杨洋英语不过关很捉急报 很急

100分求中英文小报文章《我爱我的祖国》急字数不限,不要太长,过期无效在7点前给我急 可以抄袭的,_作业帮
100分求中英文小报文章《我爱我的祖国》急字数不限,不要太长,过期无效在7点前给我急 可以抄袭的,
100分求中英文小报文章《我爱我的祖国》急字数不限,不要太长,过期无效在7点前给我急 可以抄袭的,
将就着看吧,呵呵.Recent years, China has a lot of development and changes.(最近这些年,我们国家有了很大的发展.) At today's economic globalization, China is moving toward the forefront of the world(在经济全球化的今天,中国正在朝着世界的前列迈进) The people's living standards have improved significantly(人民生活水平已经有明显的改善) China is already the world's family member(中国已经是世界大家庭中的一份子) I am proud of my motherland(我为我的祖国而自豪) We have to study hard, the future with our own hands to build a bright future homeland(我们现在要好好学习,将来用我们自己的双手去建设祖国美好的明天)
主要写祖国近几年的发展,和祖国往日的衰弱和今日的强盛。 给你一篇文章参考: 我的祖国——中华人民共和国简称中国。它是一个拥有五千年历史的华夏民族,是世界四大古国之一。 我欣赏我的祖国,是因为中国曾经经历了多少沧桑、经历了多少风风雨雨啊;我热爱我的祖国,是因为它在毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民总书记的领导下,发生了翻天覆地的变化;我敬佩我的祖国,是因为在孙中山这位大总统的领导下...
我的祖国 敲响那一排铜质的编钟,浑厚而清亮的左音右韵由远及近,穿越五千年悠悠岁月和五十三年缤纷花季,在河之洲,水之湄,山之阳,海之滨,泛起层层涟漪,响起阵阵回声,在亿万炎黄子孙的心中凝结一个主题:祖国母亲! 我们以《诗经》关睢的歌喉;以屈原《橘颂》的音韵;以古风与乐府、律诗与散曲;以京剧与秦腔、梆子与鼓词唱您历史恢宏岁月的辉煌,唱响您壮丽的山河亮丽的风景。 我们以岳飞的一阕《满江红》,以...英语翻译敬启者:很高兴通过近期双方互致电报1000台缝纫机成交.随函附上我方订单TH112号及包装、装船详细说明.我方希望贵方尽快安排装船,以满足我方客户的急切需求.我方已着手办理以你_作业帮
To:Glad to reach the deal of 1000 sewing machine by the two sides exchanging telegraph recently .We enclosed our order No.TH112 ,packaging and shipment details.We hope that you will arrange the shipment as soon as possible,in order to satisfy our customer's urgent needs.We are establishing letter of credit in your favor.expected to arrive within a week.yours,
Dear Sirs,I am so glad that we could conclude a transaction of 1000 sets sewing machines by sending
telegrams each other recently.Enlosed please find our order No.TH112 and a copy of detailed in...
nice to through the recent call for mutual 1000 sewing machine to conclude a deal. We are enclosing our TH112 order number and packing, shipping details. We hope that you will effect shipment as soon ...急 帮我看看这个英语小作文怎么写题目是这样的:你每天都看报吗?你认为报纸是生活中很重要的一部分吗?请写一篇不少于60个单词的短文来表达你的观点!只要是符合初2水平的就行了_作业帮
急 帮我看看这个英语小作文怎么写题目是这样的:你每天都看报吗?你认为报纸是生活中很重要的一部分吗?请写一篇不少于60个单词的短文来表达你的观点!只要是符合初2水平的就行了
急 帮我看看这个英语小作文怎么写题目是这样的:你每天都看报吗?你认为报纸是生活中很重要的一部分吗?请写一篇不少于60个单词的短文来表达你的观点!只要是符合初2水平的就行了
Reading Newspapers「看报纸」第一篇:Newspapers are an encyclopedia of current events.Through the help of newspapers,we come to understand the world without having to travel to the places where important events have taken place.But a newspaper more than carries simple news items,it also provides,in different sections,instructions on such things as first aid,cooking,playing the chess and taking pictures.Thus besides making us acquainted with the world,reading newspapers can also widen our scope of knowledge.Everybody should read newspapers.第二篇:I get up early every morning in order to have a quiet time to do things I like,such as writing letters,reading newspapers,listening to music and so on.You will be surprised to know that the newspaper which I read early every morning is always from the previous day.This is because,as a married woman who holds a regular job,I am busy with my work from morning till night,and during the only hour which belongs to me the newspaper-boy hasn't delivered the day's paper yet.Nevertheless,I still enjoy reading my newspaper.Besides domestic and international news on economy,politics,and cultural activities,there are also amusing cartoons,interesting stories and a wonderful literary section.Reading my newspaper early in the morning makes me fell good for the whole day.第三篇:Reading newspaper every day has become a habit to me.As a student,I have no time to watch TV news.Accordingly,reading newspapers becomes the only way for me to learn about things which have happened around the world.The newspapers,however,do not only carry the latest world news,they also give us a great deal of useful knowledge.Reading newspapers is,in my opinion,a must for a modern man.第四篇:I make it a rule to read the newspaper every day.As a student,I have no time to watch news programs on TV.Besides,watching television takes up a lot of time.Consequently,reading the newspaper becomes the only way for me to learn about what's happening around the world.There is an old Chinese saying:"A scholar need not leave his home to know what's going on in the world." While newspapers do not carry the latest,up-to-the minute world news,they give us a great deal of useful knowledge.Thus,reading the newspaper is,in my opinion,a must for those who wish to keep up with the times.我每天照例都要看报纸.身为学生,我没有时间看电视新闻节目.此外,看电视要花许多时间.因此,看报纸就成了我了解天下大事的唯一途径.一句中国古谚说:「秀才不出门,能知天下事.」虽然报纸来不及刊载最新、最近的世界新闻,但是却能提供我们非常多有用的知识.因此,我的看法为凡是想赶上时代的人都必须阅读报纸.第五篇:Yesterday I read an English newspaper for the first time.When I spread it out,I didn't know where to start.All the headlines confused me and the writing style of the articles was very different from that of what we usually read.However,after looking up the new words left and right in the dictionary,I finally made out the meaning more or less.Reading newspapers was not as easy as I had expected,but it offered me a sense of achievement and aroused my interest in learning the language.The comic strip was the first part of this newspaper I read.Some of them are quite amusing,some philosophical,and still others quite political.Then I tried to read other parts of the newspaper,like the editorial and local news.Through this experience,I have acquired a better and newer channel of learning English.昨天我首次看了一份英文报纸.我把它摊开时,竟不知从何处开始.所有的标题把我弄得头昏脑胀,这些文章的写作体裁又与我们平时所念的迥然不同.然而,我在字典里查完这些新字后,我终于或多或少了解其意义.虽然看报并不如我原先预料的那么容易,它却提供我一种成就感,也激起了我学英文的兴趣.连环图画是我接触的第一个部分,有些很有趣,有些是哲学思想,而其它则是政治意味.之后我又试着去看其它部分,如社论以及地方新闻.借着这次的经验,我已获得学英文更好更新的管道了.商务英语函电翻译,急!1,我方已经收到你方关于中国绿茶的还盘信,感谢你方还盘.2,你方所报价格我们已经收到,我方不得不表示很遗憾无法接受你方降价10%的还盘3,我们的报价是适中_作业帮
1,we have received your
Chinese green tea on offer letter,thank you for your offer.2,the price you quoted is that we have received,we can not but express regret can not写不下了
Dear sirs,
Thank you for your counter offer of September 13,2007 for Chinese green tea. We regret we find it difficult to comply with your request of reducing the price by 10%.关于四年级的春节英语小报很紧急的最好有翻译_作业帮
Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .It’s to celebrate the lunar calendar ‘s new year .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .
The Spring Festival lasts about 15 days long .People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest .春节是最重要的节日在中国.它是庆祝阴历的新年.在晚上在春节之前,家庭聚会并且有一顿大膳食.在许多地方人们喜欢引起爆竹.饺子是最传统的食物.因为他们可以食用可口食物和穿新的衣裳,孩子喜欢节日非常.他们可以从他们的父母也得到一些钱. 这金钱被给孩子为好运. 人们在墙壁上把新年纸卷放为好运.   春节久持续大约15天.人拜访亲戚朋友说“愿一切如愿”.在这时间 他们可以有好休息的人们享受春节.


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