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forthe Dissertation Degree Paulownia andSelectionof Individ堕丛墨盟丛 Color Excellent肋od Candidate:QiuQiandong Fangdong Supervisor:Li Associate Supervisor:LiRongxing YeJinshan WangBaoping Academic for:Ph.D DegreeApplied Speciality:Silviculture l3.6―23 DateofDefenee:20 of Forestry Academy
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正在加载中,请稍后...汉音对照 《音视频系统图制图报表软件》(Stardraw A/V )2007[压缩包] 《 yin shi pin xi tong tu zhi tu bao biao ruan jian 》(Stardraw A/V )2007[ ya suo bao ] - 王朝网络 -
分享&&&&&当前位置: &&&&&&&&《音视频系统图制图报表软件》(Stardraw A/V )2007[压缩包] 《 yin shi pin xi tong tu zhi tu bao biao ruan jian 》(Stardraw A/V )2007[ ya suo bao ]&&&本文为【】的汉字拼音对照版  中zhong文wen名ming: 音yin视shi频pin系xi统tong图tu制zhi图tu报bao表biao软ruan件jian  英ying文wen名ming: Stardraw A/V   资zi源yuan格ge式shi: 压ya缩suo包bao  版ban本ben: 2007  发fa行xing时shi间jian: 2007年nian  制zhi作zuo发fa行xing: Stardraw.com  地di区qu: 英ying国guo  语yu言yan: 英ying文wen  简jian介jie:   
  官guan方fang网wang站zhan http://www.stardraw.com/  Stardraw A/V 2007  目mu前qian最zui强qiang大da的de音yin视shi频pin集ji成cheng行xing业ye系xi统tong图tu、报bao表biao设she计ji软ruan件jian!  由you英ying国guoStardraw.com出chu品pin,处chu于yu业ye界jie领ling先xian地di位wei的de音yin视shi频pin系xi统tong设she计ji软ruan件jian,拥yong有you几ji乎hu囊nang括kuo业ye界jie所suo有you专zhuan业ye音yin视shi频pin厂chang家jia的de产chan品pin图tu库ku,可ke以yi制zhi作zuo详xiang细xi的de音yin视shi频pin系xi统tong方fang框kuang图tu、机ji柜gui图tu、面mian板ban图tu。  Stardraw.公gong司si是shi专zhuan为wei特te定ding纵zong向xiang市shi场chang设she计ji、开kai发fa和he实shi现xian因yin特te网wang软ruan件jian组zu件jian、控kong制zhi软ruan件jian和he设she计ji/文wen档dang编bian制zhi工gong具ju,包bao括kuo Stardraw Audio 2007(音yin频pin扩kuo声sheng系xi统tong)、Stardraw A/V 2007(音yin视shi频pin集ji成cheng系xi统tong)、Stardraw A/V Lite 2007(音yin视shi频pin集ji成cheng系xi统tong简jian化hua版ban)和he Stardraw Lighting 2D 2007(灯deng光guang系xi统tong)。利li用yong最zui新xin的de软ruan件jian技ji术shu并bing且qie定ding位wei于yuinternet应ying用yong上shang。Stardraw研yan究jiu出chu有you利li于yu销xiao售shou、设she计ji、工gong程cheng的de专zhuan业ye软ruan件jian工gong具ju。 Stardraw独du特te的de应ying用yong程cheng序xu对dui于yu各ge个ge适shi合he的de行xing业ye在zai销xiao售shou、设she计ji、工gong程cheng范fan围wei内nei能neng快kuai速su的de创chuang造zao高gao品pin质zhi、专zhuan业ye化hua的de文wen档dang、设she计ji图tu和he平ping面mian图tu。  
  Stardraw A/V 2007提ti供gong了le一yi个ge拖tuo放fang式shi界jie面mian和he直zhi观guan的de设she计ji环huan境jing,具ju有you快kuai速su、强qiang大da、灵ling活huo和he易yi用yong的de特te点dian,为wei各ge位wei设she计ji师shi节jie省sheng了le时shi间jian和he金jin钱qian。  Stardraw A/V 2007 具ju有you目mu前qian最zui庞pang大da的de、不bu断duan更geng新xin的de、超chao过guo509世shi界jie著zhu名ming音yin视shi频pin制zhi造zao厂chang家jia的de超chao过guo46,000种zhong的deCAD图tu块kuai数shu据ju库ku可ke以yi调tiao用yong,可ke以yi通tong过guo拖tuo放fang式shi界jie面mian和he直zhi观guan的de设she计ji环huan境jing快kuai速su的de绘hui制zhi各ge种zhong投tou标biao、设she计ji、施shi工gong、安an装zhuang、报bao验yan、备bei案an等deng所suo需xu的de图tu纸zhi和he报bao表biao,如ru;系xi统tong原yuan理li图tu、系xi统tong连lian接jie图tu、机ji柜gui布bu置zhi图tu、图tu示shi系xi统tong图tu、安an装zhuang连lian接jie图tu、设she备bei布bu置zhi图tu等deng,并bing自zi动dong生sheng成cheng报bao价jia单dan、设she备bei统tong计ji表biao、材cai料liao统tong计ji表biao、线xian号hao标biao签qian表biao、线xian缆lan路lu径jing表biao、成cheng本ben核gai算suan表biao等deng等deng几ji十shi种zhong图tu纸zhi(可ke转zhuan为weidwg和heDXF格ge式shi)和he表biao格ge(xls格ge式shi),兼jian容rongAutocad、Excel,是shi专zhuan业ye音yin视shi频pin集ji成cheng行xing业ye销xiao售shou、设she计ji、工gong程cheng工gong作zuo者zhe的de强qiang大da帮bang手shou!  Stardraw A/V 2007 is the leading design/documentation software for audio and video system designers/installers.
It offers unparalleled speed, ease of use, and the largest, highest quality library of manufacturers' products.     If you’re in business to make money you’ll be interested in 3 things: making sales, cutting costs and increasing profits.  If your field is the professional A/V industry then Stardraw A/V 2007 is the only CAD solution that makes real sense. A bold claim, but justified.  Stardraw A/V 2007 contains libraries which closely integrate a huge set of ultra-high quality symbols of professional A/V products with powerful tools and smart, task-oriented environments so that you can produce stunning and accurate system drawings with unbelievable speed.  Now your sales presentations and construction drawings will be a model of professionalism, but you’ll be working on your designs for minutes rather than hours thanks to more than 46,000 symbols of products from more than 509 of the world's leading manufacturers.  Stardraw A/V 2007 - Because Image is Everything  The fastest design tool —
You want to create professional designs in minutes, not hours. Stardraw A/V 2007 has been designed specifically for A/V professionals and has all the tools and symbols you need.  Intelligent environments – Design your system in block or pictorial schematic mode and a highly detailed rack layout is created automatically.
Produce schematics, panels, racks, presentations and infinitely flexible reports in minutes.   Comprehensive libraries — With the largest, most detailed symbols library and powerful, easy to use tools, Stardraw A/V 2007 lets you design, engineer, price & present your systems faster & more professionally than ever before  Easy to create new symbols —
Edit existing symbols or ask for new ones using Stardraw’s unique Symbols-by-Request service.  Simple to share — Print to any Windows printer, or share your designs with others using the free Stardraw Viewer.  Back office integration — Link symbol attributes, e.g. pricing to centralized data sources.  Powerful reporting — seamless integration with Excel means you can produce infinitely flexible, immensely powerful reports, like Bills of Materials, Quotations, Cable Schedules etc,
from any design.  Compatible and versatile — Reads writes and edits DWG and DXF files so it’s simple to communicate with others, regardless of application or platform.  International — Available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.  
  Stardraw A/V 2007 Creates  Engineering schematics  High detail rack layouts  Sales presentations  Custom panel designs  Architectural layouts  Bills of materials  Pricing, quotations & many other powerful reports using MS Excel  - all in minutes, not hours  Stardraw A/V 2007 Includes  All the tools you need – no other design software required  Over 46,000 high quality product symbols  Regular symbols updates  Tools to read, write and edit DWG and DXF           ===微wei软ruan金jin牌pai合he作zuo机ji构gou===  Why Use Stardraw A/V 2007?  So easy, even a salesman can use it  So powerful, even an engineer will love it  So professional, your customers will demand it  So fast, professional designs take minutes, not hours  There are plenty of CAD applications out there, but ask any user where all their time goes and they’ll say it’s taken up by building their own library of common symbols - and there just isn’t time to draw everything completely accurately. Stardraw A/V 2007's Libraries represent more than 40 expert man-years of symbol compilation and are the only definitive CAD source for the professional A/V industry.  Stardraw A/V 2007 - because image is everything.     行xing业ye软ruan件jian未wei安an装zhuang测ce试shi,资zi源yuan包bao附fu带dai破po解jie文wen件jian!  [安an全quan检jian测ce]  已yi通tong过guo安an全quan检jian测ce  安an全quan检jian测ce软ruan件jian:BitDefender Total Security   版ban本ben:2009  病bing毒du库ku发fa布bu时shi间jian:更geng新xin到dao即ji时shi  [安an装zhuang测ce试shi]  未wei经jing过guo安an装zhuang测ce试shi,使shi用yong者zhe后hou果guo自zi负fu与yu本ben论lun坛tan无wu关guan  [免mian责ze声sheng明ming]  该gai下xia载zai内nei容rong仅jin限xian於yu个ge人ren测ce试shi学xue习xi之zhi用yong,不bu得de用yong於yu商shang业ye用yong途tu,并bing且qie请qing在zai下xia载zai后hou24小xiao时shi内nei删shan除chu。  软ruan件jian破po解jie及ji注zhu册ce机ji被bei杀sha毒du软ruan件jian报bao病bing毒du或huo间jian谍die木mu马ma,请qing自zi行xing甄zhen别bie和he取qu舍she,不bu另ling行xing加jia以yi解jie释shi。  资zi源yuan版ban权quan归gui作zuo者zhe及ji其qi公gong司si所suo有you,如ru果guo你ni喜xi欢huan,请qing购gou买mai正zheng版ban。  .【】【】&&&&&今日推荐
今天该活动正式启动,和去年一样,需要收集“五福”...有时候我们打开冰箱就会闻到一股异味,冰箱里的这种异味是因为一些物质发出的气味的混合体,闻起来让人恶心。 产生这些异味的主要原因有以下几点。
《极品家丁》讲述了现代白领林晚荣无意回到古代金陵,并追随萧二小姐化名“林三”进入萧府,不料却阴差阳错上演了一出低级家丁拼搏上位的“林三升职记”。...你就是我最爱的宝宝 - 李溪芮
你的眉 又鬼马的挑
你的嘴 又坏坏的笑
上一秒吵闹 下...乌梅,又称春梅,中医认为,乌梅味酸,性温,无毒,具有安心、除热、下气、祛痰、止渴调中、杀虫的功效,治肢体痛、肺痨病。乌梅泡水喝能治伤寒烦热、止吐泻,与干姜一起制...什么是脂肪粒
市场上墙纸的材质分无纺布的、木纤维的、PVC的、玻璃纤维基材的、布面的等,相对而言,PVC材质的墙纸最不透气...观点一:破日本销售量的“鲜肌之谜” 非日本生产
近一段时间,淘宝上架了一款名为“鲜肌之谜的” 鲑鱼卵巢美容液,号称是最近日本的一款推出的全新护肤品,产品本身所...系腰裙(北宋词人 张先)
这是土耳其卡帕多西亚的一个著名景点,传说是当年基督教徒们为了躲避战争而在此修建。里面曾住着20000人,......据英国《每日快报》报道,一位科学家兼理论家Robert Lanza博士宣称,世界上并不存在人类死亡,死亡的只是身体。他认为我们的意识借助我们体内的能量生存,而且...《我爱狐狸精》 - 刘馨棋
  狐狸精 狐狸仙
  千年修...·&·&·&&中文名: 音视频系统图制图报表软件
英文名: Stardraw A/V
资源格式: 压缩包
版本: 2007
发行时间: 2007年
地区: 英国
语言: 英文
官方网站 /
Stardraw A/V 2007
Stardraw.公司是专为特定纵向市场设计、开发和实现因特网软件组件、控制软件和设计/文档编制工具,包括 Stardraw Audio 2007(音频扩声系统)、Stardraw A/V 2007(音视频集成系统)、Stardraw A/V Lite 2007(音视频集成系统简化版)和 Stardraw Lighting 2D 2007(灯光系统)。利用最新的软件技术并且定位于internet应用上。Stardraw研究出有利于销售、设计、工程的专业软件工具。 Stardraw独特的应用程序对于各个适合的行业在销售、设计、工程范围内能快速的创造高品质、专业化的文档、设计图和平面图。
Stardraw A/V 2007提供了一个拖放式界面和直观的设计环境,具有快速、强大、灵活和易用的特点,为各位设计师节省了时间和金钱。
Stardraw A/V 2007 具有目前最庞大的、不断更新的、超过509世界著名音视频制造厂家的超过46,000种的CAD图块数据库可以调用,可以通过拖放式界面和直观的设计环境快速的绘制各种投标、设计、施工、安装、报验、备案等所需的图纸和报表,如;系统原理图、系统连接图、机柜布置图、图示系统图、安装连接图、设备布置图等,并自动生成报价单、设备统计表、材料统计表、线号标签表、线缆路径表、成本核算表等等几十种图纸(可转为dwg和DXF格式)和表格(xls格式),兼容Autocad、Excel,是专业音视频集成行业销售、设计、工程工作者的强大帮手!
Stardraw A/V 2007 is the leading design/documentation software for audio and video system designers/installers.
It offers unparalleled speed, ease of use, and the largest, highest quality library of manufacturers' products.
If you’re in business to make money you’ll be interested in 3 things: making sales, cutting costs and increasing profits.
If your field is the professional A/V industry then Stardraw A/V 2007 is the only CAD solution that makes real sense. A bold claim, but justified.
Stardraw A/V 2007 contains libraries which closely integrate a huge set of ultra-high quality symbols of professional A/V products with powerful tools and smart, task-oriented environments so that you can produce stunning and accurate system drawings with unbelievable speed.
Now your sales presentations and construction drawings will be a model of professionalism, but you’ll be working on your designs for minutes rather than hours thanks to more than 46,000 symbols of products from more than 509 of the world's leading manufacturers.
Stardraw A/V 2007 - Because Image is Everything
The fastest design tool —
You want to create professional designs in minutes, not hours. Stardraw A/V 2007 has been designed specifically for A/V professionals and has all the tools and symbols you need.
Intelligent environments – Design your system in block or pictorial schematic mode and a highly detailed rack layout is created automatically.
Produce schematics, panels, racks, presentations and infinitely flexible reports in minutes.
Comprehensive libraries — With the largest, most detailed symbols library and powerful, easy to use tools, Stardraw A/V 2007 lets you design, engineer, price & present your systems faster & more professionally than ever before
Easy to create new symbols —
Edit existing symbols or ask for new ones using Stardraw’s unique Symbols-by-Request service.
Simple to share — Print to any Windows printer, or share your designs with others using the free Stardraw Viewer.
Back office integration — Link symbol attributes, e.g. pricing to centralized data sources.
Powerful reporting — seamless integration with Excel means you can produce infinitely flexible, immensely powerful reports, like Bills of Materials, Quotations, Cable Schedules etc,
from any design.
Compatible and versatile — Reads writes and edits DWG and DXF files so it’s simple to communicate with others, regardless of application or platform.
International — Available in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.
Stardraw A/V 2007 Creates
Engineering schematics
High detail rack layouts
Sales presentations
Custom panel designs
Architectural layouts
Bills of materials
Pricing, quotations & many other powerful reports using MS Excel
- all in minutes, not hours
Stardraw A/V 2007 Includes
All the tools you need – no other design software required
Over 46,000 high quality product symbols
Regular symbols updates
Tools to read, write and edit DWG and DXF
Why Use Stardraw A/V 2007?
So easy, even a salesman can use it
So powerful, even an engineer will love it
So professional, your customers will demand it
So fast, professional designs take minutes, not hours
There are plenty of CAD applications out there, but ask any user where all their time goes and they’ll say it’s taken up by building their own library of common symbols - and there just isn’t time to draw everything completely accurately. Stardraw A/V 2007's Libraries represent more than 40 expert man-years of symbol compilation and are the only definitive CAD source for the professional A/V industry.
Stardraw A/V 2007 - because image is everything.
安全检测软件:BitDefender Total Security
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