美国full time equivalentxempt Employee是啥意思

美国月嫂 | 你们还敢请月嫂吗?小心陷阱触犯法律!_美国房地产-爱微帮
&& &&& 美国月嫂 | 你们还敢请月嫂吗?小心陷阱…
点击上方标题「美国房地产」可快捷关注加州最近有个仲裁官司在网上讨论的极为火爆, 也给很多刚来美国的新妈们提个醒。大致是这样的:雇佣月嫂的雇主在支付月子中心定的工资和小费(加州月嫂行情是美元/26天,雇主支付月子中心500美元之后,使用月子中心提供的标准合同,和月嫂讲定的价格是2700/26天,签了34天的合同,最后连20%的小费,最后付了将近5000美元)之后, 依旧被劳工部判罚款1万多美元(小费因为是雇主自愿给的,不能算作罚款的一部分)。为什么会发生这种事情呢?因为加州劳工法今年通过新规定, 保姆/月嫂晚上带孩子也属于全部时间加班,而不止是起来抱孩子喂奶才算加班。要按照hourly rate X 1.5或者2支付工资。月子中心提供的标准合同会被劳工部认为只cover 40 hours/week。月嫂可以是personal attendant,但只是加班费不用乘1.5或者乘2,而加班费还是按乘1来给的。2014年起,新劳工法规定personal attendant也要乘1.5和乘2了。需要大家注意到的是,一般的程序员是exempt,而保姆月嫂都是non-exempt。劳工法永远站在月嫂那里。加州最低工资$9/小时,一天超过8小时算加班要付双倍的工钱。如果月嫂一天24小时工作,按劳工法每天最低收入$36,三十天就是一万刀。下面是相关条款英文,建议美国新妈都研究一下:“Nannies and other 'domestic service employees' are classified under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) as non-exempt workers. The term non-exempt employee refers to a worker who IS subject to the terms of the FLSA regarding such issues as overtime compensation and minimum wage coverage, contemporaneous time tracking recordkeeping, as well as how frequently the worker must be paid. In simple terms, the household employee is required to be paid an hourly wage and is entitled to overtime pay per the provisions of the FLSA. When your household employee receives a &salary& that covers a work week of more than 40 hours, your employment agreement must explicitly state the regular and overtime rates of pay. See our exclusive Hourly Rate Calculator for help.”大家请记住, 美国的法庭超级liberal, 只会站在劳工一方, 而不会站在雇主一方。这或许不只牵涉到加州, 所以大家在聘请月嫂之前要先搞清楚你们当地的法律,不要心存侥幸, 认为别人请了没事自己也会没事。 这个把雇主告上法庭的月嫂还打算起诉多位之前的雇主。咨询的律师基本上一致认为赔钱是必须的,主要是因为:1)合同如果不遵守劳工法,那合同本身是违法的,没有任何保护作用。加州的最低工资必须满足。 即使合同上还加了一条,“工作按职责来没有任何加班费”也没有用。2)工作时间不是月嫂抱娃或者真正工作的时间才算,所有月嫂在家的时间都算工作时间,道理就像on call一样(on call大家可以搜搜,超贵)。3)月子中心会完全偏向于月嫂。他们说他们的理解是一周40个小时,具体工作时间多的话,雇主应该调整工资来尊重法律。4)最重要的一点,劳工法严重偏向于月嫂,月嫂说话可以毫无证据,但是你雇主没有证据的话,法庭不会听你说的。5)加班费不是赔了就算,还有很多的罚金。综上所述,月嫂行业本身是违法的,而雇主雇佣月嫂的话,雇主很难摆脱干系。建议:1.家里有老人的请个夜班保姆就够了(其实不建议,孩子还是放在身边放心);2.没有老人帮忙尽量请保姆,不要请月嫂,晚上让娃爸喂奶换尿布,宝妈泵奶出来就休息。3.没有老人,娃爸工作忙的,请两个保姆,白班和夜班的。3.实在要请月嫂,不签制式合同。4.没身份的阿姨相对忠厚很多。5. 如果要签合同,不能用标准合同,具体细节最好和律师讨论一下。家里装上摄像机,留下摄像备作证据。美国富升地产:南加州大洛杉矶地区和橙县本地房产经纪公司 - 高端住宅房产买卖(一手新房和二手房)、投资房和公寓出租、商铺、酒店、仓库、办公室、土地、海景豪宅、法拍屋、学区房、投资房、出租公寓;洛杉矶房源: 通过微信、邮件、电话留下您的姓名、联系方式、所寻找的房屋类型等,第一时间获取最新洛杉矶和橙县本地房源信息;中文热线: (626)782-8696联系邮箱: sun(#)BuyUsaHome. com购美居网: BuyUsaHome. com微信公众账号:搜索 “BuyUSA” 加关注涵盖城市洛杉矶:Beverly Hills (比佛利山庄)、Santa Monica (圣莫妮卡)、Bel Air (贝莱尔)、Rancho Palos Verdes、Palos Verdes Peninsula、Rolling Hills Estates、Venice (威尼斯)、Marina del Rey、Manhattan Beach、Redondo Beach、Torrance、San Marino (圣马力诺)、Arcadia (亚凯迪亚)、South Pasadena、Bradbury、Diamond Bar (钻石吧)、Walnut (核桃市)、Rowland Heights (罗兰岗)、Hacienda Heights橙县:Irvine (尔湾)、Newport Beach (新港滩)、Newport Coast (新港海岸)、Corona Del Mar、Laguna Beach (拉古娜海滩)、Mission Viejo、Huntington Beach、Seal Beach、Yorba Linda (约巴林达)、Brea (布雷亚)、Fullerton (富勒顿);
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京ICP备号-2&&&&京公网安备34What Does Full-Time Exempt Mean? | eHow
Employers typically post job openings as full or part time. Often, these postings include the terms "exempt" or "non-exempt" in the descriptions. Full or part time refer to how the employer classifies the job for its own purposes. Exempt and non-exempt refer to the position's qualification for inclusion in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA).
The U.S. Department of Labor does not make a determination as to what constitutes full or part time employment, nor does federal labor law. Full or part time employment determination, and the meaning of these designations, is completely up to the employer. Commonly, employers will pay different benefits to full time employees than they do for part time employees, commonly offering vacation pay and sick pay to full time employees, as well as health insurance benefits. Some employers set a maximum number of hours for a part time employee, or a minimum number of hours for a full time worker.
The FLSA sets standards pertaining to the minimum wage an employer must pay for each hour an employee works. An employee covered under this law is said to be non-exempt. Non-exempt employees must also be paid overtime for every hour they work over 40. The overtime rate is one and one-half times the regular rate. If the regular rate is $10 per hour, the overtime rate becomes $15 per hour.
Employees exempt from the FLSA do not have to be paid minimum wage or overtime. These employees can be paid a fixed salary per week of work without regards to the amount of hours they work. It is generally wise for employers to keep track of the hours worked by their salaried employees for their own records. Salaried employees are typically paid the full week's wages even if they were absent for part of a day, a full day or even several days during the workweek.
An employee's job title does not make him an exempt employee. Employees must qualify under the law to be considered exempt. As of 2011, an employee must be paid a minimum of $455 per week if he is exempt. An employee qualifies for an executive exemption if he directly controls at least three employees in their duties and he can hire or fire employees or have significant input into the process. An administrative exemption applies if the employee performs administrative tasks of the business. Administrative and executive employees must have the power to act with discretion in business matters of importance. Other exemptions apply, but blue collar workers are almost never exempt from minimum wage or overtime.
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Life Made Easier.英['ful'taim]
adj. 全部工作日的,专职的
1.for the entire time appropriate to an activity
a full-time job
1.for the standard number of hours
she works full-time
1.They now have 20 full-time staff.
2.Every full-time employee receives annual bonus.
3.I am holding down a full-time job.
4.My mother is a full-time homemaker.
5.He finally found a full-time job.


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