
日尼泊尔发生8.1级大地震,造成巨大人员和财产损失。下列有关地震涉及物理知识的说法中错误的是( )A.救灾直升飞机保持一定高度匀速飞行并空投物资过程中机械能不变B.强烈地震引发珠峰雪崩,冰雪石块飞速涌下过程中重力势能减小,动能增大,机械能减小C.由于惯性,救援人员必须提前在飞机还未到达目标区域上方时投放物质D.直升飞机升空时,因螺旋桨高速转动在桨上下表面形成压强差使飞机所受升力大于重力
以下探究实验装置中,不能完成探究内容的是( )
如图所示的闭合电路中,物体ab静止,当蹄形磁铁竖直向上运动时,灵敏电流计的指针 (选填“会”或“不会”)偏转;让铜棒ab向右缓慢运动时,灵敏电流计的指针偏转的角度较小;快速运动时,指针偏转的角度较大。这说明感应电流的大小与 有关, (选填“动圈式话筒”或“动圈式扬声器”)是应用电磁感应原理制成的。
图中有关声和电磁波的应用,分析正确的是( )A.甲是摩托车的消声器,其作用是在接收处减弱噪声B.乙是手按在小提琴上一根弦的不同位置,其目的是为了改变音色C.丙是利用卫星系统导航,其信息传播的媒介与“B超”相同D.丁是利用声呐探测海深,其原理是与蝙蝠在夜间飞行时的原理相同
如图所示,实验桌上有两个完全相同的烧瓶,烧瓶内装有质量相等,初温相同的煤油,完全相同的温度计,烧瓶内还分别装有阻值为10Ω的电阻丝R1和阻值为5Ω的电阻丝R2。实验桌上还有满足实验要求的电源、电阻箱和开关各一个,电流表和停表各一块,导线若干。小新利用上述实验器材证明“电流通过电阻产生的热量跟电阻阻值大小有关”。小新的主要实验过程如下:①将电阻箱、电流表及图19所示的装置甲等电路元件串联接入电路中,将电阻箱的阻值调为5Ω。②闭合开关,同时按下停表开始计时,记录电流表的示数为0.3A,通电时间为2min时,停止计时,记录此时温度计的示数40℃,断开开关。③用图所示的装置乙替换电路中的装置甲,将电阻箱的阻值调为10Ω,闭合开关,同时按下停表开始计时,观察电流表示数仍为0.3A,当温度计示数为40℃时,停止计时,读出通电时间5min,记录数据,断开开关。于是小新认为“电流表通过电阻产生的热量跟电阻阻值大小有关”。请根据以上叙述回答下列问题:(1)小新实验过程中存在的问题: (2)请你针尖对小新实验过程汇总存在的问题,写出改进措施:
g。(2)将烧杯中的一部分液体倒入量筒中,如图乙所示,则量筒中液体的体积为 cm3;再用天平测出烧杯和剩余液体和总质量为106g.(3)根据上述实验数据计算出此种液体的密度为
若假想地磁场是由地球内部一块大磁铁产生的,图所示的四个示意图中,能合理描述这块大磁铁的是( )
在“测定小灯泡额定功率”的实验中,电源电压为6V,小灯泡和额定电压为3.8V.(1)小明在连接实验电路时还有导线未接上,如图甲所示,请用笔画线代替导线把图甲中的电路连接好(导线不得交叉).(2)在检查电路连接时,滑动变阻器的滑片应该移到____(A/B)端.(3)实验时,要使小灯泡正常发光,应移动滑动变阻器的滑片使电压表的示数为____V,此时电流表的示数如图乙所示,其示数为____A,那么小灯泡的额定功率是____W.(4)小华为了得到比较准确的小灯泡额定功率,她用同一套器材做了三次实验(她将电压表调到3.8V,图丙是其中一次实验所调的电压表示数),获得三组数据,并进行了数据处理,如下表:实验序号电流示数/A额定功率/W额定功率的平均值/W10.712.698 P额==2.63520.692.62230.682.584①她三次测得的功率有差异,其主要原因是________________.②这样处理数据的方法是否正确?____(正确/不正确),其理由是________________________.
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AFIRM is a group of methadone maintenance treatment providers, consumers and other interested parties.
We support methadone maintenance as treatment and as an effective tool of recovery.
We believe that methadone is a successful form of treatment that can be enhanced by the integration of other treatment approaches.
Our mission includes the education and training of health providers and the community regarding the benefits of methadone treatment.
To fulfill this, we promote the development and proliferation of Methadone Anonymous and other 12-Step fellowships, clinical treatment alternatives, public relations initiatives and other political advocacy.
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About A.F.I.R.M.
Who we are. . .AFIRM was founded in 1995 to promote a new 12-Step program, Methadone Anonymous, and to integrate this 12-Step philosophy into traditional methadone treatment modalities.
Over the years, our focus has expanded to encompass counselor wellness and strong consumer participation. What we do. . .Assist clinics and detoxification units in establishing Methadone Anonymous programsProvide methods for incorporating spirituality and stage-change modalities into traditional treatment settingsAdvocate for the integration of a more holistic treatment philosophyFacilitate changes in the relationships between providers and consumers to create partnerships that emphasize parity, identification of self, and harm reductionConduct counselor wellness workshops and in-service trainingEducate and sensitize the treatment community and the general public at regional and national meetings and conferencesConduct outcomes research to verify the legitimacy of our treatment approachWe are A.F.I.R.M. and we'll stand behind you!
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