---------------you join us for lunch? A what about loveB what if C why D why not

--- Our class team is short of one person for the coming basketball match. Why don’t you join us?--- _______. A.Have funB.It’s my pleasureC.Cheer upD.It’s really not my cup of tea - 跟谁学
在线咨询您好,告诉我您想学什么,15分钟为您匹配优质老师哦马上咨询&&&分类:--- Our class team is short of one person for the coming basketball match. Why don’t you join us?--- _______. A.Have funB.It’s my pleasureC.Cheer upD.It’s really not my cup of tea--- Our class team is short of one person for the coming basketball match. Why don’t you join us?--- _______. A.Have funB.It’s my pleasureC.Cheer upD.It’s really not my cup of tea科目:最佳答案 D解析
关注我们官方微信关于跟谁学服务支持帮助中心If You Want to Trust Pregnancy Tests. Stop Reading Now.
by Tiffany
…for those of you brave enough to continue on, you do so at your own risk. I don’t want phone calls from the Hubbs’ complaining that his sex life has dwindled down to nothing, or is comparable to mine, because of this post. If you’re like me, and a complete paranoid, multi-taker…you should stop reading.
Now that I feel I have given you sufficient warning, let me begin.
Two weeks before my October 2008 wedding (two freakin’ weeks I tell ya!), I decided it was time to kick the ‘ole pill poppin’ baby stoppin’ to the curb. I mean, we already had an almost six-year-old at that point. Who were we kidding? If we put it off too much longer we might as well call it quits, right?
So, we frollicked, we played, we used condoms (occassionally), we pulled, we prayed, we drank alcohol and lived happily in newlywed bliss.
For about three weeks.
And then our good ‘ole friend Flow didn’t stop by. And we pondered. And thought “no way” and we coninued on our happy sexually blissful newleywed life.
Until Thanksgiving.
And then I started to worry. And, with a trip to the Big Apple, with my mom and one of my best friends scheduled for the day after Thanksgiving, I did what any alcoholic adult would do. I pee’d on a stick. duh.
Needless to say, we had fun in NYC and on my return home I realized…still, no Flow. So, after being home a minute, at least an hour, I pee’d on the second stick (always buy the two pack! always.)
So, I called the doctor. She could see me in two days.
So, I did what any woman would do, I pee’d on two more sticks, in two days.
On the appointment day, I was convinced I was pregnant. I had told myself OVER and OVER in preparation. Upon arrival, she did her thang. Checked out the goods. Asked me to pee.
And put me on clomid. To make me start. I followed her directions to the tee…I took the pills, waited “said” amount of time…and still…no Flow.
So, I called the office. They casually asked, “Have you had unprotected sex since you took the medication? If so, we would like a blood pregnancy test before we have you take another round.” I answered, “yes.”
Side note: What is it with the word SEX that makes you feel guilty?
I felt like I should have been able to say, “Why yes, we have, cause were married and we can finally enjoy an unprotected, wholesome, romp in the sack.”
But a simple, “yes” was all I could muster up.
So, the next day at lunch I went and took the blood test. OF COURSE, it was Friday, so, I would hear from them Monday. I remember thinking, this whole period thing is really cramping my casual drinking problem. Sheesh.
By Monday I had somehow managed to forget about the whole ordeal…and then my phone rang.
Me: Hello.
Nurse: Hi, is this Tiffany?
Nurse: Hi Tiffany, I’m calling to inform you the test came back positive.
Me: For what? (Insert panic-stricken thoughts of husband having an affair and sharing said affairs with me.)
Nurse: Pregnancy. (long, awkward pause) You appear to be approximately 8 weeks. (longer, MORE awkward pause.)
Nurse: I can’t tell if this is good news or bad news. But, we should probablyget you in here to get an exam.
Me: Can you call me
back after I talk to my husband? I think its good news. (more silence). When can I come in?
By the time I got in, which was after Christmas and New Years, I was just a few days shy of 10 weeks pregnant. They did an internal ultrasound (Someone could have warned me about that. Seriously.) and everything was reading 9 weeks, 6 days.
Like Whoa. I was almost through my first tri-mester.
That story right there, my dear friends, is why we no longer waste our money on sticks. That tell you lies. And get you drunk. And then laugh in your crotch face.
Can you blame us?
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C、buying some ,about是介词,后面加动词ing形式,希望得到对方肯定的回答,用some;
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&&&&&&&&&Why Was Z Removed from the Alphabet?
What letter is used most rarely in English? Poor lonely z finishes up the alphabet at number 26. The final letter, z’s history includes a time when it was so infrequently used that it was removed altogether.
is the origin of the humble z. The Phoenician
, meaning “weapon,” had a long vertical line capped at both ends with shorter horizontal lines and looked very much like a modern capital I.
By the time it evolved into the Greek zeta the top and bottom lines had become elongated and the vertical line slanted, connecting to the horizontal lines at the top right and the bottom left.
Around 300 BC, the Roman Censor Appius Claudius Caecus removed z from the alphabet. His justification was that z had become archaic: the pronunciation of /z/ had become /r/ by a process called , rendering the letter z useless. At the same time that z was removed, g was added, but that’s another story.
Two hundred years later, z was reintroduced to the Latin alphabet but used only in words taken from Greek. Because of its absence and reintroduction, zeta is one of the only two letters to enter the Latin alphabet directly from Greek and not .
Z was not always the final letter of the modern English alphabet, although it has always been in the 26th position. For years the
symbol (now known as the ) was the final, pronounced “and” but recited with the Latin “per se,” meaning “by itself.” The position and pronunciation eventually ran together, with “X, Y, Z, and per se and” becoming “X, Y, Z, ampersand.”
Z is the most rarely used le however, American English uses it more often than British English. Early English did not have a z but used s for both voiced and unvoiced . Words in English that originated as loan words from French and Latin are more likely to be spelled with a z than an s.
Also, American standardization modified /z/ suffixes to more accurately reflect their pronunciation, changing –ise and –isation to –ize and –ization.
Here at the end of the alphabet, let’s jump to : Not only did the , but it
as well. Learn these facts as well as the
the letter, .
Victims of fiery car crash identified.(Accidents)
The Register Guard (Eugene, OR) February 18, 2004 Byline: The Register-Guard The Lane County sheriff’s office has identified the three people who died in a fiery car crash early Sunday near Lowell.
The sheriff’s office said Dawn Marie Snyder, 47, of H Paul Edward Wagner, 47, of L and Dave Lavern Aldrich, 56, of Dexter died in the accident on Jasper-Lowell Road.
Snyder was driving the Ford Tempo that went off the road, its passenger side hitting a tree and the car bursting into flames about 12:30 a.m. Sunday, according to the sheriff’s office.
The bodies were burned beyond recognition, which slowed identification of the victims. The sheriff’s office identified them after notifying family members.
Investigators were considering what role rain, the dark, speed and other factors could have played in the crash.
All three were wearing seat belts. The men, one sitting in the passenger’s seat, the other in the back seat, died on impact, Deputy Paul Vitus said. Snyder tried to escape the car but couldn’t because her foot was stuck, Vitus said. She died in the fire.
The cause of the crash is being investigated by the sheriff’s office and the state fire marshal’s office.
Zed’s dead, baby.
Zed’s dead.
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