
作为“万物灵长”的人类向来是骄傲的,然而,动物们在某些方面出人意料的“聪明”让我们不得不目瞪口呆、那么,动物的智力究竟有多高?人们为什么要研究动物的智力水平?带着这些问题,记者采访了中国科学院昆明动物研究所研究员马原野。  ———聪明动物———比人类记忆更好的黑猩猩 这次,日本京都大学的研究人员设计了一项涉及数字的记忆测试,将3只母黑猩猩和它们年幼的儿女分成3组,与大学生比赛记忆力。研究人员要求黑猩猩和大学生们记忆屏幕上的数字和它们的排列次序。研究结果显示,年幼的黑猩猩的记忆力比它们的母亲和大学生优胜。 在此之前,人们认为黑猩猩在记忆力和其他心理能力方面不及人类。负责这项研究的京都大学松泽教授说,仍有许多人包括很多生物学家在内,认为人类在所有认知能力方面都比黑猩猩优胜。他说,没有人能想象到,年幼的黑猩猩在某些方面有比年轻人更好的记忆力。人们低估了和人类一起进化的邻居———黑猩猩的智慧。 美国的动物专家帕尔博士说,年幼的黑猩猩拥有更佳的照片式记忆,这项研究告诉人们,早期人类的短期记忆力可能比现代人更好,原因可能是现代人越来越依赖语言文字做记忆的工具。 “很多动物在某些方面的能力要优于人类,比如运动能力、嗅觉等。用于短时间内指导行为的‘工作记忆’也并非人类独有,黑猩猩在这方面的能力优于人类是完全可能的。另外,啮齿动物,如大鼠、小鼠等,也有这种记忆力。”马原野介绍。   有海中“智叟”美誉的海豚   除黑猩猩之外,还有很多动物都具有相当高的智力。   海洋学家认为,海豚与人类一样也有学习能力,甚至比黑猩猩还略胜一筹,有海中“智叟”之称。   大多数科学家一致认为,海豚是非常伶俐的动物。这是因为海豚有着十分出色的表现:它能准确无误地识别目标;能给潜水人员传递信息;经常救护海难中落水的人们;能几十年如一日地给危险海域的轮船领航;能在海域侦察各种情况,并排除险情,保证军舰顺利航行;能表演各种精彩的杂技节目等等。   ———智力揭秘———智力与脑的结构有关   动物的很多超乎常人的行为让我们感到,动物确实有一定水平的智商,但目前对“智力”还没有一个令人满意的定义,动物智力究竟有多高?这一直是一个谜团。   通过对人、黑猩猩和海豚的脑重与体重之比进行的研究发现,人脑重量约为1.5千克,占体重的2.1%,黑猩猩脑的重量不到0.5千克,占体重的0.7%,而海豚脑的重量为1.6千克,占体重的1.17%,其绝对脑重量位居第一,相对脑重量位居第二,而且不论是绝对脑重量还是相对脑重量都远远超过了黑猩猩。   海豚大脑的宽度超过长度,也是与其它动物不同的地方。同时,海豚脑部不但体积大,而且沟回多,像核桃仁一样,特别复杂,因此有较好的记忆力,能学会复杂的表演动作。此外,海豚的两个大脑半球可以轮流休息,当右侧的大脑半球处于抑制状态时,左侧的大脑半球却处于兴奋状态,每隔10余分钟交替一次,这样就可以一边睡觉一边游泳,终日搏击风浪而不感到疲乏。   我国科学家最新的研究也表明,动物的大脑结构与智力有关。《科学》6月29日以报告形式,发表了中国科学院上海生命科学研究院神经科学研究所郭爱克院士领导的学习与记忆研究组最新的一项研究成果,该成果证明果蝇中央脑的蘑菇体结构和多巴胺系统共同掌控果蝇的基于价值的抉择,没有二者共同参与的抉择是简单的、“犹豫不决”的线性抉择过程,而二者的协同运作才使两难抉择成为“当机立断”的、“胜者独享”的非线性抉择。此外还证明,果蝇脑中的蘑菇体可能起到类似的“门控”作用,它和多巴胺系统共同实现抉择过程中的“门控”、“聚焦”和“放大”机制。   高智力动物能够“照镜子”   研究表明,储存记忆系统和思维系统的相互独立,是生物智力发展到达高级阶段的一个重要标志。   虽然狗、猫等都是比较聪明的动物,但猫、狗都是一辈子不会照镜子的动物,无论你怎样教它,启迪它,它们也永远弄不明白镜子里面就是自己。黑猩猩、长臂猿等动物能从镜子中认识自己,说明它们进入了这个阶段。由于有了这种再思的能力,黑猩猩才能因此而会使用简单的工具,会将几个木箱叠起来取下吊在高处的香蕉。这是不用学都有可能会的,而狗、猴等动物永远不会这种程度的智力行为,就是进行长时期的强化训练,教会了它们类似的连惯性行为,它们也永远不能理解。   但是这种“再思”能力究竟怎样影响动物智力,目前还不得而知。   ———重要启示———动物智力研究对人有启示   “研究动物智力是为了更好地认识生物的智力与智慧。”马原野介绍。   他说,关于智力也有很多有趣的现象。研究发现,人右侧大脑前额叶结构受到损伤,人在创造力以及解决问题的能力方面反而得到提高。像爱因斯坦这样的天才,其实他的大脑结构也曾受损。犹太人之所以聪明,很重要的原因是历史上犹太人种发生过基因突变,造成了脑结构变异。研究还发现,“记忆”甚至并非生物独有,金属对弯折也有记忆能力,这就有了“记忆合金”这种提法。   通过研究动物,我们可以探究智力从何而来、怎样演化、如何充分发挥潜力等等,动物智力的研究在人工智能系统的开发中也有着重要作用。   ———专家连线———   记者:当发现动物在智力的某些方面超过人时,人类有办法再提高自己吗?   马原野(中国科学院昆明动物研究所研究员):通过专门的训练,人某些能力是可以提高的。在记忆力方面,我们已经有了很多辅助性的工具,因此没有必要依靠人脑本身记住所有东西。   记者:可以认为社交性越高的动物,智力水平越高吗?   马原野:可以这么认为。因为社交性越高,意味着动物更需要交流信息,这样就有利于促进动物的智力发展。   记者:记忆力比较好的动物,是否学习能力也比较好?智力也比较高?   马原野:没有记忆力便没有学习能力,但同时遗忘也是一种学习。只有遗忘掉无用的信息,才有空间接纳新的有用的知识,而且如果信息储备太多,从中提取有效信息的难度也会加大,所以有时并不见得是老年人记忆力差,而是他们记住的东西太多了。还要注意的是,记忆力好并不一定意味着高智商,患有“儿童孤独症”的孩子,对数字往往有神奇的记忆能力;电影《雨人》中达斯丁·霍夫曼扮演的角色智力低下,却对数字记忆非常敏感。在很多情况下,人某方面能力的缺失往往会促成另一方面能力的异常发达。   记者:现在我们都是怎样研究生物智力的?   马原野:现在已经实现智力的跨物种研究了,而且这种研究以后会更频繁,这代表着智力研究的方向。过去由于宗教的原因很少把人和动物进行比较,但现在这种影响已经大为减少。郭爱克院士对果蝇的研究就涉及到了将果蝇智力和灵长类智力相比较,取得不少成果。   -新闻缘起   最近,日本京都大学的研究人员在一项涉及数字的记忆测试中,将三只母黑猩猩和它们年幼的儿女分成三组,与大学生比赛记忆力。研究人员要求黑猩猩和大学生们记忆屏幕上的数字和它们的排列次序。研究结果显示,年幼的黑猩猩的记忆力比它们的母亲和大学生优胜。   作为“万物灵长”的人类向来是骄傲的,然而造化的神奇也常常让我们不得不目瞪口呆、甘拜下风。   -相关链接   海獭利用工具捕食   生活在北美洲大西洋沿岸的海獭,以鱼类为主食,也吃龙虾、蛤蜊、贻贝、鲍鱼、螃蟹一类带硬壳的海味。海獭尤其爱吃鲍鱼这种带甲壳的软体动物,但鲍鱼具有吸盘一样的足,牢固地吸附在岩石上,要想将其弄到手极为困难。但是对海獭来说不成问题,海岸上,到处都有可以当锤子用的小石块和可以放在胸前、作用如同砧板的大石头,有了这两样工具,就可以砸开软体动物的甲壳。砧板不易寻到,所以往往要重复使用好几次后海獭才舍得扔掉。   狗的智力难以测定   要对不同文化的人做智力比较已不是简单的事,而要比较一群狗的智力,那问题就更为棘手了。   狗训练专家是从狗学会新工作的速度,来测定狗的智力。而狗主人常常是以狗对主人的情绪和欲望的敏感程度来测定狗的智力。这些概念是否真正能证明狗和人类具有同样的智力则尚有争论,但狗的确有学习能力,懂得信号,并把信号与特定的动作或工作联系起来,拥有高度的“动物智力”,但狗似乎缺乏人类的推理和联系复杂抽象概念的能力。
当然是海豚,海豚的记忆力超强,资料说海豚的智力相当于6岁的孩童,没有比这记忆力更好的动物了(除人类) 时间的的话较深刻的记忆可以维持一生,其他会忘记的事情就没什么时间标准了,有的时间长有的时间短鸽子也很强
北回归线 Tropic Of Cancer
And it was down the Rue Bonaparte that only a year before Mona and I used to walk every night, after we had taken leave of Borowski. St. Sulpice not meaning much to me then, nor anything in Paris. Washed out with talk. Sick of faces. Fed up with cathedrals and squares and menageries and what not. Picking up a book in the red bedroom and the cane tired of sitting on my ass all day long, tired of red wallpaper, tired of seeing so many people jabbering away about nothing. The red bedroom and t her gowns lying about in a delirium of disorder. The red bedroom with my galoshes and canes, the notebooks I never touched, the manuscripts lying cold and dead Paris! Meaning the Caf& Select, the D?me, the Flea Market, the American Express. Paris! Meaning Borowski's canes, Borowski's hats, Borowski's gouaches, Borowski's prehistoric fish & and prehistoric jokes. In that Paris of '28 only one night stands out in my memory & the night before sailing for America.
A rare night, with Borowski slightly pickled and a little disgusted with me because I'm dancing with every slut in the place. But we're leaving in the morning! That's what I tell every cunt I grab hold of & leaving in the morning! That's what I'm telling the blonde with agate-colored eyes. And while I'm telling her she takes my hand and squeezes it between her legs. In the lavatory I stand before the bowl with a it seems light and heavy at the same time, like a piece of lead with wings on it. And while I'm standing there like that two cunts sail in & Americans. I greet them cordially, prick in hand. They give me a wink and pass on. In the vestibule, as I'm buttoning my fly, I notice one of them waiting for her friend to come out of the can. The music is still playing and maybe Mona'll be coming to fetch me, or Borowski with his gold knobbed cane, but I'm in her arms now and she has hold of me and I don't care who comes or what happens.
We wriggle into the cabinet and there I stand her up, slap up against the wall, and I try to get it into her but it won't work and so we sit down on the seat and try it that way but it won't work either. No matter how we try it it won't work. And all the while she's got hold of my prick, she's clutching it like a lifesaver, but it's no use, we're too hot, too eager. The music is still playing and so we waltz out of the cabinet into the vestibule again and as we're dancing there in the shithouse I come all over her beautiful gown and she's sore as hell about it. I stumble back to the table and there's Borowski with his ruddy face and Mona with her disapproving eye. And Borowski says &Let's all go to Brussels tomorrow,& and we agree, and when we get back to the hotel I vomit all over the place, in the bed, in the washbowl, over the suits and gowns and the galoshes and canes and the notebooks I never touched and the manuscripts cold and dead.
A few months later. The same hotel, the same room. We look out on the courtyard where the bicycles are parked, and there is the little room up above, under the attic, where some smart young Alec played the phonograph all day long and repeated clever little things at the top of his voice. I say &we& but I'm getting ahead of myself, because Mona has been away a long time and it's just today that I'm meeting her at the Gare St. Lazare. Toward evening I'm standing there with my face squeezed between the bars, but there's no Mona, and I read the cable over again but it doesn't help any. I go back to the Quarter and just the same I put away a hearty meal. Strolling past the Dame a little later suddenly I see a pale, heavy face and burning eyes & and the little velvet suit that I always adore because under the soft velvet there were always her warm breasts, the marble legs, cool, firm, muscular. She rises up out of a sea of faces and embraces me, embraces me passionately & a thousand eyes, noses, fingers, legs, bottles, windows, purses, saucers all glaring at us and we in each other's arms oblivious. I sit down beside her and she talks & a flood of talk. Wild consumptive notes of hysteria, perversion, leprosy. I hear not a word because she is beautiful and I love her and now I am happy and willing to die.
We walk down the Rue du Chateau, looking for Eugene. Walk over the railroad bridge where I used to watch the trains pulling out and feel all sick inside wondering where the hell she could be. Everything soft and enchanting as we walk over the bridge. Smoke coming up between our legs, the tracks creaking, semaphores in our blood. I feel her body close to mine & all mine now & and I stop to rub my hands over the warm velvet. Everything around us is crumbling, crumbling and the warm body under the warm velvet is aching for me&Back in the very same room and fifty francs to the good, thanks to Eugene. I look out on the court but the phonograph is silent. The trunk is open and her things are lying around everywhere just as before. She lies down on the bed with her clothes on. Once, twice, three times, four times & I'm afraid she'll go mad & in bed, under the blankets, how good to feel her body again! But for how long? Willft last this time? Already I have a presentiment that it won't.
She talks to me so feverishly & as if there will be no tomorrow. &Be quiet, Mona! Just look at me & don't talk.& Finally she drops off and I pull my arm from under her.
My eyes dose. Her body is there beside me & it will be there till morning surely& It was in February I pulled out of the harbor in a blinding snowstorm. The last glimpse I had of her was in the window waving good bye to me. A man standing on the other side of the street, at the corner, his hat pulled down over his eyes, his jowls resting on his lapels. A fetus watching me. A fetus with a cigar in its mouth. Mona at the window waving good-bye. White heavy face, hair streaming wild. And now it is a heavy bedroom, breathing regularly through the gills, sap still oozing from between her legs, a warm feline odor and her hair in my mouth. My eyes are closed. We breathe warmly into each other's mouth. Close together, America three thousand miles away. I never want to see it again. To have her here in bed with me, breathing on me, her hair in my mouth & I count that something of a miracle. Nothing can happen now till morning&
I wake from a deep slumber to look at her. A pale light is trickling in. I look at her beautiful wild hair. I feel something crawling down my neck. I look at her again, closely. Her hair is alive. I pull back the sheet & more of them. They are swarming over the pillow.
It is a little after daybreak. We pack hurriedly and sneak out of the hotel. The caf&s are still closed. We walk, and as we walk we scratch ourselves. The day opens in milky whiteness, streaks of salmon & pink sky, snails leaving their shells. Paris. Paris. Everything happens here. Old, crumbling walls and the pleasant sound of water running in the urinals. Men licking their mustaches at the bar. Shutters going up with a bang and little streams purling in the gutters. Amer Picon in huge scarlet letters. Zigzag. Which way will we go and why or where or what?
Mona is hungry, her dress is thin. Nothing but evening wraps, bottles of perfume, barbaric earrings, bracelets, depilatories. We sit down in a billiard parlor on the Avenue du Maine and order hot coffee. The toilet is out of order. We shall have to sit some time before we can go to another hotel. Meanwhile we pick bedbugs out of each other's hair. Nervous. Mona is losing her temper. Must have a bath. Must have this. Must have that. Must, must, must &&How much money have you left?&
Money! Forgot all about that.
  美国饭店。那儿有部电梯。 我们在大白天便上床睡觉了。待我们起来天色已黑,这时要做的头一件事便是凑足往美国打一份电报的钱。电报就打给那个嘴里叼着长长的、有味道的雪茄的胎儿。还要去拉斯帕伊林荫道找那个西班牙女人,做顿热饭是她的拿手好戏。天一亮便会发生什么事的。至少我们可以一起上床了。再也没有臭虫了。雨季已开始。床单干净极了&&
H?tel des Etats Unis. An ascenseur. We go to bed in broad daylight. When we get up it is dark and the first thing to do is to raise enough dough to send a cable to America. A cable to the fetus with the long juicy cigar in his mouth. Meanwhile there is the Spanish woman on the Boulevard Raspail & she's always good for a warm meal. By morning something will happen. At least we're going to bed together. No more bedbugs now. The rainy season has commenced. The sheets are immaculate&


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