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Android 平台遥控应用程序横向对比——RemoteDroid vs Gmote
With all this talk lately of Apple's Magic Trackpad, you may have forgotten that your Android-based phone is basically a trackpad that you carry with you all the time. It's a relatively simple operation to use it to control input on your computer. Perhaps the two most popular such applications are Gmote, and RemoteDroid. Both apps have hundreds of thousands of downloads. While there is some overlap in their functionality, each one has unique features. 苹果(Apple)的魔力轨迹板(Magic Trackpad)推出后大家都在谈论它,但你也许忘记了你的 Android 手机基本上也是个你从不离身的轨迹板。用它来操作你的电脑相对而言很容易实现。最流行的此类应用程序大概就数 Gmote 和 RemoteDroid 了。两者都有成百上千的下载量。他们的功能有所重叠,不过也各有各的特点。 Read on as we tell you what's to like about each of these popular apps.&&
下面就来介绍这两款主流应用程序的特点。 RemoteDroid RemoteDroid Remote Droid is an app designed to get a job done. There are not a lot of flashy animations, or high resolution images in this app. But it does its job well enough that we don't think any of that is necessary. You can pick up RemoteDroid for free in the Market. The app itself is a pleasantly compact 108KB in size when installed. Once you have the app, you just need a Wi-Fi network and the RemoteDroid server to run on the computer. It will run on Windows, Mac, and Linux.
Remote Droid 是一款专一型的应用程序。它没有什么华丽的动画或者高清的图片。但它很好地实现了该做的事情,那些动画、图片都完全没有必要。你可以在应用市场(Market)中免费获取 RemoteDroid。它小巧可人,安装后仅占 108KB。当你安装了它之后,你只需要有 Wi-Fi 网络并在电脑上运行 RemoteDroid 服务器就行了。它支持 Windows、Mac 和 Linux。 Upon launching the app for the first time, you will be presented with a screen offering brief instructions. Just launch the server that you downloaded on the PC, then type in your computer's IP address. The window for the RemoteDroid server will tell you the IP address, so no need to look it up. The address will be you internal network IP, probably something like 192.168.1.XXX. Any addresses you connect to will be stored in the Recently Used Hosts list on this screen. 在初次运行它的时候,会显示简单的教程。你只要启动下载到你的电脑中的服务器,然后输入你电脑的 IP 地址即可。RemoteDroid 服务器的窗口会告诉你 IP 地址是多少,所以你不必亲自查询。这个 IP 地址是你的内网 IP,一般可能是类似 192.168.1.XXX 这样。你连接到的任何地址都会保存在屏幕上“最近使用的主机”列表中。 Simple, yet functional
简单,却功能完善 After this, you are presented with a wireframe outline of the trackpad, and two mouse buttons. It actually has sort of a Tron vibe. In between the two mouse buttons is a button for pulling up the software keyboard, but a hardware keyboard is supported if you have one. Tapping in the trackpad area is also interpreted as a left click. The mouse and keyboard input is the only function of this app, but it works quite well. 之后,你会在屏幕上看到用线框出的一个轨迹板,以及两个鼠标按键。在两个鼠标按键之间有个按钮,用以激活软键盘,不过如果你插上了物理键盘,你依然可以使用它。在轨迹板上触击也表示左键点击。这款应用程序的功能就只有鼠标和键盘的输入,但它运行得相当好。 We found moving the pointer around with the touchscreen was smooth, even under heavy network load. A definite bonus here is that the trackpad area responds to multi-touch gestures in the form of the always popular two-finger scroll. This will work with any program on the computer side. This little touch makes RemoteDroid eminently usable as an input method. Typing with the software keyboard also works well. 我们感觉即使在网络繁忙时,用触摸屏移动鼠标也很平滑。这里有个无可争议的加分点,轨迹板支持多点触控手势,可以实现常用的双指滚动。这可以适用于电脑上的任何程序。这一个小方面让 RemoteDroid 作为输入方式的可用性有了显著的提高。使用软键盘进行输入也很不错。 We can think of one major use for this app, and that's as a way to control a media center PC. But really, any computer that you aren't sitting right next to would benefit from this app. What makes RemoteDroid an interesting solution for controlling computers is that the server doesn't need to be installed. It's just a Java app that is run by executing a .jar file. Any computer with Java installed can use it. You could carry around the server on a USB drive and plug it into any computer you needed to interact with (even those you cannot install software on). The only issue is that you'd have to leave this window open, unless you are able to launch it with an attached mouse. Overall, RemoteDroid is a great app, and it's even open source.
我们想到这款应用程序的一大用处,那就是用来操作媒体中心电脑。不过实际上,只要你的电脑不在面前,那你就可得用到这款应用了。RemoteDroid 作为电脑控制解决方案的有趣之处在于你不必安装服务器。它只是一款运行一个 .jar 文件的&Java 应用程序。任何安装了 Java 的电脑都可以运行它。你可以把它放在 U 盘里,插入任何你想要连接的电脑(即使是那些不能安装软件的)就行了。唯一的问题是你必须把服务器时刻开着,除非你接了个鼠标来点开它。总的来说,RemoteDroid 是一款很棒的应用程序,而且是开源的。 Gmote Gmote Where RemoteDroid focuses on just the keyboard and mouse part of the interface, Gmote goes much further. Gmote offers options to control and stream media on your computer, as well as direct control of the mouse and keyboard. This is a nice combination since much of what we'd do with RemoteDroid is related to media playback. Gmote is also a free app, but there is a donate version you can buy for $2.99 to support the developer. As with RemoteDroid you have to download a server on the PC side, but this is a traditional installer that runs in the background to facilitate the advanced media streaming&&features. There are versions for Windows, Mac, and Linux. The advantage here is that since it runs in the background, it is great for a PC that you don't usually have a mouse connected to.
当 RemoteDroid 还专注于键盘和鼠标的输入接口时,Gmote 走得更远。Gmote 除了可以直接控制鼠标和键盘,还可以控制你的电脑播放媒体。这是个很好的组合,因为我们用 RemoteDroid 做的事情往往和媒体播放有关。Gmote 也是一款免费应用,不过也有赞助版本,你可以花 2.99 美元购买来支持开发者。和 RemoteDroid 一样,你必须把服务器下载到电脑上,不过这是一个传统的安装包,它会在后台运行,更方便实现高级媒体播放功能。它有 Windows、Mac 和 Linux 版本。它的优势在于它是在后台运行的,这对于你平常不接鼠标的电脑来说非常好用。 When you first launch the app, it tells you to make sure you've got the server running, and for good reason. When you start the Gmote desktop server, it has you point out your media libraries. You will also be asked to choose a password. The app will automatically find the computer running the server. Now when you click past that first screen in Gmote, you get a screen with player controls vaguely reminiscent of the Zune interface. If you just need to control the mouse and keyboard, hit the menu button, and choose Trackpad. 当你初次运行它的时候,它会询问你确定你已经正常启动了服务器。当你打开 Gmote 桌面服务器时,它会让你指定你的媒体库的位置。它还会让你设置密码。这款应用程序会自动搜索运行了服务器的电脑。当你点击跳过 Gmote 的初始屏幕后,你就会看到带有播放控制按键的界面了,它会让你模模糊糊地联想到 Zune 的界面。如果你只需要控制鼠标和键盘,那么请触击菜单键,选择“轨迹板”。 The trackpad in Gmote is not really the centerpiece of the app, but it gets the job done. The entire screen is the trackpad. Tapping is a left-click, and a long-press equals a right-click. Unlike RemoteDroid, there are no multi-touch gestures. In our testing, the default sensitivity of the track pad was far too low. It took a lot of swipes to move the cursor across the screen. Turning it up in the settings solved that problem.&&A link to open the keyboard it in the upper left corner. Gmote 的轨迹板并非它的核心,不过它在这方面也做得很好。整个屏幕就是轨迹板。触击就是左键点击,而长按则表示右键点击。和 RemoteDroid 不同,它不支持多点触控手势。根据我们的测试,轨迹板的默认灵敏度太低了。要把鼠标从屏幕一端移到另一端还划好几下。在设置里把灵敏度调高就没问题了。在左上角有个按钮可以打开键盘。 To control your computer's media library, get back to the remote screen by hitting menu, and choosing remote. There is a link in the upper left corner to browse the directories you added to the server. You'll have to input the password you chose earlier. There are two ways to use the media on your computer with this app. You can have it launched on the PC, or on the phone. If you choose to just launch files on your PC, you should be able to use any content your computer could normally play. If you open a video file, it will be shown on the computer in full screen. 要想控制你电脑的媒体库,你可以触击菜单键回到遥控界面,然后选择“遥控”。在左上角有个按钮可以浏览你在服务器中添加的目录。你必须输入之前设定的密码。这款应用程序有两种方式来处理你电脑上的媒体。你可以在电脑上打开,也可以在手机上打开。如果你选择就让它在电脑上打开,你就应该可以播放你的电脑一般所支持的媒体内容。如果你打开一个视频文件,它会在电脑上全屏播放。 The playback is controlled by the server program, and there are no controls on the PC side. There's no seek bar or time indicator, and the only way to skip around in the video is to press and hold the next and back buttons in Gmote. This skips around in fairly large chunks. We were a little disappointed there was not more flexibility in how videos are played. Audio on the other hand, works just fine. All the controls you really need are accessible from the Gmote on-screen controls. Any media you play on the computer can be stopped by hitting the power symbol in the upper right corner.
播放是由服务器程序来控制的,你不能用电脑来控制它。你不能拖放时间轴,要让视频快进快退,唯一的方法就是在 Gmote 里长按“下一个”和“上一个”按钮。这样快进快退的间隔很大。我们对于不能更灵活地操作视频播放感到有些失望。而另一方面,音乐播放就很好。你所真正需要的所有操作都可以在 Gmote 屏幕上进行控制。你可以触击右上角的电源图标关闭电脑上正在播放的任何媒体。 One oddity to make note of is that playback of media on our Windows 7 box with Gmote caused system audio settings to be altered. We were unable to get sound from any system element after using Gmote. This turned out to be caused by our on-board Realtek sound controller being disabled. This may just be a random problem caused by specific hardware, but be aware. 有个值得注意的问题是在我们的 Windows 7 系统中用 Gmote 播放媒体会改变系统的音频设置。在使用 Gmote 之后我们无法播放任何系统元素的声音。这看样子是由于我们的板载 Realtek 声卡被禁用了。这可能只会在特定的硬件上发生,不过还是请留意。 Playback on the phone is labeled as beta. We found that it worked just fine for audio, but only a few video formats are supported. Most of the MP4 files we checked appeared to playback well, but it got confused by a few. This is a nice feature to have, especially for music, but it earns the beta label. Still, we're happy to see the developer continuing to work on new features.
在手机上播放的功能带有 beta 标签。我们觉得它播放音乐很不错,不过只支持部分视频格式。大部分 MP4 文件经测试都能顺利播放,不过另外一些格式就不行了。这个功能很不错,特别是对于音乐来说,不过它还在 beta 阶段。但是我们很高兴能看到开发者正继续努力完善这一新功能。 These are the most popular remote control apps on Android right now. While we're very happy with the stability and portability of RemoteDroid, it's light on features. If all you need is a way to control keyboard and mouse input, it's a great choice. Gmote offers more features, but we felt it's utility for video was a little questionable. However, it's constantly running server application makes it a good choice for a persistent media center PC. Have you tried either of these apps? Are there any alternative apps you like on the Android platform. 这些就是 Android 上现在最流行的遥控应用程序了。我们虽然很习惯 RemoteDroid 的稳定小巧,但它的功能较少。如果你只是想要控制键盘和鼠标输入,那么这是个好选择。Gmote 提供了更多的功能,但我们觉得它的视频功能还存在问题。不过,它能在后台时刻运行的服务器应用程序非常适合于固定的媒体中心电脑。你试过这两款应用程序吗?你在 Android 平台上还见过什么别的此类程序呢?
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