
去年找托普仕的老师就开始弄了,今年收到的南安普敦的OFFER,老师一直都在跟我进行着积极的沟通,老师们都很认真负 责,从申请到拿到OFFER,让我挺感动我是师哥哦
如果很低的话,建议你重新考会对你的申请有很大帮助,如果是有点低,老师们可以通过别的方 面给你弥补
美国圣母大学University of Notre Dame工程学院
圣母大学工程学院上一年度的招生录取率为18.14%,录取的硕士生中,平均GPA成绩为3.40,Gre verbal平均成绩518,Gre quantitative平均成绩713,Gre writing平均成绩4.17,录取的博士生中,平均GPA成绩为3.60,Gre verbal平均成绩506,Gre quantitative平均成绩758,Gre writing平均成绩3.94。
  圣母大学(University of Notre Dame)或作“诺特丹大学”、“欧特丹大学”,是一所中等大小的私立天主教、研究型大学,位于美国印地安纳州圣母地区,它是一所地处南本德西北部的非法人社群。“圣母”法语发音是[nɔtʁə dam],实际指的是圣母玛利亚。学校成立于1842年,由圣十字会牧师Edward Frederick Sorin创立而成,也是该校的第一任校长,起初该校只招收男生,截止1972年,才招收了第一批女生,如今,学校女生比例已占到47%;该校信奉天主教,从学校历史和建筑即可看出。
专家答疑 - 让专家主动与你联系!
姓  名:
达特茅斯学院(Dartmouth College)
乔治华盛顿大学(George Washingto
芝加哥大学(University of Chicag
编辑:乐闻携尔 来源: 乐闻携尔
在University of Notre Dame圣母大学就读是怎样一番体验,【携尔留学】给大家翻译整理了圣母大学的留学体验,以供参考。
在University of Notre Dame圣母大学就读是怎样一番体验,【携尔留学】给大家翻译整理了圣母大学的留学体验,以供参考。
1.Academics: Can't say too much about it yet, but I love how supportive my professors have been of helping me get more into my majors (economics, political science) and going the extra mile to help me apply for research. Not overwhelming, but interesting. Great majors.
2.Academics: The College of Arts and Letters has lots of flexibility in double majoring, History and Econ are strong programs with amazing study abroad opportunities and internships.
3.Academics: The academics here are truly top notch and I really feel like I'm getting the best education in the country. The classes are very difficult but with hard work it is not impossible to still get good grades. The workload is definitely heavy but manageable.
4.Academics: The professors here are truly great and I have yet to have a professor that is not fully engaged in the material and willing to help their students. The curriculum is difficult but between the professors, other students, and studying on your own, there is no reason why you would not be able to succeed.
5.Majors: The brand name of Notre Dame is something that well stick with you forever if you go here. Companies and graduate schools know how great of an education ND provides and is always looking to recruit students. If you go to Notre Dame, you are pretty much set for life.
6.Majors: We have an abundance of major options all of which are highly regarded. To state the quality simply, those who find certain majors, especially engineering, too difficult frequently transfer into business as it is
our undergrad business program is ranked #1 in the country.
7.Majors: To get into the Business school, I just had to declare Business as my major. However, because the school is so popular, incoming freshmen now have to apply as intended Business majors and the University is instating a quota, so it will be much more difficult to get into the Business school.
8.Diversity: It's an elite Catholic university, so mostly white, straight kids. More latinos than you'd expect. Lots of geographical diversity.
9.Diversity: Diversity is present on campus, but it is not overwhelming by any means. Racial diversity is pretty lacking, and because Notre Dame is a Catholic university, most students come from the same religious background. There is no anti-LGBT sentiment, but out LGBT students are rare.
10.Diversity: There is a lot of diversity here on campus, not only racially, but individually--we all have come from different backgrounds and have unique stories to tell.
11.Athletics: Notre Dame football is incredibly fun, whether the team is winning or losing. Football season is so good that people schedule their study abroad options around it and the alumni basically throw the students a party during tailgating time. Basketball and hockey are also fun, but nothing close to what football is. Intramurals and dorm sports are super fun and many people get involved.
12.Athletics: Everyone comes together for all of the sports on campus whether it be soccer, basketball, hockey, and football of course. Athletics are definitely a huge part of campus, especially football. If we lose a game, it is extremely obvious that night.
13.Athletics: The school spirit of ND is fueled very much so by our athletics department. Every year we achieve the honor of being the national champions in some sport or another and that is extremely vital to continually fueling the fire. We are all invested in sports in one way or another.
14.Guys & Girls: The girls here are extremely attractive and very smart, both of which I admire in a woman.
15.Guys & Girls: Both sexes are generally pretty fit (as ND is a very fit campus), and consequently have relatively attractive bodies. Most people dress comfortably, and there generally isn't any pressure to dress out of your way unless its for particular events (whether it be for parties or interviews). There is generally a wide array of interests among both sexes. A lot of people give ND girls flak, and as such, I was worried there wouldn't be many attractive girls. When I got to campus, I definitely realized that my worry wasn't necessary, as there are a bunch of fit, happy, intelligent girls everywhere on campus. I wouldn't say that 100 percent of them are supermodels, but is that really true anywhere? They are a great bunch.
16.Administration: Boy dorms throw great parties, but girl dorms can't have any. Parietals are strictly enforced. Alcohol is very easy to get and drink, but don't even think about drugs. You will be kicked off campus
17.Administration: Very forward thinking for the administration to allow alcohol under 14% in the dorms. While they claim they don't want underage kids drinking, the RAs enforce the rules so the enforcement varies. Most RAs are fine with underage kids drinking as long as it is safe. Give freshman a reason to stay on campus rather than going off and getting in trouble with the law. As for other aspects of the administration, because it is a Catholic school, it is slow to change and stubborn on some issues.
校园管理:在管理方面,学校思维很超前,允许在宿舍饮酒。但不允许未到法定饮酒年龄的人喝酒, RAs强制实施规则,所以强制效果有所不同。很多时候未成年人饮酒,RAs也不在意,这也给新生一个很好的待在学校而不是去校外惹麻烦的理由。至于校园管理的其他方面,因为这是一个天主教大学,改变会有一点慢,有时候在一些问题上甚至有点固执。
18.Campus Food: Incredible--couldn't ask for better dining hall food. Also, the other foods on campus are open 24 hours and are the perfect foods for the middle of the night (taco bell and pizza hut). I've never ever been unhappy with the food situation on campus and I'm a fairly picky eater.
19.Campus Food: You won't go hungry here! There is always plenty to eat, through the huge variety in the dining hall and daily staples like soups, salads, sandwiches, and pasta bar. On the run, it is easy to grab something on your walk to class, and there are plenty of coffee shops scattered across class buildings to get your daily fix. Dining halls also offer Grab N Go that counts as a meal swipe, which can be convenient when you don't have time to sit and eat in the dining hall. And if the dining hall does get boring, there are so many &brand-name& chains to eat at on campus or very nearby: Subway, Au Bon Pain, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Chipotle, Starbucks, and Five Guys to name a few. There are also some campus-affiliated eateries, like Reckers, Cafe De Grasta, the O'Shag cafe, and the Huddle grocery store with some prepackaged stuff. Moral of the story: you won't go hungry, and you'll more likely than not get to eat things you like with all our options.
校园饮食:这里你不会挨饿的!餐厅总是会有很多好吃的东西,比如汤类、沙拉、三明治和面食吧。时间紧急的话,你也总能在上课的路上找到吃的。遍布教学楼附近都有很多咖啡店,可以去那里放松消遣。餐厅还提供 Grab N Go,你没时间在餐厅吃饭的时候,这是很便利的选择。如果你吃腻了餐厅的食物,学校或者学校附近还有很多品牌连锁店,比如 Reckers, Cafe De Grasta, 以及O'Shag cafe,还有一家打包外卖的零售店。总的来说:你不会挨饿!可能出现的情况是你不吃自己喜欢的食物了,因为我们这里有那么多更好的选择。
20.Campus Housing: The dorm system is one of the best parts
it's like Greek life without the pressure and with more fun. However, some of the dorms are old--they're gorgeous and full of history, but depending on which building you end up in, you might be in a very small room or a building with no air conditioning. Most rooms, though, are a good size, and the older dorms have the nicest common spaces.
21.Health & Safety: I have never felt unsafe on campus, at an off-campus party, or in any other social setting. Students here are overall respectful and take care of others in the community--people will go out of their way to walk people back to their dorms or take care of them even if they don't know them. There are a few bad eggs, but overall, rape culture is not a problem.
22.Health & Safety: Campus crime rates at ND seem to be less than at most places. ND has its own police force, the campus remains pretty well-lit throughout the night, ND security walks around on most nights patrolling, and a lot of people tend to look out for each other.
23.Transportation: transportation includes public bus which runs to various locations in the city and taxis. Bus has convenient and frequent pick-up times. Taxis only ava price typical. Bus transportation to airports for breaks and vacation very convenient, many pick-up times and good price for distance.
24.Transportation: Cabs are easy to access, however, sometimes they over charge knowing we are Notre Dame students. However, the public bus route runs frequently to everywhere we need to go and it is free.
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大家Final Week加油!友情提醒:下雪之后的晴天请注意防晒。我今天用了SPF 35的防晒,在外面总共走了差不多半个小时,差点就晒伤了……
感谢Campus Ministry赞助,感谢各个年级的guest speakers。
感谢Campus Ministry赞助,感谢各个年级的guest speakers。下周五是大二大三的聚餐哦。
Please sign up at this link!
Friday, November 15, 5:30 pm
Coleman-Morse Lounge
ND on the Road -- 我们帅气的招生官要来中国啦!10月18号在上海,10月26号在香港。请务必注册。
Friday, October 18, 2013 at 7:00 PM until 9:30 PM
Le Royal Meridien, Shanghai
<span style="font-family: Helvetica Neue , Helvetica , Arial , Verdana , sans-font-size: 13.0line-height: 19.5 Nanjing Road, East
Shanghai, Shanghai
Saturday, October 26, 2013 at 3:00 PM until 5:00 PM
Conrad Hotel, Hong Kong
Pacific Place&
88 Queensway
Hong Kong S.A.R.
TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10: Full-Time Fair&from 4:00-8:00pm in the Joyce Center
WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 11: Internship Fair from 4:00-8:00pm in the Joyce Center
To search for jobs and internships associated with the Fall Career Expo, follow these steps:
and log-in to GoIRISH using your NetID and Password
2. Click on "Jobs/Internships"
3. Click on "GoIRISH Jobs"
4. Type "FCE13" in the keyword search field to view Fall Career&Expo full-time and internship opportunities
If you have any questions, please contact The Career Center at
or 631-5200.
Upcoming Events -- Continuing Orientation
Continuing Orientation: Getting Involved On Campus and in the Community
Tuesday, September 10, 5:30-6:30 p.m., LaFortune Montgomery Auditorium
This workshop, hosted by ISSA, will provide information about about various programs, organizations, and clubs to help you get more involved both on campus and in the community. International Ambassadors will also share their advice for getting involved. Free pizza will be provided. &by September 9.&
U.S. Classroom Culture: What to Expect as an International Student and a Teaching Assistant
Tuesday, September 17, 6:30 p.m., 303 DeBartolo Hall
The standards of behavior for both teachers and students are likely different in the United States than in your home country. This English for Academic Purposes (EAP)&workshop, which is presented by the&, will provide information about the&role of discussion in a classroom, when it is and is not appropriate to ask the professor a question, working with others in the class, how to receive feedback and more. &Register at&.&Co-sponsored with the Kaneb Center for Teaching & Learning.&
Continuing Orientation: Guide to American Culture
Wednesday, September 18, 5:30 p.m., LaFortune Montgomery Auditorium
This workshop, presented by ISSA and intended for new international students, will help you learn more about American culture and cultural values in order to help you navigate living in the United States. Current international students will also share their experiences adjusting to life in the United States.&All are welcome! Dinner will be provided.
by September 17.
Continuing Orientation: Understanding Catholicism
Tuesday, September 24, 6:30 p.m., Meet at the Basilica
This workshop will provide information about Catholicism at Notre Dame and what the University believes in as a Catholic institution. Participants will tour the Basilica of the Sacred Heart and a dorm chapel, and gain a better understanding of the Catholic faith from a Holy Cross priest, university campus minister and rector. Free ice cream will be provided following the walking tour. Please RSVP to&&by September 23.&This event is co-sponsored by Campus Ministry.
很多人都问过B-formal, B-casual, Casual的区别。因为四大平时都要求B-Casual,所以特此贴出Business Casual的详解。
Pressed Dockers/Khakis
Jeans of ANY color/Ankle Length/Capri Style Pants
Dress Pants/Slacks
Sweatpants/Spandex/Stretch Leggings
Casual Skirts
Shorts/Skorts/Denim Skirts
Polo/Golf Shirts (with a collar)
Collarless Shirts (for men), T-shirts, Sleeveless Tops
Pressed Oxford Shirts
Shirttails &untucked&, unless square at the bottom
Sweaters/Turtlenecks (Mock & Full)
Sweatshirts (D&T or other)
Halter/Midriff Tops
Sneakers/Athletic Footwear
Dress Shoes/Dress Boots
Casual Footwear/Hiking Boots
Dress Socks/Appropriate Hosiery
Athletic Socks
Open Toe Dress Shoes w/ Back Strap
Non-dressy Sandals (Flip flops, Birks, Boat Shoes)
Suits/Sport Coat/Blazers
Jean Jackets/Fleeces
Professional Dresses
Denim Dresses/Sundresses
University of Notre Dame
Academic Calender
FALL 2013 SEMESTERAug. 20-21 Tues & Wed Orientation for international students at Notre DameAug. 22-24 Thur - Sat Orientation and counseling for new students at Saint Mary&s CollegeAug. 22 Thursday Orientation, advising, and registration for readmitted and new transfer students at Notre DameAug. 23 Friday Undergraduate halls open for first year student move-in beginning at 9:00 a.m. for NDOrientation, advising, and registration for new graduate students at Notre DameAug. 24-25 Sat - Sun Orientation and advising for freshmen at Notre DameAug. 25 Sunday Undergraduate halls open for upperclassman move-in beginning at 9:00 a.m. for NDAug. 26 Monday Classes begin for Law and Graduate BusinessClasses begin for Saint Mary&s CollegeAug. 27 Tuesday Classes begin for Notre DameMass - formal opening of school year at Notre DameSept. 2 Monday Labor Day - classes are in sessionSept. 3 Tuesday Last date for all class changesSept. 27 Friday Last date to drop a class at Saint Mary&s CollegeOct. 18 Friday Mid-Term deficiency reports submitted through insideND by 3:45 p.m. at Notre DameOct. 19-27 Sat - Sun Mid-Term breakOct. 22 Tuesday Mid-Term deficiency reports due in PRISM by 8:00 a.m. at Saint Mary&s CollegeNov. 1 Friday Last day for course discontinuance at Notre DameNov. 18-Dec.4 Mon - Wed Registration appointments for the Spring 2014 semester&Nov. 27-Dec.1 Wed - Sun Thanksgiving Holiday&Dec. 3-15 Tues - Sun Course Instructor Feedback administered at Notre DameDec. 12 Thursday Last class day&Dec. 13-15 Fri - Sun Reading days (no examinations)Dec. 16-20 Mon - Fri Final examinationsDec. 21 Saturday Undergraduate halls close at 2:00 p.m.&SPRING 2014 SEMESTERJan. 12 Sunday Undergraduate halls open for move-in beginning at 9:00 a.m. for Notre DameJan. 13 Monday Orientation, advising, and registration for new studentsClasses begin for Law and Graduate BusinessClasses begin for Saint Mary&s CollegeJan. 14 Tuesday Classes begin for Notre DameJan. 21 Tuesday Last date for all class changesFeb. 14 Friday Last date to drop a class at Saint Mary&s CollegeFeb. 14-16 Fri - Sun Junior Parents Weekend at Notre DameMar. 7 Friday Mid-Term deficiency reports submitted through insideND by 3:45 p.m. at Notre DameMar. 8-16 Sat - Sun Mid-Term breakMar. 11 Tuesday Mid-Term deficiency reports due in PRISM by 8:00 a.m. at Saint Mary&s CollegeMar. 19 Wednesday Registration begins for the 2014 Summer Session at Notre DameMar. 21 Friday Last day for course discontinuance at Notre DameApr. 14-24 Mon -Thur Registration appointments for the Fall 2014 semesterApr. 18-21 Fri - Mon Easter HolidayApr. 22-May 4 Tues - Sun Course Instructor Feedback administered at Notre DameApril 25 Friday Deadline for
financial aid applications at ND (for returning students)April 30 Wednesday Last class day for Notre DameMay 1 Thursday Last class day for Saint Mary's CollegeMay 1-4 Thur - Sun Reading days for Notre Dame (no examinations)May 2-4 Fri - Sun Reading days for Saint Mary's College (no examinations)May 5-9 Mon - Fri Final examinationsMay 10 Saturday Undergraduate halls close at 2:00 p.m.&May 12 Monday All grades submitted through insideND by 3:45 p.m. at Notre DameMay 13 Tuesday All grades are due in PRISM by Noon at Saint Mary&s CollegeMay 16-18 Fri - Sun Commencement Weekend
Badin Hall1897年建立。现在是最小的女生宿舍。4层楼,85个房间,142个床位。60% single, 20% double, 20% quad没电梯,没空调(1楼有)。有的房间没水池。single多啊,而且位置好。&Breen-Phillips Hall1939年建立。1973年改成女生宿舍。4层楼,105个房间,195个床位。75% double, 剩下各种房型平均。没空调single少。地理位置相当好啊。&Cavanaugh Hall1936年建立。1989年翻新。4层楼,114个房间,209个床位。大部分是single 和 double没空调。地理位置很好。&Farley Hall1942年建立。原来的rector超级好,还有只小狗。现在的听说凑合吧。4层楼,108个房间,222个床位。40% double, 20% single, 还有套间。没空调。有的房间有卫生间。地理位置不错,single也多。&Howard Hall1924年建立。Rector有小狗。4层楼,96个房间,145个床位。50% single, 其余房型都有。没电梯,没空调。厨房也有点点小。健身房不错,位置不错。建筑很漂亮。&Lewis Hall1965年建立。最大的女生宿舍之一。4层楼,125个房间,255个床位。85个double, 3个六人套房,9个quad,3个triple,14个single不是组合家具。single少。没空调,而且好远。&Lyons Hall1925年建立。现在正在翻新。有著名的湖景arch4层楼,(地下室也有房间),111个房间,203个床位。40% single, 30% double, 大约15%四人套房,还有triple没电梯没空调。位置有点偏。有的房间有洗手间,有的有浴室,有的有walk-in closet。翻新之后家具会是最新的。健身房不错。&McGlinn Hall1997年建立。4层楼,126个房间,286个床位。15% single, 70% double, 15% quad没学习室。single少。地理位置不错,rector超好,中国人超多。&Pangborn Hall1955年建立。2002夏翻新。3层楼,84个房间,168个床位。60% double, 25% single, 还有些套间。没空调,没健身房,离教学楼有点远。&Pasquerilla East Hall1981年建立。4层楼,114个房间,241个床位。60% double, 20% single, 还有quad不是组合家具。有点远。&Pasquerilla West Hall1981年建立。4层楼,114个房间,243个床位。60% double, 20% single, 还有quad不是组合家具。有点远。&Ryan Hall2009年建立。是最新的宿舍。3层楼,123个房间,247个床位。大部分是double, 有super double和super triple,还有点single离图书馆和lafun有点远。房间很大。&Walsh Hall1909年建立。4层楼,105个房间,182个床位。35% double, 35% single, 还有套间。房间不是很大。没空调。位置不错。&Welsh Family Hall1997年建立。4层楼,130个房间,281个床位。15% single, 70% double, 15% quad位置不错。房间挺大的。
Alumni Hall1931年建立。是第一个有电梯的宿舍。2004年夏翻新。原宿舍有212个床位。25% single, 50% double, 25% quad3层楼,126个房间,242个床位。没空调,没健身房。周末party多。房间有点小。地理位置不错。跟Dillion是死对头。&Carroll Hall1960年左右翻修成宿舍,原来是修道院。4层楼,50个房间,99个床位。35% single, 35% double, 20% triple, 10% quad没空调,没电梯,没健身房。最远的宿舍没有之一。&Dillon Hall1931年建立。校园上最大的宿舍。原宿舍265个床位,现在332个床位。3层楼,167个房间,332个床位。33% single, 37% double, 25% quad,剩下的是三人间或者三人套间。没空调,没电梯。房间小。离南食堂很近,跟Alumni是死对头。&Duncan Hall2008年建立。最新的男生宿舍。3层楼,106个房间,232个床位。大部分是double, 有些triple single, 还有十几个quad有点远。房间很大,内部装潢也很好。&Fisher Hall1952年建立。2001夏翻新。4层楼,108个房间,184个床位。40% single, 50% double, 10% 4-man suite没空调,房间有点小,离教学楼还行。不少房间有卫生间。离南食堂近。男生宿舍里single最多的。&Keenan Hall1957年建立。跟Stanford是死对头,但两个hall公用一个门厅和chapel&4层楼,150个房间,276个床位。大部分是double没空调。离教学楼有点远。厨房不好找。够整洁。&Keough Hall1996年建立。4层楼,125个房间,285个床位。15% single, 70% double, 15% quad离图书馆有点远。没学习室。房间够大,周末也不是特别吵。&Knott Hall1988年建立,本来是女生宿舍。1997年改成男生宿舍。4层楼,108个房间,258个床位。70% double, 15% single, 15% quad不是可组合家具。没有学习室。挺远的。房间大。&Morrissey Hall1925年建立。1997年和1998年两度翻新。5层楼,103个房间,232个床位。30% single, 40% double, 还有triple 和 quad没空调,没电梯,房间小。建筑相当漂亮。&O'Neil Hall1996年建立。4层楼,128个房间,280个床位。15% single, 70% double, 15% quad离图书馆有点远。没学习室。房间够大,周末也不是特别吵。&St. Edward's Hall1882年建立。最老的宿舍楼。原本是寄宿制小学,1929年改成宿舍。原本有145个床位。1980年大火损坏了3楼和4楼的房间。4层楼,74个房间,161个床位。大部分是double。没空调,不是可组装家具。地理位置还不错。&Siegfried Hall1988年建立,本来是女生宿舍。1997年改成男生宿舍。4层楼,114个房间,258个床位。60% double, 20% single, 20% quad不是可组合家具。挺远的。房间大。一楼的学习室很不错。跟knott是死对头。&Sorin Hall1888年建立主楼,1897年加建东西两翼。4层楼,80个房间,146个床位。25% single, 27% double, 25% triple, 剩下来 quad 和 suite没空调,没电梯,没健身房。地下室还有房间。地理位置不错。&Stanford Hall1957年建立。跟Keenan是死对头,但两个hall公用一个门厅和chapel&4层楼,143个房间,256个床位。大部分是double没空调。离教学楼有点远。够整洁。&Zahm Hall1937年建立。4层楼,107个房间,206个床位。30% single, 25% triple, 15% double, 15% 4-man suites,剩下还有各种suites没空调,出了名的party dorm。地理位置凑合。成员之间关系很紧密。
然后还没有注册inside nd的去注册一下,那很重要的。
帅气boss Jake让我来传达建议啦!请新生在收到I20表格之后再购买机票,机票价格并不会变动太多,学生有充足的时间。以及未收到的不要着急,他已经收到很多问I20什么时候到的email了。还收到很多说啊不好意思才问你什么时候I20会到它就突然到了的email了 o(╯□╰)o
原文:students should wait until they receive their I-20 paperwork from us before purchasing plane tickets for first year orientation AND ticket prices for August probably won&t change that much until late-May.& Students have plenty of time!
春天在哪里啊春天在哪里~春天在South Bend潮湿的空气里!站长表示已经被折磨的不知道怎么穿衣服了……
Vigil Mass的事宜 -- Priscilla组织了一下,大家到时候可以坐在一起
大家好,这一周是Holy Week。在本周六(3月30日)晚9点钟在学校的Basilica会有一个Easter Vigil Mass。李根同学和另外5个人会接受Baptism和Confirmation,正式成为天主教徒。所以如果你Easter break待在学校的话,不妨去看看,所有人都可以去。站长大一的时候去过,觉得还是相当不错的。但有几点提醒大家:1. Mass持续两个多小时。2. 去的人非常非常多,所以如果想要好一点的前一点的座位的话7点之前就要到。但是可以有人早去占位子。3. Mass之后在CoMo有reception。希望你能来哦!然后关于着装,因为大部分人可能都没去过这种mass,所以我觉得有必有普及一下。牛仔裤和t恤请收起来,因为它们不可能被成为正式着装。基本上男生西装女生小连衣裙就ok,礼服裙什么的就过了啊。还有就是这是大教堂,所以不要太暴露了,性感的着装不是很ok。保守点正式就好。Priscilla的描述是这样的:Some people like to dress nicer for Sunday and special mass like this. &I suggest what they call " Sunday's best". 大家可以google一下。
我帅气又温柔的boss大家的AO Jake Baska让我来公示一下:被录取的同学如果弄丢了确认入学卡片,可以在网上填写确认信息。(链接在下面)如果你决定去另外一所学校,也请告诉我们,因为这将影响waitlist上人们的录取情况,谢谢。
附上原文:If anyone loses their confirmation card, they can always go online to
to fill out their confirmation information.& I&m also asking students to let us know even if they&ve decided to attend another school since this effects how soon we will be able to inform our waitlisted students as to their chances for admission.


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