I carefully review过去式的过去式怎么说

Review - definition of review by The Free Dictionary /review
review Also found in: , , , , , , , .Related to review:
(rĭ-vyo͞o′)v. re·viewed, re·view·ing, re·views v.tr.1.
To look over, study, or examine again: reviewed last week's lesson.2.
To cons look back on: reviewed the day's events.3.
To examine with an eye to criticism or correction: reviewed the research findings.4.
To write or give a critical report on (a new work or performance, for example).5.
Law To evaluate (a decision made by or action taken by a lower court) to determine whether any error was made.6.
To subject to a formal inspection, especially a military inspection.v.intr.1.
To go over or restudy material: reviewing for a final exam.2.
To write critical reviews, especially for a newspaper or magazine.n.1.
A reexamination or reconsideration.2.
A retrospective view or survey.3. a.
A restudying of subject matter.b.
An exercise for use in restudying material.4. a.
A report or essay giving a critical estimate of a work or performance.b.
A periodical devoted to articles and essays on current affairs, literature, or art.5. a.
An inspection or examination for the purpose of evaluation.b.
A formal military inspection.c.
A formal military ceremony held in honor of a person or occasion.6.
Law An evaluation conducted by a higher court of a decision made or action taken by a lower court to determine whether any error was made.7.
A musical show consisting of often satirical skits, songs, a revue.[Probably from Middle English, inspection of military forces, from Old French revue, review, from feminine past participle of reveeir, to see again, from Latin revidēre : re-, re- + vidēre, to see; see
weid- in the Appendix of Indo-European roots.]re·view′a·ble adj.review (r?'vju:) vb (mainly tr) 1. to look at or examine again: to review a situation. 2. to look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events, etc); remember: he reviewed his achievements with pride. 3. to inspect, esp formally or officially: the general reviewed his troops. 4. to read through or go over in order to correct5.
(Law) law to re-examine (a decision) judicially6.
(Journalism & Publishing) to write a critical assessment of (a book, film, play, concert, etc), esp as a professionn7.
Also called: reviewal the act or an instance of reviewing8. a general survey or report: a review of the political situation. 9.
(Journalism & Publishing) a critical assessment of a book, film, play, concert, etc, esp one printed in a newspaper or periodical10.
(Journalism & Publishing) a. a publication containing such articlesb. (capital when part of a name): the Saturday Review. 11. a
re-examination12. a retrospective survey13. a formal or official inspection14.
(Education) US and Canadian the process of rereading a subject or notes on it, esp in preparation for an examination. Also called (in Britain and certain other countries): revision 15.
(Law) law judicial re-examination of a case, esp by a superior court16.
(Theatre) a less common spelling of [C16: from French, from revoir to see again, from Latin re- re- + vidēre to see] re'viewable adj re'viewer nre•view
a critical article or report, as of a book, play, critique.
the process of studying a subject again, esp. to fix it in memory.
an exercise designed for study of this kind.
a general survey, esp. report or account.
an inspection or examination, esp. a formal inspection of a military or naval force, parade, etc.
a periodical containing articles on current affairs, books, art, etc.:
a literary review.
a judicial reexamination, as by a higher court, of the decision or proceedings in a case.
a second or repeated view of something.
a consideration of past events, circumstances, or facts.
to go over (lessons, studies, work, etc.) in review.
to view or look over again.
to inspect, esp. formally or officially:
to review the troops.
to review the situation.
to discuss (a book, play, etc.) in a critical review.
view retrospectively.
to present a survey of in speech or writing.
to reexamine judicially:
to review a case.
to go over or restudy material, as in preparation for a test.
to review books, movies, etc., as for a newspaper or magazine.
[;65; & Middle French revue, n. use of feminine past participle of revoir to see again << Latin revid&#275;re=re- - + vid&#275;re compare ] Review&a formal inspection of military men or naval forces, 1585; hence, the men who are reviewed, collectively&#x2014;Wilkes.Examples: review of cavalry, 1683; of the F a naval review, 1878.reviewPast participle: reviewedGerund: reviewingImperativePresentPreteritePresent ContinuousPresent PerfectPast ContinuousPast PerfectFutureFuture PerfectFuture ContinuousPresent Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousConditionalPast ConditionalImperativereviewreviewPresentI reviewyou reviewhe/she/it reviewswe reviewyou reviewthey reviewPreteriteI reviewedyou reviewedhe/she/it reviewedwe reviewedyou reviewedthey reviewedPresent ContinuousI am reviewingyou are reviewinghe/she/it is reviewingwe are reviewingyou are reviewingthey are reviewingPresent PerfectI have reviewedyou have reviewedhe/she/it has reviewedwe have reviewedyou have reviewedthey have reviewedPast ContinuousI was reviewingyou were reviewinghe/she/it was reviewingwe were reviewingyou were reviewingthey were reviewingPast PerfectI had reviewedyou had reviewedhe/she/it had reviewedwe had reviewedyou had reviewedthey had reviewedFutureI will reviewyou will reviewhe/she/it will reviewwe will reviewyou will reviewthey will reviewFuture PerfectI will have reviewedyou will have reviewedhe/she/it will have reviewedwe will have reviewedyou will have reviewedthey will have reviewedFuture ContinuousI will be reviewingyou will be reviewinghe/she/it will be reviewingwe will be reviewingyou will be reviewingthey will be reviewingPresent Perfect ContinuousI have been reviewingyou have been reviewinghe/she/it has been reviewingwe have been reviewingyou have been reviewingthey have been reviewingFuture Perfect ContinuousI will have been reviewingyou will have been reviewinghe/she/it will have been reviewingwe will have been reviewingyou will have been reviewingthey will have been reviewingPast Perfect ContinuousI had been reviewingyou had been reviewinghe/she/it had been reviewingwe had been reviewingyou had been reviewingthey had been reviewingConditionalI would reviewyou would reviewhe/she/it would reviewwe would reviewyou would reviewthey would reviewPast ConditionalI would have reviewedyou would have reviewedhe/she/it would have reviewedwe would have reviewedyou would have reviewedthey would have reviewed
Switch to Noun1.review - a new appraisal or evaluation &, , ,
- the classification of someone or something with respect to its worth,
- reappraisal of a situation or position or outlook2.review - an essay or article that gives a critical evaluation (as of a book or play), , ,
- a written evaluation of a work of literature - a critical review of a book (usually a recently published book) - a s "the play received good notices" - an extravagantly "he gave it a rave"3.review - a subsequent examination of a patient for the purpose of monitoring earlier treatment, , ,
- the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)4.review - (accounting) a service (less exhaustive than an audit) that provides some assurance to interested parties as to the reliability of financial data - a system that provides quantitative information about finances, ,
- a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and c forms part of a ledger of accounts - an auditing procedure based on ratios among accounts and tries to identify significant changes5.review - a variety show with topical sketches and songs and dancing and comedians - a revue with elaborate costuming,
- a show consisting of a series of short unrelated performances6.review - a periodical that publishes critical essays on current affairs or literature or art - a publication that appears at fixed intervals - a review devoted to literary criticism7.review - a summary at the end that repeats the substance of a longer discussion,
- a summary that enumerates the main parts of a topic - recapitulation of the main ideas of a speech (especially in reverse order)8.review - (law) a judicial reexamination of the proceedings of a court (especially by an appellate court), ,
- (law) the institution of a sequence of steps by which legal judgments are invoked - a proceeding brought to obtain an explanation or an alteration or a reversal of a decree by the court that rendered it - review by a court of law of actions of a government official or entity or of some other legally appointed person or body or the review by an appellate court of the decision of a trial court,
- the collection of rules
"civilization presupposes respect for the law"; "the great problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing order"9.review - practice intended to polish performance or refresh the memory, , , ,
- systematic training by
"practice makes perfect" - a review that r "I need a rub up on my Latin"10.review - a formal or
"the platoon stood ready for review"; "we had to wait for the inspection before we could use the elevator", ,
- the act of ins "they made a check of their equipment"; "the pilot ran through the check-out procedure",
- the act of examining something closely (as for mistakes)Verb1.review - "let's review your situation", , , , ,
- consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential "analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare"; "analyze the evidence in a criminal trial"; "analyze your real motives"2.review - "She reviews books for the New York Times"; "Please critique this performance", ,
- form a "I cannot judge some works of modern art"; "How do you evaluate this grant proposal?" "We shouldn't pass judgment on other people",
- evaluate professionally a colleague's work3.review - hold a review (of troops),
- "Please inspect your father's will carefully"4.review - refresh one' "I reviewed the material before the test", , , , , , ,
- recall k "I can't remember saying any such thing"; "I can't think what her last name was"; "can you remember her phone number?"; "Do you remember that he once loved you?"; "call up memories"5.review - look back upon (a period of time, sequence of events); "she reviewed her achievements with pride", ,
- "he remembered how he used to pick flowers"reviewnoun1. , , , , another look, , fresh look, second look, , ,
She has announced a review of adoption laws.2. , , , , , ,
a review on the training and education of over-16s3. , , , critical assessment, , , ,
We've never had a good review in the press.4. , , , ,
an early morning review of the troops5. , , ,
(informal) He was recruited to write for the Edinburgh Review.verb1. , , , , , , , , take another look at, , look at again, go over again The next day we reviewed the previous day's work.2. , write a critique of, , , , , , , , give your opinion of I see that no papers have reviewed my book.3. , , , , ,
(informal), , give (something or someone) the once-over (informal) He reviewed the troops.4. , , , , , ,
Review all the information you need.reviewverb1. To give a recapitulation of the salient facts of:, , , , , , , , , .Informal:
.2. To consider again, especially with the possibility of change:, , , .3. To write a critical report on:.noun1. A close or systematic study:, , , , .2. Evaluative and critical discourse:, , .3. A formal military inspection:.
???????????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????? ?????? ???p?ehlídkap?ezkoumánírecenzerecenzovatrevueanmeldeanmeldelsegennemg?gennemganginspiceringarvosteluprikazáttekintfelülvizsgálatfolyóiratismertetismertetésendursko?agagnr?ni, ums?gnli?sk?nnun批評?? ??ap?valgapermesti akimisper?iūraper?valgarecenzentasanalizētapskatītapskatsatkārto?anaatkārtotrecenziarecenzova?vykona? prehliadkuzopakovanieocenaocenitiponovitipregledpregledatigranskningrevy????????tekrarlamabài nh?n xétreview [r&#x26a;&#x2c8;vju&#x2d0;]A. N1. (= survey, taking stock) &#x2192;
m inv; [of research etc] &#x2192;
fthe annual review of expenditure &#x2192; el
salaries are under review &#x2192; los
a we shall keep your case under review &#x2192;
su 2. (Mil) [of troops] &#x2192;
fthe Spithead Review &#x2192; la
de Spitheadthe general passed the troops in review &#x2192; el
a las the troops passed in review before the general &#x2192; las
ante el 3. (Jur) (= revision) &#x2192;
fwhen the case comes up for review &#x2192; cuando el
a the sentence is subject to review in the high court &#x2192; la
4. (= critique) &#x2192;
fthe play got good reviews &#x2192; la
por los 5. (= journal) &#x2192;
f6. (Theat) &#x2192;
fB. VT1. (= take stock of) &#x2192; , ; [+ research etc] &#x2192; we will review the position in a month &#x2192;
we shall have to review our policy &#x2192;
nuestra 2. (Mil) [+ troops] &#x2192;
a3. (Jur) (= reconsider) [+ case] &#x2192; 4. (= write review of) &#x2192; ,
de5. (US) (Scol) &#x2192; C. CPD review copy N &#x2192;
m para review [r&#x26a;&#x2c8;vju&#x2d0;] n [situation, policy, case, contract, salary, system] &#x2192;
fto be under review &#x2192; être en
d'être (e)to come under review &#x2192; être (e) [book, film, play] &#x2192;
fThe book had good reviews &#x2192; Ce
. (MILITARY) &#x2192;
f (= magazine) &#x2192;
f (US) (for exam) &#x2192;
f vt (= reconsider) [+ system, situation, policy, contract, case, pensions, salary] &#x2192;
f (= look back on) [+ past events, year] &#x2192;
[+ film, book, play] &#x2192;
(MILITARY) [+ troops] &#x2192;
(US) (for exam) [+ notes, subject] &#x2192; review board n &#x2192;
f de review n (= look back) &#x2192;
m, &#x2192;
f (&#x2192; of auf +acc); (= report) &#x2192;
m (&#x2192; of über +acc); I shall keep your case under review &#x2192; ich
(= re-examination) &#x2192;
; to do a review of something &#x2192;
; the agreement comes up for review or comes under review next year &#x2192; das
; his salary is due for review in January &#x2192; im
; there will be a review of the situation in 3 months’ time &#x2192; in 3
(Mil: = inspection) &#x2192;
f; to hold a review &#x2192; eine
(of book, film, play etc) &#x2192;
f, &#x2192;
f, &#x2192;
f (= magazine) &#x2192;
f vt (= look back at) one’s life, the past etc &#x2192;
auf (+acc), &#x2192;
(= re-examine) situation, case &#x2192;
(über) (Mil) troops &#x2192; ,
book, play, film &#x2192; ,
(US, before exam) &#x2192; review [r&#x26a;&#x2c8;vju&#x2d0;]1. na. (survey, taking stock) &#x2192;
f (Mil) (of troops) &#x2192; ; (critique) &#x2192; ,
fto come under review &#x2192; essere /a in the play got good reviews &#x2192; lo
b. (journal) &#x2192; , 2. vt (take stock of) &#x2192;
di; (situation) &#x2192;
di (Mil) (troops) &#x2192;
in ; (book, play, film) &#x2192;
direview (r?'vju:)
a written report on a book, play etc giving the writer's opinion of it.
posudek, recenze
die Besprechung
??????? ??????????
osvrt, kritika
ismertetés, recenzió
gagnr?ni, ums?gn
recenzija, ap?valga
?????????? ??????? ??? ????? ???? ???? ????? ???? ??? ???? ???????????? ???? ????? ????? ???? ????? ??????? ?????
posudok, recenzia
ocena, kritika
bài phê bình
书评论文章(书评,剧评等) 2.
an inspection of troops etc.
die Truppenschau
??? ????? ??????
smotra vojnih jedinica
inspeksi pasukan
li?sk?nnun ,
patikrinimas, per?iūra
(karaspēka) parāde
pemeriksaan , inspekcja
m?nstring, inspektion
?????????? ,
огляд, парад
????? ?? ??????
cu?c duy?t binh 3.
(American) studying or going over one's notes. I have just enough time for a quick I made a quick review of my notes before the test. oorsig
?????????? ??????????
krz durchgehen
(m?rkmete jms) kiire l?bivaatamine
?????? ???????
??????, ???? ?? ??????? ?????? ?? ?? ???????? ?? ??????? ?????? ??????? ?? ????-??????? ???? ??, ????????
osvrt, pregled
átnézés, átismétlés
per?valga, per?iūra
pā atkārto?ana
ulang kaji ,
ponoven pregled
розгляд; перев?рка
s? xem xét l?i
to make or have a review of. The book was reviewed in yesterday' The Queen reviewed the troops. inspekteer
???????? ???????????
vykonat p?ehlídku ,
γρ?φω κριτικ?,
arvustama, üle vaatama
??? ????? ???? ?????? ???? ????
arvostella ;
osvrnuti se, kriti?ki prikazati
membuat tinjauan
daema, skrifa gagnr? gera li?sk?nnun
????, ????
recenzuoti, inspektuoti
recenzēt; pārbaudīt; pie?emt parādi
mengulas, memeriksa , ;
recenzowa?, dokonywa? przegl?du
a trece ?n revist?
рецензировать; производить смотр
recenzova?; vykona? prehliadku
recensera, inspektera
???????; ??????? ;
рецензувати; оглядати
?????? ????? ???? ?? ?????? ????
xem xét; duy?t binh
评论回顾, 2.
to reconsider. We'll review the situation at the end of the month. heroorweeg
???????????? ???????
tage op til revision ,
uuesti l?bi arutama
?? ?? ??? ???????? ??????? ????
??????? ???????
???: ???????? ????, ??? ?? ??????, ?????????? ????, ?????? ???????? ????
ponovno prou?iti, ponovno razmisliti
felülvizsgál, áttekint
endursko?a ,
patikrinti, per?iūr?ti
novērtēt; apskatīt; analizēt
mempertimbangkan kembali
opnieuw bekijken
zrewidowa?, powtórnie rozwa?y?
a reexamina
ompr?va, betrakta p? nytt
?????? ??? ????
xem xét l?i 3.
(American) to go over one's notes, lessons etc in preparation for an examination. I have to review (my notes) for the test tomorrow. oorkyk
???????? ?????? ???
κ?νω επαν?ληψη
kordama, (m?rkmeid jms) kiiresti l?bi vaatama
??? ????? ????? ??????? ????
???????? ???????
??? ?? ??????
átnéz, átolvas
pārskatīt; atkārtot
mengulang kaji ,
(z)opakova? (si)
baciti pogled
g? igenom p? nytt
??? ???? ????
温习,复习 re'viewer noun a person who reviews books etc. Who was the reviewer of the biography of Churchill? resensent
??????? ? ???????????
der/die Kritiker(in)
????? ????? ?????? ??
arvostelija , ?????
pisac kritike, recenzent
penulis tinjauan, pengulas
ritdómari, gagnr?nandi ,
?????? ??????? ????? ????
critic (literar)
kritiker, recensent
оглядач; рецензент
????? ????
nhà phê bình sách review &#x2192;
p?ezkoumání unders?gelse
批評 ?? ??
granskning ????????
bài nh?n xét re·viewn. revisión, análisis,admission ___ → revisión de ingresos; case ___ → ___ del caso; ___ of systems → ___ de sistemas; [literary] rese?a; v. repasar, volver a ver.
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Her mind began to review the loneliness of her childhood and she remembered with a pang the sharp new loneli- ness that had just come to her. She did not perceive that she was talking like her father as the sleek geldings ambled in review before them. A school for little children had been o and, at one time, she had begun a review of her early studies in the New England Primer, with a view to prepare herself for the office of instructress. Yet if I had not indulged, to prove there was nothing in it, in this review, I should have missed the two or three dim elements of comfort that still remained to me. This was a great event to the latter--the daily review of the new arrivals, all stark naked, and many and diverting were the comments. The store-room, the linen-presses, the china-closet, the kitchen and cellar, that day, all went under an awful review. Indeed, I have reason to suspect and each year, as the tax-gatherer comes round, I find myself disposed to review the acts and position of the general and State governments, and the spirit of the people to discover a pretext for conformity. Reed herself, at far intervals, visited it to review the contents of a certain secret drawer in the wardrobe, where were stored divers parchments, her jewel-casket, and a miniature of
and in those last words lies the secret of the red-room--the spell which kept it so lonely in spite of its grandeur. In the solitude of her own room she recovered her composure, and set herself for the first time to review the conclusions which she had gathered from the events of the day. As I walked to and fro daily between Southwark and Blackfriars, and lounged about at meal-times in obscure streets, the stones of which may, for anything I know, be worn at this moment by my childish feet, I wonder how many of these people were wanting in the crowd that used to come filing before me in review again, to the echo of Captain Hopkins's voice IN WHICH I REVIEW MY ACTIONS AND RENEW MY RESOLUTIONS But the whole scene of this voyage made so strong an impression on my mind, and is so deeply fixed in my memory, that, in committing it to paper I did not omit one material circumstance: however, upon a strict review, I blotted out several passages.
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