iis下rewrite: 这句中心句是什么意思思

URL Rewrite : The Official Microsoft IIS Site
URL Rewrite
OverviewIIS URL Rewrite 2.0 enables Web administrators to create powerful rules to implement URLs that are easier for users to remember and easier for search engines to find. By using rule templates, rewrite maps, .NET providers, and other functionality integrated into IIS Manager, Web administrators can easily set up rules to define URL rewriting behavior based on HTTP headers, HTTP response or request headers, IIS server variables, and even complex programmatic rules. In addition, Web administrators can perform redirects, send custom responses, or stop HTTP requests based on the logic expressed in the rewrite rules.Define powerful rules to transform complex URLs into simple and consistent Web addresses
URL Rewrite allows Web administrators to easily build powerful rules using rewrite providers written in .NET, regular expression pattern matching, and wildcard mapping to examine information in both URLs and other HTTP headers and IIS server variables. Rules can be written to generate URLs that can be easier for users to remember, simple for search engines to index, and allow URLs to follow a consistent and canonical host name format. URL Rewrite further simplifies the rule creation process with support for content rewriting, rule templates, rewrite maps, rule validation, and import of existing mod_rewrite rules.
Easily replace Web application URLs to produce user and search engine friendly results
URL Rewrite permits Web administrators to easily replace the URLs generated by a Web application in the response HTML with a more user friendly and search engine friendly equivalent. Links can be modified in the HTML markup generated by a Web application behind a reverse proxy. URL Rewrite makes things easier for outbound response content and headers rewriting with outbound rewrite rules that work with HTTP request and response headers and with IIS server variables.
Seamless integration with existing IIS features that improve management, performance, and troubleshooting
URL Rewrite is tightly integrated with IIS Manager for better management. In addition, URL Rewrite supports both user-mode and kernel-mode caching for faster performance. URL Rewrite also supports Failed Request Tracing for enhanced troubleshooting of application logic execution.
Rules-based URL rewriting engine
Rules-based response rewriting engine
Support for custom .NET rewrite providers
Regular expression pattern matching
Wildcard pattern matching
Global and distributed rewrite rules
Rewriting within the content of specific HTML tags
Pre-conditions for outbound rules
Access to server variables and HTTP headers
Rewriting of server variables and HTTP request headers
Rewriting of HTTP response headers
Allow list for server variables
HtmlEncode function
Built-in rule templates
Reverse proxy rule template
Rule templates for Search Engine Optimization
Various rule actions including redirect and request abort
Tracking capture groups across rule conditions
Logging of rewritten URLs
Updated user interface in IIS Manager
Integrated user interface for managing rewrite rules and rewrite maps
Integrated user interface for importing of Apache mod_rewrite rules
Integrated user interface for testing regular expression and wildcard
Support for IIS kernel-mode and user-mode output caching
Lowercase conversion function
Rewrite maps to generate the substitution URL during rewriting
Failed Request Tracing support
Download URL Rewrite Module 2.0
Download Extensibility Samples
The extensibility samples provide .NET assemblies and the source
code with full implementation of rewrite providers for the three
most common use cases: storing of the rewrite or redirect mappings in a SQL storing of the rewrite or redirect map storing of the lookup substrings in a text file.IIS下rewrite_百度知道
L]RewriteRule ^(.php/$1 [Iwindows系统,求赐教;(;.*) $0 [I,L]RewriteRule &#47.*)\(,L]根目录的所有文件夹无法访问请问如何写网站根目录下zt01&#47.php $0 [I.hmtl能访问的规则.ini文件的内容[ISAPI_Rewrite]RewriteRule /index,iis配置rewrite下面是httpd.*)$ /(:images|data|js|css|attachment)&#47?
;.php?id=$1[R]RewriteRule ^re_([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)\eyeglasses&#47.html$ &#47.php.html$ /;eyeglasses/replay.php?id=$1&&page=$2RewriteRule ^re_([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-p([0-9]+)\replay.;eyeglasses/eyeglasses/eyeglasses&#47.php?id=$1&&dis=$2RewriteRule ^re_([0-9]+)-p([0-9]+)\.html$ &#47?id=$1&&dis=$2&&page=$3RewriteRule ^pro_([0-9]+)&#92.html$ &#47[ISAPI_Rewrite] CacheClockRate 3600 RepeatLimit 32 RewriteEngine OnRewriteRule ^re_([0-9]+)&#92.html$ &#47
出门在外也不愁IIS Mod-Rewrite - URL Rewrite Module for IIS
&&&&&IIS Mod-Rewrite Overview
The ultimate URL Rewrite module for IIS
IIS Mod-Rewrite is a powerful, high quality professional URL rewriting tool for IIS. It rewrites URLs on the fly by using flexible custom rules and helps web developers and webmasters get the most out of their web applications.
It is ideal for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), redirecting or proxying requests, blocking undesired traffic and much more.
IIS Mod-Rewrite installs like breeze on your server and you can configure its numerous features through an easy-to-use, yet powerful .
The new version 4 is based on the unparalleled stability of its predecessor's core engine and it comes with full native IIS 7 / IIS 8 support and dual 32/64bit operation on IIS 7 / IIS 8.
100% mod_rewrite compatible
IIS Mod-Rewrite is 100% compatible with Apache , implementing all its features.
Rewrite configurations can be migrated
from IIS to Apache, and vice versa, painlessly, by just doing a copy.
Hot SEO solutions!
What can I do with IIS Mod-Rewrite?
Make a website Search Engine friendly.
Use Search Engine Friendly URLs on popular cms, blogs, and forum applications.
Rewrite filename extensions or entire URLs on the fly.
Block direct links to my image files (or other files) from other sites.
Database driven url rewriting.
Block annoying robots.
Deny access for a specific list of hosts.
Handle load balancing on a cluster of web servers.
Serve different files for different browsers.
Top reasons for choosing IIS Mod-Rewrite:
100% compatible syntax and behavior with Apache mod_rewrite. .
No need to purchase extra licenses for development use. Unlimited localhost usage without need for activation.
Uses regular expressions for compact and rich configuration.
Supports per-server, per-virtual host, per-directory, and .htaccess configuration (the last two configuration scopes are supported only by IIS Mod-Rewrite Pro edition).
Works as native module on IIS 7 and IIS 8.
Dual concurrent 32/64bit mode on 64bit IIS 7 and IIS 8.
One-click online update mechanism and rollback capability through version archive management.
Override configuration (.htaccess) management that increases webmaster's productivity (pro version only).
Fine tune your configurations by using the regular expression tester.
Expand the URL rewriting capabilities by using external programs (RewriteMap prg:)
Very high performance rewriting engine, written with highly optimized C++ code.
Web hosting providers can easily manage which websites can use IIS Mod-Rewrite and free server resources for the rest of websites.
Diagnostics tool for quick and effective troubleshooting by the support team.
Textmap file to hash database (RewriteMap txt: to dbm:) conversion tool.
Increased stability against external programs.
Extended directive set for configuring, overriding, and deploying engine settings up to site level.
Download and tryIIS Mod-RewriteNOW!图文解析IIS下Rewrite组件防盗链_错新网
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  首先笔者要说的是&盗链&很常见的现象,虽然没有采集那么&流行&,但是对于被盗者来说,碰到这事还真的及时解决,要不资源的消耗很可能会影响自身网站的正常运营。那究竟什么是盗链,怎样防止网站的信息被盗链呢?下面简单的说下:  &盗链&的定义是:此内容不在自己服务器上,而通过手段,绕过别人放广告有利益的最终页,直接在自己的有广告有利益的页面上向最终用户提供此内容。  一般盗链分为文件盗链和图片盗链两种,什么站,图片站了,这里不得不说的是某些少数人拿着数百M的虚拟空间就想做、图片站;所以一般盗链就这样发生了。笔者是理想(www.yuanma.cc),前天发现Du Meter实时流量增加数倍,而IP和PV未见明显变化,持续一天左右,我采取了简单的防盗链,结果数分钟之后就恢复正常了。我采用的方法是利用Rewrite组件,用discuz论坛且静态页面的朋友都知道,下面以图文混排的方式简单的说下,由于没什么含量,大家就可以拍砖。  1、Rewrite压缩包,解压安装,玩论坛安装过的可免去这步。需要的可以窗口我。  2、打开安装目录下的httpd.ini文件,在最后加上以下语句  RewriteCond Host: (.+)  RewriteCond Referer: (?!http://1.*).*  http://.*.|.*.|.*|.edu.yuanma.cc).*).*$  RewriteRule .*.(?:gif|jpg|png|exe|rar|zip) /block.gif [I,O,N]     大体意思是,若请求不来自本站则拒绝请求,转而显示所防盗链网站根目录下的block.gif图片,图片适合图片站,对于站而言最好的当然是转跳页面了。第三行为被允许的网站。  3、添加ISAPI筛选,如下图     最后重启下你的网站,一个简单的防盗链系统就完成了。  QQ:5503525 QQ交流群:353263  本文来自:www.yuanma.cc 转载请保留出处,谢谢!


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