
正则范式,classical form,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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-> 正则范式
1)&&classical form
A proof that any row-column-finite infinite matrix over a sfield is normal equivalent with an unique classical form is given.
2)&&regulation paradigm
3)&&canonical form
Higher order Routh equations of a non-holonomic mechanical system and its canonical form;
The feature of symmetric canonical form and the relation between the LU polynomial invariants and SLOCC classification in pure three-qubit case are presented at first.
4)&&regular expressions
An automatic wrapper for CNKI web pages based on regular expressions;
This paper analyses the structure of VIP web pages,describes the web pages characteristics with regard to element tags and element content,presents a group of regular expressions for matching the content of these pages,realizes a wrapper with Visual C#,and points out the essentials and difficulties in realized techniques.
The paper proposes a simple but effective method to defend SQL injection attack by ISAPI filter through the allocation of Regular Expressions,with the example of IIS + SQLServer platform.
以IIS+SQL Server平台为例,提出了一种简单有效的防范SQL注入攻击的方法——ISAPI过滤,通过配置正则式过滤规则,有效地防止了SQL注入攻击。
5)&&regular expression
In information extraction,many unattached info can be extracted by regular expressions,and there often comes conflict between different regular expressions.
6)&&formal rules
The logic of institutional compatibility is that formal rules must be based on informal rules and the agreement formed during peolpes long-term economic activity.
Social harmony is "normal" or "abnormal",the existence of differences in understanding.Such differences are reflected in the social sciences,the gradual evolution of structure and function for and with the traditional clash of two different paradigms,and ultimately the formation of the modern theory of social conflict results.Society is composed of norms,values and public morality will be members of society join together to form social consensus,that is,the value of corporate social cohesion,making a balanced society.All the social problems,can be balanced by the social model to explain.The traditional school of thought is precisely the conflict to see the side of social disharmony,many social problems can not be explained is not got a balanced model of the.It said that the community is dynamic,ever-changing.Society as a whole is definitely not a balanced system,in the social systems of each and every part of the conflict and do not include the factors and is a source of social change.Functioning in the community in maintaining order,in addition to members of the social values of society and recognition of the authority,power also plays a very important role in the maintenance.Emphasis on modern conflict theory of social conflict "is" functions,features and more than constructive.It is not only that the conflict has led to social disharmony,it also has the role of social integration,and its interest in the conflict is through the mechanism of how to promote change,to prevent the rigid social system.Clash of the modern social conflict in the recognition of the universality of the At the same time,the study of social harmony as the end-result,and constructive social conflict that has the function of social integration is a driving force for social change.Stability in itself is a neutral term,could mean that the order of a benign,but also may mean that the conservative,lagging behind,not fair,the order of the crisis brewing.The function of the conservative and strong,from the ideological point of view origin,it absorbed the functions of ideology,"society is a balanced system" theory of social systems."Safety valve" theory of modern conflict theory of the important results.It said that the community should remain open,flexible,inclusive,and can be controlled through the legitimate and institutionalize a mechanism for a variety of social tensions can be released,the demands of society to respond to social conflict resolution.Therefore,the release of the conflict itself is a hostile relationship and maintain the mechanism,you can use a "safety valve" to describe the concept of social discontent as the legitimate way to provide the release mechanism of conflict.In addition,the "safety valve" mechanism to some extent,can also shift the focus of conflicts,to avoid the accumulation of contradictions.In other words,the social tensions not only to vent their dissatisfaction with the original object can be an alternative target to vent,to avoid the impact of the system and the overall harmony.语音反应时范式,voice reaction time paradigm,音标,读音,翻译,英文例句,英语词典
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-> 语音反应时范式
1)&&voice reaction time paradigm
2)&&reaction time parad igm
3)&&Voice Appoication Specification
4)&&interactive voice response
Author analyzed the disadvantages of the existing testing system of interactive voice response management logic in color ring back tone system,and then put forward an improved scheme,which promoted the test efficiency.
The IVR (Interactive Voice Response) service platform is an important module in CNS system and it allows the end users to access the CNS system through voice.
交互式语音应答业务平台IVR(Interactive Voice Response)作为CNS系统的语音接入模块,在CNS系统中占据极其重要的地位,可以为用户提供通过语音呼叫方式接入CNS系统的便利性与实用性。
Interactive Voice Response System (IVR) is an important part of call center,it controls whole voice flow.
The hospital s ICC system is the information system which integrates the network, computer telecommunications integration (CTI), interactive voice response (IVR), database and Internet technologies into one, and utilizes the forms of the traditional voice technique, e-mail, and fax, etc.
As one of the core technologies of Computer Telephony Integration, Interactive Voice Response (IVR) is an essential part of Call-Center.
6)&&interactive voice response
reaction time of action
运动反应时(reaetion timo of aetion)从接受刺激到出现反应的最短时间间距。根据其结构大体可分为三个时期:即反应预备期、反应中心期和反应结束期。反应预备期是指从预备信号到执行信号之间的一段时距。反应中心期是指从执行信号到应答动作开始之间的一段时间。反应结束期是指从应答动作开始到效应动作结束为止。
Analysis of the Modern and Traditional English Education
The aim of English teaching is to develop student's ability of communication,but traditional English teaching puts stress on the form and knowledge of language and ignores the key link of ability of language changing into the ability of communication.
英语教学的目的是为了培养学生的语言交际能力 ,而传统英语教学往往只注重语言的形式 ,而淡化了语言的功能 ,偏重语言知识 ,语言技能的掌握 ,而忽略了这两者构成的语言能力向交际能力转化这一关键性环节。
Due to the new changes and characteristics that the network era has brought to the traditional English teaching,the teachers of English are faced with a new challenge.
Reflection of Traditional English Teaching Theory in Multimedia English Teaching
Properly applying communicative approach to teaching traditional English textbooks can improve students' practical competence in using the language.
在传统英语教材中 ,合理使用交际教学法 ,可以提高学生的语言实际应用能力。
The informationalism, the globalization and the emergence of new economic model make English much more important today, however, they weaken the idea of " Standard English" and lead to the growing of different varieties of English and the prominence of specific English, which challenges the traditional methods of English teaching a lot.
This paper introduces the differences between the conventional english teaching and the Network english teaching. And it also gives a system model of the english teaching based on network, then it discusses the design of the system and the method of realizing the network english teaching. finally, the paper points out its prospects.
论述了基于网络的英语教学与传统英语教学不同之处 ,给出了基于网络的英语教学的系统模型 ,讨论了基于网络的英语教学系统设计和教学实现手段 ,展望了基于网络的英语教学的发展前景
The self-service English pedagogy,which derives from the conventional English teaching methodology,is a brand new English pedagogy,which could be generalized as student-centered,student-autonomy,studying within a pleasant environment.
:自动式英语教学法是在传统英语教学法的基础上探讨出来的一种英语教学新途径 ,其内涵可概括为“以学生为本 ,学生管理学生 ,在快乐氛围中学习”。
Conventional English teaching method still remaining deep - rooted eflect has confronts quality education over years and improvement of students' ability of listening and speaking .
The paper points out differences in the following four aspects: 1) The different students in English l
Comparative Study of Non-English Major Undergraduates' Learning Style Preferences in the Traditional and Multimedia English Classroom
At present, English teaching through multimedia technology in colleges and universities increasingly appear incomparable superiority than traditional model of English teaching.
On Converting Traditional Thinking Mode and Constructing New Concept of English Reading Course
Modernizing English Instruction decisively lies in creating English teaching mode, educational concept and teaching process , based on multimedia technology, to realize the transformation from traditional instruction mode to modern one.
2008 CNKI-中国知网
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&2008中国知网(cnki) 中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社当前位置: &
conjunctive normal form是什么意思
中文翻译百科解释合取范式合榷式:&&&&adj. 1.连结(着)的;【数学】契合的,合取的;【语 ...:&&&&adj. 1.正常的,平常的,普通的;平均的。 2.正规 ...:&&&&n. 1.形态;形状;样子,外貌;【哲学】形式 (opp ...
例句与用法1.Based on paper [ 1 ] and [ 2 ] , this paper gives two generating algorithms to calculate and output the special conjunctive normal forms and special disjunctive forms of given propositional formulas automatically and formally摘要在文[ 1 ]和文[ 2 ]的基础上,给出了命题逻辑中任一命题公式的主析取范式和主合取范式的自动生成算法,并实现了多个命题公式主范式的同时形式化输出。


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