c_ _sin 下划线上该填哪两10个字母组成的单词才能组成一个单词

c_ _sin 下划线上该填哪两个字母才能组成一个单词-百谷歌就像_sin,还有一种是中间有横的,比如int_some_sin.(这两个函数是我举例杜撰的)。它们有什么不同吗?
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中间加下划线是unix习惯的命名方式,作为分隔符分割单词的,看起来舒服: pthead_ceate;windows习惯是每个单词大写字母开头以示区分:AfxBeginThead
答: 第一处错误的确如楼上所说,是因为数据类型不明确。由于1.35和2.78会被默认为double型而非float型,而你并没有提供含有double型输入参数的dis...
答: 每通道的记录长度逻辑分析仪的内存是用于存储它所采样的数据,以用于对比、分析、转换(譬如将其所捕捉到的信号转换成非二进制信号【汇编语言、C语言、C++等】,等在选...
答: 学点编程吧,我也在学.
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相关问答:123456789101112131415  看到一个车牌号是HE110,HELLO。和老公聊天聊起来,就特别好奇究竟还有哪些神奇的字母和数字的组合正好是一个单词呢。请大家将见过的,想到的狠狠的砸到我这个待产孕妈的身上满足我的求知欲望吧~
楼主发言:8次 发图:0张 | 更多
  @__寂寞让你更快乐 3楼
22:37:49  真想不起来啊  -----------------------------  一把抱住,就你回复了。准妈妈好桑心啊〒_〒
06:32:06  我们这里有UFO但实际上这个O是用数字零来代替的,但看上去就是和真的UFO没什么区别   -----------------------------  CE0  
06:32:06  我们这里有UFO但实际上这个O是用数字零来代替的,但看上去就是和真的UFO没什么区别   -----------------------------  这个也不错,满逗的  
09:46:45  买MINI车的, 选M1N1,然后后面或前面随便加个数字,就刚刚好,和车很配!  -----------------------------  这个不错,还有见过某B MW的宝马。  
  我喜欢snoopy啊,曾经想过车牌要是 某S N00PY 就好了,可惜我们家这不是S打头……………………
12:33:56  我喜欢snoopy啊,曾经想过车牌要是 某S N00PY 就好了,可惜我们家这不是S打头……………………  -----------------------------  有三个字母的了吗,我们这边才两个,还不能分开  
  回复第14楼,@歩  我好奇的是1和L,0和o傻傻分不清楚交警叔叔是怎么办的  --------------------------  亲,车牌里字母O是不存在的~  
  @timi_zhang 12楼
12:33:56  我喜欢snoopy啊,曾经想过车牌要是 某S N00PY 就好了,可惜我们家这不是S打头……………………  -----------------------------  我们这里是S...我早就想好了这个车牌了。。只可惜py不让。。
12:33:56  我喜欢snoopy啊,曾经想过车牌要是 某S N00PY 就好了,可惜我们家这不是S打头……………………  -----------------------------  @桃乐丝要当妈妈了 13楼
12:42:28  有三个字母的了吗,我们这边才两个,还不能分开  -----------------------------  我们这街上几乎各种数字字母排列组合的样式都有了~~~
09:46:45  买MINI车的, 选M1N1,然后后面或前面随便加个数字,就刚刚好,和车很配!  -----------------------------  @桃乐丝要当妈妈了 10楼
12:29  这个不错,还有见过某B MW的宝马。  ------------------------------  好棒
09:46:45  买MINI车的, 选M1N1,然后后面或前面随便加个数字,就刚刚好,和车很配!  —————————————  正想说这个!我买车的时候也看到了  
  @歩 14楼
12:48:52  我好奇的是1和L,0和o傻傻分不清楚交警叔叔是怎么办的  -----------------------------  1和L差别也很大
  列几个我想过的吧  Eo0Z4V5,1024威武!  *o1D01T,I DO IT 。  *o1D10T,傻瓜的意思,估计没人愿意用。  据说有人用BoMW***,***是对应车的型号,也很霸气!!  
23:50:00  列几个我想过的吧   Eo0Z4V5,1024威武!   *o1D01T,I DO IT 。   *o1D10T,傻瓜的意思,估计没人愿意用。   据说有人用BoMW***,***是对应车的型号,也很霸气!!  —————————————————  MoOTION,NoOTION  
  者,这个题目应该如下:  在包含第1位城市代码字母的在内,6位数车牌里面,如果后5位车牌号码在I、O之外、最多只有2个字母,在哪些车牌可以刚刚好组成一个6个字母的单词?  又或者,5位数的车牌,最多只能有2个字母(同样I、O除外)
  可以刚刚好组成哪些5个字母的单词,同样,默认1 = I(i)  0= O  前面说了,Motion,
Cookie  大家在同意统一规则下,烧脑找找,欢迎@我:  ,微信同号。
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国际贸易专业二学历外贸英语写作讲义第一讲 商务英语写作的过程与基本要求写作的过程:准备――深思熟虑 准备工作可以采用多种形式。 具体讲, 一般需要对以下几方面有明确的认识: 1. 作者的角色一般来说,首先要判定交际双方的等级关系和亲疏关系,然后即可确定交际走向是否 应为上行文、下行文或平行文。划分出这个界限,才能做到语言准确得体。2. 读者的角色 读者信息包括: -身份(决定语气) -专业水平(决定用词) -人数 -主次 3. 预期的目的 效率是第一位的,因此最好开门见山,切中主题;文字应简洁明了。起稿――条理分明 在写的过程中,我们需要完成如下几项任务: 1. 确定篇幅 一般分为开头、主体、结尾三部分。 读者视角:迅速捕捉头尾信息。 2. 组织布局 商务文章注重逻辑性,结构严谨,环环相扣。 由近至远,由浅至深,由轻至重。 3. 区分类别 在给自己的文章定位时,以下几点值得我们注意。
客观描述与主观判断 定稿――精雕细琢 定稿的标准尺度: ? ? ? ? ? ? 布局合理,层次分明 信息合理,内容完整 语气恰当,适合读者 语句连贯,一气呵成 句型丰富,短句为主 措辞到位,表达准确商务写作的基本要求:在写作过程中都必须遵循的六大原则, 即准确 (Correctness) 清楚 、 (Clarity) 、 简明(Conciseness)、具体(Concreteness)、完整(Completeness)、和礼貌 (Courtesy),也叫做商务写作的 6C 原则。 第一条原则:准确(correctness) 从广义上讲,商务英语写作的准确性原则包括四层意义: ? 阅读人能理解、接受的英语水平 ? 使用精确措词,传达准确信息 ? 正确地使用语法和标点符号 ? 拼写正确 (1)恰当的语言风格 我们在撰写正式的商务英语写作时,应尽量使用正规的语言;而当起草非正 式的商务便条、商务便函及商务书信时,可使用较通俗的口语。请比较下面两组 例词: Formal approximately inquire ascertain obtain assist participate construct purchase contribute sufficient difficultInformalabout ask find out receive help share build buy give enough hard utilizeuse(2)准确的措词和信息 商务写作离不开商务术语, 一般常用的商业术语用字简洁。商务英语写作应 该特别注意措词和信息的正确性。 (3)正确的语法和标点符号 常见的标点符号错误主要出现在逗号、冒号、省字号等。 常见的语法错误一般出现在以下几个方面: ①主谓之间的一致关系 ②代词与先行词之间的一致关系 ③悬垂句 ④修饰语与被修饰语之间的一致关系 ⑤状语的位置 (4)正确的拼写 第二条原则:清楚(Clarity) 写作中要合理安排要点,运用正确的句型句法,突出重点,层次分明。 (1)逻辑布局(Logical Organization) 常用的逻辑布局方法包括: ①因果关系(Cause & Effect) ②时间顺序(Chronological Development) ③序列顺序(Sequential Development) ④比较(Comparison) ⑤一般到特殊(From General to Specific) ⑥特殊到一般(From Specific to General) (2)合理构架句群与段落(Well-Written Sentences & Paragraphs) 在商务英语写作中,应该合理安排句子和段落的结构与长度,把各种长句、 短句、简句、复杂句等最佳组合成长度恰当的段落。请看例句: Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago, and it now has branch offices in four states, and it employs nearly 400 individuals. ( poor ) Marshall Corporation was founded forty years ago. With branch offices in four states, it now employs nearly 400 individuals. ( revised ) (3)统一性与一致性(Unity and Coherence) 一篇商务写作的每一个段落都要围绕一个论点从不同方面进行论证,而在每 一个段落中又都有一个主题句(topic sentence),一般安排在段首或段尾,而其 它的句子则围绕着它进行论证, 全文就这样一步进一步,一环扣一环地统一在主 题思想上。而且,句子与句子之间,段落与段落之间都要前后呼应,首尾连贯。 (4)强调(Emphasis) 在商务英语写作中,有时需要强调某些单词、词组、句子,突出它们的作 用,可以采用一些技巧手段,如下加横线,大写,或不同的字体、颜色等。 (5)避免采用模糊的语句(ambiguous sentence) 注意将句中关系紧密的词尽量靠近 第三条原则:简洁(Conciseness) 简洁是现代商务英语写作的发展趋势,是在保证内容完整无损的前提下用尽 可能少的词句来阐明主题。 商务英语写作要求既简短扼要,又不失完整与清楚明 白,还要包括必要的礼貌。 (1)用简洁的语言(Use simple language) 尽量使用 避免使用 please will you be good enough to prefer express a preference for because for the reason thatask requestbuy need do letterpurchase request accomplish communication(2)少用陈词滥调(Omit trite expressions) 下表列出的是一些常见的陈词滥调: in the near future it has come to my attention at your earliest possible convenience avail yourself of this opportunity don&#39; t hesitate take the liberty to due to the fact that thanking you in advance enclosed herein with kindest regards (3)避免冗长的表达方式和不必要的重复(avoid wordy expressions & unnecessary repetition) 请看下表中的两组例子,比较一下修改前与修改后的差别。 Concise Wordy please We would like to A long period of time a long time I expected it to be expected During the year of 1995 during 1995 For the development of Square in shape During the time thatfor developing square while(4)删改无关紧要的成份(Remove unneeded facts) 如果句中的某些成份被删除后不影响句子的原意, 那么就应该毫不犹豫地把 它们删改掉。如下面句子中的划线部分被删去后并不影响句子的原义: It should be noted that this is the best we can do。 (5)多使用主动语态的句子结构以明确表达意思 请比较下面两个句子: Payment of their accounts will be made by Johnsons next week. Johnsons will pay their accounts next week. 第四条原则:具体(Concreteness) 商务英语写作要求内容书写得具体和明确,因此,尽量使用确定、具体的 语言,直接了当地传递信息,说明问题,切忌笼统模糊。 (1)尽可能地提供明确、具体的信息。 (2)使用具体词汇 避免使用抽象的词汇,因为抽象的词汇往往令人感觉模 糊笼统。 第五条原则:完整(Completeness) 商务英语写作的内容务必完整周密,任何要点的遗漏都可能导致重大损失。 第六条原则:礼貌(Courtesy) 商务英语写作中的礼貌原则,并不是指采用一些客套的句式,而是指一种贯 彻于全文的尊重、理解和体谅对方的态度 以下是几条有助于礼貌的写作方法: ? 使用礼貌友好的词汇 ? 体谅对方的写作态度(You-Attitude) ? 措辞得体(Appropriate Wording) ? 避免使用有性别歧视之嫌的词语 ? 及时答复(Timely Response)课后练习 练习一:Compare the following pairs of sentences, choose the better one and state your reason: (1) A. I have pleasure in informing you. B. I m pleased to tell you. (2) A. Please tell (or, inform) us. B. Please be good enough to advise us. (3) A. Please do not anticipate any increase in prices. B. We do not expect prices to rise. (4) A. Will you kindly send us a reply before the end of the month for which a stamped envelope is enclosed? B. Will you please send us a reply in the enclosed envelope before the end of the month? (5)A. I was informed that you had a typewriter for sale and would like to know if if so, please advise me as to the price. B. If you still have the typewriter which you offered for sale, please inform me of the price. (6) A. It is not our intention to suggest that you should keep unsatisfactory merchandise, so we are willing to ask you to return it to us at once, and will be glad to make an exchange. B. We are sorry that the merchandise is not up to standard and we shall gladly make an exchange. (7) A. We have your remittance of January 30 in the amount of $ 100, and wish at this time to thank you for it. B. Thank you for your remittance of January 30 for $ 100. (8) A. Your letter in reply to ours of May 18 came this morning, and now we do not understand any more clearly your complaint than we did before. B. Thank you for your Letter of May 20. In order that we may be of the greatest possible help to you, will you please tell&#39; us just what you wish us to do about the matters. 练习二:Rewrite the following sentences to achieve conciseness: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Please see that an enquiry is conducted to determine the reason. We express our regret at being unable to fulfill your order on this occasion. Payment of their accounts will be made by Johnsons next week. It is on the last day of June that the meeting will be held. We are returning all the merchandise that is defective. In the event that Model 404 is not available, please substitute Model 606.练习三:Rewrite each sentence in order to express its meaning more courteously. (1) You won&#39; t get your order because you didn?t give us the information. (2) We must tell you that we can&#39;t accept your proposal. (3) You claim that there Were 3 witnesses to the accident. We need their names and addresses. (4) Thank you in advance for all the help you will give me. (5) Your letter is not clear at al1. I can&#39;t understand it. (6) We need the statement by the end of next week. (7) You are requested to send payment by 8 June. (8) This is to inform you that the &#39;goods&#39; Will not be ready by June 4. We will not be able to deliver them until June 8. 参考答案 练习一:b, a, b, b, b, b, b, b 练习二: (1) Please find out the reason. (2) We are sorry we cannot meet your present order. (3) Johnsons will pay their accounts next week. (4) The meeting will be held on 30 June. (5) We are returning all the defective merchandise. (6) If Model 404 is not available, please substitute Model 606. 练习三: (1) You will get your order as soon as you give us the information. (2) Unfortunately, we can not accept your proposal. (3) You mentioned that there were 3 witnesses to the accident. May we have their names and addresses? (4) Thank you for all the help you will give me. (5) If I understand your letter correctly… (6) Could you send us the statement by the end of next week? (7) Please send payment by 8 June. (8) We are sorry, but, it will be at least June 8 before we can deliver the goods to you.第二讲 商务英语写作的文体风格(一)商务书信的文体风格 一封好的商业书信应该体现出语言自然精练、行文流畅、可读性高的文体风格。 自然 商业书信的写作必须力求“自然” ,不能满篇都是过时的商业行话。例子: 使用过时商业行话的句子 自然的句子In compliance with the afore-mentioned agreement, dispatch of goods will be undertaken subsequent to receipt of said monies. We should be obliged if you could contact our Mrs. Xiao at an early date.As agreed, we shall forward the goods to you when we have received your cheque.Please contact Mrs. Xiao soon. We beg to inform you that we are herewith canceling our order for the same.I am afraid we are canceling our order for the above goods.Assuring you of our best attention at all times, and awaiting the favour of your early response.I look forward to hearing from you soon.Due to the fact that your contract has lapsed, we are unable to comply with your request. 可读性强As your contract contract has lapsed we cannot do as you request.为了使信读起来生动有趣, 写信人应该尽量避免使用单调的语言, 力求使语言结构富于 变化。可使用的方法有: 1. 变化文法结构 变换句子的文法结构也可提高信文的可读性。 写信时不要千篇一律地使用同一种表达方 法。例如,下面这个句子可以用多种方法改写 1. last received a We payment from you six months ago. 2 . We have not received a payment from you for six months. It has been six months since we last received a payment from you. 4.Six months have passed since your last payment. 5.Six months have gone by since you last paid us.3. You last paid us six months ago.6. You have not paid us for six months.2.增强书信的可读性,还应注意运用精练的语言 商业书信必须语言精练,能用一个单词的地方尽量不要使用多个单词。例如: 高冗余度语言 低冗余度语言 Inasmuch as we require active consideration prior to making a decision, I am afraid that, in the circumstances, you will have to wait..As we need to consider before making a decision, I am afraid you will have to wait.商业书信的语气 商业书信中写信人使用哪种语气十分重要,这可以反映出写信人和收信人之间的关系。 积极的语气 下面左边的三个句子采用提“中性”的语气,而右边相应的句子语气则显得积极。这种 积极的语气可以使一个句子听上去更有诚意。 中性 I am in receipt of your order for 250 pairs of Niky ?Conga? sports shoes. . 积极 Thank you for your recent order for 250 pairs of Niky ?Conga? sports shoes.You failed to send your order to us before the new prices were introduced..Unfortunately, we did not receive your order before the new prices were introduced.We cannot devote much time to your visit as the March Sales figures are being compiled and we are very busy..We shall devote as much time to your visit as our hectic schedule will permit.撰写书信时下列几件事情必须避免: ?指责对方犯错 ?推卸自己的责任 ?漠视客户的问题 ?拒绝帮助对方 ?对对方的帮助毫不领情 消极的语气 It is not our fault if you do not check whether the goods are satisfactory on delivery. 积极的语气 I am afraid customers are expected to check that goods are satisfactory on delivery. Problems of this type are common with the lower model. Next time you will have to buy the more advanced model.Problems of this type are far less common with our more advanced model.We do not have the time to send our Sales Representative to see you. He is busy dealing with larger accounts than yours. I am in receipt of the upgraded software you sent to replace the software we bought in February.We shall be happy to send our Sales Representative to visit you as soon as his heavy schedule permits. Thank you very much for sending me the updated software which supersedes that which we bought in February.以您为先的语气 写信时要尽可能让收信人感到是你亲息写信给他们。例句: 以我为先 We shall be able to install Cable TV shortly. 以您为先 You will be pleased to hear that you will soon be able to receive Cable TV.I am afraid we cannot deliver at the weekend.You can have your goods delivered any weekday.I regret to inform you that we cannot refund your deposit unless you return the goods within a week.I am pleased to inform you that you will be able to receive a full refund of deposit if you return the goods within a week.(二)标点符号 (Punctuation) ? 标点符号的作用及重要性 标点符号是商务英语写作中不可缺少的辅助工具,其作用在于帮助读者分清句子结构, 正确理解文字含义。 不正确使用标点符号,或是滥用标点符号会造成意思混乱,引起读者的误解。 ? 标点的用法: (1)逗号(comma) 作用: 逗号用于表示停顿或分句之间的间隔。 用法: 逗号用于分隔句中的各种语言成分, 并表示一个停顿, 一般用于以下几种情况: 位置: a. 在句中表示语气停顿的地方。 b. 在子句之前。 c. 在描述名词的一系列形容词之后。 d. 放在位于句首或句中的副词之后。 e. 将非主要信息和句子其他部分分开。 (2)句号 (period) 句号一般有两种用法 ① 句号是放在句尾的符号,表示一句话结束。 ② 句号还用于缩写字母。 (3)冒号 (colon) 作用:用于引出下文,如表列、说话中的直接引语或解释。 用法与位置: ① 冒号主要用于列举事物,引用话语或进行解释。 ② 此外,冒号还用在“as follows”或“the following&的后面。 (三)商务用词的大写 大写字母(Capital Letters)又称“Block letters”“Upper case/print”,一般用于句首,此 , 外大写首字母还出现在以下几种情况中: (1) 专有名词(proper nouns)。 (2) 在标题(title) 中也要大写单词首字母。 (3) 用于礼貌性称呼语(即 Mr.,Mrs.,Miss.,Ms.)学衔(Dr.)和军衔(General)的首字母。 (4) 职务,职称,头衔以及组织的名称也要大写首字母。 (5) 在商务书信中,重要的字词常常被大写以引起读信人的注意。 (6) 商务英语写作中的副标题与小标题也需大写。 (7) 用于缩写词,如“a SWOT analysis”, “ASEAN”, “USA”等。 (四)数字的用法 (1) 数字在句首要被拼写出来。 (2) 用阿拉伯数字表示日期、时间、量度、页数、地址、百分比、小数等等。 (3) 大多数情况下,序数词要被拼写成英文。 (五)缩写 (Abbreviation): 缩写在商务英语写作中有它独特的意义。 (1)商务英语中常用的几种缩写形式: ① 置于人名前后,表示身份、职衔、学位等 ② 表示商业企业名称 ③ 表示时间 ④ 表示组织名称,一般由首字母组成 ⑤合成方位词 ⑥常用的拉丁词 (2)商务英语中不应使用缩写的地方: ① 某些头衔 ② 星期、月、季节 ③ 街道地址 ④ 国名、城市名 (六)开头与结尾 (一)开头的写法和一些技巧: 1.开头:大多数商务英语写作的内容也由开头、中间、结尾三部分组成。常用的开头句写 法: ① 最好在第一句话中说出你的写作目的。如:We understand that you are exporters of nuts and should like to know if you can supply us with 5 tons of walnut meat by the end of October. ② 将最能引起读者兴趣的内容放在开头,如:I&#39;m pleased to tell you that your order will be delivered tomorrow. ③ 提及所涉及的商务事项。 2.就开头的内容方面来讲,书信的开头可以涉及: ⑴ 书信去函的开头 ? 询问 ? 索价 ? 求购 ? 投诉 ? 讯息 ? 报忧 ? 道歉 ? 推荐 ⑵复函的开头可以包括 ? 函悉 ? 歉意 ? 谢绝 ? 服务 (二)书信结尾的措辞和语气 1.结尾: 写结尾句需注意以下几个地方: ④ 结尾句需具体,不要使用含糊、繁琐的词语或句式。 ⑤ 在结尾处提出行动的要求。 ⑥ 在结尾处做简要的总结,尤其在内容比较多的情况下。请比较下面两句话: a) We hope that we have made the above alternatives clear to you and that they may help you make your choice. b) To sum up, you can either put your money in a savings bank and receive 6 % annual interest or invest in common stocks for higher returns but also higher risk. 2.就结尾的内容来讲,书信的结尾可以包括: (1)去函的结尾 ? 敦促:Having this input by JUNE 3 will enable us to maintain our schedule for… ? 期待:Your advice would be welcome. ? 致谢:Your prompt attention to this matter will be appreciated. ? 协助:Shortly after I receive this information, I will be in touch with you& ? 盼复:We look forward to hearing from you. ? 联络:If you have any question, please call me at… 等等?? (2)复函结尾可以涉及: ? 请求:Please indicate your acceptance of this employment by signing…and returning a copy… ? 承诺:We want to ensure that you enjoy the highest standards of service. ? 致歉:I apologize for the inconvenient. ? 答谢:Thanks again for your cooperation. ? 祝愿:I wish you every success in your important work. ? 往来:We look forward to a very cordial relationship between our two organizations. (七)书信(信函和传真)格式 收到一封信, 收信人首先注意到的是信的格式。 美观整洁的书信格式会给收信人留下深 刻的印象。 标准的商业书信由以下三个部分组成: ?信头 ?信文 ?信尾 信 头 在信和传真中,信头所占页面一般不超过三分之一。 发信人地址 一般来说,商业书信的首页都使用印有公司抬头的信笺,抬头上标明公司名称、地址、 电话和传真号码。传真也一样,信笺上印有抬头,并采用固定的信头格式。 传真发信人的地址位于传真纸页首固定的信头格式内。 发信日期 日期的书写有以下两种模式: “12 June 1998”[日-月-年]或“June 12, 1998”[月-日-年] 日期不能缩写,序数词不能使用缩写形式,月份也不能缩写。 收信人地址 收信人地址包括收信的全名和职衔, 以及公司的全称和地址。 礼貌性的称呼要使用得当。 传真中收信人地址一般打在信头格式相应的空格内。 指定收信人姓名 在商业书信和传真中, 指定收信人姓名这一栏现已不常用。 收信人地址的首行已经写明 收信人姓名,因而不一定需要专门指定收信人姓名这一栏。 如果要使用指定收信人姓名这一栏,就要从页面左边空白处写起,在收信人地址下面 空两行。 称 呼 商业信件和传真常用以下方式开头: ?Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms Wang(表示写信人知道收信人的姓名和性别); ?Dear Sir 或 Dear Madam(表示写给一位有具体职衔的人,如 Sales Manager, Chief Accountant 等,而且写信人知道对方的性别); ?Dear Sir or Madam(表示写给一位有具体职衔而写信人又不知其性别的人); ?Dear Sirs (表示写给一家公司,没有明确的收信人)。 称呼中的第一个单词和其他所有名词的第一个字母均须大写。 事 由 写明事由可以使收信人对信件或传真的内容一目了然。 信 文 全齐头式(full-blocked)书信,每个段落都从左边空白处开始写起,右边空白处必须尽 量对齐,不能把单词断开。 在齐头式书信或传真中,信文也是从左边空白处开始写起,在事由下面空一行。 信 尾 传真的信尾一般都很简短 (通常只有结尾敬辞和署名) 而书信的信尾内容则相对较长。 , 结尾敬辞 一般来说,书信和传真结尾敬辞都使用“Yours sincerely”或“Yours faithfully” 。称呼为 “Dear Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms…” 时结尾用 “Yours sincerely” 称呼为 Dear Sir/Sir or Madam/Sirs” 。 “ 时结尾则用“Yours faithfully” 。 信末签名 写信人既可代表本人签名,也可代表公司签名。如: Yours faithfully For precision Airconditioning Co (Pte) LtdYvonne ChongMs Yvonne Chong Regional Sales Manager (Singapore) 信末签名位于左边空白处。 在结尾敬辞或公司名称下面留出三行签名的位置, 然后再打 上写信的姓名、职衔及/或部门。 口述者/打字员姓名缩写 下面表中是信函或传真的口述者和打字员的姓名缩写。 口述员 Cheng Fook Jam Chew Yit Lin Grahame T Bilbow Goh Bee Hua 打字员 Sim Loo Lee Chan Chuen Fye Chin Kein Hoong Foo Tuan Seik Han Swee Lean 姓名缩写 sll CFJ/ccf Chew Yit Lin/ckh GTBilbow:fts GBH:HSL 附 件 如果信件或传真还附有其他文件,就必须在文中注明。附件说明通常位于口述者/打字 员姓名缩写之后。可以采用以下几种方法: ?Estimate enclosed ?2 Enc./Enclosuree 2 ?Enclosure ?Enclosures: 1. 2. 抄 送 如果除主要收信人之外,信件或传真还需抄送第三者时,通常用“cc”表示,“cc”即 “carbon copy” (复写本;副本) 有时,如果发信人不想让收信人知道信件或传真还要抄 。 送给别人,就用“bcc”(“blind carbon copy”无信头副本)代替“cc” ,标注在不发给收信人 的影印件的下方。 附 笔 商业信函或传真中的“附笔” (缩写为“PS” )用于补充本人的说明。 “附笔”位于左边 空白齐头处,在“附近”或“抄送”等说明之下空一行。 页码说明 商业信函如果超过一页, 随后的各页可以在页首加注说明收信人姓名、 页码及日期。 如: Mrs. H Itakura Page 2 14 June 200在商业信函中,页码有时位于距页顶一英寸的左边空白处,与信文之间空两行。 信 封 信封显然只适用于商业信件。 信封上收信人地址的格式必须与内文的写法一致, 即齐头 式,单行间隔。收信人姓名位于收信人地址上方,中间空两行。也可以在收信人地址的第一 行中直接写上收信人的姓名和职衔。 传真格式 传真的首页一般都印有现成的信头格式,只需填入写信人和收信人的姓名、地址、传真 号码、页数和日期等内容即可。 宽式标点 v.s.严式标点 在商业信函中,宽式标点比严标点更为常用。 2000 Price list Catalogue 使用严式标点意味着客户地址的每一行结尾都要加逗号, 每个缩写词 (包括客户姓名的 首字母缩写)后面都要加点号(如 Mr., Co., Ltd., St., Rd.等,又如 Mr. J. R. Liu) 。 商务书信一般包括全齐头式,齐头式,半齐头式---又叫缩进式,方齐头式和简化式: i. 全齐头式(Full-blocked):这种格式的信函各部分内容都从左边空白处写起,用起 来方便省事,是现今常用的格式之一。 ii. 齐头式(Blocked):这种格式与全齐头式相似,只是有些内容不是从空白处写起。 结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和职衔都从中间写起。日期可以从中间起行,也可以靠右 对齐。 iii. 半齐头式(semi-blocked):这种格式与齐头式雷同。不同的是,半齐头式的每个段落 缩进五或十个英文字母;结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和职衔从中间写起。 iv. 方齐头式(square-blocked):这种格式也类似于全齐头式。不同的是,它的日期靠右 对齐,和收信人地址在同一行。这种格式平整见方,外观漂亮。 v. 简化式(simplified):简化时式和全齐头式相比,有几个主要的区别:首先,简化式没 有称呼和结尾敬语,收信人姓名必须在信文内的某个地方出现。其次,事由和写信人姓名必 须大写。最后,列表要缩进五个英文字母空位,如果加有序号就不必缩进。 例 1 (全齐头式) ABC Training Co. 188 Newton Palace Norfolk NG29 OPA
Our Ref RL/VP 3 September 1997 M J Marks 30 Arlington Court CAMBRIDGE Cambs CA29 5Rt Dear Ms. Marks Re: 500 dozen T-shirts Thank you for you inquiry in your letter of April 5 for our T-shirts. We are […] Hope to serve you soon. Yours sincerely Rebecca Johnson Rebecca Johnson Manager KF/HS Enc cc信头FAX 编号 收信人 地址姓名称谓 主题 内容结束语 签名附件 例 2 (齐头式) ABC Training Co. 188 Newton Palace Norfolk NG29 OPA
Our Ref RL/VP M J Marks 30 Arlington Court CAMBRIDGE Cambs CA29 5Rt Dear Ms. Marks Re: 500 dozen T-shirts Thank you for you inquiry in your letter of April 5 for our T-shirts. We are […] Hope to serve you soon. Yours sincerely Rebecca Johnson Rebecca Johnson Manager Enc信头FAX
3 September 1997编号 收信人 地址姓名称谓 主题 内容结束语 签名附件例 3 (半齐头式( 缩行式)) October 30,2000 Messers Samson Ghadban Co., Ltd. 15 Horns Avenue, TRIPOLI Lebanon. Dear Mr. Smith:缩行式每段开头缩进若 干字符, 也就是中文中所 说的空格。Thank you for replying so promptly to our enquiry for lightweight extinguishers and also for your offer to arrange a demonstration. Our general manager and our office manager will both be able to meet Mr Burton at any time during the morning or afternoon of Friday, November 10th. It would be helpful if Mr Burton would write or phone to say what time we may expect him. 结尾敬辞、信末签名、写信人姓名和 职衔从中间写起。 Yours faithfully, John Black John Black Assistant Manager例 4 简化式 October 30,2000 Messers Samson Ghadban Co., Ltd. 15 Horns Avenue, TRIPOLI Lebanon. Thank you, Mr. Smith, for replying so promptly to our enquiry for lightweight extinguishers and also for your offer to arrange a demonstration. Our general manager and our office manager will both be able to meet Mr Burton at any time during the morning or afternoon of Friday, November 10th. It would be helpful if Mr Burton would write or phone to say what time we may expect him. John Black JOHN BLACK Assistant Manager课后练习 练习一. Cross out any incorrect number usage and write the correct form in the blank to the right. If the sentence is correct, mark it C. EXAMPLE: 25 new employees will be hired next month. 25?Twenty-five (1)At least 1/2 of the financing for the new project will come from selling bends that bear 8 % interest. (2)The meeting will be on Saturday, July 10th, at 8 o&#39;clock. (3)When John is 25 years old, he will inherit twenty thousand dollars. __ (4)My plane leaves at 7:00 a. m. (5) The offices a/the 1st National Bank will be moved from 242 l0th Avenue to I Fifth Avenue on June 15th (6) The price of the book is $10.00, plus sixty cents sales tax. _______ (7)To send the letter by 1st class mail, use three five-cent stamps. ______ 练习二. Cross out any incorrect abbreviation usage and write the correct form in the blank to the right. If the sentence is correct, mark it C. (1)My address is 37S$ So. 45 St. (2) I listened to K. N.B.R. to hear the latest news.________ (3) Miss. Taylor and Mr. Walker left the bldg. by the side entrance. (4) Order # 7432 is missing from the co. files. (5) After Feb. 15 all dept. stores in this area will stay open until nine. 练习三. Cross out any words that are incorrectly capitalized and any words that contain errors in the use of numbers or abbreviations. Write the correct forms in the blanks to the fight. If a sentence is correct, mark it C. (1) Peter L. Gentile, junior, is the Manager of the 1st State Insurance Company, which has offices at 427 Third Ave. (2) I took Principles of Accounting in the Fail Semester, and I took Cost Accounting in the Spring Semester. (3) We hope to ship Order Number 4672 by Fri., Nov. 22d. (4) Channel K. A. O. Y., the educational television channel, is on the air from nine a.m. to eleven p. m. (5) I liter is equal to 1.0567 qts. ________ 练习四. I&. Choose the best opening or closing. (1) A. This is to enquire what address we can reach you. B. Please tell us your address. C. We should be pleased if you would let us know your address (2) A. We are writing to answer your questions. B. We sent to you this morning our latest catalogue you requested in your letter of yesterday. C. We beg to state that your letter of October 2 has been given careful consideration. (3) A. We received your letter of May 5. Here is a copy of our price list you asked for. B. We enclose herewith a copy of our price list for which you asked. C. Here is our price list you asked for in your letter of May 5 (4) A. We write in answer to your favor of February 10. B. We are pleased to say that we can accept your conditions in your letter of February 10. C. We acknowledge receipt of your letter of February l0 and wish to comment on your conditions. (5) A. You will soon hear from this head office which has wide connections with large groups of the world, that your application for the job of a sales representative is being considered. B. We write with pleasure to inform you that we have considered your application favorably. C. We are pleased to tell you that your application for the position of a sales representative is accepted. (6) A. Thanking you once again we remain B. We will consider your suggestions favorably. C. Assuring you of our favorable consideration, we remain. (7) A. Thank you again. B. Please be assured of our best attention. C. Once again, may we express our appreciation to you. (8) A. Finally, may we thank you once again for your cooperation. B. Thank you again for your cooperation. C. I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude for your kind cooperation. (9) A. We hope to have frequent contacts with you. B. Hoping to be able to keep in touch with your good services for the years to come, we remain. C. Hoping to be in frequent contact with you and assuring you of our best attention. (10) A. We have pleasure in acknowledging receipt of your letter dated May 5. B. We are sending a copy of the maintenance manual you asked, for in your letter of May 5. C. We enclose a copy of our E- 30 Air condition maintenance manual which you asked for in your letter of May 5. II&. Rewrite the following sentences: (1) We have received your letter of June 4. We are giving you the information you want. (2) We read your letter dated October 9 carefully. We are glad we can answer your questions.参考答案 练习一: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 练习二: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 练习三: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.1/2,8%? one half, 8 percent 10th, 8 ? 10, eight 25,twebty thousand dollars ? twenty-five, $20,000 7:00 ? 7 1st, 10th, 15th? first, Tenth, 15 $10.00, sixty ? $10, 60 1st, three ? first, 3 So., St ? South, Street K.N.B.R. ? KNBR Miss., bldg. ? Miss, building #, co. ? No., company Feb., dept. ? Februery, department Jr. manager, First, Avenue fall semester, spring semester No., Friday, November 22 KAOY, 9, 11 One, quarts练习四: I& a. b .c. b. c. b. a. b. a. b II& 1) Having received your letter of June 4, We are giving you the information you want. 2) We have carefully read your letter of October 9 and are glad to answer your questions. Powered By Gisun http://www.gisun.com第三讲 商务便函与电子邮件写作一.便函与电子邮件简介: 1.商务交流的选择----口头交流还是写便笺 在亚洲,人们喜欢直接交谈。主要是因为: (1) 直接交谈有助于保持良好的关系。 (2) 直接交谈可以减少误会。 2.商务便函与电子邮件的内容与特点 (1) 商务便函 ① 定义及内容:商务便函(Memorandum,简写 Memo)是同一商业组织内部广 泛使用的书面联系形式。 ② 特点: . 商务便函的组成部分比较简单,这是它最大的优点。 . 商务便函的语气需要根据写信人与收信人之间的关系以及所谈内 容来决定。 (2) 电子邮件 ① 定义及内容:电子邮件的内容通常包括:询问信息,道歉,确认,通知,倡 议等等。 ② 特点:基于高速快捷的因特网的发展,电子邮件也具备了使用方便、传播快 捷、一信多发,而且价格十分低廉的特点,因此特别适合国际间的交流。 3.便笺和电子邮件的主要作用 ?查询资料 ?要求采取行动 ?提供资料 ?提供建议 ?警告 ?解决问题 二.便笺和电子邮件的结构和措辞 便笺和电子邮件必须条理清楚、证据恰当、措辞得体,这样才能达到预期的目的。 1.格 式 例子: Internal Memorandum To: Anne Bell From: Graham Davis D 23 March 1992 Subject: Office Furniture We need some comfortable chairs for visitors to go in the managers? office. Can you arrange it? We need 10 chairs in either beige or dark brown. The maximum you can spend is $ 500.便笺和电子邮件的格式。 ⑴ 信头: ① 便函信头 由于便函是内部沟通,所以没有必要写信内地址、回信地址或称谓。所有便函基本上都 有同一的格式,即分成四部分:发信人、收件人、日期和主题。另外在便函开头还要写 “MEMORANDUM”或“MEMO”字样。 ② 电子邮件信头 电子邮件的格式类似于便函格式,包括 From(发信人姓名), To(收信人), Cc(副本 收信人,隐匿副本收信人)及 Subject(文件名,信件主题)等项目。其中不可缺少的是 To 和 Subject 两个项目,其他项通常可以根据使用者的需要增加或删除。 信文的内容一般包括: I. 致: (To:) 说明便笺或电子邮件的收件人。在便笺中,这一栏可以写收件人的姓名或职衔,也 可以把两者都写上。 ? ? ? ? 选择哪一种写法主要看写信人的职务以及和对方的关系。 收件人称呼怎么写还取决于机构的规模和作风。 此外,称呼的方式还受到便笺内容的影响。 电子邮件中,一定要使用对方的电子邮件地址。电子邮件地址包括五个部分:前缀名; 符号;机构名称;机构类别、代表政府部门、代表军事组织;国别或地区代码。 II. 由: (From:) 说明便笺或电子邮件的发送人。和“致”这一栏一样,发件人的写法也要考虑四个方 面:发件人在自己任职的机构中的职位、发件人和收件人的关系、机构的规模和作风、 便笺的内容。 III. 1. 2. 3. 日期: (Date:)发电子邮件时,日期一般由电脑自动插入。 日期的写法有两种, “日-月-年” 12 June 1998) “月-日-年” June 12,1998) (如 或 (如 ; 书写日期时不要使用缩写形式,序数词(如:1st, 2nd, 3rd 等)和月份都不能缩写; 如果使用“日-月-年”格式,月和年之间不要加逗号。 IV. 事由: (Subject:)事由必须写得明白易懂,使人一目了然。事由写得好可以突出信文的目的,引起收件 人对重点内容的注意。 (2) 信文: 写便笺和电子邮件时,在格式方面还应注意以下几点: 1. 首先,便笺和电子邮件不同于信件或传真,无须使用称呼(如“Dear Mr Soo”。 ) 2. 同样,便笺和电子邮件中也无须使用公式化的结尾敬辞。 3. 便笺一般无须签名,只是在信文后写上自己的姓名和姓名缩写就可以了,也可以什 么都不写。有些电子邮件软件可以使用数码插入方式签名。 4. 5. 6. 如果便笺或电子邮件需要抄送其他人,应在信头注明。 便笺和电子邮件中,无须写上打字员的姓名。 便笺和电子邮件的正文部分,段落内采用单行间隔,段落之间采用双行间隔。 2.结 构便笺和电子邮件一般都使用标准格式,写起来比其他商业书信或传真容易。也就是说, 写便笺和电子邮件时可以集中在内容的组织上,使其条理清楚、脉络分明。 便笺内容的组织有两种基本的方法:首先介绍情况,然后提出要求或建议。首先提出要 求或建议(或称置前) ,然后说明情况。 ? 下面我们通过几个具体的例子来讲述商务信函和电子邮件的具体写法以及注意事项: 询问或提供意见和建议的便函 例一: MEMO TO: Department Managers Please answer the questions listed below about the use of temporary help in your department. (开头礼貌地提出要求) With your ideas we plan to develop a policy that will help us improve the process of budgeting, selecting and hiring temporaries. (间接地解释目的) 1.What is the average number of temporary office workers you employ each month? 2.What is the average length of a temporary worker?s assignment in your department? 3.What specific job skills are you generally seeking in your temporaries? 4.What temporary agencies are you now using? (通过列举条目提问,更容易阅读和理解) By replying before January 20, you will be have direct input into the new policy, which we will be developing at the end of the month. This improved policy will help you fill your temporary employment needs more quickly and more efficiently. (包括结束日期,原因和对读者的好处) 注意:要在第一句话里重复和详述。请比较: 间接开头 For the past six months the Human Resources Development Department has been considering changes in our employees? benefit plan. 直接开头 Please review the following proposal regarding employees? benefit, and let me know by May 20 if you approve these changes.询问信息的电子邮件例二: From: Mail to: Subject:.cn ****@******.***.** Request for CatologDear Sir or Madam,I am interested in purchasing your latest mail order catalog, and would like to know the cost, including postage to Beijing.I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you.Sincerely yours,User @domain.com.cn Zhida Co., Ltd. 17, Fuchengmen Beidajie, Beijing Fax: 86-10- 致谢的便函 例三: (Office supplies production plant) To: Mike Wang, Purchasing From: William Jiang, Production Manager Date: December 8,2001 Reference: Parts Order 4435 Subject: Receipr of Component PartsOur department has received the component parts we requested on November 3, 2001. Thank you for your prompt action.(说明陈述并表示感谢) However, my assistant discovered that three items are missing from the order: one platen knob, a printer head, and one antiglare screen. If these items are not in stock, please order them for our department.(其他补充)IG: rs通知性质的电子邮件: 例四:主管会议开会的通知: TO: All ManagersThe next Monthly Management Meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. on Monday, April 5, in Meeting Room A.Following is the agenda for the meeting: Purchase of New Office Computers Extension of Summer Holidays Budgetary Control If there are any other items you would like to be placed on the agenda, let me know by e-mail by the end of this week. Thank you.John Smith3.便函和电子邮件的语气和措辞 (1)语气 便笺和电子邮件的语气能反映出发信人和收信人之间的关系, 主要体现在信文是否 正式和语气是否肯定这两个方面,通常为下表所示的几种情况: + 委婉、正式 A 肯定程度(CERTAINTY) 较肯定、正式 肯定、正式 B 正式程度 (FORMALITY) +委婉、较正式 委婉、非正式 C较肯定、较正式肯定、较正式 肯定、非正式 D较肯定、非正式-上表中的 A,B,C 和 D 四种语气分别用于以下四种情况: (1) (2) (3) (4) 资历较浅的雇员向老板作简短的书面汇报, 就某个目提出一系列可行的建议 (语 气 A) ; 要求严格的经理发出通知,要求员工遵守公司守则(语气 B) ; 同事就确定午餐会日期提出建议(语气 C) ; 细心周到的经理对公司新来的同事表示欢迎(语气 D)(2)措辞 下列所列的语言可用于表达前面提到的几种作用。每一种表达方式都根据其正式程度 [正式(F) 、较正式(N)或非正式(I)]和肯定程度[肯定(C) 、较肯定(N)和委婉(T) 进行分类。这只是个大致的分类,读者的理解会受到这些用语的上下文影响。] 请注意阴影 部分的词汇的用法: 正式程度 询问情况 I want you to pass me all the information you have about… I should like to know exactly what action has been taken… I should like you to give me a record of… 请求采取措施 Can you please arrange for… Please find out…(表示尊敬的词语) Could you please ensure that… I would like you to… Do you think it would be possible to…? I am writing to remind you that… 报告情况 说明查询的背景 I have looked into this matter… I have made enquiries/dealt with the enquiry/about… I have investigated…as requested in your memo of 2 February. 就查询作出解释 I am told that… I am informed that… I understand that Ms Robinson was unaware of the situation. I have found/discovered that… 解释跟进查询的情况 I have offered/arranged a discount of 10%… I have sent an invoice for the outstanding sum to Mrs Lau. 提供建议 Can we get together sometime later this week to discuss…? You really ought to… Don?t forget to… It seems to me that you should… I I I N T N C N N N C C N F F N N N T C N F F C C C I I N N N N C C N C T N N F F C C C 肯定程度 Perhaps it would be a good idea if you were to… It would probably not be a good idea to… May I suggest that…? I think that we should… We need to… 警告 Our supplies are becoming increasingly depleted. Unless we order…, the store might run out in the middle of the heavy season. We urgently need…if we are to meet demand. I am concerned that, unless we are very careful, our position will be compromised. 承担责任/道歉 I am afraid I was responsible for confusing the invoice. I?m afraid it was me who confused the invoice. I must apologise for making this mistake I?m (terribly) sorry about making this mistake.N N F N NT T T N CN NC NN NC CN I F IC C C C4. 写作方法与行文策略 写便函或电子邮件时,需要注意: ? 首先要考虑是否用口头方式(面对面地或通过电话)沟通更加合适,以此来 决定是否使用便函或电子邮件。如果使用便函或电子邮件,那么要牢记: A) B) C) 内容:内容的组织要最能体现信文的目的。 语气:语气要适合双方之间的关系。写信时要考虑到信文的正式程度和肯定程度 篇幅:信文不宜太长――一般不超过二至三页。如果是电子邮件,应考虑是否有 必要把想到的事情都写上。 D) 安全:使用电子邮件时要慎重考虑所附文件,该文件可能会拷贝到对方的硬盘上 去。课后练习 练习一: 下面左边各段选自电话中的对话,请写出在功能相同的便笺和电子邮件中书面语言的表达。 “Hello, is that Michael Lee? This is the Managing Director here. Could you drop that report you?re working on over to me this morning? You know the one. About the feasibility of expanding our range of products. Thanks.” “Harry? Yes, it?s Pete. Look, we?d better do something about attendance at our departmental staff meetings. If we don?t, no one will have any idea of what?s going on. What?s more, since people are paid to attend, maybe we?d better think about docking people?s salaries if they don?t attend.” “Hello, could I speak to the Production Manager, please?… Hello, Mr Park. This is Kim Wongchui, here. It?s about that inspection you asked me to carry out. I?m afraid we found a lot of quality problems with the new machinery we?ve installed. I?d suggest shutting down production until we know the extent of the problem.”Hello, Mr Fu? This is Frances Koh here. Yes, Senior Accounts Supervisor. Mr Fu, I?m afraid I made a slight mistake in the figures I sent you recently. Yes. Well, not really my fault. The computer was down. You know how these things are… Would you like me to send over the revised figures? You would. OK.练习二:下面左边的便笺中有多处语法、用词和文体上的错误,请指出并在右栏改正左 MEMORANDUM栏中的错误。From: The Manger To: All grade B staf fand lowerDate: 6 June 200Subject: Last Thursday, when ?B? shift were clocking off, one of the men hit his head against a safety lader which someone had carelessly left down. He had to have stiches in his head because of this.I am fed up with telling you about this kind of things. One of these days, we?ll have a serious accident, and then it will be too late. Unless I see a great improvement in your attitude towards keeping the place tidy and safe, I?m afraid I?ll have to punish offenders. 练习三: 1.The following sentences are taken from memos that are not clear or concise. Rewrite them to make them better. 1. We have come to the decision that it is not possible for this offer to be accepted by our company. 2. In view of the fact that we will lose a big contract next year, expenses will have to be cut by our company. 3. In the event of a retailer finding our shirts unsatisfactory, we should make arrangements for them to be collected and replacements sent without delay. 4. In spite of the fact that we are losing orders to our competitors, we have no intention of lowering our prices. 5. The reason why our sales are going down is because of the lack of staff in the promotion department. 参考答案 练习一: ? ? ? ?I should like you to send me the report that you are currently working on (Feasibility Study of Product Range Expansion). Something really ought to be done about attendance at departmental staff meetings. Otherwise, we might find that important information is not being passed on. What do you think about docking the pay of those who are absent? At the recent inspection, it was discovered that there were a lot of quality problems with the new machinery. I suggest that production be shut down until the extent of the problem is known. I am afraid I made a slight mistake in the figures I sent you recently. This mistake was due to the computer system being out of operation. Please tell me if you need the revised figures.练习二: MEMORANDUM From: The Manger To: All grade B staff and lowerDate: 6 June 200Subject: Safetyt Precautions at Work Last Thursday, when ?B? shift were leaving work, one of the men struck his head against a safety ladder, which had carelessly been left in a lowered position. As a result, he had to have stitches in his head. I have had cause to tell you about this type of accident on many occasions before. At some time, a serious accident will occur, and then it will be too late. Unless I see a great improvement in your attitude towards basic safety precautions,I shall be forced to punish offenders. 练习三 1. We have decided that we cannot accept this offer. 2. Since we will lose a big contract next year, we must cut expenses 3. If a retailer finds our shirts unsatisfactory, we should collect and replace them without delay. 4. Although we are losing orders to our competitors, we will not lower our prices. 5. Our sales are falling because our promotion branch is under-staffed.Powered By第四讲 商务会议记录一.会议记录简介 (一)什么是会议记录? 会议记录一般记录会议的主要内容, 并分发给各与会者 (或应该出席的人) 。 缺席者也可以通过会议记录了解会上的决定。 在许多国家,会议记录是由秘书完成的,但有些情况下,由主管人员亲自作 会议记录会比较好,因为: ?秘书可能不理解会议所涉及的技术细节。 ?如果会上只用英语交谈,秘书在理解上可能有困难。 ?经理可能不愿意较低级职员出席他们的会议。 (二)怎样写好会议记录 会议记录不仅要记下会议的内容,而且还要抓住会议的精神。因此会议记录 者不仅要理解发言的内容,更要领会其言下之意。 二.会议记录的内容,格式和过程引例: The Hooper Trust Board of Trust MeetingPresent: Dr. Xxx, President Mrs. Xxx, Vice President Mr. Xxx Ms. Xxx, Director Mr. Xxx, Secretary Mr. Xxx, ClerkMay 11, 2001The regular monthly meeting of the Board of Trustees was held on Tuesday, May 11,2001.Absent: Ms. Xxx, Judge Xxx, Ms.Xxx Call to Order 宣布会议开始 Dr.Xxx Called the metting to order at 6:30 p.m.Approval of the Minutes 通过前一次会议记录 On a motion by Mr.Xxx, the minutes of the last meeting were read and approved as corrected.Report of Standing Committee 常务委员会报告 The Special Service and Personnel report were distributed before the meeting and were accepted for fling on a motion by Mr.Xxx. On a motion by Mr.Xxx, the Board approved the following change order for the annex: “Substitute Terne-coated stainless-steel roofing material for the zinc material originally specified. ” Yes: Mrs. Xxx Mr. Xxx Mr.Xxx No: Mr.XxxUnfinished Business 待议事宜 After amendment and further debate, the following resolution was adopted: “Resolved, that the Trust hire Stuart DeRosa at a sum of $1,500 to appraise the 56 Main St. property. ”New Business 近期事宜The Board agreed that a special meeting should be held on May 18 at 4:00 p.m. to discuss the company?s goals.Adjournment 休会The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.m.________________ Clara Jordan, Clerk记录员签名 记录员姓名、身份(一)会议记录一般都包括下述内容: (1) 会议开始和结束的时间,以及下次会议举行的时间; (2) 会议主办单位(如某个部分、管理层、指导委员会等); (3) 与会者和缺席者及会议的主席和秘书名单; (4) 进行的讨论; (5) 分派给个人的任务; (6) 个人的报告; (7) 将来要采取的行动; (8) 所做的决定; (9) 作决定有关的个人的详细情况。 (二)会议记录的格式 (1) 用白纸写 ( 2 ) 把 题 目 居 中 、 大 写 。 如 “MEETING OF THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE” (3) 内容要双倍行距 (4) 缩进 5~10 个字母 (5) 列出主持人和记录员的名字 (6) 尽量紧跟会议日程主题 (7) 列出缺席者 (8) 如果有任何议题,决议或投票,要一字不差地记录下来 (9) 记录下会议休息时间 (10)用商业语言,避免描述性的语言, (11)列出并总结会议要点 (三)会议记录的全过程通常包括 (1) 会场记录; (2) 参阅与会议有关的文件、稿件、名单等; (3) 补充修改现场记录稿,将其整理成文; (4) 收集、排列附件; (5) 将记录及附件交主管审核。 三.会议记录的措辞和结构 会场中撰写会议记录分三个步骤: (一)听 听懂会上的发言是做好会议记录的必要条件。 (二)做笔记 下面介绍三种做笔记的方法: 1.使用缩略语 2.使用缩写 (1) 单词缩写:记录中常省略词尾元音。如: -ability/-ibility feasiblty = feasibility capablty = capability -ion = distribution = population = operationencouragmnt managmnt-ment = encouragement = management -ing = = =distn popn operatnraing nvestng affngtraining investing staffing(2)句子缩写:一般来说,句子由两类词构成:虚词(grammar words)和 实词(content words)。 (3)使用符号:使用符号也是笔记中常用的方法,用于表示不同内容之间 的关系。 ? 因果关系通常可以用箭头(→)表示 ? 常用的符号。如:=、≠、≌、→、←、∴、∵ (三)撰写会议记录 (1)最后一个步骤是要把笔记整理成一篇文理通顺的会议记录,反映出会 议的精神。下面我们列举了一些常用的引述动词。这些动词可分为以下几类: ?提出观点(Introducing an idea/opinion) ?表示反对(Rejecting an idea/opinion) ?表示异议(Countering an idea/opinion) ?表示同意(Accepting an idea/opinion) ?作出反应(Responding to an idea/opinion) ?作出决定(Coming to a decision)报告情况(Reporting) announced brought up claimed declared disclosed explained mentioned pointed out 确认说法 reported affirmed said stated asserted maintained 提出观点 提出建议(Suggesting) offered proposed put forward suggested 发表意见(Giving an opinion) believed expressed the opinion felt thought谈及问题(Referring to something) raised the issue of referred to touched on 表示反对 argued against denied disagreed disagreed with disputed refused rejected 表示异议 complained contended refused to comment on表示同意 accepted acknowledged admitted agreed conceded recognized作出反应 answered apologized for countered replied 作出决定 resolved decided agreed这些引述动词一般都用于以下五种文法结构,单词后面括号中的数字代 表这些文法结构: 结构 1(+ that + sentence) Mr Xie admitted that the Company had spent rather too much on training in the previous year. 结构 2(+ to + infinitive verb) The Senior Engineering Officer, Mr Han, offered to visit the plant in the coming month. 结构 3(+ …ing) Mr Liu suggested taking on a number of new members of staff to cover the shortfall. 结构 4(+ the fact ( or idea) that + sentence) Mrs Chuang referred to the fact that the Company had previously had trading contacts with Taiwan. 结构 5(+ noun) Mr Chau apologized for the inconvenience caused by his Department?s reorganization. (2)间接引语 ? 在结构 1 和结构 4 中,引述动词之后必须跟完整的句子。 引述时的时态和原话使用的时态是不同的, 例如: 原话 (Spoken Statement) 引述 (Reported Statement) Y stated that…? ⑴ ?The Company spent rather too much on training last year.? ⑵ ?Efforts must be made to increase links with mainland China? ⑶ ?I shall oversee the move to new premises personally.? ⑷ ?The personnel issue will not go away if the Company simply ignores it.? ⑸ ?Exports are down this year.?…the Company had spent rather too much on training in the previous year. … efforts had to be made to increase links with mainland China. …she would oversee the move to new premises personally. … the personnel issue would not go away if the Company simply ignored it. Exports were down this year.右栏中的引述称为间接引语(reported speech)。在引述别人所说的话时,必须 注意时态的变化。请牢记下列规则: ?一般现在式改成一般过去式 ?现在完成式改成过去完成式 ?一般过去式改成过去完成式 四.写作方法和行文策略 写会议记录时: (1) 录音:如果来不及做笔记,可以用录音机把会议经过录下来。 (2) 尽快动手:会议结束后尽快动手写会议记录――不然你会忘记笔记的 内容。 (3) 缩略语:使用缩略语或缩写句子,但要确保会议结束后也能看得懂。 (4) 领会与核实:不仅要记录发言人的内容,还要体现出其言下之意,必 要时可在会后向发言人核实 参考练习 练习一. 下列左栏的句子选自一些商务会议,根据这些发言在右栏做作出内容笔记。 1. Mr Siu: ?The Production Department is not responsible for the Company?s poor performance in the first quarter.? 2. Mrs Wong: ?I think we should increase our intake of graduate engineers before the year 2010.? 3. Mr Chou: ?If exports drop in the third quarter, we will have to think about developing the domestic market.? 4. Ms Fan: ?Prospects for the future are good. So, I?d strongly recommend an increase in staff salaries.? 5. Mr Wu: ?Changes in the exchange rate led to a drop in sales last quarter. Because of this, I recommend caution in future trading.? 练习二. 下面左列是奥斯曼实业公司和权华维修公司会议的节录。请试着在右 栏中自行撰写会议记录。HF: On the 23rd of this month at 6.30 in the morning, a security guard discovered that a fire had broken out on the roof of the Shaftesbury Building. The fire had burnt the outside surfaces of Cooling Tower 14. In particular, the wooden topping and part of the cooling tower?s upper casing were completely burnt.JC: Well it certainly looks like the fire started outside. Lightning? HF: No, I don?t think so. The building is completely sheltered under the lightning protection system, which is routinely checked and serviced, so I don?t think lightning is to blame. JC: Vandlism? HF: I personally think so. JC: Tougher security might stop such incidents happening again. Maybe some extra patrol points around the building perimeter and dead corners?PK: I see no reason why we can?t do that remedial work within the next week.PK: I really think the timber of the cooling towers should be protected with flame-retardant paint. We?d be happy to help if we can. JC: Let me just recap. First, it looks like the most likely cause of the fire was vandalism, and that increased security may be needed to combat this in future. Second, Kuen Wah have agreed to carry out the necessary remedial work on Wednesday 1 May, and have also offered to undertake repainting with flame retardant paint.参考答案 练习一: 1. Prod. Dept≠resp, for Comp,poor pert. Q1(Mr Siu) 2. shldJintake grad. engs b4 2010(Mrs Wong) 3. If exportsKin Q3, think about dev′ing dom. Market(Mr Chou) 4. Prosps for future √, ∴ strongly rce. J staffsals. (Ms Fan) 5. Changes in exch, rate →Ksales last Q.∴recommend! In future trad.(Mr Wu) 练习二: ? Harry Fung described the background to the incident. ? Discussion took place about possible causes of the incident. ? Mr Clark suggested that tougher security measures should be introduced to combat vandalism. ? Mr Koo agreed to carry out remedial work the following week. ? Mr Koo suggested that flame retardant paint could be applied, and offered to undertake this work if required. ? Mr Clark concluded the meeting with a summary of the decisions reached. Powered By第五讲 商务信函写作――查询信与复查询信一.查询信简介 (一)定义及作用 查询信属于信息类信件(Information Letters), 写信询问有关对方产品或服 务的信息。 (二)分类 四种基本的查询信:要求提供服务、要求提供建议、要求报价、要求提供 文件。 二.查询信的写作 (一)写作步骤 (1) 自我介绍或说明原因(目的)。 (2) 具体询问。 (3) 表示希望回信的日期。 (4) (如果需保密)表示会对对方提供的信息保密。 例一:July 6,1999 Dear Sirs, Hand-made garment in pure materials, We learn from the British Embassy that you are producing hand-made garment for export in pure materials. (在信的开头便直截了当地写明你想询问的问题。) There is a steady demand here for high-class goods of this type especially in the brighter colours. (把你所想了解的,以及你已经了解的信息尽量表达清楚。) Will you please send us your catalogue and full details of your export prices and terms of payment, together with any samples you can let us have. (在结尾处提出愿望与要求。) We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Thomas Wilson Thomas Wilson例二: Dear Sir Wooden fitments 事由标题 Would it be possible for you to send us a catalogue and list price relating to your wooden fitments? 直接提出问题,语言明确 This company produces a large range of domestic and office furniture, and we are interested in using a number of products from your current range in the manufacture of our goods. 简单说明写信的原由 I look forward to hearing from you soon. Yours faithfully, Ann Smith 签名 Ann Smith(二)查询信的措辞和结构 (1)事由标题 事由标题位于称呼之后,信文之前,它能使查询信的内容变得一目了然。 (2)第一段 第一段必须直接提出问题,语言明确,不能含糊其词。 句式与措辞 查询信必须写得便于对方做出回答。 (1)第一段 A.询问信息 B. 寻求资料 (2)第二段 如果是新客户向供应商发出查询信,就必须在第二段中简单说明写信的原 由。 如果是老客户,就要在第二段中对供应商曾经给予的帮助和服务表示感谢。 最后,不管新老客户,都要在第二段中简单说明需要这些资料的原因及用途。在 第二段里还可以对自己作为写信人的情况稍作介绍。 (3)第三段 (三)写作方法和行文策略 查询信必须 (1) 明确说明需要什么及其原因; (2) 脉络清楚,便于对方一一解答; (3) 问题不能太多――看看是否还有其他资料来源; (4) 对别人将会提供的帮助表示感谢。 三.复查询信 (一)简介 回复查询信要则: (1)及时回复 (2)语气得体 (二)回复查询信件写作 1. 个案分析例三(3)内容完整Dear Sir or Madam, Hand-made garment in pure materials We have received your enquiry of 20 August and thank you for your interest in our products. 复查询信要在第一段说明来函收悉,指出发函或收函的日期,概括对方询问的内容。 A copy of our illustrated catalogue if being sent to you today, with samples of some of the leathers we use in our manufactures. 回答对方的询问,说明随函已附所需文件 Mr. Zhang, our sales representative, will be in Milan early next month and will be pleased to call on you. He has with him a wide range of our manufactures and, when you see them, we think you will agree that the quality of the materials used and the high standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers. 指出对方可能感兴趣的一些特点 We look forward to the pleasure of receiving an order from you. Yours faithfully John Williams 签名 John Williams Ⅰ. 回复要求提供文件的查询信 对要求提供文件的查询信是最容易回复的,只需说明随函已附所需文件,并顺便表 示你愿意提供更多的帮助。信中还可以指出所附文件中对方可能感兴趣的一些特点: ① You will find on page 3 of the brochure that we offer exactly the type of fans that you require. ② You can see in the enclosed catalogue that we specialize not only in domestic appliances but also in products for industrial use as well. ③ As you can see, this report shows that the effects of typing, in terms of wrist strain, have been underestimated for many years. 例四: We are writing in reply to your letter of August 2, which was passed on to us by MCS Office in London. In your letter, you asked for our advice concerning the marketing of motor-cycles in China, in particular Northeast China. At the moment, it would seem to us that your best course would be to have a sales survey made. At the same time as finding out about sales prospects, it is essential that possible future dealers should be also investigated, and this service is part of all sales-surveys we made. In addition to having a survey made, we would also advice you to make a personal visit to the country. This would enable you to “get the feel ”of the area concerned, which, in our opinion, is vital for any businessman planning a major marketing venture. 使用情态动词,如 can, could, might, would 等 We look forward to hearing from you again in the near future. If you need any details about the kind of survey we undertake, Head Office will be very happy to supply them. 表示希望所提供的信息有用,并欢迎对方再次来函并暗示自己愿意为对方效劳 Ⅱ. 回复要求提供建议的查询信 回复要求提供建议的查询信时,通常必须分析问题发生的原因。这时一 般要使用情态动词,如 can, could, might, would 等。例如: ① Excessive humidity can seriously affect the operation of our ② ③ ④ equipment. The cause of your problem could be excessive humidity. It might be that excessive humidity is behind your problems. Excessive humidity would create the effects that you described.Ⅲ. 回复要求提供报价的查询信 . 如果对方要求提供货物或某项服务的报价, 在回函的第二段中应作详细 报价。报价应明确显示该价格所包含的内容。 . 同时应指出该报价的“有效期”及发货日期。 2. 复查询信的措辞和结构 ? 措辞:复查询信的措辞和结构应该体现回信人对双方业务关系的重视。 ? 结构:复查询信的结构大致相同,一般分为三个段落。 Ⅰ. 第一段 ? 复查询信要在第一段说明来函收悉,指出发函或收函的日期,概括对方询 问的内容。以下是第一段中常用的一些语句: ① Thank you for your fax of 29 September enquiring about the possibility ② ③ of undertaking research at our company. I have received your letter of 13 May requesting information about our domestic product range. I was very pleased to receive your fax of 3 January regarding yourcompany?s decision to consider using the services of Ajax Cleaning Agency. ? 如果你和来函询问的客户以前有过生意上的往来,那么就应在第一段 中提及;同样,如果查询资料的人是经别人推荐,也应在这一段中提到。 对于前者,可以这样写: ① It was a pleasure to hear from you again. ② I am pleased to hear that we have been recommended to you by… Ⅱ. 第二段 (1) 应直截了当地提供完整详细的资料,而不只提供一个大概的信息。 (2) 回复查询信时要做到恰到好处。 (3) 回信中提供的信息必须清楚明确。 (4) 信息的排列必须明白易懂。 (5) 信文的要点可以用大小写字母或罗马数字分成几个大段或小段。 (6) 回函时可以作出临时安排,让对方确认,而且必须要求对方确认所 作的安排是否可行。 ? ① ② ③ ④ 可供表达的用语有下列几种: Would it be convenient for our representative to call at your site onWednesday 16 June at 3.00 pm? If it is possible, we should like to arrange a demonstration by the end of this month. If you wish, you can visit our showroom any time in September between 9.00 am and 5.30 pm. We can arrange for our service engineers to visit you within three days of receiving your confirmation.? ①此类回信中还可以指出你能够提供的折扣率。这时同样需要使用介词, 如: We offer a 5% discount on sales over $10,000. ②We can give a 2.5% discount on payment within 30 days.(3)末段 Ⅰ.最后一段通常用来表示希望所提供的信息有用,并欢迎对方再次来函。 例如: ① I hope that the information enclosed will prove useful to you. ② I now look forward to receiving your confirmation of the arrangements I have provisionally made regarding the visit by our representative. ③ I hope that the enclosed advice will help you to overcome the problems you have been facing with the equipment. ④ I hope that this quotation will prove acceptable to you. Ⅱ. 欢迎对方再次来函询问可以这样表示: ① Please feel free to contact me again if you have any further queries on this ② or any other matter. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if I can be of further assistance.3. 写作方法和行文策略 回复查询信时要做到: ① 及时回复,建立可靠信誉。 ② 使用积极关切的口吻。 ③ 应表现出乐于提供协助的态度,向对方提供完整详尽的信息――内容不应太 少。 ④ 脉络分明,条理清楚,使对方一目了然。课后练习 练习一:查询信 从 B 栏中选择适当的句子接在 A 栏后面。 A 1. Could you tell me if the new safety regulations for glass affect domestic as well as industrial suppliers? B We have had the same furniture for more than five years and now it is time to change.a. 2.Could you please send me a catalogue of your office equipment range?b.We are already making glass to the recognized standard for industrial purposes. However, we have many domestic clients, too. Although the pictures looked very nice, I?d like to see the technical s


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