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How To Disable Or Fake Your Location In Firefox, Internet Explorer & Chrome
Modern browsers including Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer now include “geolocation” services based in the browser. What this does is attempt to locate you based on your IP, wi-fi or network location. It is used for several reasons, including adding a location to your tweets or Facebook updates, or to locate you on a map. You might want to hide or fake this location IP due to privacy concerns, and it isn’t too terribly hard to do so. What Is Geolocation? Geolocation is a technology that locates your position on the planet and ties it into your web browser (or other application). A couple of services work to provide location services in your web browser. One is a Google service that looks at your IP and connected network information and matches it up to known locations, Microsoft runs another similar service.
Apple uses the internal service CoreLocation to locate you across a variety of services. Geolocation has a lot of useful applications, but it also has some serious privacy implications. Turning Off Geolocation Turning off the location features in either browser is fairly easy. When you are first given the chance to allow or deny location in Firefox, you can disable it right from that menu. If you have already allowed it, go to the configuration settings by typing about:config in your browser window. Find the setting geo.enabled and double click it to set it to “false.”
In Google Chrome, the settings are in
-& Options -& Under The Hood -& Content Settings -& Location:
Set the option “Do not allow any site to track my physical location” to disable geolocation in Chrome. In Internet Explorer 9 you can also disable location services. Go into Internet options -& Privacy. Select “Never allow websites to track your physical location.”
Faking Your Location The easiest browser to fake your location in is Firefox. In fact, there is a browser extension that does just that called Geolocater (sic).
and restart your browser. To configure it, you must go into the “Tools” menu, so right click at the top of your browser and enable the file menu to gain access to configuration.
When you launch it, you must add a new location and include the name to save it. Search or browse to the location you wish to set, enter the name in the box on the right, and then click the button that looks like a kite with a check mark to save it.
Next time you go to a website that has geolocation enabled, you will be able to change which location you want to send to them and then “Share” to fake your location. There is another alternative that works both in Firefox and Chrome, but you will need to do some editing of files to make it happen. The way these geolocation services work is by requesting a file from Google which then responds with your location in JSON format. To fake this in Firefox, you can create a file on your computer with this text: {"location":{"latitude":48..338929,"longitude":2.338929, "accuracy":20.0}} You can find this location by locating it in Google Maps or any other maps program that supports Latitude and Longitude. Google maps generates a link that looks like the following: /?ie=UTF8&ll=48..338929&spn=0..027874&z=16 In this case the first number is the latitude and the second the longitude. You can place this in a plain text file on your computer, then update the Firefox setting in about:config named geo.wifi.uri to the location on your computer. In Windows, it will look something like this: file:///C:/Users/Username/Documents/location.txt
Make sure if there are any spaces in the directory to replace them with %20 for proper encoding. Restart Firefox and your location will show the updated information.
Location Is Disabled – But You Can Still Be Tracked Even though location services have been disabled or faked, a great deal of information about where you are located is sent just by using the Internet. Your IP address can narrow your location down to your country and maybe even the city you are located in. Just be aware that unless you use a VPN, your location can still be tracked based on that information. Do you have any other tricks to hide or fake your location IP?
Do you know how to disable or fake your location in other browsers such as Safari and Opera? Let us know! Image credit:
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Resend Confirmation LinkReal VampiresUpdated on June 19, 2013
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Vlad The Impalers Work
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Vlad The Impaler , Dracula
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Elizabeth Bathory, The Bloody Countess
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Killing A Vampire
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One Of The Most Popular Books Ever About Vampires.
Vampires Have Been With Us Since The Dawn Of TimeSince the dawn of civilization there has been blood drinking ghouls documented and written about by people from all nations down thru history. All the way back to ancient Babylonian Vampire like creatures have walked among us. And there were some really violent people down thru history who practiced at being a vampire even if they were not real vampires.
Like Elizabeth Bathory who was known as the Blood Countess. She tortured and killed over 600 servant girls and drank their blood and bathed in it. She is probally the most prolific female serial killer in history.
And we can not forget the real life Dracula Vlad The Impaler. Vlad had the nasty habit of impaling or having his percieved enemies impaled on tall wooden spikes. He had them impaled and then he would leave them there with orders that no one was to take them down. Some people would live for days impaled on the wooden spikes. It is from Dracula, Vlad the Impaler that Bram Stoker got the ideal for his book , Dracula.
The legend of the vampire was very much known in that area of the world which is now Transylvania and Romania. People of those countries have always believed that vampires are very real. Transylvania is now a land of mystery and majic. Many people there claim that vampires are real and many claim that real live werewolfs wander the dark forests of Romania and Transylvania.
Many people from those countries claim that Dracula was a real life vampire and that he is still very much alive today. There is a legend in the area that Dracula was just another name for Judas Iscariot who was and is the father of all vampires. In that legend Judas Iscariot was doomed to roam the earth until the return of Jesus Christ and he was able to spread the dark gift ( being a vampire ) to others.
That legend goes on to say that Vampires aversion to silver can be traced back to the 30 pieces of silver paid to Judas for betraying Christ.
And people should know that the Slavic people today believe very much in vampires. They believe that they are real beings that prey on living people for their blood. And it is the vampire of the Slavic people that we have seen in such modern shows and movies like Buffy The Vampire Slayer , Dracula The Movie , and Ann Rice's Interview With A Vampire.
Ann Rice brought the Vampires to life in her series of books that started with , Interview With A Vampire like no other author in history ever had. She brought the vampires to life on the pages of her books and made us see the real live vampires like no other author in history ever had.
She made people believe that vampires could exist and she made people wonder what could be hiding there in the dark of night. She brought the vampires to life and made them live. You almost felt like they were going to step out of the pages of her books.My New Free Book On Paranomal Activity
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This book is 100 percent free for everyone. You can download it or read it online. And here free really does mean free. Source:
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Do vampires exist some where there in the mist.
Real Vampires Part 1Real Vampires - Part 2Real Vampires - Part 3
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Vampire Myths And LegendsIn most of Europe during the dark ages there was great fear of vampires and many people were executed for being a vampire. Many people took to burying their love ones up side down so that if they turned into a vampire and tried to dig out of the coffin they would dig down instead of up. And many many people especialy in Europe were dug up and stakes driven thru their heart to keep them from being a vampire. Corpses were also buried with a piece of real siver in their mouths to prevent them from becoming a vampire. Most legends agree that blessed objects , crosses , silver , and garlic keep vampires away. Many people believe that unless you invite a vampire into your house it can not enter. However once they were invited in one time they could come and go as they pleased.
Some people even in present day Europe hang garlic over their door ways to keep vampires away. There is also a legend in Europe that if you have a cat living in the house that vampires will avoid your house. You can also leave a dish of dry rice or mustard seed outside your door and a vampire will have to stop and count them before it can move on.
Some people in Europe paint their doorways with Holy Water to keep vampires away. Some of them get a silver cross blessed
by a Priest and place one above every door way to keep away vampires.
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(0.67 sec)在中国怎么开启 Android 设备完整的 Google Now 功能?
我的手机是nexus 4的但是google now只显示一个天气,有时候会显示一个路况,把语言换成英文也没变化,求教一下google now玩的好的大神门,那么多有意思的卡片怎么能出现啊?P.S. 有的知友说是因为地理位置在大陆,但是我有vpn+goagent,逻辑上来说ip应该是美国,可惜仍然没有更多地卡片出来,难道这个功能不光是看ip地址吗?
启动器google+上来的兄弟姐妹们点个赞嘛 - -google推送了google now 3.514
删除了google search的相关数据 然后google now进不去了 虽然进不去但是一样可以直接设置
语音启动进入search的设置页面 找到voice
然后点击 ok google detection
因为比中文的漂亮 无他原因
google now 换成中文消失的问题不讨论
因为比中文的漂亮 无他原因
google now 换成中文消失的问题不讨论
=连侯三声让google 记得你的声音
连侯三声让google 记得你的声音
开启google now步骤google+上来的兄弟姐妹们点个赞嘛 - -步骤0.将系统语言设置为英文,最好是美式英文;1.开启飞行模式,开启后再把WiFi打开(稍后需要用到);2.到Location settings(位置信息)将模式改为Device Only(仅限设备)3.到Play商店下载 Fake GPS软件(开发者是Lexa);4.到开发者选项中勾选Allow mock locations(允许模拟位置):5.打开Google search程序(蓝色图标那个),拖到最下面,点右下角三个小圆点的菜单键,选择settings(设置),进入后点击Accounts & privacy(账户和隐私权),再点击Google Account(Google账户),点击Sign out(退出账户);6.打开Fake GPS软件,随便设置一个美国的地点,比如New York City;7.停用Google Play Services(如果提示卸载更新,卸之);8.打开Google search程序(蓝色图标那个)然后选择你的账号;9.此时就会提示你开启Google now,点击右下角"Yes, I'm in" ;10.启用Google Play Services(如果卸载过新版,会提示你到Play商店升级,升之);11.关闭飞行模式,将位置服务改成你需要的类型,Fake GPS软件也可以卸载了;12.尽情享用你的Google Now吧!!!PS:Google Now采用科学上网更好使哦!另附一张七月份的使用图 - -14.10.22 没事来加点图
通过google now 启动相机通过google now 启动相机旧版的↓↓↓↓↓↓↓旧版的↓↓↓↓↓↓↓交通信息 到下班的点就提示了交通信息 到下班的点就提示了这个是自动拉去google calendar里面的记事这个是自动拉去google calendar里面的记事4.3时候的截图 图标都还是老旧的
4.3时候的截图 图标都还是老旧的
还有根据你所在的位置 推荐拍照景点之类的也蛮好的
其他算了还有根据你所在的位置 推荐拍照景点之类的也蛮好的
亲测成功啊0.最重要的一步,将系统语言设置为英文,最好是美式英文;1.开启飞行模式,开启后再把WiFi打开(稍后需要用到);2.到Location settings(位置信息)将模式改为Device Only(仅限设备)3.到Play商店下载 Fake GPS软件(开发者是Lexa);4.到开发者选项中勾选Allow mock locations(允许模拟位置):5.打开Google search程序(蓝色图标那个),拖到最下面,点右下角三个小圆点的菜单键,选择settings(设置),进入后点击Accounts & privacy(账户和隐私权),再点击Google Account(Google账户),点击Sign out(退出账户);6.打开Fake GPS软件,随便设置一个美国的地点,比如New York City;7.停用Google Play Services(如果提示卸载更新,卸之);8.打开Google search程序(蓝色图标那个)然后选择你的账号;9.此时就会提示你开启Google now,点击右下角"Yes, I'm in" ;10.启用Google Play Services(如果卸载过新版,会提示你到Play商店升级,升之);11.关闭飞行模式,将位置服务改成你需要的类型,Fake GPS软件也可以卸载了;12.尽情享用你的Google Now吧!!!
首先确保你的手机是已经 Root 过的;在去下载并安装一个 APP(「General version」下面的一个下载地址);清空 Play Service 的缓存(有的人说需要,但我这里没有清空就可以直接使用);然后确保你能连上 Google 的服务器,就应该可以使用 Google Now 了。另外通过这种方法设置了,你也是可以使用 Google 其他的一些本来不能使用的服务的,例如 Google Fit。
2015年2月份伪装地点、伪装国家代码的方法在新版GMS中都失效了,但通过升级安装开启Google now仍然可行。 安装2.6版的Google 搜索,下载链接在此:
登出账户,清空此应用的数据,用Fake GPS设定位置到美国,确认可以访问Google之后,进入应用,加入Google now计划。 然后再升级到最新版本的Google 搜索就好了,还赠送了Google 即时桌面,好用。之后不需要再伪装位置。 感谢酷友zesty提供的apk链接,酷安大法好 :-)
写在前面:10月份GMS迎来更新。这个更新关闭了我们简体中文的Google Now。因此使用Google Now,需要让手机的GMS和Google应用处于英文状态,可以用App Setting实现。一:使用Xposed模拟美版帐号。(原创)适用范围:理论上所有支持Xposed的机型。Nexus 4.4以下设备推荐这一种,因为这些设备自带的Google程序不容易降级。这种方法是全面模拟美版账号的方法,因此可以解锁美版市场,也可以打开位置报告。补充:各国MCC,MNC列表,这样可以随意模拟各国账号。具体方案:1:安装Xposed框架。这里的测试,使用的是2.5.1版本,并没有使用最新的2.7版本(受到Theme Engine的限制 )。框架下载,请参考官方网站:2:安装Xprivacy。这里测试时,由于App_process版本太低,使用的是1.x版本,不过完全够用。在模块里面,开启Xprivacy。重启。3:系统语言改为英文。打开Xprivacy,展开筛选栏。(注:高版本里面,好像是一个漏斗。)搜索Google,打开Google核心服务的设置,勾选phone。(注:在Xprivacy中,勾选意味着限制。方框代表限制部分。)4:打开Xprivacy Settings。点击Radomize,自动生成一堆信息,把你需要欺骗Google的,打上勾,把MNC改为004,把MCC改为310。(注: MCC 是 Mobile Country Code 的缩写,即移动国家代码。它由三位数字组成。用于标识一个国家,但一个国家可以被分配多个 MCC 。比如美国的 MCC 有 310,311,和316。中国的 MCC 只有 460。MNC 是 Mobile Network Code 的缩写,译为移动网络代码。它由二到三位数字组成。它和 MCC 合在一起唯一标识一个移动网络提供者。比如中国移动的 MNC 是 00,中国联通的 MNC 是 01,中国联通 CDMA 的 MNC 是 03,中国卫星全球星网的 MNC 是 04。 )004,310,只是一个例子,每个国家mnc,mcc都不止一个。5:退出你的Google帐号,这时显示set up backup account。进入Google Now,I'm in。登录,设置为备份帐号。进入Google Settings,点击账户历史记录,点击位置记录,确保已经打开,就可以切换为中文。Google Play也同时解锁了。二:降级Google Search开启Google Now,备用的方法补充:非原创,Google+的 +Yuki Sakura 的方案。具体方案:1.安装Google Search 2.2版本下载地址:(注意:部分手机安装低版本Google Search需要用幸运破解器进行“Android核心破解”)2.安装Xposed模块“App Setting”,勾选重启后,选择Google Search & 开 & 地区 & 香港 & 保存3.挂香港的VPN4.更改语言为 中文(香港)5.点开Google Search ,会出现提示开启Google Now的页面。适用范围:没有预装Google Search的手机。三:Android L模拟脚本开启Google Now:适用范围:Android L, 需要Root权限。支持开启位置报告补充:Google+ 一位朋友 +Weihong Li的方案具体方案:1、root,语言切换成英文。2、安装busybox安装后运行,选择Install。3、安装Init.d Toggler
然后单击enable init.d按钮,创建/system/etc/init.d目录。4、下载模拟sim卡文件。放到/sysem/etc/init.d目录下,可以任意取名,但权限要是755 (rwxr-xr-x)。5、安装universal init.d运行后,中间按键选到ON9重启后,就可以打开位置报告和Google Now了。注意:   如果Google Now没打开成功,安装Google即时桌面。安装完成后打开软件,会提示你是否打开Google Now。以上完成后,保留universal init.d这个软件,其它的软件可以全部删除。
保持全局美国IP,英文语言。root Android device,装上Google Now Launcher、Market Unlocker by Evan He ()。打开Market Unlocker,选择一个美国的运营商,比如选United States下面的AT&T,提示是否要跳转到那个地区的Play Store,选否。在Market Unlocker的Home页里打开Enable Unlocker、Auto Unlock、Show Notifications。给它完全的root权限。重启后解锁到桌面,等Market Unlcoker自动启动。打开Settings-Location-Google Location Reporting,打开Google Account的Location Reporting。不行的话,飞机模式后重启关飞行模式再试。打开Google Now。
根本不需要这么复杂,经过半个小时的研究,总结绝对有效简单办法如下:1.开飞行模式,开WiFi2.设置英文语言,输入法为英文键盘!(非常重要)3.清除Google search和Google play service数据4.开启location定位5.开启Google search,Google now提示界面就会出现了!
需要模拟位置后使用的,都是瞎说。google now的特点就是根据你所处的情景提供适用的信息,模拟了其他位置,提供的信息就没用了。说说我目前的状况(使用英文版google now,人在大陆,无模拟位置,无vpn):基本每天都是一张天气卡片,一张翻译卡片(中英),2张新闻卡片(内容有关:chrome,nexus,moto g,google,等)。时不时出现的有:ingress中文网的卡片,重大新闻卡片,g+好友的生日卡片,还有贾斯汀比伯的各种卡片(本人专业jb黑,各种黑的后果就是google居然认为我对他感兴趣
),每月一次的步行/骑车卡片,还有生活大爆炸、绿箭侠、神盾局特工的新剧提醒卡片。说说获得卡片的方法:天气卡片不用说了;我的google账号,语言设为英文,由于我身在中文地区,所以会出现翻译卡片;科技资讯的卡片我觉得是由于我在g+关注了这些社群,并且经常在chrome里搜索类似的关键词(举例:前几天的索契冬奥会,你每天搜索几遍,3天下来,就能收到冬奥会的卡片了);玩ingress,登陆过2次ingress中文网,随后就开始收到卡片了(不过也玩了一年的ingress了);好友生日卡片掠过。用xprivacy开启google位置记录,每月初可以获得上个月的步行/骑车 卡片;在google里搜“生活大爆炸”,右边的知识图谱里选remind,就可以收到美剧提醒卡片了。还有导航卡片就不用说了,地图里搜索一下,很快就出现了。ps:卡片太多了挺无聊的,每个内容都要打开浏览一下(略强迫症),浪费时间,而且新闻大多是英文的,看起来不爽。有时候还会莫名的出现毫无用处的导航卡片。最可气的就是贾斯汀比伯的卡片,我都回答了好几次我对他不感兴趣,还总是推送jb的新闻,看一次不爽一次。
更新!!十分重要!!升级了5.0的同学,系统语言千万不要切换成中文,一切就关闭Google Now了……!!===========================经过多次反复实验,再加上帮同事开,然后自己和同事手贱关掉重新开,超过10次的开启Google Now经验,得出如下比较靠谱的方式。最多人赞的答案我也试过,但是感觉还是不够好...所以写下来让大家按着步骤参考下。机型:Nexus5使用情况:已经开始在用,不想恢复出厂,怎么(重新)开Google Now?1.退出现有Google账户2.拔Sim卡,重启3.飞行模式,再开wifi。4.关闭地理位置服务,开发者模式开启允许模拟位置。5.语言设置为英文,将pinyin键盘关掉,剩下英语键盘6.清除所有的Google有关的应用的数据。7.(十分重要!)清除 google search, google now launcher, google service, goole play的更新。清除完之后,你会发现你的桌面会回到一开始那样(如果你是使用google原生UI的话)。8.VPN去美国,Fake GPS去美国。好了,完成上述步骤之后请检查一下,是不是真的做完了,因为如果一旦少了任何一样,都要重来...9.长按桌面,选择设置。10.上方开启google now,选择"yes, i am in"11.此时让你登陆google,直接登陆吧12.登陆完成回到9的画面,重新按一次开启,成功的话,会等待2-3秒,弹出google now画面!大功告成!把删掉的东西重新更新吧~PS.这么多次的反复开启之后,只想说一句,No zuo no die啊!不要手贱去清理什么缓存,手贱关掉Google Now!什么手机助手,豌豆荚,QQ手机管家,什么一键清理缓存,表用好么?
补药子来。有效于。机型:nexus 5android version:4.4.2中心思想:让它以为你在美帝,先把google now弄到再说。步骤:0、预备好fake GPS应用、ladder爬墙应用,文件管理器,或者可以连接电脑豌豆荚解决的。1、关机、拔掉micro sim卡,恢复出厂设置。2、恢复好了后进系统,用美帝英文,然后能skip跳过的全部跳过,包括要你插sim卡、wifi、google账号什么的,全跳过。不要勾选备份到Google等等。(有勾的全去掉就对了,反正以后慢慢勾吧。)3、ok,dude,我们进来了。4、把location关掉先。5、开发者模式,勾选模拟地点。(有需要的话也开启USB调试)6、装序号0中提到的几个应用。先打开吧,后面争取时间。7、ladder打开,开启wifi连上网,马上切回来爬墙。8、有网络了,fake GPS才能使用,马上飞到美帝去。9、赶紧说“ok, google.” “remind me to”(别扯什么天气)它就要你开启Google now了。需要Google账号,测试了几次,最好用新建的吧。反正联系人、书签什么的这些都可以导出然后同步回来。10、打开Google play,它就要你装Google service了。大概是这样,测试过几次,推测问题一般出在账号上面。旧账号失败、电脑先新建的账号(爬墙建的)失败,最后试了手机新建的账号成功,估计问题出在这里。坚持中心思想不变就可以成功。图就不上了。
google now 需要以下条件均不在中国地区才能开启:系统语言,直接设置成英文即可运营商 ,把卡拔出来 或者用 "市场解锁,goagnet"等软件修改运营商即可网络提供商,通过VPN,goagnet,fqrouter .等等代(fan)理(qiang)工具实现地理位置,通过停用地理位置最方便了。一般只要满足以上条件清理一下 google
searcher 的缓存让它重新加载上面信息.就可以开启Google NOW 了。而在使用过程中,Google Now 则会根据你的使用习惯给你推送相关的即时贴,比如在美国亚马逊购买了东西收到美亚的确认邮件..会有该商品的快递跟踪即时贴。相信还有其他很多相关的服务会有即时贴...不过仅限于国外的服务。而大陆用户想要得到更多即时贴的方法就是模拟地理位置..通过软件把自己的地理位置设置成美国,你会发现Google Now 的真正意义..当然这样得到的信息不一定是你想要的。
简体中文不行, 但是繁体中文并不影响使用.
楼主问是如何显示更多卡片,人家Google Now已经开了。一堆子人到现在还是支招如何开启,看明白问题再回复好不好,文不对题。
据我个人的经验来说,这跟账号的地区设置是有关系的。很多有趣的功能只有美区等区才有。我个人用的是美区 其他国家的我不好评论。不过确实有很多谷歌的功能目前仅限美国可用的。
在美国买的同学!!注意啦!!!只需要退掉谷歌账号,清除谷歌几个服务的缓存,关机,把卡换成机子自带的美国4g卡,再打开机器,打开位置服务,登陆账号(我开了翻墙和模拟gps软件,不知道是否起作用了在这里),开启google now就好了!!


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