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中文翻译最大限度的利用:&&&&vt. ( 〔美、古〕 gett ...:&&&&短语和例子 hire by the week 按周雇用。 ...:&&&&adj. 〔many, much 的最高级;比较级是 m ...:&&&&短语和例子 from above [below] 自上[ ...
例句与用法1.Are you getting the most from your knowledge workers你是否发掘了知识工作者的最大价值? 2.How to get the most from the american express business card如何善用您的美国运通商务卡? 3.And so i go out and i teach them how to maintain
how to get the most from people所以我到各个公司讲解怎么保持自己的人际关系,怎么人尽其才。 4.To get the most from this article , you need a basic understanding of db2 udb and high availability clusters为了最好地理解本文的内容,您需要对db2 udb和高可用集群有一个基本的理解。 5.The first in a three - part series , this tutorial shows you how to leverage linux to get the most from your network这是由三部分组成的系列教程的第一部分,介绍了如何利用linux让您的网络更强大。 6.For expert advice on getting the most from out of either of these two machines , we invite you to check out the online buffer clinic据专家的建议是:要选择其中的任何一种,只要在网上付帐即可。 7.Successful treatment depends on how plwha know about and get the most from the medicine over a long period of time有效的治疗有赖病者明白药物与生活息息相关,并承诺终身服药及与医护携手,以达到目标之路。 8.Discipline ourselves to make learning a fun , not an added burden , and to get the most from the distance educational opportunity open to us训练自己把学习当作一种乐趣,而不是一种负担,力争从开放的远程教育机会中获得更多知识。 9.Computer companies offer plenty of advice about how to get the most from yours , but it ' s probably wise to keep your expectations low虽然电脑公司给我们提供了许多使电池发挥最大效能的建议,不过最好还是别对这些建议抱太高期望。 10.“ i ' ll keep this week ' s tip simple . do the following exercise . and , do get the book . go through it slowly to get the most from it简单地说,本周的技巧就是:做好下面这些练习,买回那本书。慢慢地品味,尽可能多地从书中得到启示。 &&更多例句:&&1&&&&
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