
&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& &&&&&&
&&&&&& My name is Li Ying. I'm a girl. And I am twelve years old. I'm from Beijing No. 4 Junior High School. I'm in Class Three, Grade Seven. My telephone number is (010).&&&&&& (答案不惟一)
提纲作文:即是对作文要求中有提纲限定或叫做提纲提示,要求作文内容中包括提纲内容的一种作文形式。提纲作文注意:1. 仔细阅读有关提示,弄清试题提供的所有信息,明确有哪些要点。 2. 提纲是文章的总体框架,要在提纲的范围内进行分析、构思和想象。要依据提示情景或词语,&& 按照一定逻辑关系来写。 3. 根据要表达的内容确定句子的时态、语态;语言表达要符合英语习惯。
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  应试方略。①理解正文大意和结构。表格结构和内容的设置是以正文为依据的,只有读懂了正文,才能顺利地在表格中填出相应的信息。考生可以采用边读边记要点的方法,将记叙文的人物、事件、时间、地点、起因和结果等简要地记下来,将议论文的总论点、分论点、论据等加以概括,很有可能表格的不少答案已在其中了。②分析表格结构和内容。一般情况下,表格的第一列或第一行为项目内容即小标题(列标题和行标题),通常就是段落和表格的主题句, 它标示着其下方或右边细节内容所涉及的方向与范围,这些细节内容的填充可借助于小标题,同样,小标题的概括由各个细节决定。表格内的所有项目之间存在着逻辑关系,彼此约束,相互支撑,互为联系。③确定题目答案。在实际做题过程中,考生不妨采用"表格-正文-表格"的模式。先略读表格结构和内容,以把握正文的总体脉络,明了表格空缺所涉及的主要问题。然后带着问题阅读正文部分,边读边记正文要点,避免填一空回头读一遍文章造成的时间浪费。接下来,用所记的文章要点帮助表格填空,有些属基础题可直接引用原文词汇和语句;而某些活用题则需要运用常识和所学语言知识,对原来结构完整、语意复杂的主题句化繁为简,简约地用与相邻语句相同或相似的形式表述出来;难度较大的总结概括性题目如列标题和行标题,通常放在细节内容补全后完成,概括力求有针对性,准确,全面,得体。最后,总览所填表格内容,避免遗漏,保证上下左右语意贯通。
※ 考点提示
※ 解题钥匙
  Host family accommodation, or living with host families, remains popular among language travel students for its unique advantages. These days, host families are trying to offer more in terms of quality, for they still have something to worry about.
  Host family accommodation is often seen as the number-one choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living. Staying alongside host families enables students to get enough practice for the short time of their studying so that their language acquisition is likely to become faster. Living in host families also has the advantage for students of being able to spend a lot of time communicating with their "host parents", and get to know the local way of life, people and culture. Another advantage is that host family accommodation can sometimes be the least expensive. It attracts students for it ensures them a family type of living at a low cost.
  The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying. On one hand, some host families are losing their unique selling point. The problem is that the majority of hosts in big cites, now generally single and young, have less time available for students but the selling point for host family accommodation is communication practice. One the other hand, students' expectations have risen. They are becoming more demanding and asking for more than ever from their accommodation, as they come mainly from high socio-economic groups in their own countries.
  To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service. They are trying to making living conditions better, including broadband Internet service, private bathroom, and access to plenty of hot water for long showers. They are also providing students with structured family activities.
  It is believed that host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with language travel students.
  Title: 76. ______________________
  Host families are improving the accommodation quality
  77. _____________
 1)Language study
 78. ________________
 2)Cultural communication
 (1) 79. _________________
 (2) Knowing the local way of life, people and culture
 3)80. _________________
 Being least expensive sometimes
  81. _____________
 1)Loss of selling point
 Hosts' having less time for students
 2)82. _________________
 Students' becoming more demanding
  83. _____________
 Service quality improvement
 (1) 84. _________________
 (2) Organizing structured family activities
  85. _____________
 Host family accommodation will keep the popularity vote with students.
 76.Host Family Accommodation
  77. Advantages
  78. Possibly becoming faster
 79. Communicating with hosts
  80. Cost of living
  81. Worries/ Problems
 82. Rise in expectations
  83. Efforts/ Measures
  84. Bettering living conditions
 85. Conclusion
  该文章主题是"家庭食宿"- 许多语言学习者的首选方式。其优势在于,食宿费用较低廉,语言学习者能够有更多的和主人交流的机会,快速掌握语言,并对当地的文化和风俗习惯有更深的了解。然而,主人不能提供更多的交流机会以及学习者要求的不断提高,迫使主人进一步改善食宿条件,增强与学习者的交流,确保"家庭食宿"成为 语言学习者的第一选择。
  在本篇阅读填空中,76题、80题都直接源于原文的Host family accommodation is often seen as the number-one choice for its advantages in language study, cultural communication and cost of living,而77题的答案直接从原文第三段的主题句The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying中搜出。78题、79题、84题都由同级语段(2) Knowing the local way of life, people and culture和(2) Organizing structured family activities表达形式-ing的提示与限制使用了-ing短语,主要动词和名词都来自原文。81题、82题同上边三个题目一样,属于将原文语句调整、压缩、概括,然后灵活运用语言知识变形转换表达类试题。The advantages, however, have not prevented host families from worrying和The problem is that the majority of hosts in big cites中的关键词汇,对顺利概括出Worries/ Problems起到了一定的帮助作用。从原句One the other hand, students' expectations have risen,不难看出Rise in expectations表述的概括性和巧妙性。要实现这一灵活的转换,必须在平时的语言学习中用心学习,潜心体会,不断积累,掌握更多实用有效的表达手段,形成运用自如的表达技巧。83题和85题当属概括类行标题,To get out of the difficult situation, host families are now making efforts to improve the quality of service可帮助细心的人归纳出Efforts/ Measures,而Conclusion的写出有赖于平时对分析文章结构所用语汇的搜集和积累。
  ①解题一般步骤: 分析表格结构,抓住主要问题;理解正文大意,列出文章概要;理清表格层次,先做细节题,再定小标题,最后的大标题,做对没问题!
※ 考点警示
※ 同步训练
  Every two years, cities around the world make bids to the International Olympic Commission (IOC) to host the Olympic Games. Today, cities are selected through a much more rigorous (严格的) process.
  Any city that wants to host the Olympic Games puts in its name to the IOC and is considered an "Applicant City". For the next ten months, the IOC investigates the city on several points:
  1) The city must prove that it is big enough to handle the Olympics. It also needs to show that it can handle the high level of security (安全) needed at the games.
  2) The city needs to convince the local people that the expenses of covering the Olympics (which may be covered by raising taxes) are worth it in city improvement and new jobs.
  3) The city needs to maintain a highly positive media exposure to carry the games.
  If the IOC decides that a city has fulfilled the three points above, it is considered a "Candidate City " and goes into the second phase of the process. After an application and an application fee submitted (递交), the IOC makes a final judgment on which city is the best candidate for the coming Summer or Winter Olympic Games.
The cost for bidding for the games is incredibly high. Bid committees must pay an application fee to the IOC. (The fee for hosting the 2012 Olympics is US$150,000.) Following the fee, the cities generally need to begin large construction projects like building the "Olympic village", new sports arenas (竞技场) and stadiums, and transportation systems.
Since the Olympics are so expensive, why do cities want to host the games? Cities bid for the Olympics for a variety of reasons: the desire to show pride in their city and their country, the eagerness to be in the international spotlight for two weeks, the opportunity to bring new jobs into the community, and to build up tourism for that city.
  Bid for the Olympics
  Bidding phases
  Necessary construction projects
  Reasons for bidding
  first phase
  79. ____
  81. ____
  83. ____
  put in name to 76. ______
  submit the
  application and pay 80. ____
  new sports arenas
  being eager to become the international spotlight
  the IOC investigates the city on three points
  77. _____
  make final
  84. ____
  78. _____
  highly positive media exposure
  82. ____
  85. ____
  Filling in company application forms can become a boring and repetitive task, yet any carelessness on an applicant's part can draw a negative reaction from readers. Blow it at this stage and you won't get a chance to persuade them in person, no matter how good you are. Each company or organization usually uses its own specially designed form that, although it generally asks for the same basic information, may vary in detail. So the suggestions below will help you to know what to do rather than what you should write.
  □When visiting future employers, always carry your personal data record with you so that you can readily search for details such as dates, telephone, numbers and other useful information.
  □Treat every application form as though it is the first one you are completing-write carefully and neatly.
  □Use words that describe each job you have held as fully as possible rather than list only the duties you performed.
  □Particularly describe social activities that show your involvement in the community, or activities in which you held a teaching or coaching role.
  □Pay particular attention if there is a section on the form that asks you to say how your education and past experience have especially prepared you for the position.
  Think this through very carefully before you write so that what you say shows a natural progression from past experience to the job you are applying for. If you can, and if they fit naturally, add a few words to explain how the position fits your overall career plan.
  Follow these suggestions and you can get your foot in the door of a great future!
How to Fill in_____76_______
  Always carry your ___78____ record with you.
  Describe each job you have held ___80_____.
  Describe social activities you ____81___ .
  Pay attention to the section about your____82_____.
  Add a few words to explain how the position fits your___83____.
  __84__can draw a negative reaction from readers.
  ___85__and you won't get a chance to persuade them in person.
※ 参考答案
76. the IOC
77. size and security
78. citizens' support
79. second phase
80. an application fee
81. Olympic village
82. transportation systems
83. showing pride
84. more job opportunities
85. building up tourism
  本文介绍申办奥运会的程序及举办奥运会的前期准备工作,表格的难度设置不大,旨在培养完成阅读填空题的信心。76、80、81、82题属直接应用原文词汇题,77、83、84、85题取自原文的灵活表达题,79题为借助于表格中的first phase可填出的判断推理题,78题为本表格的难点和亮点,重点考查考生的概括能力和准确表述能力。
76. an Application Form
78. personal data
79. carefully and neatly
80. in full
81. were involved in
82. education and experience
83. overall career plan
84. An applicant's carelessness
85. Blow it
  本文主题为如何填写申请表。76题为大标题,读完全文后并在文章首句Filling in company application forms can become a boring and repetitive task的帮助下,归纳出How to Fill in an Application Form,冠词an表示一类,注意大写实词首字母。77题由表格右边的各项建议总结出Suggestions/Advice。78题直接引用原句always carry your personal data record with you。79题直接取自原句write carefully and neatly。80题运用语法知识将原文describe each job you have held as fully as possible的副词fully转化为介词短语in full。81题借助于Particularly describe social activities that show your involvement in the community中名词involvement的提示,由动词短语were involved in表达"参与"。82题直接选用how your education and past experience have especially prepared you for the position的关键词汇education and experience。83题引用了add a few words to explain how the position fits your overall career plan的重点词汇overall career plan。84题属yet any carelessness on an applicant's part can draw a negative reaction from readers中applicant's和carelessness的巧妙组合。85题Blow it直接引自Blow it at this stage and you won't get a chance to persuade them in person。
※ 考点提示
※ 解题钥匙
Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance, decrease youth crimes and other high-risk behaviors, and help young people grow into healthy, successful adults.
The effect of quality after-school programs on academic performance is clear. Studies show that students who take part in such programs show better work habits, higher rates of homework completion, improved grades, and higher scores on achievement tests. They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame. After-school programs also influence high-risk teen behavior. Various studies show decreased rates of crime, drug use, and teen sex among youth who join in well-run after-school programs when compared to similar youth who do not. Finally, after-school programs play an important role in supporting the following fields of development: physical development, mental development and social development. Thus, one can safely say that after-school programming is an effective method to help young people become contributing members of society.
Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make a positive difference, it is important to note that not all programs are equal. First, dosage (时量) matters -- young people who attend the most hours over the most years benefit more than members who attend less often or over a shorter period of time. Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need help most and have the fewest choices. Finally, program qualities matter. After-school programs work best when they create unique opportunities for youth. They should provide opportunities for positive relationships, skill building, meaningful involvement (参入), expression, suggestion, service, and work. Staff characteristics make an important difference in the quality of a program. The adults should treat youth as partners, create safe and fair environments, encourage personalized (个性化的) involvement, and actively create learning opportunities. In short, although after-school programs have promising future, how they are designed and run matters.
  Title: _76______________________
   _____ ____
  76. Quality After-School Program
78. decreasing youth crimes
  79. Improved academic behaviors
80. less blame
81.drug use
  82. Integrated development/ All-around development
83. Result
84. Assessments
  85. student difference
  76、78、81、84题大都能从原文中直接取来复用。76题为大标题归纳,可从本文主题段的主题句中取出Quality After-School Program,三个单词首字母均大写,当然仅第一单词首字母大写也行。利用文章的主题段和通常位于段首的主题句来进行归纳总结,不失为一种很好的做题方法。78题后的连词and提示前面待填充部分一定和high-risk behaviors构成并列关系,在原文的第一段可搜索到相同结构关系的decrease youth crimes and other high-risk behaviors,考虑到表格中该题的上下相邻的同级别语段表达形式为-ing短语,所以还要把decrease改用为decreasing,同时确切地表达出优质课外活动的动态作用,可见题目设计者的匠心独具。81题的答案可从原文第二段Various studies show decreased rates of crime, drug use, and teen sex among youth......中直接找到。单看84题后表格中待归纳的dosage和quality,我们很可能一下子就懵了,不知所云,毫无头绪。但是,请时刻铭记做阅读填空题目时必须遵循的最实用的原则:不仅从表格结构关系寻找提示,更重要的是学会自原文的关键句中寻求最原始最有效的帮助。当我们仔细阅读第三段主题句Although there is enough proof from both small and large assessments that after-school programs can make a positive difference, it is important to note that not all programs are equal时,却发现答案竟在其中了!
  表中Decreased high-risk teen behaviors与79题、82题属同一级别的归纳总结题,它约定了两题大写要求及动词形式,用动词-ed形式准确而又巧妙地表达出优质的课外活动所产生Effects的现实性。79题的答案从第一段Quality after-school programs are designed to improve academic performance中的关键语段加以调整变形可得Improved academic behaviors,当然亦可用Improved academic performance。82题下面的三个短语共有development,前面的三个定语说明优质课外活动"多方面的综合作用",因此可归纳为Integrated development/ All-around development。
  80题则运用语言知识中副词变用形容词和动词变用名词的手段,将They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame中的关键词转述为less blame。85题属句子归纳总结,可谓本大题的最高亮点。理解句意是做对本题的关键,课外活动对于那些急需帮助的学生作用极大,也就是说课外活动的组织要针对不同的学生different students,即学生的不同情况student difference。
  77题、83题是课外活动开展的目的Aims和结果Result,属于行列标题的归纳,一般放在最后处理。另外,我们要注意表格内同级别内容的标志,83题前没有"· ",83题和它下面的·helping young people become contributing members of society属不同级别。
  ③05年的大标题归纳,将整篇文章主题用两三个词概括出来似乎是不易之事,然而当我们读完全文之后就可发现全文的主题是美国的人口老龄化问题,即第一段的第一句The population of the United States is growing older and will continue to do so。既要表达"美国人",还要说明"老龄化",The population of the United States和is growing older都无法压缩。然而在寻找老龄化词汇时,我们却发现第二段的首句The "graying" of the United States is mainly due to the fact that......给了启示:The "graying" of the United States→The "graying" of the U.S.→The "graying" U.S.→Graying
※ 考点警示
  ⑴item, topic, subject, title, fact, data, source, character, time, place
  ⑵sex, age, birth, nationality, career, experience, education,
  ⑶problem, cause, reason, way, method, solution, access, sign, feature, phenomena, usage, function, procedure, stage, phase, action, measure, effect, result, consequence, conclusion, comment, assessment, improvement
  ⑷aim, purpose, plan, activity, demand, requirement, advice, opinion, suggestion
  ⑸content, amount, number, difference, similarity, advantage, virtue, disadvantage
 ※ 同步训练
  Each year, road accidents kill a million people and injure millions more. The economic losses are greatest for developing countries. Earlier this year, the United Nations called for a campaign to improve road safety.
One way to avoid road accidents is better driving. Another is better roads and bridges. Engineers in the United States have designed ten new concrete mixtures that they think could make bridges last longer.
Professor Paul Tikalsky leads the experiments by a team at Pennsylvania State University. He says bridges made of concrete now last about twenty-five to thirty-five years. But he says the new mixtures might extend for seventy-five or even one hundred years.
Concrete is made of stone, sand, water and cement. The materials in the cement hold the concrete together. Ancient Romans built with concrete. Yet strengthened concrete bridges did not appear until the late 1800s. People keep looking for new ways to improve concrete. Professor Tikalsky says it is one of the most complexes of all chemical systems.
The new mixtures designed by his team contain industrial waste products. He says these make the concrete better able to resist damage from water and salt over time. One of the products is fly ash, which is released into the air as pollution when coal is burned.
Professor Tikalsky says particles (颗粒) of fly ash are almost exactly the same size and chemical structure as Portland cement. This is the most costly material in concrete. So using fly ash to replace some of it would save money.
Over the next two years, engineers will study ten bridges in Pennsylvania. These were built from different cement mixtures designed by Professor Tikalsky's team. He says longer-lasting bridges could save the state more than thirty-five million dollars a year.
The federal government is paying for part of the research. Engineers anywhere can use the technology. Professor Tikalsky says some of the ideas have already been put to use in China, Philippines and other countries.
  Title: Longer-lasting bridges
  Each year road accidents kill a million people and injure millions more. Building better roads and bridges is one way to 76. __________
  77. __________ led by Professor Paul Tikalsky
  78. ________
  Stone, sand, water, cement and 79. __________
  80. ________
  Better able to resist damage from 81. ___________ make the bridges last 82.
________; economical.
  Save 83. __________ reduc many countries begin to use the material.
  Traditional concrete bridges
  Strengthened concrete bridges did not appear until 84. ________; bridges made of concrete now last about twenty-five to 85. _________.
  While it is impossible to live completely free of stress, it is possible to prevent stress as well as reduce its effect when it can't be avoided. The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress.
  Try physical activity
  When you are nervous, angry or upset, try releasing the pressure through exercise or physical activity. Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try.
  Take care of yourself
  You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest. If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough, or if you're not eating properly, it will be more likely that you will fall into stressful situations. If stress repeatedly keeps you from sleeping, you should consult a doctor.
  Make time for yourself
  Schedule time for both work and entertainment . Don't forget, play can be just as important to you over-all well-being as work. You need a break from your daily routine to just relax and have fun. Go window-shopping or work on a hobby. Allow yourself at least a half hour each day to do something you enjoy.
  Make a list of the things you need to do
  Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that " there's so much to do, and not enough time". Trying to take care of everything at once can be too much for you and as a result, you may not achieve anything. Instead, make a list of everything you have to do, then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is completed. Set out to do the most important tasks first.
  How to deal with stress
  Phenomena or reasons
  Being nervous, angry or upset
  Try physical activity
  ·playing tennis
  ·Not sleeping well enough
  Take care of yourself
  ·eating well
  ·consulting a doctor
  Scheduling time for both
  work and entertainment not
  81_________for yourself
  ·working on a hobby
  ·doing something you enjoy
  83._____________and feeling that time is not enough
  Make a list of the things
  ·84._______________at a time
  ·85________________each task
  as it is completed
  ·setting out to do the most
※ 参考答案
  76. avoid road accidents
77. American engineers
78. Materials
79. fly ash
81. water and salt
82.much longer
83.plenty of money
84. the late 1800s
85. thirty-five years
  76题综合原文中One way to avoid road accidents is better driving和Another is better roads and bridges两句所得。77题将"Engineers in the United States have designed ten new concrete mixtures that they think could make bridges last longer"和"Professor Paul Tikalsky leads the experiments by a team at Pennsylvania State University"中有用信息联系到了一起。78题归纳综合了其右格中的各种建筑材料Materials。从文中介绍可知fly ash是新加入Concrete的,而Concrete is made of stone, sand, water and cement,所以79题填fly ash。80题右格中的三个方面都是Concrete的Advantages 优点。81题 取自原句resist damage from water and salt over time。由原文可知,新型混凝土建造的大桥寿命长,自然82题用much longer。83题在原句He says longer-lasting bridges could save the state more than thirty-five million dollars a year的帮助下可得。84题直接出自原句Yet strengthened concrete bridges did not appear until the late 1800s。85题一样来源于原句He says bridges made of concrete now last about twenty-five to thirty-five years。
  76. Solutions/ways
77. gardening
78. Easily getting angry
  79. improperly
80. getting enough rest
81. Make time
  82. going window-shopping
83. Disorganizing time
84. doing one thing
  85. checking off
  本文介绍减轻压力的几种有效方法。76题述列标题,自其下面的四个段标题概括而出,又得助于第一段末句The US Department of Health and Human Services offers the following suggestions for ways to deal with stress的帮助。77题将原句Running, walking, playing tennis, or working in your garden are just some of the activities you might try中的garden转化成了动词,并使用了与其属同一级别语段的-ing形式。78题将第三段If you easily get angry and cannot sleep well enough中的关键词汇的动词变为-ing。79题利用反义词前缀im-压缩了原句or if you're not eating properly中的用词数量。80题把原文You should make every effort to eat well and get enough rest中的关键词汇形式转化为-ing。81题所用词汇直接来源于段标题Make time for yourself。82题转化原句Go window-shopping or work on a hobby紧要词汇的形式为Going window-shopping 。83题利用构词法知识,将Stress can result from disorganization and a feeling that " there's so much to do, and not enough time"中的名词disorganization转化为动词,并增补必要用词time,变式表达为Disorganizing time。84题和85题均取自原句then do one thing at a time, checking off each task as it is completed词汇do one thing和checking off,然后动词都用了-ing。
※ 考点提示
※ 解题钥匙
  We are going to describe one way to build a rooftop garden that does not even require soil. Four things are needed for a small rooftop garden. One thing is a roof that can support the weight ,Another is grass cutting .The third thing is a sheet of plastic in which to spread the cut grass. And the last thing is a box about eight centimeters deep and made out of four pieces of wood.
  Once you are sure the roof is good, cut and collect some grass .Then lay down the plastic where the garden box will go .The four-sided box can be as long and as wide as needed. Place the box on top of the sheet of plastic .Then fill it with the cut grass. Next, add water and walk on the cuttings to press them down.
  After about three weeks, the rooftop garden is ready for planting. Put the seeds directly into the wet grass cuttings .This garden is a good place to grow peas, tomatoes, beans, onions and lettuce. If the box is deep enough, potatoes and carrots will also grow.
  It is important to keep the grass wet until the plants begin to grow. When the plants are growing, they will need watering every day, unless there is rain. And they will need some liquid fertilizer. Also, seeds and new plants must be protected from insects and birds.
  Rooftop gardens are increasingly popular, and not just to grow vegetables. They keep buildings cooler in the sun, so they save energy. They can also extend the useful life of a roof. Rooftop gardens also reduce the runoff of storm water and help clean the air. Plus they add beauty, and give birds and insects in the city a nice place to live.
  The building of a rooftop vegetable garden
  Things needed
  a roof
  to 77_________ the weight
  78 ____________and strong enough
  grass cuttings
  to be used as 79_________.
  to be pressed down
  a sheet of plastic
  to 80________ possible leaks(渗漏)
  on which to 81____
the cut grass
  a 82__________box
  to hold the cut grass
  made of 4 pieces of wood
  for vegetables
  to be protected from 83______ and birds
  84_________and fertilizer
  to make vegetables grow better
  supplied frequently and 85_______
  该文主要介绍屋顶种植技术。76题列标题归纳概括了其下面表格中的各种目的Aims/Purpose。77题源于One thing is a roof that can support the weight关键词汇。78题运用常识解题,屋顶不平便不能种植蔬菜。79题的确定,一方面运用常识,另一方面得助于原句We are going to describe one way to build a rooftop garden that does not even require soil中的关键词soil。80题运用常识解题,所铺塑料薄膜是为了prevent水的渗漏。81题取自原文The third thing is a sheet of plastic in which to spread the cut grass。82题词汇来自And the last thing is a box about eight centimeters deep and made out of four pieces of wood中,名词wood转化为形容词wooden。83题insects直接源于Also, seeds and new plants must be protected from insects and birds。84题由they will need watering every day中的动词watering变为名词water。85题的properly/correctly由文章第四段为植物幼苗浇水、施肥、灭虫等科学管理及常识推断,应对幼苗实施properly/correctly护理。
 ※ 考点警示
※ 同步训练
  It is December thirty-first, 2004, the time when the old year dies and the New Year is born.
  Many Americans have parties at home and invite all their friends .Many of these events are noisy。People shout and sing. They often blow on small noisemakers when the New Year arrives at midnight. They kiss their husband or wife or the person they are with. They dance to music. Other Americans spend a quiet evening at home .They drink Champagne at midnight to welcome the New Year.
Some people drink too much alcohol at New Year's Eve celebrations .This can lead to tragic results if a person drinks too much and then drives a car. The National Safety Council says hundreds of people die in road accidents during the holiday.
  In recent years ,the danger of accidents has resulted in a new tradition called the "designated driver" One person among a group of friends drinks little or no alcohol during New Year's Eve celebrations. Then this designated driver can safely drive the other people home. Many American cities also offer free taxi service on New Year's Eve to take people home safely.
  Other Americans observe the coming of the New Year at events without alcohol .More than 220 American cities hold these First Night celebrations. Artists in Boston Massachusetts started the tradition of First Night celebrations in 1976.They wanted to observe the coming of a New Year. But they did not want to hold noisy drinking parties. So they organized, music, art and other events to observe the holiday.
  How Americans Observe New Year's Day
  Ways to celebrate
  Celebrations with alcohol
  Celebrations without alcohol
  At home
  At theatres or 83_______
  Drinking parties with 78_______
  Attending music 84______ or art 85____________
  Making very 79_________
  Kissing each other
  Dancing to music
  Main problems
  Many deaths on the road 80___________ drink-and-drive
  Ways 77__________ the problem
  Making arrangements for some people not
81_____ so as to drive others home safely
  82____ free taxi service to take people home safely
  In towns ,there were few bus shelters until about thirty years ago .Since then they have appeared everywhere ,probably because most people no longer wear the kinds of clothes that protect them from the wind ,cold and rain .Country bus shelters have been with us for a good deal longer .Before the Second world War, many of them were paid for by rich local people ,often in memory of a member of their family .Some were well built and very attractive ,to fit in with the surroundings.
   By the 1870s public lavatories(厕所)were being installed (设置)all over Britain. Many of them , for gentlemen only ,were made of iron ,highly decorated and often in the shape of Indian or Greek temples .A little later ,in the 1880s ,more solid structures of brick or stone were being built ,with rooms for ladies and gentlemen. Some of these looked like cottages or medieval(中世纪)castles.
   Public drinking fountains are to be found everywhere . Most of them were built in the nineteenth century and some are very grand .The old type of drinking fountain was not very hygienic(卫生的).It usually had an iron drinking cup ,fixed to a chain ,and everyone used it .Firstly ,they provided people with pure water to drink ,at a time when much of the drinking water available ,especially from wells and pumps ,was dangerous to health .Secondly ,they were memorials to local residents .Finally ,they were intended to persuade people to drink water ,instead of beer or spirits.
  Establishments(公共设施) in Britain
  Public lavatories
  Why were they built ?
  protect people
  provide people with clean water
  When were the first ones built?
  before the Second World War
  What were they made of?
  what do they
  77.---- ?
  Indian or Greek temples, cottages, castles
※ 参考答案
76 Places
77 to solve /of solving
78 friends
79 loud noises
80 caused by/resulted from
81 to drink(wine/alcohol)
82 offering
83 museums
84 concerts
85 shows/exhibitions
  原元文介绍美国人过新年。76题右边两格提示为过新年的地点Places。77题依靠语言知识用to solve /of solving将Ways和the problem连在一起。78题friends直接源于Many Americans have parties at home and invite all their friends。79题 loud noises由Many of these events are noisy和 People shout and sing中重点词汇归纳所得。80题caused by/resulted from是This can lead to tragic results if a person drinks too much and then drives a car中lead to的转换表达。81题同样为One person among a group of friends drinks little or no alcohol during New Year's Eve celebrations的变换说法。82题 offering由Many American cities also offer free taxi service中offer变为-ing。83、84、85题均在So they organized, music, art and other events to observe the holiday中的关键词汇和常识的帮助之下推断所得。
77.look like?
78.Bus shelters
79.from bad weather
80.well-built and attractive
81.in the 1870s
82.iron, brick, stone 83.Drinking fountains 84.nineteenth century
  85.very grand
  本文介绍了英国汽车候车亭、公厕、酒馆三种公共设施的发展史及现状。76题下面都是问题Questions 。77题所在列提示要构成一个疑问句,而其右行中已有已有信息Indian or Greek temples, cottages, castles描述了公厕的外观,因此问题应为外观怎样What do they look like? 78题直接取自文章首句In towns ,there were few bus shelters until about thirty years ago,同行暗示大写。79题将第一段wear the kinds of clothes that protect them from the wind ,cold and rain中wind ,cold and rain归纳为bad weather,前面加上protect所需的from。80题运用构词法将Some were well built and very attractive中的well built缩为well-bult,再补上and attractive。81题in the 1870s用第二段原文By the 1870s public lavatories(厕所)were being installed (设置)all over Britain中词汇the 1870s,换用合适介词in。82题iron, brick, stone总结了Many of them , for gentlemen only ,were made of iron和in the 1880s ,more solid structures of brick or stone were being built中的关键语汇。83题Drinking fountains直用原文Public drinking fountains are to be found everywhere词汇drinking fountains,受行标题隐性约束大写首字母。84题nineteenth century直取词汇于Most of them were built in the nineteenth century。85题very grand同样直接复用了第三段Most of them were built in the nineteenth century and some are very grand原文词汇。
※ 考点提示
 ※ 解题钥匙
The population of the United States is growing older and will continue to do so.
 According to a report, 39 million Americans will be 65 or older by the year 2010, 51 million by 2020, and 65 million by 2030.
The "graying" of the United States is mainly due to the fact that people in the U. S. are living longer. As a matter of fact, the number of U.S. citizens 85 years old and older is growing six times as fast as the rest of the population. It is also largely due to the old-growing of the "baby boomers," the generation born after World War II. In 1957, over 4.3 million babies were born. More than 75 million Americans were born between 1946 and 1964, the largest generation in U.S. history. In less than twenty years, millions of them will become elderly people.
The "graying" of the U.S. will greatly affect the nation's family and workforce. One likely development will be a gradual chang it will move away from the nuclear family and towards a multigenerational family. The other likely development will be a change in the proportion (比例) of the nation's workforce. In 1989 there were 3.5 workers for every person 65 by the year 2030, there will only be 2 workers for every person 65 and older.
 Title: 76.
 Numbers of citizens 65 or older
 By 2020
 By 2030
 39 million
 51 million
 65 million
 Baby boomers' old growing
→multigenerational family
to citizens 65 or older
 By 2030
 76. Graying U.S.
77. By 2010
78. Causes/Reasons
79 Citizens' living longer
80. Effects/Results
81.Family unit change
82. Workforce proportion change
83. Nuclear family
84. Workers
85. In 1989
 表格里77、83、84、85题可以从原文中搜索出答案,然后直接填入,但要细心做到对号入座,防止错位。79题源于第二段的the fact that people in the U. S. are living longer,把该句转化成短语可用非谓语动词替代原来的谓语动词,用名词的所有格表示非谓语动词的逻辑主语,最后变成Citizens' living longer 。如果使用了People' living longer ,也不能算错。81题取自第三段的One likely development will be a gradual change in the family unit,原句用介词短语作定语,现改用名词作定语就可省去介词in和冠词the,使Family unit change表达得更洗练。82题采用了相同的技巧,将第三段The other likely development will be a change in the proportion (比例) of the nation's workforce中的关键语句转化为Workforce proportion change,使用了两个名词作定语。76题源于第二段的The "graying" of the United States,用-ing作定语取代介词of作定语,原来的定语United States和被修饰词graying换位,最终实现了Graying U.S.的凝练表达效果。78、80题由其右边的细节内容归纳得出,做到拼写无误则尚需平时学习中对文章结构分析所使用的词汇日积月累。
  ① 用名词所有格形式"S"代替介词of
  ⑴the old-growing of the "baby boomers"→Baby boomers' old growing
  ⑵The power of government→The government's power
  ⑶a friend of her mother→Her mother's friend
  ⑴They also have fewer absences and are less likely to blame→less blame(副词less转化为形容词, 动词blame转化为名词)
  ⑵They are trying to making living conditions better→Bettering living condition(形容词better转化为动词,并使用非谓语-ing形式)
  ⑶Vitamin C is necessary for strong bones and teeth ,and for healthy blood vessels→ Being a_necessity/must_ for strong bones and teeth and healthy blood.(形容词转名词)
  ⑴the fact that people in the U. S. are living longer→Citizens' living longer
  ⑵designed to improve academic performance→improving academic performance
  ⑶They are trying to making living conditions better→Bettering living condition
  ⑴One likely development will be a gradual change in the family unit→Family unit change
  ⑵The other likely development will be a change in the proportion (比例) of the nation's workforce→Workforce proportion change
  ⑶Next, after-school programs make a bigger difference for those students who need help most and have the fewest choices→student difference
  ⑷ In sub-Saharan Africa the crops are drying out in the fields and people are dying of starvation → People dying of starvation
  ⑸London may never see a "white
Christmas"→No snow/No white Christmas
  ⑹Parking is usually free, and the weather inside is always fine.→Free parking and Fine
⑴利用反义词前缀un-,dis-,in-,im-,ir-,il-,de-等使表达简约化如:uncomfortable, unload, uncover, dislike, informal, inaccurate, irregular, irresponsible, illegal, illogical, devalued等。
  ⑵利用反义词后缀-less,如:careless, hopeless, selfishness, motionless等。
  ⑶利用构成名词、形容词、副词、动词的后缀,以实现原文词汇向表格所需词汇形式的转化,如:confidence, assistance, dependence, acceptance, repetition, division, reality, settlement, greatness, warmth, safety, failure, available, powerful, childish, significance, strengthen, modernize等。
  Some were well built and attractive→well-built and attractive
  physical development, mental development, and social development→all-round development
 ※ 考点警示
 ※ 同步训练
 Much of our good health depends on the cooperation between substances .When they work together, chemical reactions take place smoothly. Body systems are kept in balance .Some of the most important helpers in the job of good health are the substances we call vitamins.
 Vitamin A is needed to produce a light-sensitive substance in the eyes. People who do not get enough vitamin A cannot see well in the dark. The best source of vitamin A is fish liver oil. It also is found in the yellow part of eggs .In addition, squash, sweet potatoes, carrots and other darkly colored fruits and vegetables contain substances that the body can change into vitamin A.
 Vitamin B-1 is also called thiamine. It changes starchy foods into energy. It also helps the heart and nervous system work smoothly. Without it, we would be weak and would not grow .Thiamine is found not just in whole grains like brown rice, but also in other foods. These include beans and peas, nuts and meat and fish.
 Vitamin B-12 is needed so folic acid can do its work. Together, they help produce red blood cells. Without them ,a person suffers from anemia (贫血).Vitamin B-12 is found naturally in foods such as eggs, meat, fish and milk products.
 Vitamin C is necessary for strong bones and teeth, and for healthy blood vessels. It also helps wounds heal quickly. The body stores very little vitamin C .So we must get it every day in foods such as citrus fruits, tomatoes and uncooked cabbage.
 Kinds of vitamins
 Problems caused for lack of it
 vitamin A
 helping prevent poor
77 at night
 fish liver oil ,yellow part of eggs, darkly colored fruits and vegetables
 78 ______ to see well in the dark
 vitamin B-1
 helping the 79
 whole grains, beans, nuts, meat and fish
and slow growth
 good for the 80 work of the heart and nervous system
 vitamin B-12
 helping prevent a 82 called anemia
 83 like eggs ,meat, fish and milk products
 vitamin C
 a 84 for strong bones and teeth and healthy blood vessels
 Citrus fruits tomatoes and uncooked vegetables
 disease with 85_______
  If you are asked to chair a meeting, remember the following six golden rules for meeting management.
  1. Always start the meeting on time. If you begin on time, group members who show up late will realize the value of time. Beginning on time reflects skill as an effective time manager and sets an example for others to follow.
 2. Select a note-taker or arrange to have the meeting audio-taped. You may need to refer back to an issue that was discussed during the meeting at a later date. Good record-keeping is a sign of a good meeting manager as well.
 3. Learn to listen. So many times we think we are going to say and, in the process, block out important points that other group members may be contributing. Additionally, we often hear only what we want to hear, rather than really listening to other people. Meetings that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings.
 4. Keep the discussion on track. Many times important issue can get sidetracked in a meeting, especially when everyone has a different opinion about the topic. If an unexpected conflict develops once the meeting is in progress, either appoint a subcommittee to look into the problem, or ask participants involved in the conflict to meet with you after the meeting. Doing so will help keep the discussion on track and minimize the chances of wasting participants' valuable time.
 5. Give everyone an opportunity to be heard. Some people tend to control meetings, whereas others wait to be asked their opinions. As the leader of the meeting, you need to keep an open mind and make sure everyone feels welcome to contribute and express ideas without criticism.
 6. End on time. If you said the meeting would last no longer than one hour, make sure the meeting lasts for only one hour. Running late with a meeting makes members late for other appointments, increases the chances that the members will mentally leave the meeting and reduces your reliability as an effective meeting manager.
 Advice on how to ______76________
 Rules for meeting management
 Start the meeting on time.
_______80_____and set an example.
 Select a note-taker or______77_______.
Need to refer to an issue _____81___.
___82__is a character of successful meeting.
 Keep the discussion on track.
Minimize the chances of ____83_______.
 Give everyone an opportunity to be heard.
Make everyone _____84____.
 End on time.
____85______ your reliability.
 ※ 参考答案
 76 Sources 77 eyesight/sight 78 inability 79 digestive 80 smooth
81poor health 82 blood disease 83 natural foods 84 must /necessity 85 bones and teeth
 这篇短文为说明文,介绍了几种维生素的作用、来源以及缺乏维生素的某些后果。76题列标题,归纳了多种维生素的不同来源sources,同时可从第二段The best source of vitamin A is fish liver oil中取得source的隐性帮助,首字母大写取决于同行同级别列标题大写呼应一致性的暗示。77题,文章第二段指出维生素A系制造眼睛所需要的感光性很强的一种物质,有助于视力的改善,再借助于生活常识:缺乏维生素A易患夜盲症,便可以推断出维生素A可以预防夜盲症poor eyesight/sight的发生。78题后的see well in the dark,暗示出前面应该为"不能"。下面表格中的slow growth和anemia,又约定了同级别表格中最好用同种词性-名词,可由 "ability能力"联想到"inability没有能力"。做对此空要充分发挥仔细的观察推理能力及构词法知识的作用。第三段It changes starchy foods into energy中,starchy foods指含淀粉丰富的食物,不知确切含义已无大碍。维生素B-1帮助把(含淀粉丰富的)食物转化成能量,完成该项任务的是消化系统,所以79空填digestive。80题将原文It also helps the heart and nervous system work smoothly中的副词smoothly转形为形容词smooth。81题and后为名词,故将相关的原句Without it, we would be weak and would not grow中的动词短语be weak,转化为名词短语poor health。82题,从Vitamin B-12 is needed so folic acid can do its work. Together, they help produce red blood cells和Without them ,a person suffers from anemia (贫血)中可知维生素B-12和叶酸是制造红血球所必需的,缺失两只之一均匀易导致贫血病-一种血液病blood disease。此题考查概括和模糊表达能力。83题,把原句Vitamin B-12 is found naturally in foods such as eggs, meat, fish and milk products中的副词改为表格所需的形容词natural,并与foods连用。84题前用了冠词a,限定了词性为名词,但原句Vitamin C is necessary for strong bones and teeth用的是形容词,将它转化为名词necessity或用must的名词用法。跟据Vitamin C is necessary for strong bones and teeth推断,缺乏Vitamin C易患与骨骼、牙齿有关的疾病。
 76. manage a meeting
77. audio-tape the meeting
78. Learn to listen
79. Reasons
  80. Reflect skill
82. Effective listening
83. wasting participants' time
84. feel welcome
85. Increase
  本文介绍主持会议的几条规则。76题选取文章首句remember the following six golden rules for meeting management中meeting management,将名词management变为动词,并调整语序。77题把2. Select a note-taker or arrange to have the meeting audio-taped中-ed变成原形动词,再调整语序为audio-tape the meeting。78题直接引用3. Learn to listen。79题为遵循主持会议几条原则的原因Reasons。80题从Beginning on time reflects skill as an effective time manager and sets an example for others to follow直接复用。81题运用语言知识把refer back to an issue that was discussed during the meeting at a later date
  中的at a later date介词短语简洁表达成一个副词later。82题直接源于Meetings that are characterized by effective listening are successful meetings。83题同样直接引用minimize the chances of wasting participants' valuable time。84题将make sure everyone feels welcome中动词变为原形,与适应Make的语法要求。85题。文中讲到,不准时散会可能降低会议主持人的威信,相反会议如果能 End on time,自然会提高increase会议主持人的威信。此题典型地反映出表格间内在的逻辑关系,前后两个表格组成一个句子。


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