the University, the
classroom there is a male guitar is pretty good. He often jokes that if
after graduation myself a wandering singer, he would be very happy.Only
after graduation, his job in order to avoid the pain of his subject, and
soon found him a temporary job, he accepted. Shortly afterwards, the
students are in for their own lives, he got married and gave birth.When
gathering the students jokingly said to him, the streets of stray less
an excellent singer. In this regard, he louboutin sale can only smile.
Maybe he just casually talk about the original, when he entered life, he
found that to achieve their dreams is so tough it.There are many
people, life, yet unable to change the ordinary. This is how much in
&&IQ, EQ, CQ, AQ, BQ, NQ, FQ, DQ, SQ, MQ олон талт оюуны илтгэц??рIQ
- Intelligence QuotientIntelligence - Танин мэдэх?й, оюун ухаанАливаа
з?йлийг тунгаан бодох, шинэ материал судлах, олон асуудлындотроос
оновчтойг нь сонгон амьдралдаа авч явах чадварыг танин мэдэх?йноюун
ухаан гэж ?здэг.- Х?ний танин мэдэх?йн ухааны боломж чадвар хир
зэрэг вэ?- IQ-г яаж тооцох, яаж хэмжих, яаж х?гж??лэх вэ?Оюун
ухааныг хэмждэг 2 ?ндсэн аргын нэг нь IQ тестийн арга юм.IQ-д
багтах буюу тестээр илрэх чадварууд&& 1. Шинэ з?йлд суралцах&&
2. Даалгавар, дасгалд т?вл?р?х&& 3. Мэдээллийг хадгалах ба эргэж
санах&& 4. Задлан шинжлэх&& 5. Нэгтгэн д?гнэх&& 6. Хийсвэр
сэтгэх&& 7. Учир шалтгаан ?йл х?дл?л хийх&& 8. Дарааллын з?й
тогтлыг олох&& 9. Ижил т?стэй ба ялгаатай шинжийг олох& 10.
Н?хц?л байдал ??рчл?гд?х?д зохицох& 11. ?мн?х мэдлэгээ ашиглан
асуудлыг шийдэхEQ – Emotional QuotientEmotion – Сэтгэл
х?дл?л- EQ - ??рийнх?? болон бусдын сэтгэл х?дл?лийг ойлгох, ??н
дээр ?ндэслэн тохирох ?йлдэл хийх чадвар- EQ бол орчныхоо хэрэгцээ,
дарамттай з?в харьцах танин мэдэх?йн бус чадваруудын нэгдэлEQ
нь 5 х?рээтэй, дотроо 15 чадварыг багтаана.&& 1. ??рийг?? мэдэж,
жолоодох чадвар&& 2. Х?м??сийн арга эвийг олох чадвар&& 3. Уян
хатан, бодитой ??ссэн янз б?рийн асуудлыг шийдэх чадвар&& 4.
Тэвчээртэй хандаж, т?ргэн зангаа хянаж, хорхойгоо дарах чадвар&& 5.
Сэтгэлийн ер?нхий байдлын х?рээCQ – Creative QuotientCreativity
– Б?тээлч сэтгэлгээ, б?тээлч чадвар- Аливаа мэдлэгийг биет
болон оюуны баялаг болгох чадвар- Ер бусын байдлаар сэтгэж ?в?рм?ц
байх чадварCQ – ийн ?ндсэн чадварууд- Давтагдашг?й шинэ
санааг олох- Юмс ?зэгдлийг ч?л??тэй холбох- Б?х мэдрэмжээ
ашиглах- Б?тээлч шинэ санааг хурдтай т?р??лэх- Шинэ санааг
х?гж??лэх- Аливаа з?йлийг олон талаас нь судалж шийдэх-
Х?д?лг??нт чанар буюу хуучин т?с??лл?? ??рчл?хAQ - Adversity
QuotientAdversity – Бэрхшээл, золг?й явдал, гай зовлонAQ
нь бэрхшээл, азг?й тохиолдлыг ялан гарах чадварыг хэмжинэ.AQ-ийн
?ндсэн чадварууд- Хянах – н?хц?л байдалд эергээр н?л??лж
чадахаа мэдрэх, ?йл явдалд ?з??лэх хариу ?йлдлээ хянах чадвар- Гол
ачааг ??рэх – тухайн бэрхшээл ямар ч шалтгаанаар ??ссэн байлаа гэсэн
даван туулахын тулд ??рэг хариуцлагыг ??р?? х?лээх чадвар- Х?лээц –
таны ажил, амъдралд н?л??л?х ямар нэг тааг?й н?хц?лд х?лээцтэй хандах
чадвар- Тэсвэр – тааг?й н?хц?лд хэр удаан ?ргэлжлэх талаарх мэдрэмж.BQ
– Bonding QuotientBonding – Хэлхээ холбоо, хамааралBQ –
Эцэг эх, ?р х??хдийн дотно харилцааны ?з??лэлт.Эд?гээ эцэг эхч??д
х??хэддээ анхаарал тавих нь бага болсон. Х??хэд эцэг эхийн анхаарал
халамж улам их шаардлагатай болсон.BQ-г яаж дээшл??лэх вэ?-
Эцэг эхч??д х??хдийнхээ онцлогийг мэдэх хэрэгтэй- Х??хдийнхээ эрх
ч?л??г хязгаарлаж болохг?й- Х??хдийнхээ материаллаг т?дийг?й оюуны
хэрэгцээг нь хангах нь чухал- Х??хэдтэйгээ утсаар ярих, хамт ном
унших, тэмцээнд хамт оролцох, аялалд хамт явах нь хамгийн ?р д?нтэй,
энгийн аргууд- Эцэг эхийн з?гээс тэвчээр гаргах нь хамгийн чухалNQ
– Net QuotientNet – Мэдээллийн с?лжээ- Компьютерийн
с?лжээнд ч?л??тэй холбогдож, ажиллах- Хэрэгцээтэй мэдээллээ олж авах-
Мэдээллийн технологи, програм хангамжийн мэдлэг- ??рийг?? захирах
чадварMicrosoft корпорацийн эзэн Bill Gates хамгийн ?нд?р NQ-тэй
х?н. Dot-com-ын ?еийнхэн буюу одоогийн 20 настангуудын NQ хамгийн их.FQ
– Financial QuotientFinancial – м?нг? х?р?нг?, санх??-
??рийг??, ?рх гэрээ авч явах чадвар- Аж ахуй эрхлэх чадвар-
Х?р?нг? м?нг?тэй з?в харьцах чадвар- Аливаа асуудалд эдийн засгийн
агуулгаар хандах сэтгэлгээFQ-г х?гж??лэхэд яаж анхаарч байна вэ??нд?р
х?гжилтэй орны чинээлэг иргэд х??хдийнхээ FQ-г дээшл??лэхийн тулд
ирээд?йн саятнуудын клубт хичээлл??лдэг болсон. Хятадад иргэдийнхээ FQ-г
х?гж??лэх ажил эрчимтэй ?рн?ж байна.DQ – Development QuotientDevelopment
– Х?гжил дэвшил??рийн бие бялдрын байдал, онцлогийг тодорхой
мэдэж, аажмаар х?гж??лэн, зорилгодоо х?рч амжилт гаргах чадварDQ
?нд?ртэй х?н ??рийн биеийн онцлог ба чадварыг з?в ?нэлж, тогтвортой,
тэвчээртэй, системтэй хичээллэх чадвартай болдог. DQ ?нд?ртэй х?н биеийн
тамир, спорт, урлагийн т?р?лд гялалзсан амжилт гаргаж чадна.DQ-гээ
яаж дээшл??лэх вэ?- Хамгийн т?р??нд айдсаа даван туул-
Тогтмол хичээллэ- Булчингаа х?гж??л- Уян хатан чанараа х?гж??л-
Тэнцвэрээ х?гж??л- Аливааг урьдаас мэдрэх чадвараа х?гж??л-
Самбаа болон баримжаагаа х?гж??л- Аэробикээр хичээллэ-
Амьдралынхаа хэмнэлийг ??рчилж бай- Эр??л х?нс хэрэглэж бай-
Тэвчээртэй бол- Биеэ сул тавих, стресс тайлах дасгалуудыг сур.SQ
– Spiritual QuotientSpiritual – оюун санаа, дотоод ерт?нц-
Утга агуулга, ?нэлэмжийн асуудлыг ойлгож шийдэх чадвар- ?йл
ажиллагаа, амьдралын замаа ?рг?н, баялаг, ач холбогдолтой х?рээнд
аваачих чадвар- ?йл ажиллагаа, амьдралын аль нэг замыг бусдаасаа
арай ил?? болохыг ?нэлэх чадвар- Х?ний тархи, сэтгэц дэх дотоод
т?р?лхийн чадварууд- Оюуны бусад чадваруудаа ухаалаг ашиглах хамгийн
оргил чадвар- Х?рээлэн байгаа орчин, байгальтай холбоо тогтоох
чадвар- Бусдад тусалж, ??рийг?? бусдын т?л?? золиослох чадварБидний
SQ бол сэтгэл дотор маань байдаг луужин юм.SQ – гээ яаж
х?гж??лэх вэ?- Амьдралд байгаа б?хий л сайхан з?йлийг олж харж,
баярлаж сур- ??рийнх?? ?нэт чанарыг таньж мэд- ?р?вч з??л?н
сэтгэл гаргаж бай- Сэтгэлийн амар тайван байдлыг тань алдагдуулдаг
з?йлээс ??рийг?? холдуул- Ил?? ачаанаасаа сал- ??рийх?? х?сэл
зорилгын талаарх оюуны зураглал хий.MQ – Moral QuotientMoral
– Ёс суртахуунЁс суртахуун – х?ний нийгэмд ??рийг?? зохицуулж,
?йлдлийнхээ агуулга, хэм хэмжээг тогтоох чадварMQ сайтай х?н
сайн мууг ялгах чадвартай, бас чин сэтгэлээсээ бусдыг хайрлаж чадна. IQ,
EQ хичнээн сайн байлаа ч MQ доогуур бол тэр х?н нийгэмд хор х?н??л
учруулна.Ёс суртахууны чадварууд- Х?ний нэр х?ндийг
х?ндэтгэх- Бусдын сайн сайхны талаар санаа тавих- Х?вь х?ний
сонирхол ба нийгмийн ??рэг хариуцлагыг хослуулах- Зарчимч байдлыг
эрхэмлэх- Ёс суртахууны сонголтуудыг тусган авах- З?рчлийг
тайвнаар, эв з?йгээр шийдвэрлэх арга замыг хийх&FROM:
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