
插普通蜡烛不好 有毒
不是很好,就是一个形式罢了 ,买蛋糕时店家会给你有个插在蜡烛下面的东西,可以阻止蜡油流到蛋糕上
接下来,我们赶紧把电灯熄灭,望着一根根燃烧着的蜡烛,奶奶许下了一个愿望,我们大家一同唱起了《生日快乐歌》,在唱歌的同时,我看见奶奶脸上露出了幸福的微笑。《生日快乐歌》唱完以后,奶奶深吸了一口气,吹灭了全部的生日蜡烛。然后,我们把插在蛋糕上的生日蜡烛全部取下来,就开始切分蛋糕了。由爷爷掌勺,我们首先给奶奶切了一块最大的蛋糕,当然,...我们把插在蛋糕上的生日蜡烛全部取下来的相关内容日期:预产期=出生日? 只有4%的孩子是遵守预产期如约来到这个世界的。很多孩子性子很急,紧赶慢赶的想看看世界;也有的不慌不忙,大人都急了,他还呆在妈妈的肚子里。到底是谁最终决定宝宝的降生呢:妈妈还是孩子? 280、279、278,就这样一天一天倒计时,等着宝宝的到来。每个准日期:宝宝预产期等于出生日吗 很多胎宝宝性子很急,预产期没到就紧赶慢赶的想出来看世界,当然也有些胎宝宝不慌不忙,预产期都过了好多天了,他还稳稳地呆在妈妈的肚子里,享受妈妈的温暖。难道是医生测预产期有误? 专家表示:从最后一次月经结束算起,一般是280天。但这仅仅是日期:婴儿不宜裹“蜡烛包” 在国内不少地区,有些父母常常用棉布制成的包被把新生儿严严实实地包裹起来,为了防止孩子乱蹬,还特意用带子裹紧。父母亲总认为“蜡烛包”既能防寒保暖,还能防止小孩遭到意外伤害。其实“蜡烛包”对孩子的生长发育是十分不利的。 我们知道:新生儿大日期:裹蜡烛褓对新生儿的作用新探 中国传统的育儿方式中,目前还普遍保留着把新生儿捆扎起来的蜡烛褓。由于蜡烛褓束缚了婴儿的肢体活动,所以受到养育专家的广泛批评。 近来本人在研读婴幼儿的触觉学习理论时,发现蜡烛褓这一古老的习俗,所以流传至今,可能不无道理。 胎儿在母日期:祖先留下来的马 阿凡提挖菜窖,挖了两天还觉得不够大,挖到了第四天时,他挖的菜窖通到了邻居 的马圈里,马圈里站着几匹骏马,阿凡提惊喜地把妻子叫来说道:“老婆子!老婆子! 快来看,我们祖父留下的马匹原来在这儿呢??日期:吃蛋糕 妈妈:“餐柜里今天早晨还有两块蛋糕,怎么现在只剩下一块。” 儿子:“我怎么会知道呢?餐柜那么高,又那么黑,我去找也只找到一块。” 日期:七块蛋糕和一支蜡烛 母亲:“你今天7岁了!祝你生日快乐,杰克。” 杰克:“谢谢您,妈妈。” 母亲:“给你一块生日蛋糕,上面插上7支蜡烛,好么?” 杰克:“妈妈,我愿意要7块蛋糕...
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 - - - - - - - -为什么不宜在生日蛋糕上插蜡烛?
09-10-28 & 发布
Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。decorated cake served at a birthday party.生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。A birthday parties.生日蛋糕;生日聚会Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。 ,,,,,,,Jane blew out all the candles on her birthday cake at one go.,简一口气就把她生日蛋糕上的蜡烛全吹熄了。,He blow out all the candle on his birthday cake at one go.,他一口气吹灭了生日蛋糕上所有的蜡烛。,I need a birthday cake with the words of &Happy Birthday& on it, 12 candles and a basket of flowers.,我要一个生日蛋糕,上面有&生日快乐&的祝词,外加12根蜡烛和一篮鲜花。,decorated cake served at a birthday party.,生日宴会上的装饰蛋糕。,I'll bake a cake and put candles on it.,我要烤个蛋糕,并在上面插上蜡烛。,This birthday cake simply melts in the mouth.,这生日蛋糕简直一进口就化,好吃极了。,We had fun and games at the staff meeting today. There was wine and a huge cake to celebrate someone's birthday.,在今天的职工会议上我过得很愉快,有酒和大蛋糕来庆祝某人的生日。,A birthday parties.,生日蛋糕;生日聚会,Those children are swooping on her birthday cake.,那些孩子正在大吃她的生日蛋糕。,I'm expected to buy a birthday cake for my son.,我得为我儿子买个生日蛋糕。
喷头藏匿病菌  “清洁身体可不再是一个沾满泡沫的沐浴球那么简单,从现在起,你家的喷头也要洗个澡才行。”这可不是厨卫用具的广告辞令,而是科学家们的忠告。  在纽约州、伊利诺伊州等5个州9个城市,美国科罗拉多大学研究人员通过抽取近50个来自家庭和公共场所的淋浴喷头进行取样检测,结果发现30%的喷头藏有大量可导致肺部疾病的鸟分支杆菌。  这是一种非典型结核分支杆菌,并且是一个善于藏匿的家伙。就像喜阴植物一样,鸟分枝杆菌喜欢在温暖、黑暗、潮湿的环境中生长,而淋浴喷头恰恰为它提供了环境。通过检测这些样本的脱氧核糖核酸(DNA),科学家发现相比从喷头流出的热水,鸟分支杆菌更多是积聚在淋浴喷头内。  除了非典型结核分支杆菌,城市供水系统也正成为病菌蓬勃生长的隐性温床。这次研究的水样本,除了4份来自乡村家庭,其余均源自城市供水系统。由于采用私人管道供水,这4个家庭中淋浴喷头流出的水中没有发现鸟分支杆菌,只有一些其他细菌。“也就是说,城市的供水系统出现了问题。”研究员表示。  老人易感染  事实上,先前已有研究显示,近年来由类似鸟分支杆菌这样的非典型结核杆菌引起的肺部感染病例增多,可能与人们越来越多地淋浴而不是在浴缸沐浴有关。因为从淋浴喷头释放的细微水滴附着大量病菌。也就是说当我们扬起头迎接从淋浴喷头流出的第一注水流时,含大量鸟分支杆菌的水将连同健康威胁落在面部。  长期暴露在这种病菌面前,会导致健康人出现持久的轻度肺部感染,出现疲倦、虚弱、持久干咳、呼吸急促等症状。而对那些有结核病的老年人以及患有免疫系统疾病的人来说,由于身体免疫系统脆弱,肺部受到感染的风险比一般人更要高出许多。  金属喷头少病菌  “不过如果你的免疫系统不存在某种程度的缺陷,淋浴并不危险,只是伴随有一定患病几率,”医学专家诺曼·佩斯解释说。实际上,这项发现也并非强调人们应该用泡澡代替淋浴,研究人员发现,与塑料淋浴喷头相比,金属淋浴喷头较难附着微生物。选择有过滤装置的金属喷头,不失为有效减少病菌堆积的好方法。  除此之外,时常清洁喷头也很重要。不过尽管如此,由于淋浴喷头布满隐秘处和缝隙,很难清洁干净,即使用消毒液清洗,微生物也会很快“回来”。  看来,为了有效避开伴随第一注水流喷洒而出的大量病菌,最简单直接的偷懒预防法就是:打开淋浴喷头后,先退到浴室外一分钟,不过这招可是有浪费水资源之嫌。


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