搜索2014年12月11日cc tv 15精彩音乐会2014有个歌曲叫想什么?

  南方农村报    南方都市报  21世纪经济报道  
 增值电信业务经营许可证 我写的一切都没有意义
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雾港水手 ( 12:31:21)
1《祝你健康》进行曲 (约翰-施特劳斯)
2《狂欢使节》圆舞曲 (约翰-施特劳斯)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:36:15)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:42:08)
尤其是今年的,小泽令我耳目一新,原来施特劳斯的作品还能够有这么奇妙的演绎方法! 马泽尔给给人的是欧洲人特有的幽默与风趣,哈农库特令你明白什么叫维也纳的味道,小泽则把东西方两个世界完美的融合了起来!每年都能让人有惊喜的新年音乐会!(2000年我不大喜欢,穆帝年轻时的感觉我看不到)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:48:56)
Peter Fang ( 20:49:16)
deRud ( 20:51:35)
Peter Fang ( 21:00:33)
orchestra?",让小泽确认一次;另外小泽提到他的斋藤纪念(Saito Kinen)音乐节活动,翻译根本就没有翻出来。小泽的英文的确是象美国人指责的那样,在那边工作多年还是一口的broken
EnricoCaruso ( 21:07:37)
Handel ( 21:12:15)
所以我怀疑配画面的很有可能是录音,这可不是李立群演卡拉哈哈呀,那么大一堆人一个出错拍子就很有可能合不上了 有没有人注意到无穷动开头小泽动了几下之后音乐才响起来?
EnricoCaruso ( 21:14:03)
deRud ( 21:14:29)
classicfan ( 21:15:54)
Peter Fang ( 21:16:26)
Felix ( 21:22:33)
classicfan ( 21:23:28)
deRud ( 21:32:04)
Handel ( 21:35:06)
EnricoCaruso ( 21:43:38)
DERUD说的大概没错…… 不过说要听施特老斯的“俗”,也非听新年音乐会不可。
classicfan ( 21:46:38)
EnricoCaruso ( 21:55:34)
晚辈才疏学浅,没注意体会…… FELIX兄,蝙蝠序曲的演出到底哪里有问题啊?
Handel ( 21:58:27)
Felix ( 22:00:28)
EnricoCaruso ( 22:04:03)
classicfan ( 22:05:11)
deRud ( 22:08:21)
EnricoCaruso ( 22:12:45)
Handel ( 22:15:18)
Felix ( 22:16:03)
GL ( 22:56:27)
donjuan 来自: USA ( 15:31:16)
OK, let me cool you guys down a little bit. This morning
I heard through FM radio of this new year's concerto from
Vienna. Since I saw you guys' posts first, many of which
acclaiming that Seiji's interpretation was so great, so
I paid an extreme attention on it. Sadly though, the music
through my HK stereo sounded so boomy, making VPO just like
a secondary marching band. Very disappointed indeed. This
evening, I saw it through PBS TV of the recorded live broadcasting,
it sounded a little better, with much needed high frequency
information, which provided many detail layers lost in the
radio. However, the whole experience was still kind of less
impressing. I have to admit that the second half better
played than the first part, while the Water Color Waltz
in the first is quite an interesting piece. What I missing
though is the subtleness, the elasticity, the balletic rhythms,
which are the heart and soul of those music by the Strauss
families. I should say that Seiji no lack of charisma that's
for sure, while at least to many Asian audiences, and this
concerto is one of more energetic ones within recent years
( I guess I can say that since I also have been following
this event for quite some time, since mid-late 80's), but
after an immediate comparison afterwards, with my other
collections, e.g. Broskovsky's Vienna in Music (taped in
73), Kleiber in 89, and Karajan in 87 together with some
others. This one still facing a lot competitions in many
regards, esp., against the first two I have just mentioned.
One example, in the Wiener Blut, the concert master did
a great job in the solo part, the rich tone is indeed better
heard than Broskovsky himself with the violin, but of the
whole work, Seiji lacks of the exact elegance while Broskovsky
Tempo wise, he is way too fast in many areas. The Plappenermaulichen
for one, yes, it is a Polka schnell (means fast), but still
it is a Polka, not a Gallop right? If only he can add a
little bit more rebate, and trade a little bit speed with
some humor.
I don't know how many of you also enjoy ballroom dancing
here. I used to be pretty good at it during college time.
I can tell you one thing though, that a really good waltz
does not need to have strong audible bits. The rhythm make
one dance, and esp. in waltz, elasticity is the key. While
Broskovsky and Kleiber let the music waving itself around,
Seiji here made the VPO more or less sound like a Boston
Pop. Well, you may argue with me that Karajan also made
the VPO sound like a march band. But the difference is that
K did get the best sound out of the Orchestra, while Seiji
failed to fully utilize its potential.
Sorry to sing a different tune here. But escalation as
some of you shown is way too outrageous, don't you think?
classicfan ( 16:04:29)
Well, at least I didn't feel any surprise about your remarks.
Like what we've learned from your previous behavior in here
and other classical music bbs, we know that you are used
to singing a diffrent tune with others in order to show
your "superioirty" in music appreciation.
I totally disagree with you. This year's New Year's Concert
is superb not only in respect of atmasphere but also in
music quality. The VPO sound terrific under Seiji. Those
familiar pieces sound like new composition under his conducting.
Boston Pop? Of course! Don't forget these simply arePOP
pieces! I didn't see your points at all.
classicfan ( 16:27:10)
Sorry, the last sentence of the above should be: I couldn't
see your points at all. (否则是另一种意思了。)
余超 ( 23:56:35)
我在一定程度上同意donjuan的意见。特别是Wiener Blut那一首,开始的独奏部分虽然特别好,但整体来说,还是少了一点“小资产阶级情调”,那是我最期待的。:-)
donjuan 来自: USA ( 05:33:09)
^_^. Well, maybe "outrageous" is too heavy a word, I take
it back. But, there is no need to be obnoxious anyway. Easy,
easy, my young fellow.
OK, watched it a second time (since I taped as I usually
do). After listen through my Senheisser 575, I have to take
back some of what I have said earlier. No, VPO did not sound
like Boston Pop, because it was not brassy enough. Based
on sectional play alone, it still sounded like the old VPO,
the mellow yet rich French horn, the sweet woodwind, the
shining yet warm string playing. What strange though, is
that the double base sounded so predominately, partly with
the help of the timpani, it sounded so boomy that at certain
moment, I can almost hear the sound decay of the base, or
maybe it was over reverberated. As a result, when the whole
orchestra play together, the tonal color has been shifted
to the darker, boomier end, while the woodwind section has
been suffered significantly. Same thing happened to the
Harp, which was supposed to be audible even playing with
the orchestra! What we lost? The delicacy balance of the
different sound layer. Instead, we got just one plain mushy
sound wall. Sloppy play if one like to say, or sloppy recording
on the other. But either way, this IS NOT as good as the
renditions by Broskovsky and Kleiber. No, not within a mile.
Peter Fang ( 10:08:28)
I watched part of the replay on CCTV yesterday and was
surprised that it sounded different. The live broadcast
was very bright and often had distortions (I guess the CCTV
engineers set the wrong sound level) but in the replay the
distortions were all gone. However, the sound became so
bass-heavy that I wondered whether I accidentally had "mega
bass" turned on, which I did not. This balance problem was
more like an engineering one and unlikely Ozawa's. Too much
bass means the whole sound picture became less crystal-clear
and I know it's not the right sound because the VPO sound
is always their signature "bright" when they perform in
the Musikverein. It's a unique sound that failed to come
through in this TV broadcast. Let's see how the upcoming
Philips CD and DVD sound. Sound aside, I still liked the
performance a lot. It might not have the vienese charm of
Carlos Kleiber and Boskovsky but many oft-played "war-horses"
sounded so fresh under Ozawa and that was enjoyable. I always
try to look for something new in the New Year's Concerts
and I think whichever Maestro tries to become another Kleiber
on this podium will fail miserably so the best way to go
is to be himself and impress in his own way. I've always
wondered what we would hear if James Levine or Pierre Boulez
(two conductors close to the VPO) conducted the VPO in these
concerts. :)
Felix ( 10:42:30)
Felix ( 10:50:13)
donjuan 来自: USA ( 12:09:15)
Thanks, Perter. That may explain the reason. I think it
might be the recording fault. Hope they can fixed the balance
problem before issuing anything. Universal folks now a days
only care to make money rather than music. This of course
is their best chance. But you can count me out, I will not
invest any money on this one.
Yes, I am also looking forward to seeing Levine on that
podium. Afterall, Boston folks just couldn't hold their
happiness to see Levine's coming. They just can't wait till
the formal departure of Seiji. Sad isn't it? To see the
almost 30 year marriage just ended like that. One last thing,
you want Boulez to tear down the roof of the Musikverein?
Come on, not him for the new year! ^_^.
Eilan ( 17:19:07)
Hello, Peter,
>>I know it's not the right sound because the VPO sound
is always their signature "bright" when they perform in
the Musikverein.
Maybe the reason is that VPO switched the A from 446 Hz
to 440 Hz. I heard it from another list. If so, Wow Peter!
I have to say you are a rare bird who could recognize the
difference. But if the problem you described is just due
to the engineer's fault... OK, I am not ashamed to say I
didn't realize it during the telecast.
At any rate, everyone has his own mind of the sound of
Have a good day!
Eilan ( 17:27:13)
>>I've always wondered what we would hear if James Levine
or Pierre Boulez (two conductors close to the VPO) conducted
the VPO in these concerts. :)
In my opinion, if James Levine were there, he would give
a concert as magnificantly as Kleiber's. BTW, Kleiber could
and can do no wrong, correct?
Peter Fang ( 20:40:50)
Dear donjuan, if you noticed the smiley I used at the
end of my post you'd realize that I was joking about Boulez
there. No offense to Boulez fans, though. I treasure many
of his recordings but he might not be the right person to
conduct the New Year's Concert. :) Well at least he only
wrote in the 1960s that opera houses should be blown up
and that did not include the Musikverein. :)
Dear Eilan, sorry to disappoint you but I don't think I
can hear the difference between 446Hz and 440Hz from a TV
broadcast. I was merely pointing out that the bass-heavy
sound did not resemble the VPO sound I hear on most recordings
I have. :) I agree with you that James Levine could be a
magnificent New Year's Concert conductor if he were scheduled
to appear. On your last question about Carlos Kleiber I
am afraid I cannot say "yes" or "no" to it because Kleiber's
repertoire was/is too limited for us to judge. I am not
a member of the Kleiber "cult" but I might go as far as
to say that in the works he chose to do he did them all
well. Now only If DG can persuade him to come out from fishing
and make more recordings before he officially retires it
would be wonderful for all of us. What about some more Beethoven
symphonies (or at least the 9th), the rest of the Brahms
symphonies (I know he only performs the 2nd these days),
and more opera? Given the tough time the classical recording
industry faces today I don't see that coming any time soon.
I read elsewhere a post from a conductor who attended all
seven performances of his Rosenkavalier at the Met and it
made me dreaming about hearing a tape of that event some
classicfan ( 20:41:24)
Well, donjuan, now I found out that you are so eager to
show your 'superiority' not only in music appreciation but
also in age. How funny! Do your words sound more authoritative
if you are older?!
classicfan ( 20:53:47)
I believe that nobody here thought that Ozawa is perfect
as far as his performance in the New year's concert is concerned.
Different opinions are noraml. However, nobody likes to
be "cooled down" by a snobbish fellow like Donjuan. Yes,
we know you live in the U.S. and have an expensive earphone,
but these do not mean that you can understand music better
than others.
donjuan 来自: USA ( 02:52:20)
Sure, Perter, I know you are kidding. Me too. Even though
I don't care too much about mordern music, I like Boulez
conducting Mahler if not all of them, and couldn't wait
to get his Bruckner 8th on DVD. Saw him conduct the 9th
on the web, really liked it.
donjuan 来自: USA ( 03:28:19)
Dear classicfan, I know you have heard of a lot live performances,
I happened to be no so lucky, and feel like there is even
a bigger world that I haven't explored. There's no reasin
to feel superior. Am I old? Come on, only 35 you thought
it old? Wow! True I can't touch the rim anymore, but I still
can play the basketball. Why can't I? No, I am not a rich
fellow, but rather poor. I bought the senheisser for only
about half year to replace my broken Koss which I have used
for almost 6 years, and the price wasn't as expensive as
you might have thought. By the way, isn't there somebody
here who's using Stax here? That's the real one. :). OK,
any differences? Everyone has his likes and dislikes, we
debated a lot at RMCR. Nothing wrong there. The sounding
problem Peter has helped me clear out. I guess I am not
the only one who feeled the uncharacteristic boomy sound.
Last thing, I saw some of your CD recommendations elsewhere,
I don't have much against to, except that you feel that
the Furtwangler's 44 Eroica is just a Hype, which I don't
agree. That's all. Other than that, most of the recordings
you mentioned, I love them too. I just try to avoide to
repeat the same thing to save some space. Doesn't that manager
like to delete things? ^_^. Enjoying your listening, I know
classicfan ( 09:58:08)
Ok, my young fellow (Since I am older than you, I guess
I AM entitled to call you like this), it is quite understandable
for a young people like you to speak naively while pretending
to be experienced and knowledgeable. I forgive you. But,
please remember: one needs to be humble to learn as much
as possible.
Peter Fang ( 10:03:40)
Dear donjuan, I was just listening to the Boulez Mahler
7th late last night. I have all his DG Mahler releases as
well as the older Sony "Das klagende Lied". Of the newer
recordings I like his 1st, 6th and 7th the most and I haven't
given enough time to his new Das Lied von der Erde with
the VPO yet. Most of the time it's a revelation listening
to Boulez's Mahler and the clarity he was able to bring
out is unsurpassed in my opinion. Maybe only the late Sinopoli
came close in that regard. By all means get Boulez's Bruckner
8th DVD. It's magnificent. In addition to a top-flight performance
it was also beautifully filmed and recorded. I got my copy
cheap from http://www.bensonsworld.co.uk/detail.asp?product=9,
this vendor has free international shipping! One problem
is that it's in PAL. So you noticed that I am using Stax.
:) I actually got the Stax 3030 system only days ago to
complement the Sennheiser HD600 that I've been using for
a while. I cannot afford high-end speakers and amplifiers
this is the most safisfying solution for me right now. I'd
have to spend maybe 20 times as much on a speaker system
to come close to the Stax. I'd rather spend those money
on recordings and books first. :) By the way Stax products
are at least 30%-40% cheaper in China compared to the prices
in the States.
donjuan 来自: USA ( 13:37:42)
Great choices, Perter. I mean, both the recording you have
mentioned, and of course, your Stax. If anybody should feel
jealous to, I know I am little bit(^_^), it has to be to
you. Kidding.
Yes, I feel that Boulez's Mahler 1 & 6 should be among
the top 5 list in each symphony, even though I know there
is some one dislike his 6. But I quite enjoy it. As for
the 7, I think Abbado(CSO) and Rattle did slightly better,
well, it's still quite debatable. I just finished listening
Kaplan's Mahler 2 today, which is incredible, I wish I had
digged it out from our library ealier, but their catalog
is poorly catagorized, no coductor, even no label info.
I am going to dub a copy for my reference. A performance
like this really worthwhile to go back later.
Too bad that his Bruckner 8th still hasn't been released
in the US yet. Thanks for your link by the way, I guess
I might have to consider to get a zone free machine which
can play both NTSC and PAL mode now. :)
Peter Fang ( 15:00:18)
Dear donjuan, Boulez's Mahler 7th sounds so different from
others yet it is compelling in its own way. I would not
recommend it as a first (or even second) recording for someone
new to the work but I find it an essential listen. For a
more "mainstream" 7th the Abbado, Bernstein (Sony or DG),
Bertini and the recent Michael Tilson Thomas are all excellent
choices. The MTT is gorgeously recorded. I am looking forward
to hearing Michael Gielen's version on Hanssler as I enjoyed
his 2nd, 3rd and 6th in the series so far. Kaplan's Mahler
2nd is a very solid performance and is well recorded too.
It's a version that I find hard to fault but at times I
feel I may want just a bit more freedom, edge, bite or emotion
here and there. I won't call it "bland", it is not at all,
but it's just a bit too polished. I go back to it once in
a while although in a more adventurous mood I'd pick Scherchen
or Bernstein/NYPO or even the recent Ozawa/Saito Kinen.
On the DVD side I think you need a region-free player and
a multi-system TV just to watch all the wonderful european
and japanese videos! I just received the Q-Disc Mengelberg
and Van Beinum box-sets and both include a bonus DVD. I
can't wait to get back home and watch them!
By the way, maybe we should communicate via private e-mail
otherwise I fear others might complain that we're trying
to turn this into an English forum. :) I still prefer typing
in English as I cannot input Chinese as efficiently. Please
if you feel the same. :)
donjuan 来自: USA ( 03:47:04) ^_^. OK, Mr.
Classicfan, since I am your young fellow now, I guess I'd
better I call you Mr., as I don't know whether I should
call you uncle or big brother. Or maybe you are a lady,
then I will be embarrassed to death. ^_^. You do have a
youthful heart, don't you? So easy to get excited. Shame
of me, I seems hardly to do so these days. But anyway, Thanks
for your kindly forgiveness. Actually, I have no intention
to pretend to be experienced or superior. I like classical
music, enjoy collecting and listening to classical recordings.
I also enjoy watching people's debate about their preferences,
yes, sometimes I also participate in it. We do it all the
time at RMCR(I guess you already know what it stands). Since
BBS is just a part of democratic society, where people exchange
their opinions freely. Whether it's Mr. Henry Fogel from
the Chicago Symphony (also write for Fanfare), or Mr. David
Hurwitz from , or Robert Beson from
, or Rob Barnett from the musicweb.uk.net,
or professional musician, player, conductor freelance composer
(hidden their name or not), people there are all equal.
We are free to pick other's faults because that's part of
discussion. I know a few collectors who have tens of thousands
of recordings and have tons of experiences, while I just
have slightly under 1K, less then 10%! But guess what, if
they said something I feel that I strongly disagree, I will
point out directly. That's part of debate, there is nothing
to feel superior or inferior of. Above all, the music always
comes first, not ranking.
So, if you have anything like to discuss, such as the
choices of certain performances like Beethoven, Brahms,
Bruckner or Chopin and so on, I, This Young Fellow, will
be more than willing to discuss with you and I am willing
to learn something from you, as I did from here. I have
just ordered my first 4 recordings of Asahina's Bruckner
from Japan, thanks for Ms Cina and Peter's recommendation.
And thanks for the recommendation from the other BBS, the
Kavakos played Sibelius Violin Concerto is also on the way
here. To tell you what, I am very interested to learn how
Jacques Urlus's Wanger sound alike, thanks for Patzak's
classicfan ( 20:44:57)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:53:12)
你说可看性,我就连声哀叹自己没福气…… 哈农库特我很喜欢他对施特劳斯的诠释,有味道,但你说他“瞪着甲亢病人似的大眼睛让人倒胃口”,我倒觉的是个人喜好,我就特羡慕他那种陶醉。闭上眼睛听哈农库特,很是享受。
deRud ( 20:54:30)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:56:07)
classicfan ( 21:03:06)
EnricoCaruso ( 21:04:29)
Peter Fang ( 21:06:56)
Mehta、Riccardo Muti和Lorin Maazel。Mehta的演出我看完毫无印象;Muti总是除了板起的面孔就剩下一些火爆曲目中的physical
classicfan ( 21:08:10)
Handel ( 21:09:45)
EnricoCaruso ( 21:10:34)
周小静 ( 21:12:11)
我也喜欢这个作品《魔鬼音程波尔卡》,机智,幽默,好听。给音乐会增添了新鲜感。 作曲家是小约瑟夫.黑尔梅斯贝格(,维也纳人,与他同为作曲家、小提琴家、指挥家的父亲同名)。魔鬼音程指三全音(既增四度或减五度),这个音称包括三个全音,如C―升F,或F-B,等等。在欧洲中世纪的宗教音乐里,因为这个音程不协和,故必须避免。而在《魔鬼音程波尔卡》里,有不少地方是以这个音程为旋律框架,此外还有许多半音进行,听上去真是有趣极了。
classicfan ( 21:12:38)
Peter Fang ( 21:12:44)
周小静 ( 21:15:30)
Handel ( 21:19:15)
周老师说得好啊,冲着这个魔鬼音程我会买第二张维也纳新年音乐会的cd了 不过dvd估计不在考虑之列,想想Kleiber当年的乡村燕子,跟小泽的表现实在是无法相提并论
deRud ( 21:28:27)
Felix ( 21:34:32)
classicfan ( 21:39:39)
Handel ( 21:41:31)
Kleiber是天才,这话我爱听 其实我也很喜欢小泽的啊,高标准严要求一下
周小静 ( 21:46:00)
classicfan ( 21:49:20)
Felix ( 21:58:49)
shenqi ( 18:06:14)
执著着 ( 23:06:12)
classicfan ( 00:27:21)
classicfan ( 20:50:15)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:54:52)
EnricoCaruso ( 20:58:14)
classicfan ( 21:07:03)
deRud ( 21:35:52)
阿萨 ( 02:35:34)
Lenny Shaw ( 23:14:07)
Lenny Shaw
Wagner)和勃拉姆斯(Johannes Brahms)。为什么会有这么著名的新年音乐会?为什么要演奏施特劳斯家族的作品?维也纳爱乐乐团为何成为世界上施特劳斯家族作品的权威演绎者?这些渊源起始于一个半世纪以前。
1848年:维也纳新年音乐会的发轫 日,一场音乐会正在维也纳郊外一个露天舞台举行。当时莱比锡一家报纸描述道:“指挥是一个卷发,肤色黝黑的人。他的嘴唇微向上翘,给人一种富有天才的印象。他举起小提琴,随着琴头的摇动,明快流畅的音乐便从一个规模虽小但素质很高的乐队中飘荡出来。”
Haydn)的一首作品,作为对新年的庆祝。接着乐队演奏了施科泽(John Georg Scherzer)的一首歌曲(这首歌曲后来几乎成为维也纳民谣):“跳吧,唱吧,无论我们是富裕还是贫穷……”随后乐队开始持续演奏欢快的舞曲:圆舞曲、波尔卡、连德勒……音乐会变成了盛大的舞会,整个场地就是舞场,听众跟随着音乐翩翩起舞,精彩的作品则被要求加演,两次、三次甚至更多次……欢乐的舞会一直持续到天明。
von Weingartner)指挥演出了《蓝色多瑙河》,在此之前这部作品已成为维也纳爱乐乐团在10月17日和18日的国际旅行演出的保留曲目和返场曲目。日的这场音乐会也是有史以来第一次全部是由施特劳斯家族作品组成的音乐会。
当1980年波斯科夫斯基因病退休后,维也纳爱乐乐团选择了洛林?马泽尔(Lorin Maazel)――一位在国际乐坛取得辉煌成就的指挥家。他指挥新年音乐会直至日。从那以后,新年音乐会的指挥每年更换,1987年的指挥是大名鼎鼎的赫伯特?冯?卡拉扬(Herbert
von Karajan),他指挥了一场令人难忘的音乐会,随后是克劳迪奥?阿巴多(Claudio Abbado)(1988年和1991年)、卡洛斯?克莱伯(Carlos
Kleiber)(1989年和1992年)、祖宾?梅塔(Zubin Mehta)(1990年,1995年和1998年)、里卡尔多?穆蒂(Riccardo
Muti)(1993年和1997年),洛林?马泽尔(Lorin Maazel)(1994年,1996年和1999年)。所有这些指挥都是维也纳爱乐乐团当年音乐季中取得最大成功的指挥。1999年洛林?马泽尔指挥的新年音乐会打开了“施特劳斯年”的序幕――1999年是小约翰?施特劳斯逝世100周年,老约翰?施特劳斯逝世150周年。
New Year!”
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