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Spy++ Lite 2.4
&&&&Spy++ Lite是一款强有力的编程辅助工具,对分...
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&秘密拍照 Spy Eye Lite介绍一款让iPhone变成一个间谍手机的软件。偷拍不一定是什么坏事, 现时我们每天也看到一些令人感到愤怒的事情, 要将这些人或事通过网上传扬出去, 如果太明目张胆地拍, 自己也可能不太方便。要取证曝光那些见不得人的坏事哪一回不是要偷拍。
Spy Eye是一个方便隐蔽的秘密拍摄工具,当你需要秘密取证来保护自己或者他人权益的时候肯定能派上用场!
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& current version:
SQLiteSpy 1.9.8
Updated: August 22nd, 2014
Freeware &
Editor's review
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&& 7 screenshots
Lightweight and portable application with limited features that enable users to manage SQLite databases with ease in a comfortable workspace
SQLiteSpy is a small-sized and easy-to-use program that enables users to manage
databases in a friendly working environment. It comes packed with limited features.
As installation is not a prerequisite, you can just drop the executable file somewhere on the hard disk and run it directly.
It is also possible to move SQLite to a USB flash disk or similar storage unit, in order to run it on any machine without prior installers.
An important factor to take into account is that the Windows registry is not updated with new entries, and file traces do not remain on the system once the program is removed.
The package also includes a DB3 database for testing purposes. Files can be loaded into the workspace using the file browser only, since the drag-and-drop support is not featured. The app supports SQLITE, SQLITE3, DB and DB3 formats.
You can attach additional databases, build new SQL queries, view, copy and drop tables, edit cells, view &select& and &create& statements, as well as check out indexes, triggers and collations.
It is possible to execute the entire SQL query or just a selection, analyze and vacuum the database, convert text to Unicode characters, enable read-only mode, set the decimal separator, as well as ignore regular expression matching cases.
SQLiteSpy does not put a strain on system performance, as it runs on a very low amount of CPU and RAM. It has a good response time and works well, without causing the operating system to hang, crash or pop up error dialogs. All in all, SQLiteSpy offers a simple solution to viewing and executing SQL queries.
New in SQLiteSpy 1.9.8:
Update built-in DISQLite3 engine to SQLite 3.8.6.
Attached database: Double clicking a table node did not work. Fixed.
New MediaMonkey.dll extension which adds the IUNICODE collation sequence needed to open MediaMonkey databases.
& SQLiteSpy was reviewed by
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User comments
& file size:1.8 MB
& runs on:Windows All
& category:C: \
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