How much is the coca cola kidla? -It's twenty d____ and five c____.

初一英语复习资料:How much are these pants单元测试题
  Unit 7 How much are these pants
  how much多少;come down to到达,从一处来到另一处;have a look at看一看
  1.How much is / are…?……多少钱?
  2.It is…. They are….它/他们是…
  3.Can I help you? 你要买什么?
  4.Let’s play …让我们玩…吧。
  5.Come to …Cool’s Clothing Sale.
  6.I want to buy..我想买……
  7.What colour is /are …?
  1、—How much is the bag?
  —It’s ten yuan.—10元。
  2、—How much are the bags?
  —They’re 100 yuan.—他们100元。
  3、OK.I’ll take it.
  4、Thank you.谢谢!
  5、You’re welcome.不用谢。
  6、I’m sorry.对不起。
  7、Here you are.给你。
  例如:21 twenty_one 56 fifty¬_six
  例如:528 five hundred and twenty_eight, 101 one hundred and one
  例如:39,218 thirty_nine thousand,two hundred and eight
  1)ten hundred thousand million billion表示具体数目时不用复数形式。但与“of”连用表示数十、数百、数千、数百万、数十亿时,用复数形式。
  例如:tens of students 数十名学生
  2)表示“某人几十岁”时,用“in + one’s + 十位数的复数形式”
  例如:in my twenties 在我二十几岁的时候
  3)表示在“几十年代”时,用“in + the + 逢十的数的复数形式”
  例如:in the 1980s 二十世纪八十年代
  例如:a ten_year_old boy 一个十岁的男孩
  1.—How much is this T-shirt?这件T恤衫多少钱?
  —It’s seven dollars 七美元。
  释:How much意为“多少”,通常是就“钱”多少进行提问的。如果询问某个物品的价格,常用表达方式为:“How much is…?”, 它也可以说:What's the price of…?
  在回答这个句子时,常用“It’s/ They are +价格”这个句型。
  例如:—How much is your sweater?—你的毛衣多少钱?—It’s 50 dollars.—它是50美元。
  —How much is the coat? = What's the price of the coat?这件外套多少钱?
  —It's fifty yuan. 50元。
  2. a pair of shoes
  释:名词socks(袜子),shoes(鞋子),pants(裤子),shorts(短裤),trousers(裤子),glasses(眼镜)等都是一个物品是由不可分隔的两部分组成的,他们是成双成对的物品,通常以复数形式出现,因此词尾都加“s”,当他们作主语时,谓语动词要用are,而不能使用is。如果表示一双或两双鞋子,袜子,裤子等则用a pair of shoes/sooks/trousers,two pairs of shoes/socks/trousers。 much/how many
  how many修饰可数名词的复数形式,how much修饰不可数名词。
  例如:How many books do you have? 你有多少本书?
  How many boys are there in your class? 在你班有多少个学生?
  How much(money)is the watch?这块手表多少钱?
  How much cola do you have? 你有多少可乐?
  注: ①在询问某物多少钱时,how much money中的money通常省略。
  例如:10元9角8分写作ten yuan,nine jiao,eight fen. 但是美元等外币,习惯有单复数之分。
  4.Can I help you?请问,你要点什么?
  释: 这句话有两种含义:一是服务人员或营业员主动询问顾客需要的常用语。可译为:“请问,您需要要点什么?”;二是某人主动询问对方是否需要帮助的用语,此时意为:“您需要帮忙吗?”本句是商店售货员招呼顾客时的常用语。在说英语的国家,商店中的售货员通常问顾客Can I help you?或May I help you?或What can I do for you?以表示客气和礼貌,而不能说:What do you want? 否则会显得很没有礼貌,顾客如需购物,则说:Yes,please.然后说出自己所需要的商品。如果仅想逛商店,则可回答:No, thanks.
  I’m just looking around.或Just have a look.
  例如:—Can I help you,Sir?请问,您需要点什么,先生?
  —Yes,please.I’d like some oranges.我想买点桔子。
  —Can I help you?—你需要帮忙吗?
  —Thank you veny much.—Could you help me take the books to the classroon?
  注:Can I help you? 这句话在不同的场合,其含义及用法也是不同的。
  如果在饭店,服务员 对你说这句话,则表示“您想吃点什么?”
  5.Here you are.给你(这正是你所需要的东西).
  6.Here you are./Here it is./Here they are./Here we are.
  释:(1)当你购物时或向别人借东西时,对方常说:Here you are.表示“给你”。
  (2)寻找东西,若是自己发现的,常说:“Here it is.或Here they are.表示终于找到了”。
  (3)当你乘事到沾时,司机或售票员会说:“Here you are.”表示“你到站了。”
  (4)几个人乘车到站时,自己常说:“Here we are.”我们到了。
  7.OK.I’ll take it.我就买 这件。
  (1)句中I’ll是I will的缩写形式,will是一般将来时的助动词,“will+动词原形”表示
  例如:I’ll play football.我准备踢足球。
  (2)句中take意为“拿走”,“取走”,“买”,相当于buy,但一般不说:I’ll buy it。而说I’ll take/have it.表示“我就买这个”。
  8. it的用法
  例如:What's this? 这是什么?It's a bike. 这是一辆自行车 。
  Your teacher asked you to read this lesson. You must do it.
  Do yon know it? 你知道那件事吧。Yes, I do. 是的,我知道。
  Who is it behind the tree? 谁在树后呢?It's Kate. 是凯特。
  Who is sing? 谁在唱歌?It's Lily. 是莉莉。
  What time is it? 几点了?It's seven o'clock. 七点了。
  It's fine today. 今天天气真好。
  It's two miles from my home to the school.从我家到学校有两英里的路。
  9.You’re welcome.不用谢。&
  释:该句是对Thank you的答语,当别人对你表示感谢后,你应该说You are welcome.以示礼貌,你还可以说That's all right. That's OK. Not at all, It's my pleasure,或No worries(澳大利亚人常用)意思都是不客气,不用谢”。
  例如:①Thank you.谢谢你
  You are welcome./That's all right.不客气
  You are welcome/That's OK.不用谢.
  ③Thank you very much.非常感谢.
  Not at all./No worries.别客气。
  注:1)very much意为“非常”,表示感谢的程度,
  2)You are welcome!不能简略为welcome!,因为“welcome一词单独使用时意为“欢迎”。
  10.Come and buy your clothes at Huaxing‘s great sale!来买你的衣服,华兴大甩卖!
  例如:Please sit down. 请坐下。
  Don’t open your books, please. 请别打开书。
  Don’t be late.不要迟到。
  2)come and buy 意思是“来买”,and是连词,用来连接两个动词的。英语中一句子如果出现两个动词,动词之间须用and连接,或者用or不定式和从句等形式,不能两个动词连在一起用如:come buy。
  例如:Come and look at this picture.来看看这幅画。
  Go and listen to the tape.去听听录音吧。
  Go to see your parents.去看看你的父母吧。
  例如:Go and ask the boy=go to ask the boy.
  例如:She often wears beautiful clothes.
  Clothing是物质名词,是服装的总称,除包括上衣、裤子、内衣等,还包括帽子、鞋袜等,没有复数形式,但“一件衣服”则表示为“an article clothing”。
  又如:The shop sells women’s clothing.此家商店出售女子服装。
  例如:My sister is wearing a red dress.我妹妹穿一件红连衣裙。
  12.We have sweaters at very good price.only¥25!
  例如:I sold my car at a high price.我以高价出售了我的汽车。
  13.Do you need bags for sports?你需要运动书包吗?
  例如: We need many books.我们需要许多书。
  2) 表示“需要,必须”,主要用于否定句和疑问句中。
  例如:Need I call him for you? 需要我给你叫他吗?
  例如:Need he come? 他必须来吗?
  Yes, he must.是的,必须来。/  No, he needn’t.不,他不必来。
  Need you go yet? 你要走了吗?
  Yes, I must. / No, I needn't.是的,我要走了/不,不急着走。
  4)句中for意为“适合于……”,“为……准备的”,for sports or school是介词短语,修饰前面的bags,作后置定语,bags for sports or school表示“运动包或书包”。
  14.Come and see for yourself at Huaxing Clothes Store!到华兴来自己亲眼瞧一瞧吧!
  释:句中for yourself表示“亲自”,see for yourself意为“亲眼瞧瞧”。
  15.have a look/see/look/watch
  如:I look but can’t see it.我看了,可是看不清楚。
  (2)watch“看,观看 ”;“特别留意,感兴趣地看运动着的东西”如:Watch TV!
  We can see you.我们能看到你们。
  (4)have a look表示“看”,句中look是名词,这个短语相当于look,当它后接名词时,要加介词at.
  例如:Let’s look at your watch.咱们看看你的手表。
  16. too
  例如:I also like English veny much.我也非常喜欢英语。
  She is also a student.她也是一名学生。
  例如:She is,too,a teacher.或She is teacher,too.她也是一位教师。
  释:for sale表示“供售卖”的意思。
  例如:House for sale.(This house is for sale)此房出售。
  Are these things for sale? 这些东西是卖的吗?
  on sale表示“在出售、大减价”的意思。
  例如:There are some nice apples on sale in that shop.那个商店有些优质苹果在出售。
  These clothes are on sale.这些衣服减价出售。
  ( )1.Where ________ your new pants? ________ on the bed., It’s B.are, They are, They’re D.are, It’s
  分析:B(pants作主语, 谓语中be用are)。
  ( )2.What color ________ the socks?
  A.can C.are
  ( )3.The girl ________ a colorful pencil.
  A.there is B.there are C.have D.has
  分析:D(主语the girl是单数)。
  ( )4.It’s that time ________ year again.
  A.for B.of C.for a D.of a
  分析:B(that time of year一年中的那个时节)。
  ( )5.You want it, we have it, ________ a very good price.
  A.for C.of
  ( )6.We have sweaters ________ all colors ________ ¥50 each., at, in, in, at
  分析:A(in all colors各种颜色的, at ¥50 each以每件50美元的价格)。
  ( )7.Come down ________ Huaxing and see ________ yourself., to B.for, for, for D.for, to
  分析:C(come down to来到某处for yourself你亲自)。&
  ( )8.We can ________ books ________ the bookstore (书店).
  A.sell, to, from C.sell, from, to
  ( )9.The store ________ school things ________ the students.
  A.sell, to, from C.sells, to D.buys, from
  ( )10.There ________ many shorts ________ sale in the store.
  A.are, on B.are, for, on, for
  分析:A(on sale出售)。
  ( )11.________ the pants? They’re 15 yuan.
  A.How many is B.How many are
  C.How much is D.How much are
  分析:D(how much可以表示询问价格)。
  ( )12.We read $ 10as ________.
  A.ten dollar B.ten dollars C.dollar ten D.dollars ten
  分析:B($10读作ten dollars)。
  ( )13.This shirt is very cheap. I’ll ________ it.
  A.bring B.take C.want D.believe
  ( )14.________ a clerk work in a store?
  A.Is B.Are C.Does D.Do
  分析:C(主语为a clerk, 谓语是行为动词work, 因此疑问句助动词为does)。
  ( )15.We have T-shirts ________ green for only $ 8. C.on D.with
  分析:B(in green绿色的)。
  A B C D E FG
  1. ______ 2. ________ 3. ______4. ______
  5. ________ 6. _______7. ______
  8. The bags on _____(销售)are fifteen yuan each.
  9. My sister likes to go to that _______(服装)store to buy clothes.
  10. The boy in _______(白色的), not the one in black, is his cousin.
  11. You can buy the shirt for eight ______ (美元) or twenty RMB yuan.
  12. They ______ (卖) the soccer balls for only ¥40.
  13. Green, yellow, black and red are all c______.
  14. A_____ the boys like sports.
  15. Come and see for y_______ at Xingfu Clothes Store.
  16. –What’s the p_________ of this bird? –It’s 100 yuan.
  17. The white pants are too s _______ for Jim, but the black pants are too long for him.
  18. – ________ it the TV? –It’s 2000 yuan.
  A. How manyB. How muchC. How aboutD. How big
  19. I want to buy a shirt _______ my father. A. to B. onC. for D. in
  20. –Can I help you? –_________.
  A. Thank youB. Yes, please, I want a pen. C. You’re welcome.D.I’m sorry.
  21. Let’s go and have _______ his new CD.
  A. look atB. a look atC. a lookD. the look at
  22. Jim’s _______ is red. A. shoes B. bagC. socksD. pants.
  23. –How much are the pants? –________ twenty dollars.
  A. It hasB. It isC. They haveD. They are
  24. –Are these your shoes? –Yes, ___________.
  A. they’reB. they areC. these areD. there’re
  25. –The T-shirt is only ten dollars. ----–I’ll ______it.A. buy B. take C. saleD. sell
  26. I like red but my brother ____________.
  A. likes red, tooB. doesn’tC. doesD. doesn’t like
  27. I like sports. My friend Allan ______likes sports.A. too B. but C. andD. also
  28. –What color is it? –____________
  A. It’s a green carB. It’s a greenC. It’s greenD. It’s green car
  29. We have ________ students.
  A. fourty –fourB. four – fourtyC. forty – fourD. four –forty
  30. How much _________ do you want?
  A. tomatoesB. bananasC. hamburgersD. chicken
  31. The car is too ____, I can’t buy it.A. cheap B. dearC. nice D. good
  32. They have T-shirts _________ green and black for only $13_______ the shop.
  A. atB. inC. withD. in
  A: Good morning!B: Good morning! ________________?
  A: Yes, please. . __________________.B: Come this way. Here are the sweaters. .
  A: This white one is nice.______________________?B: 49 dollars.
  A: OK. _________________.Here is the money.B: Thank you . A: __________________.
  43. How much are the tomatoes?A. It’s $17
  44. What is five and eight?B. Yes, please.
  45. How much is the bag?C. They are only 2 dollars.
  46. Do you want seven or seventeen pencils? D. Seventeen.
  47. Can I help you?E. Thirteen.
  43. _________ 44. ________ 45. _________ 46. __________ 47. ___________&
  I work in a small shop. It’s near an English 48 . Every day students come to 49 things.
  In the 50 . I get up (起床) at six. And then I have breakfast.
  I get go (到达) the 51 at about six fifty. The shop opens at seven. We sell things 52 food and drink. We have school things. 53 , so there 54 often many people in our shop 55 morning to evening.
  I have 56 in the shop. At seven in the evening the shop is closed. We go home 57 supper.
  ( )48. A. farmB. factoryC. schoolD. river
  ( )49. A. buyB. sellC. takeD. want
  ( )50. A. evening B. afternoon C. noon D. morning
  ( )51. A. classroom. B. schoolC. shopD. club
  ( )52. A. withB. likeC. forD. about
  ( )53. A. tooB. alsoC. andD. but
  ( )54. A. areB. haveC. seeD. come
  ( )55. A. inB. onC. atD. from
  ( )56. A. supperB. breakfastC. teaD. lunch
  ( )57. A. toB. atC. withD. for
  Ⅶ、阅读理解 A
  It is Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a shop.
  “What does your shop sell?” Mary asks, “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. “You can buy food, drinks, chothes in our shop and school things, too.”
  Mary and her mother go in. there are many people in the shop. Mary finds a nice white skirt. “How much is the skirt?” Mary asks the girl in the shop.
  “It’s eighty yuan.”  “That’s too dear. Can I find a cheap one?”
  “What about the green one? It looks nice. And it’s only thirty yuan.”
  “Ok, thanks a lot.”  “You are welcome.”
  After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Here mother buys a lot of food, like bread, cakes, meat and fish. They get home very late.
  ( ) 58. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on ________.
  A. Saturday afternoon B. Saturday morning C. Sunday morning D.Sunday afternoon
  ( )59. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and _________.
  A. some foodB. some drinksC. come clothesD. some school things
  ( ) 60. The white skirt is _____.A. ¥30B. ¥110 C. ¥80D. ¥100
  ( ) 61. Mary buys a _________ skirt. A. whiteB. greenC. redD. dear
  ( ) 62. The green skirt is ___________.
  A. nice but dearB. nice and cheapC. not nice but cheapD. not nice or cheap
  Mr. King goes to a dinner party. He is wearing old clothes. He comes into the room. But people in the room don’t look at him. They don’t ask him to sit at the table.
  Mr. King goes home and puts on his good clothes. He goes back to the party. Everyone in the room stands up and smiles at him. They give him very good food to eat.
  Mr. King takes off his clothes, and puts them in the food and says, “Eat, clothes!”
  The other people ask, “What are you doing?”
  He answers, “I’m asking my coat to eat food. I am wearing my old clothes. You don’t look at me. You don’t ask me to sit down. Now I’m in these clothes. And you give me very good food. Now I see, you give the food to my clothes, not to me!”
  ( )63. Mr. King goes to the dinner party, but people in the room don’t look at him. Because __.
  A. he doesn’t come by carB. he is young C. he is wearing his old clothesD. he is old
  ( )64. Mr. King goes home to _______ his ________ clothes.
  A. goodB. fineC. goodD. good
  ( )65. Mr. King goes back to the party. People in the room stand up and smile at him because_____ .A. he is wearing his old clothesB. he comes by a very good car
  C. he is wearing his good clothesD. he is putting on his good clothes
  ( )66. Mr. King takes off his good clothes, and ________ them _________ the good food.
  A. to eatB. to eatC. to eatD. eat
  ( )67. Mr. King says the good food is _______.
  A. for heB. for his good clothesC. for meD. for him
  1.These tomatoes are nine dollars.(划线提问)________ _______ ________these tomatoes?
  2.The girl is my sister.She is in red.(合并一句) The girl ______ ________ is my sister.
  3.They have a new bike each.( 同义句 ) ______ of them ______ a new bike.
  4.Can I help you? ( 同义句 ) _______ can I _______ _____ you?
  5These pants are short. ( 同义句 ) These are _______ ________ .
  6. How much is the pencil ? ( 同义句 ) ________ the ________ of the pencil?
  1. The blue sweater is ______ _______.(11元)
  2. We have socks _______ a ______ _______ ________ .(合理的价格的)
  3. They have ______ _______ ______ .(红色的T恤衫)
  4. Anybody can _______ our _______ . (支付我们的价格)
  5. You can buy bags ______ _______ ________ .(价格12美元)
  6. The yellow skirt is ________ ________ for 25 pounds . (出售)
  7.Come and ______ ______ _______ .(亲自看看)
  8How much are _______ ______ ______ ?(那些白色的鞋子)
  Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just $ 5 each ...
  参 考 答 案
  1-7、D C E B F G A
  8-12、sale clothes white dollars sell
  13-17、colors All yourself price short
  18-22、D C B B B23-27、D B B B D28-32、C C D B B
  33-37、help please want sweaters much
  38-42、Chinese too much how/what take
  43-47、C E A B D
  48-52、C A D C B53-57、A A D D D
  58-62、D D C B B63-67、C A C B B
  68-71、red black blue white
  Welcome to Fenghua Clothing Sale. These T-shirts are just$5 each. Do you like any sweaters? We have sweaters in all colors at$15 each. Do you need bags for sports or school? We have great bags for just $4. And hats in all colors for just$2 each. We have socks for$6. And that’s not all. Please come to Fenghua and see for yourself!
情侣拍大尺度婚礼视频 堪比三级片
范冰冰82岁鹤发苍颜 还原垂暮武则天
“武当妹妹”舞拳抚琴展清纯侠女气质 网上走红
酒吧开业 竟请美女当街脱衣
• 版权所有 Copyright 2011 All rights reserved.


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