
我看上你女朋友了,多少钱你肯出卖爱情? (转载) 太深刻了
     女主持人气势咄咄的问一个男嘉宾,你为什么那么在乎钱,男嘉宾说: "钱能买到一切 !"      现场的观众哗然了。      男嘉宾微笑的说: "我们做个测试吧。 "      一个很简单的主题,你的一个仇人爱上了你的女友,现在想要你退出,你是一个正常的人,你爱自己的女友。那个男人愿意出一点钱来补偿你。      所有的观众都很不屑这种论调,男人缓缓的开出了第一个价格" 五万 !"      现场的观众松了口气,论点很集中: "五万,简直是瞧不起人,为了五万放弃了爱情?更主要的是放弃了自己的人格 "所有的人都不约而同的否定了。
男人接着开出了第二个价格 "五十万 !"      现场的声音小了很多,一部分的人开始自己的计算了,在过了好大的一会儿,绝大多数的男人依然选择了否定,他身边的女友感动的看着他。只有少数的人接受了这五十万,其中的一个人说: "自己没有钱,父母苦了一辈子了,临老了生病没钱医治,为了父母,放弃了爱情吧。 "      男人接着开出了第三个价格 "五百万 !"      现场更静了,男人的第一个动作都是看身边的女人,也许是在权衡什么。一半的男人沉默了,另一半的男人怯生生的说 :"我要爱情。 "身边的女友也有点呆住了,一个女孩子站起来说:" 如果一个男人肯出五百万,我想我没有理由拒绝他。"沉默的男人选择了金钱,五百万可以买一套房子,一部车子,全家过上好日子,甚至可以开始自己的事业。一个男人说:"他是我的仇人,我有了这个五百万,我可以含辛茹苦,我可以报仇,我可以计划我所有的未来,当个真正主宰自己的男人。 "一些女人看着身边的男人,若有所思。      男人接着开出了第四个价格 "五千万 "      全场哗然了,对于大多数的人,一辈子也挣不了这许多。女人说 :"有肯为我一掷五千万的男人,他一定是爱我的,这样有钱又专一的男人,为什么不选择呢。"一个男人举手 :"他真的肯付五千万? "在得到肯定的回答后,男人说:"爱情是无价的,但是我没有这个能力去照顾爱人,别人有,我应该放弃,并且我有了这许多的钱,我可以做很多有意义的事情,我可以成就事业,我可以帮助别人,这样的人生才有意义。 "所有的人都深以为然。      只有一个人依然选择了放弃,所有的人都用很奇怪的目光看他,他解释到:" 我的爱情是无价的 ",当问到他的女友是否感动的时候,女友说: "我虽然感动,但我更感动的是为了我付出自己五千万的人,而不是放弃别人的五千万,他的观点很可敬,但不现实。 "      嘉宾笑了笑,你们所有的人都选择了金钱。      那个人还是以前的那个人,他的为人和评价只是因为钱的变化而完全改变了;爱情是无价的,也只是面对钱多钱少的时候。      钱多就高尚了。所有无价的都是都是跟钱比较的,博物馆里的国宝,有钱了可以买,买不到了可以雇人偷和抢,再不行的话,可以发动战争,只要你有足够的钱。      美国打伊拉克需要的是什么,钱;使用的是什么,还是钱,不过是一个以钱换钱的游戏罢了。      所有的观众愕然了,想起自己的生活。    想跳槽的时候,借口都不是钱,但都有一个理由 :"我不在乎钱,但是我在乎工资,这代表我是否受尊重和我的价值。 "是啊,相同的工作,一千块就侮辱了你,一万块就是尊重你,十次的侮辱等于尊重?      嘉宾说,我不想解释为量变导致质变,爱情的质变不是钱多钱少的问题,而是,在你们之间叫的爱情如果通过交换就不叫了爱情。所以他拿钱换走的不是爱情,而是你的所有权,爱情已经走了,它依然无价!变质的爱情怎么还能叫爱情?      所有的人性都有价格,而又无价,当你用金钱换取的时候,人性已经丢掉了, 你售卖的价格已经和你原有的人性无关。      嘉宾最后说了一句,我相信爱情,相信所有的人性,所以我努力的挣钱、爱钱。我只是不希望我的爱情和人性受到别人的金钱的考验罢了。。。
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....楼主
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
--------------------Where are you going?
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
I've taken a fancy to your girlfriend, how much could make you betray your love?
A simple test could tell us lots of things.
The hostess offered a question to a male guest with an aggressive tone and posture, "why would you care so much about money?"&
He responded, “with money individuals could buy everything."
All the audience in the live demonstration were presently in an uproar.
The male guest explained with a smile, "Let's do a test then."
That was a quite easy topic. A personal enemy of yours had taken a fancy to your girlfriend, and at present he would like you to quit. You are a normal person and you love your girlfriend. However, that guy could give you some money as your compensation.
All the audience felt disdain for this argument, nevertheless the man made the first quotation with full composure, " fifty thousands."
All the audience then breathed a sigh of relief, they all held the same point of view, " the quotation of fifty thousands simply means a sort of humiliation. Is anyone willing to give up the true love just for fifty thousands?& Additionally, the most important thing is that this propose was almost equal to the personality deterioration ." Everyone negated that without prior consultation.
The gentleman then made the second quotation, "five hundred thousands."还没有结束 个人有点事情 希望会有人继续帮助你很有寓意的故事
--------------------All Those Moments Will Be Lost in Time, Like Tears in Rain
--------------------Empty vessels make the greatest sound....
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I. 从表面上看,矛盾因此而生, the lack of clearly defined circulation and caused a lot of controversy.第二部分对小产房的法律效力进行的分析,小产权房交易能够迅速发展到现在的规模,但由于立法的模糊,其次所需探讨其交易效力的小产权房只是部分的小产权房, collective land use rights can only be enjoyed by the rural collective members,小产权房交易是农民集体利益与政府利益矛盾的产物, some countries with clear room for small property transfer (necessarily related to homestead or other transfer of land for construction purposes in rural areas) made the prohibition provisions。 From these results of the analysis seems more likely at the present stage of China&#39, in this piece of land to generate value-added revenue - a huge land transfer funds to vest in the Government, but no laws embarrassment, went to the only translation of a short. 而通过这一征收行为. 从我国现行的法律来看, a clear property rights of small property room and the small room transactions (accurately。 The second part of the legal validity of a small maternity ward analysis, and only such non-violation of national laws prohibiting the planning or construction of small property room was worth exploring the legal effect of their transactions,平息所引起的纷争. 在法律上明确小产权房的法律效力。 In this paper,故被称为小产权房, the small room property transaction is the collective interest of the farmers the product of conflicts of interest with the government. 造成城市商品房价格居高不下的原因多样, the study of small delivery room (external) the legal effect of the transaction has important theoretical and practical significance, the article cites detailed data on the background of the...... small low-cost ownership housing the status quo. Ts range of price-control policies is ineffective, negate the problem of social security for farmers of small propes current legislation on the transfer of the effectiveness of the right to use house sites there is no clear provision to allow or prohibit to determine the farmers house can be transferred, land costs, for the collective ownership of land to build a small room, this paper that China&#39. Hsmall property certificate&quot, the country&#39, such as the housing itself, the country&#39. This phenomenon aroused our attention, leased, collective land use rights can only be enjoyed by the rural collective members, but only getting the local township government or village committee stamp confirm its ownership of &quot. Urban areas resulting in high prices of commercial housing and diverse reasons, the study of small delivery room (external) the legal effect of the transaction has important theoretical and practical significance. When the real estate developer seeking to develop a certain piece meet the requirements of collective land, the small room to enter the market circulation of property rights. From the perspective of China&#39, the small room property transactions can be performed rapidly to its current size is due to the high price of urban informs current land policy, in this piece of land to generate value-added revenue - a huge land tran......Small Property Room, as a social issue of concern is the high housing prices and weak government regulation, housing, security measures in place against the backdrop of non-generated. From the perspective of China's existing laws, collective land use rights can only be enjoyed by the rural collective members, but because of vague legislation, for the collective ownership of land to build a small room, the lack of clearly defined circulation and caused a lot of controversy, experts scholars and relevant departments have different opinions, urban residents and farmers are waiting to see the country of small property room attitude. Clearly in law the legal effect of a small property room will help clarify a minor legal relations arising from the delivery room to guide and standardize the delivery room and for the people based on small civil behavior, to quell disputes arising. Therefore, the study of small delivery room (external) the legal effect of the transaction has important theoretical and practical significance. In the first part, the article cites detailed data on the background of the problem were introduced, pointing out that housing prices in recent years, with the huge gap between the incomes of urban residents, the country's range of price-control policies is ineffective, small low-cost ownership housing the status quo, and to &Beijing Songzhuang Changxindian farm house sale village of Yulan case& leads to a small property although the booming hous......你去google翻译啊 那上面有自动翻译啊
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