neighborhood is a nice neighborhood. 英语nice是什么意思思呀

您的位置: > > >看美剧学英语:sick居然有这个意思(音频)感谢美剧百科(微信号:mjbkshare)提供本栏目内容本栏目从热门美剧中节选出部分音频以及视频的听力内容,并举一反三,配以其他例句,由主持人朗读并讲解,为您营造轻松、有趣、地道的浓烈文化学习氛围。看美剧学英语,本栏目不可错过喔!&看美剧学英语:sick居然有这个意思(音频)&sick这个单词不就是表示生病吗?我们今天要来看看sick在口语里面有什么更地道的用法。&Larry和李华今天去看赛车。 李华会学到两个常用语sick和souped up。&LH: Larry,你看, 每辆赛车都不一样,各有独特之处,真有意思。&LL: That car over there is totally sick. Look at the paint and the tires. That is so cool. I'd love to have a car like that.&LH: That car over there is totally sick? 你说那辆车有病,可你又说它很酷。有病是坏事, 很酷是好事。你究竟在说什么呀?&&LL: Cool means I like that car, sick means I like the car too. If I say something is sick, that means it's really good, I like it, it's special.&LH: 原来sick 和cool是一样的意思,都是指很好,很特别。这里的sick跟生病毫无关。那我可以说,you are neat Larry, you're special, you are so sick.&LL: Hmm. You shouldn't use sick in that way! I would never say my friend is sick or that pretty girl over there is sick.&LH: 你的意思是sick只用来形容一样东西?&LL: That's right. That car over there is sick, those sunglasses you are wearing are sick, that new hat I bought you is sick too.&LH: 我的太阳镜的确很酷,可是你给我买的帽子就很难说了。 Larry你看我的新鞋好看吗?&LL: Totally sick,very nice. Where did you get them?&LH: 特别酷吧。这双鞋是我在学校附近新开的大商场里买的。那商场的建筑很特别 - The structure of that shopping center is very unique...totally sick!&LL: The company that developed that shopping center is owned by a friend of my Dad's, his company is opening new shopping centers every other week.&LH: 那购物中心是你父亲的朋友建的呀? 而且每两个星期就开一个新的购物中心!他肯定很有钱了。&LL: That's for sure. Their revenue is pretty sick。 With company growth like that, I bet my Dad's friend's net worth is pretty sick too.&LH:那是肯定的。收入那么多,家产当然是惊人的。我们中国人就说:家产万贯。&LH: Larry, 看赛车真有意思。你看,赛车奔驰而过, 人群不断地呐喊助威,多热闹啊。&LL: A lot of people come to car races for the excitement but a lot just come to see the souped up cars.&LH: See the souped up cars? Soup不是汤吗?Souped up cars是什么呀?&LL: Souped up means changed or altered to go faster.&LH: 噢,souped up的意思是经过改装,速度加快了。这里的赛车一定都经过改装。它们的速度比普通汽车要快得多。&LL: That's right. If someone takes an ordinary bicycle and changes the wheels so it can go faster, we can say it was souped up.&LH: 自行车也能改装加速吗?那我的自行车也该换换车胎了。&LL: One time I had a skateboard, but it wasn't very fast. My Dad helped me soup it up with some new parts. After that my skateboard was one of the fastest in the neighborhood.&LH: 滑板也能改装,让它加快速度呀? 你可要注意安全啊。对了,我以前也改装过电脑。我的朋友帮我安装了一些新的电脑软件,那电脑一下子快了不少。我用了好多年,直到没法再加快了。后来我只好再买一个新的。&LL: Souped up is also often used with the Internet. When Google or Yahoo makes an improvement in their search engine, they'll often say that a certain type of search has been souped up.&LH: 对了,上回我看到Google和Yahoo的广告,说它们的搜索引擎速度加快,当时我也不懂什么是souped up。今天才弄清楚,souped up就是为了加快速度而改装。&LL:For some people, souping up motorcycles or cars is their hobby. I knew a guy who was always souping up something in his spare time.&LH:还有人把改装东西作为嗜好?真是难以想象。我要有空就去购物中心。&LL: Well, looks like the red car has won the race, let's go home.&LH: 我就说嘛, 那辆红车一定会赢。我们走吧。&LL: Too bad we can't take one of these souped up cars and quickly get home for dinner. I'm hungry.&今天李华学到了两个常用语。一个是sick,意思是很棒、很酷。 还有一个是souped up, 意思是为了加快速度而改装某样东西。顶一下(5)100%踩一下(0)0%课程名称课程内容价格开通课程36个单元 | 72个视频 | 920个单词¥59924个单元 | 48个视频 | 300+个单词¥3806个视频 | 9个练习 | 100+个单词¥687个单元 | 7个视频 | 101道练习题¥19820个视频 | 20个练习 | 48个音标¥168&&&&&&&&&&&&&分享到: 手机上普特
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美 [ 'neb??h?d ]
It is a neighborhood beset by all the usual inner-city problems.
Her children had the best, most elaborate birthday parties in the neighborhood.
The neighborhood is given over to performers, stilt walkers and drag queens.
Unfortunately Neighborhood Watch isn't going to do it.
We are the alpha galaxy of our local neighborhood.
Clean up trails and neighborhood from trash and grafitti.
They are neighborhood paper.
1. a surround
" "the plane crashed in the vicinity of Asheville" "
" "it is a rugged locality" "
" "he always blames someone else in the immediate neighborhood" "
" "I will drop in on you the next time I am in this neck of the woods" "
2. people liv
" "it is a friendly neighborhood" "
" "my neighborhood voted for Bush" "
3. the approximate amount of something (usually used prepositionally as in `in the region of');
" "it was going to take in the region of two or three months to finish the job" "
" "the price is in the neighborhood of $100" "
词根: neigh =bind,表示"连接,邻近"
邻近的, 接壤的
neighbor邻居+ing表形容词→adj.邻近的, 接壤的
neighboring[adj.邻近的, 接壤的]→adj.邻近的
邻居, 邻国
neigh连接,邻近+bor→n.邻居, 邻国
附近, 邻近
neighbor邻居+hood性质→n.附近, 邻近
neighbor[n.邻居, 邻国]→n.邻居
七年级英语单词表 ... behind 在---之后 neighborhood 附近;邻近 just 直接地;就;只;仅仅.
- 基于1636个网页
七年级英语单词表 ... behind 在---之后 neighborhood 附近;邻近 just 直接地;就;只;仅仅.
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真实日常生活英语_恒星英语 ... Unit22:Renting a House 租房07-04 Unit24:Neighborhood 邻里07-04 Unit23:Moving In 搬家07-04.
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英语单词后缀_百度知道 ... fatherhood( 你辈), neighborhood( 邻居), likelihood( 可能性).
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neighborhood committee
居委会 hotwords ... 劲射 power shot 居委会 neresidents' committee 举报电话 informants' hot-line telephone.
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居民委员会 阿丽... ... 居民委员会 rneresidents's committee 举手表决 vote by show of hands.
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neighborhood enterprise
街道企业 interface街道企业 neighborhood enterprise街心花园 par garden in the city.
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network neighborhood
网上邻居 CLSID - 加菲的日志 - 网易博客 ... My Computer 我的电脑 Network Neighborhood 网上邻居 Printers 打印机.
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neighborhood treasures
千奇百趣 《千奇百趣》(英文名:neighborhood treasures)是2009年香港TVB制作的资讯游戏电视节目。共19集,每集30分钟,节目口号为“ …
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1. 邻居2. 邻里3. 邻近地区4. 在附近5. 附近6. 附近的7. 街道8. 邻域9. 住宅区10. 四邻
1、Neighborhood是日本街头潮流文化的著名品牌。起源于92年,原名为Neighborhood NYC (NEW YORK CITY)。2、英文单词,邻居。


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