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扫描下载二维码40 Ways to Sneak Veggies Into Any Meal Without Sacrificing Flavor | GreatistBBC Good Food ME - 2016 April by BBC Good Food ME - issuu
BBC Good Food ME - 2016 April
BBC Good Food ME - 2016 AprilA 100% Raw Transition to a Raw Food Diet
<meta name="keywords" content="21 Day Raw Food Cleanse, Transition to Raw Foods, Raw Program, Raw Weight Loss Program, Cleanse"
Intro to Raw Foods
The Garden Diet 28 Days Raw Transition Program
An Online Support Program and Virtual Raw Retreat you can do in your own home!
A Life-Changing Program to help you easily and safely transition into a Raw Vegan Lifestyle!
A balanced raw food, fresh-food-based menu plan with no supplements or superfoods!
Next 28 Days Raw Session starts Monday August 15th, 2016
The next session is immediately following the
all starting on July 25th, 2016 for a 7 week guided raw journey!
The 28 Day and 21 Day Programs
run back-to-back continuously for ongoing raw support! (It doesn't matter which Program you do first).
28 Days RAW is an Online Program designed to help you transition into raw foods The Garden Diet way!
Release weight, feel better, increase your energy, improve mental clarity, rejuvenate and experience revolutionary health!
You will learn...
Basic Principles of Raw Cuisine...
How to Invent your own Raw Recipes…
How to Shop for Raw Foods.....
Raw Foods on a Budget....
How to Minimize Detox Symptoms....
What to Expect when You Transition To a Raw Diet....
Going Raw and Staying Raw....
Cleo's Raw Transformation....Top-Left is Cleo at age 27 before discovering the Raw Vegan Diet! The other three pictures are of Cleo after changing to a raw vegan lifestyle, here at age 51! Raw rejuvenation is truly possible, powerful, and completely natural!
&The 28 Days Raw Program is not only effective for lasting health and permanent weight loss but it is one of the few diets in the world today that is safe to do as a long-term dietary lifestyle with no adverse side-effects. It can be done for the 28 days only or it can become a way of eating for life. I have personally rejuvenated by a decade and
physicians witnessed my Mother's breast cancer appear to vanish completely after going through this 28 day program!&
- Dr. Bretta Blanton,
The Garden Diet 28 Days Raw Program Philosophy
Food: Our Delicious, nutritious, and affordable Raw Vegan Cuisine: Patées, Wraps, Soups, Salads, Dressings, Desserts, Smoothies, Green Smoothies, Green Juices, Fruit Juices, Mylks, Teas, and much more! 28 day menu plan with different Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner recipes for each day and 2 shopping lists each week so you can easily shop for everything you need! No planning, no thinking, no wondering, no worries! We have done it all for you to make it easy for you to go raw!
2. Exercise: Our Fun and highly effective exercise program! I love these workouts because you will automatically do them at your own level, and anyone can do them! These exercises will help you to sculpt a new body to go with your new lifestyle!
3. Happiness: Our Ground-Breaking 28 Day
Well-Being Program cultivating inner joy, an absolutely essential ingredient for long-lasting health and
fitness, is a major part of the 28 Days Raw Program! After working in this field for 18 years, I have learned that the number one reason people are unable to shift their eating habits is their own mind-set! Break the negative thinking habit, and shift
in to finding greater joy in life! Soon your relationship to food will shift effortlessly and automatically to match your new mind-state.
By approaching these three areas above at the same time, you will gain a critical mass of transformational change and momentum that will literally shift you in to a whole new relationship with the way you take care of yourself from now on!
Experience Well-Being on a whole new level!
-- The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition to Raw Program starts August 15th, 2016
-- This is a program that you do at home, online, with online group support, and at your own pace!
-- This is a raw food bootcamp Transition Program
in which you will learn new recipes, go raw safely, and get all the tools you need to stay raw for life!
-- This is not a diet, but the beginning of a healthier happier lifestyle!
-- Release 15 - 25 lbs. in just 4 weeks, continue releasing weight after the program, and keep it off for good!
-- If you don't need to lose weight, don't worry, this program is for anyone who wants to go raw! On the raw diet, the Garden Diet way, over time you will naturally return to the weight you are meant to be, whether that means losing 200 pounds, or gaining 50 lbs.. When you eat the way nature intended, you return to the shape nature intended you to have!
-- Our 28 Days Raw Menu is designed to help you transition to a raw food diet with no uncomfortable detox symptoms or cravings!
-- You'll learn to prepare the tastiest, freshest, healthiest, and most nutritionally balanced raw recipes out there, including Sun-Fry, Raw Sushi, Raw Noodles, Kale Salad, Raw Subs, Raw Pies, Raw UnChocolate, Raw Soups, Nut Mylks, Nut Cheeses, Nut Sauces, Dressings, Sun Teas and other easy, new,
simply delicious, &family-tested-and-approved& Raw Recipes!
-- Workouts that will give you an incredible arsenal of body-sculpting cardio and floor exercises
that you can do at any level, to get you in great shape and keep you in great shape from now on!
-- MD-approved: Safe even if you are nursing or pregnant, have type 2 diabetes, or if you are taking medications. Our diet was voted one of the top diets in the world by a panel of medical doctors, and one of the only top diets with no adverse side effects!
-- Our golden rule is &No Beating Up on Yourself&, and you'll find a ton of support to help you be kind to yourself, overcome the expectation of perfection and understand why and how you eat the way you do, accepting yourself deeply for who you are right now as a path to core-level, stress-free, natural change and healing.
Read more details below....
Jinjee, founder of the 28 Days Raw Program, has been successfully guiding others through the transition to raw foods for over 20 years! She is the editor and publisher of the
email newsletter which goes out to 25,000 readers!
Jinjee's philosophy of raw food is that we can get all of our nutrients from the foods we eat. We eat everything as fresh as possible, without the aid of supplements or superfoods. We have found that this works best for the long term.
The Garden Diet, a raw vegan diet, falls somewhere in between the gourmet social raw movement with its superfoods, raw cacao, and dehydrated foods on the one end and the extreme raw diets like the low-fat raw diets or the fruitarian diets on the other end of the pendulum swing. We feel that we have found a middle-ground that is sustainable for the body and doable for any individual or family. By having to come up with meals that her five children all enjoy, she has had to develop a repertoire of recipes that out of necessity are both delicious and easy to make!
The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition To Raw Program Overview
* Everything in this program is delivered to you online in our Online Community where we post the Daily Instructions, Reading Materials, and links to the online
videos. The community is also where you'll Blog - keep an online journal of how you are doing, get support in the forum, ask Jinjee
questions, and Chat with other participants. There is also a weekly phone call (conference call) to answer all your questions!
* At the end of the ordering process, you will be directed to click a link to download your materials right away. They are all in one file called 28days.zip. You will
receive an email invitation with a link to the Online Community a few days before the program starts.
* The first eBook &The Garden Diet 28 Day Program Overview& will give you the schedule and instructions for the Program. This file will also contain all the information that will be posted in the Online Community, to be sure you get all the information you need as easily as possible!
* Your materials
include Recipes, Menu Plans, Shopping Lists, Quick and Easy Demo Videos, How-to's, 20 minute and 40-minute body-sculpting workout videos, Daily Instructions, motivational reading, and more!
It doesn't seem possible that these are the same people does it! As you can see from the photos above these people didn't just shed pounds and look 10 to 20 years younger, but they also became happier which improved their quality of life!
- 1 hr Q & A conference call each week with Jinjee to get all your questions answered!
- daily email coaching from Jinjee, to help keep you focused on the program!
- An assigned &Program Pal& to help keep you accountable!
- online support forum to keep it fun, meeting new like-minded friends with similar goals!
- online Blog to keep and share a record of your journey during these 28 days!
- online Chat to give you live ongoing support from fellow participants!
- Post-Program support through the Community (Forum, Blogs, Chat, etc...), which you are a member of for life!
- Lifetime Membership so you can re-do the program four times a year! - Practice makes perfect!
- Email access to Jinjee for personal consultation any time
We understand the importance of staying motivated and it is our goal to help motivate you to want to do the best you can for your health and energy! On the 28 Day Transition To Raw Program, we offer you the following motivation....
- journaling, guide to journaling, daily journaling exercises to help you through emotional detox!
- daily motivational reading to keep you inspired!
- daily happiness
exercise to help shift your relationship to food at a core level!
- Cultivating Happiness eBook, Positive Thinking eBook, and many other motivational mini-eBooks designed to increase your sense of well-being!
Extra: Free eBook - Understanding Raw
- Science of raw
- How the SAD (Standard American Diet) developed
- Problems with the SAD (Standard American Diet)
...It's easier to stay raw when you understand the solid scientific research that backs it up! Take the fear and worry out of the long term raw vegan lifestyle with information about the best B12, protein and mineral sources, how to eat
a balanced raw diet, what raw foods can deplete nutrients from your body, and how to get all your nutrients from
fresh raw vegan foods!
This Transition Program is for you if you would love to...
- have more energy, vitality, and motivation
- achieve and maintain a naturally beautiful shape
- improve the quality of your life
- feel happier and more emotionally balanced
- go raw with no de-tox symptoms
- go raw with no withdrawal symptoms
- go raw with no cravings for cooked foods
- change your relationship to food and your body
- feel a consistent sense of well-being
- be more comfortable in your skin
- be free of food addictions and compulsive eating
With The Garden Diet 28 Day Raw Transition Program, you will learn the raw recipes you need to go raw and thrive on a long-term raw lifestyle. You will learn recipes that are &comfort foods& to replace the unhealthy foods most people use for emotional comfort. You will learn the basics of raw recipe preparation so that you can invent your own raw recipes. You will become more in tune with your body,
learn to listen to its messages and choose the right foods for you to thrive!
Three-Fold Approach to Going Raw:
&I want to go raw, but how?& - is a question we hear every day! This Program provides answers, using the Three Keys to Health below!
Why do so many people try to go raw and fail? For one, they lack an experienced guide. And for another thing, they are only approaching going raw on one level, learning some raw recipes. However, going raw is such a huge transformation on every level of your being, that issues of unmanaged excess energy and emotional detox often derail the most well-intentioned people aspiring to integrate this higher knowledge in to their lives. Our Three-Fold Approach addresses the energetic and emotional changes encountered when going raw, and guides you through this process in a way that utilizes the transformational benefits of these changes so that they actually become catalysts for health instead of catastrophes!
The Three Major Keys to Health: Diet, Exercise, and Happiness!
Key # 1.) The Garden Diet: Our
fresh, nutrient-dense, family-friendly version of the organic raw vegan plant-based diet...The Garden Diet is especially designed to ease you in to a sustainable raw vegan diet safely and easily....The 28 Day Raw Transition Program guarantees you will have a nutritionally balanced and completely healthy transition to a raw food lifestyle! You'll find when you eat a delicious and nutritionally balanced raw diet you will not crave cooked foods at all!
Key # 2.) Exercise: Toning is an important part of weight redistribution with the raw food lifestyle. If you exercise daily while following our transition plan you will not experience uncomfortable detox symptoms. Just as importantly, sometimes when people go raw, they get a huge amount of excess energy and their lifestyles are not set up for utilizing this energy. Unused energy becomes very uncomfortable in the body, and the person will reach for foods, substances or negative thoughts, to bring their energy back down to a manageable state. By following our workout schedule you will be channeling your new energy in to your new body in an appropriate way that will not only be comfortable, but will have you &ringing& with the bliss and ecstasy of new muscles building and a real vital health charge running through your veins!
Key # 3.) Happiness: Going raw right takes a certain state of mind. Our 28 Day Happiness Program helps you to manage the &emotional detox& that often accompanies the transition to a raw diet. As you go raw, your old stored toxins are released and with them the emotions that were &stuffed down& with the various foods you used to numb your emotions at the time. These emotions can now re-surface and cause you to run back to the foods that silenced the emotions to start with. With our 28 Day Happiness Program, we will guide you through journaling exercises to help you to lovingly deal with and release these emotions, while listening to the important messages they have for you.
Most people know that if you want to be healthy and beautiful, you have to eat right and exercise. But what most people are missing is a third and most important piece of the puzzle! -- Joy! If you want to be healthy and beautiful, you have to get happy! Why?
1. Happiness looks beautiful...Your emotions show up on your face eventually. If you have true inner joy, that light is going to shine out on the world no matter what your age is!
2. If you aren't happy, you won't bother looking good ...Cultivating a joyful spirit will allow you to always look your best, from the inside out! It will also ensure that you always make the best choices for your health!
3. If you aren't happy, you won't bother taking care of your health. If you are depressed, you are probably unconsciously and subtly
sabotaging your health, as an &exit-strategy&...
4. Happiness, the emotion, makes a number of healthy things happen in your body. It evens the blood pressure, allows more oxygen to flow to your cells, etc…In fact, happiness improves every function in your body. A happy person equals happy cells! And happy cells add up to a beautiful and healthy body.
In The 28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program, you are getting Three Programs in One!
- A 28 Day Raw Menu Plan - to give you all the tools and recipes you need to thrive on a raw diet for good!
- A 28 Day Exercise Program - channeling your excess energy and toning your new body so you look as great as you feel!
- A 28 Day Well-Being Program - to help you through emotional detox so you can stay
joyfully raw!
What to Expect on The Garden Diet 28 Day &Transition to Raw& Program...
Week One - Easing in to the Transition Program with simple, easy, nutritious, and delicious raw detox recipes and raw comfort foods. The food in week one is ample and rich, to make the transition safe, easy, and satisfying! You will ease in to your raw diet lifestyle with no detox symptoms, withdrawals, cravings or feelings of deprivation!
Week Two - Creating Simple Raw Meals of every kind....This week is more of a deep detox week, with lots of whole foods, juices and nut mylks, where you'll experience the incredible lightness of being a
raw vegan.
Week Three - Learning to create a greater variety of raw recipes....To gain all the tools to remain raw vegan easily for life!
Week Four - Expanding the variety in your raw recipe repertoire, and learning the principles of inventing your own raw recipes.
The Menu Plans include recommended substitutions, additions, and variations for the sugar-sensitive person, the person who is focused on healing, people kicking coffee, those who need to gain weight or need additional calories, including pregnant and nursing Mothers, and for those in areas where all the ingredients may not be available.
How it Works
1. sign up below
2. download your 28days.zip file when prompted to at the end of the ordering process.
3. Open the 28days.zip file
and enjoy all of our Garden Diet eBooks that we have put there for you to enjoy while you are waiting for the 28 Day Transition Program to begin (or read them after the program ends to help you in your continuing raw journey). Print out the Weekly Menu Plans and Shopping Lists. Begin to peruse the program materials if you like. Take a look at the Prep Week eBook if you would like to start preparing yourself for the program in advance.
day or two before the program starts, look for the invitation to the Community in your email inbox.
5. The weekend before the program starts, shop for the ingredients outlined in the 28 Day Transition Program Shopping Lists eBook.
6. Register and Log in to the Online Community for your Daily Instructions, Forum, Chat, and Blogs -
(all the information from the 28days.zip file
will also be posted in the Forum).
7. Spend about a half-hour a day on the materials for the day, each of the 28 days of the Program.
8. Prepare the recipes, read the motivational materials, do the exercises,
enjoy the delicious meals, and experience incredible raw transformation!
See more Before and Afters and testimonials below....
Two ways to order the 28 Days Raw Program....
Order The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw
Online today!
Next Session: August 15th, 2016
Workouts - $40 value
Daily Instructions, Journal Exercises, Well-Being Module - $80 value
Online Community - $100 value
Motivational, Educational, and Inspirational Materials - $140 value
4 Conference Calls - $97 value
Lifetime Membership - $90/yr. value
Email Support - $40/wk
Menu Plan, Recipes, Shopping Lists - priceless
Total Value - Over $500.00
Previously Priced at - $189.00
Early Bird Special -
The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program - $97 (includes all modules above including lifetime membership)
(Original Price: $189.00)
Or order The Garden Diet 2-Program Lifetime Membership Special
2-Program Special: To sign up for a Lifetime Membership to both The
and The 28 Day Transition to Raw Program, held back-to-back continuously, now for the Early Bird Special
Price of $137! - click below!
(Includes All Modules and Lifetime Access to ALL
future sessions of both Programs, so you can stay with the programs as long as you like for an ongoing raw support system!)
Upcoming Back-to-Back Sessions:
*28 Days Raw Program - Monday August 15th, 2016
*21 Day Raw Cleanse - Monday July 25th, 2016
Sign up today to take part in the above sessions plus access all future sessions too!
BONUS GIFTS -- Right now, when you sign up for this 2-Program Special, you will also receive The Raw Empowerment Program with 4 Special raw menu plans, The Raw Rumpus, the Vital Force Diet System, and the Next Level Raw eBook!
All available for instant download as soon as you order!
2-Program Lifetime Membership
Early Bird Special - Only $137!
(For a very limited time!)
(This is a one-time payment! There are NO additional charges!)
(Previously priced at $299.00)
Find out how to get these programs FREE at the bottom of this page!
What You Get
- phone support
One hour-long Q&A group phone-support session with Jinjee weekly!
- daily email support and instructions
Daily Support email with the day's Menu, Exercise Schedule, and Happiness Exercise to do in your Journal. Also includes Motivational Reading Material for the day...
- personal support from Jinjee
Email or phone
Jinjee any time during the 28 Day Transition Program for support!
- online forum support
Get support from others on the program
Share photos, videos, journals
Set goals and keep a daily blog of your progress, monitored by an assigned &Program Pal&.
- exercise schedule
Daily workouts, videos, motivation, and suggestions in the daily instructions.
- shopping lists
Twice-weekly list of ingredients to buy to make all the recipes.
- menu plans
Complete menu plan for 28 days!
Raw meals, green juices, green smoothies, salads, wraps, nut milks, guilt-free deserts,
and much more! A complete 100% raw vegan menu for every meal of the day for four full weeks!
- video demonstrations
Recipes, exercises (a different 20-minute workout for each week, which you can do 1 to 3 times a day!), recommended walking schedules for additional weight loss and glow, exercise inspiration
via email, how to open young coconuts and other mysteries of raw foods, using your raw equipment, basic concepts of raw cuisine, and more...
- daily motivational reading, including....
Changing our Relationship to Food
Its Not About Perfection
Happiness Takes Work
Cleaning up Negative Thoughts
Food as A Drug
About Fasting
How to Open a Durian
Finding Your Favorite Fast
Stress-Less Solution
Preparing For the Cleansing Week
Safe Water-Fasting
Quick Fix Aerobix
Keeping the Seal on your Diet
Clean Foods
What Cheating Can Teach Us
The Lymph Must Move
Adapting the Menu to Your Needs
If You're Having Trouble…
How to Handle Cravings
The Golden Rule - We Do Not Beat Ourselves Up
Shifting Core Emotions
Importance of Forgiveness
Fine-Tuning the Raw Diet for Your Lifestyle and Personality
Going Raw in the Workforce
Cultivating Happiness
Understanding Orthorexia
What I learned from Michael Beckwith
Positivity Can be Learned
Weight As Protection
Who are These Raw Vegans
Raw Kitchen Space
The Healing Power of Breath
How to Cheat Wisely
Yoga for Beauty
Kicking Coffee
How to Drink More Water
Salt - It's about Balance!
Raw Muscle for Weight Loss
What I learned from Byron Katie
Cleansing As a Way of Life
Cycles of Health
Eating Raw After the 28 Day Transition
Cultivating Spiritual Beauty
Healthy Eyes, Eye Exercises
The Science Behind Raw Food
The Secret Raw Matrix
Tips For Inventing Raw Recipes
Steps to a Healthy Life
.....And More
- program pal
We pair you up with someone on the program to keep each-other inspired - and accountable!
- share before and afters
You can share your before, during, and afters in our 28 Day Community Blogs, Forum, or Photo Area
- journaling
Keep a journal of your 28 day transition program, either in a notebook, or as a blog in our 28 Days To Raw Community!
- emotional support
Get support from Jinjee and other participants!
What people have said about our programs….
&Thanks for all the time, effort, and attention to detail you created on this program. It isn't often you get to talk to the person in charge and I loved doing so on the 2nd conference call. You did a wonderful job and I look forward to reading your daily blog. It gives me a boost and motivation to make changes. Thanks so much for helping me be true to myself on this program&.
&I have been 100% raw for one entire week even while my kids are with me (an amazing feat for me, especially since I made them some cooked things.) And, as happens with me when I do 100% for more than about three and a half days, the feelings come rolling in. How smart I have been to alleviate these overwhelming feelings using food, or at least chewing, anyway. But, that was a coping mechanism that had its place and time, and I now want the growth that comes from being with my feelings instead of running from them. So I am going to continue coming here and staying connected to you guys with the goal of walking through them this time&
After going to press next week, I look forward to reporting our weight loss and heightened energy.
Plus I cannot wait to share these results and your program/website with our readers&!
- MJB, Editor, Natural Awakenings Magazine
&I have more energy and sleep better and I have felt very nice working out. Thank you so much for the recipes they have helped me to enjoy the raw foods so much more&.
&I visited your website when my raw friend sent it to me.
I’m raw because it’s the first thing since I was like… 13 that’s made my IBS better.
If I have even a few bites of bread or cheese
I’m doubled over in cramps or can’t poop for days.
I think it’s really just helped me identify foods that make me feel good and bad and be aware of my body.
I’ve also lost 18 pounds, which is never a bad thing&
&I am a 100% raw foodist and have been for almost 4 years. I was diagnosed with cancer of the prostate and decided to allow my body to heal naturally. In the process I have improved and stabilized that condition and transformed the following:
1. Weight reduced from 83.7kg (184.1lbs) to 60.7kg (133.5lbs): a drop of 23kg (50.6lbs).
2. Blood pressure dropped from 135/85 to 110/60 (the blood pressure of a 21 year old, not a 67 year old). At one point sticking around 140/90.
3. Thyroid Function: TSH down from 27.90 to 3.12 (Healthy Range 0.40 – 4.00).
4. About 6 months into the raw food program, after initially getting worse, the diarrhea I had been experiencing for several years stopped and normal bowl movements returned and have been sustained.
5. Also around the same time, after a very bad eczema attack on my shins, again which I had been suffering from for many years, disappeared along with the tinea between my toes and groin rash I had had since a young age. I have not re-experienced any of these skin conditions since.
6. Cholesterol has reduced from 5.3 to 3.8 (Healthy Range &5.5*).
o LDL Cholesterol (the bad stuff) down from 3.8 to 2.6 (Healthy Range &3.5).
o Coronary Risk Ratio has come down from 5.3 to 3.8 (Healthy Range &5.0).
7. Hay fever and itchy eye: This disabling condition, suffered since childhood has completely cleared.
8. I am engaged three times per week in a ‘serious group outdoor personal training program’ that includes sprinting, endurance running and weight training as well as weekly sessions of Yoga plus other gentle and not so gentle physical activity such as walking and gardening and solo running from 6 to 10 Kms non-stop on my ‘off days’. Not only has my health improved but my cardiovascular fitness and endurance has me training with, and keeping in touch with, people 20, 30 to 40 years my junior. I feel blessed with how fit and well I feel.
As you can imagine I am hooked 100% for life…&
&Thanks for the continued inspiration. My husband and I have now been raw since November 2003 and are feeling FABULOUS. On top of our increased energy and wellbeing he has gone from 17% body fat to 9% and I have lost 40 pounds!!!
&What I love best is how easy your recipes are to make!&
&I was able to stay raw with your program. My whole family is mostly raw now!&
&I have enjoyed all the recipes. Thanks a million for all the inspiration that you send. I have now lost 43 lbs. and still losing. I am a 70 year old woman and I can now exercise, where for a while I couldn't even walk&!
&After 14 days, this sounds odd to anyone that has not tried this I am sure, I am feeling younger each day - like my age is in reverse...it is amazing really...and all this with raw foods and no supplements….&
&Thanks to your tips I am inventing my own raw recipes now with whatever ingredients are the freshest at my local farmer's market&
&Thanks again for offering such GREAT support :o).. My raw pregnancy went so well, and I have you to thank Jinjee&!
- Christina
&I still get cravings for pizza, but I now have the knowledge of how to say NO and move on and feel great within a few minutes!&
&I was on 8 medications for depression and for the side effects of the anti-depressants. I'm down to just one mild one now, and I will be off that soon.&
&I've lost 24 lbs. in 28 days just eating The Garden Diet, walking 40 minutes a day, and doing the workouts!&
&I just fed my family your RAW Tacos and they LOVED them. Cleared the plates and wanted more&!
&What caught my eye, and emotions, was to see a family, living it, day-in and day-out, and experiencing the profound effects of raw foods. I was struck with a deep sense of conviction.
I was emotionally moved by your dedication to truth and helping people with the real message of health&.
&I have been coming back again and again because you have one of the most straightforward, unpretentious sites I have seen in my information quest&.
&My husband and I have three children...15,13,11. As a family we have lost 140 lbs so far&!
&My husband and I started on the raw diet 10 months ago and not only did God heal my husband of non-hodgkin's lymphoma but (to testify regarding your episode on raw potency!) our sex life has been the best it’s been during our 33 years of marriage&!!!
&Of all the books that I've read on raw food, your information is the easiest and most simple to apply and the tastiest of them all. I really appreciate your realness&.
&I am reading your e-books online and have spent the entire day in front of this computer!!! WOW!! I am totally fascinated with this and enjoy the good reading. I am 55 years old (female) and have been trying to go raw on and off (mostly off!!) for a few years now. I LOVE YOUR APPROACH!!!!
I have seen a lot and read a lot, but your no-nonsense approach and easy recipes are a great find. Thanks so much. You FINALLY gave me some advice that I can follow!!!&
&I love the shopping lists and meal plans&
&After spending a good hour on your website I decided that this is the best gift I can give to my family and myself. Thank you for making it easy to understand and for having all the resources in one spot&.
Read more details below....
Two ways to order the 28 Days Raw Program....
Order The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw
Online today!
Next Session: August 15th, 2016
Workouts - $40 value
Daily Instructions, Journal Exercises, Well-Being Module - $80 value
Online Community - $100 value
Motivational, Educational, and Inspirational Materials - $140 value
4 Conference Calls - $97 value
Lifetime Membership - $90/yr. value
Email Support - $40/wk
Menu Plan, Recipes, Shopping Lists - priceless
Total Value - Over $500.00
Previously Priced at - $189.00
Early Bird Special -
The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program - $97 (includes all modules above including lifetime membership)
(Original Price: $189.00)
Or order The Garden Diet 2-Program
Lifetime Membership Special
Special: To sign up for a Lifetime Membership to both The
and The 28 Day Transition to Raw Program, held back-to-back continuously, now for the
Early Bird Special
Price of $137 click below!
(Includes All Modules and Lifetime Access to ALL
future sessions of both Programs, so you can stay with the programs as long as you like for an ongoing raw support system!)
Upcoming Back-to-Back Sessions:
*28 Days Raw Program - Monday August 15th, 2016
*21 Day Raw Cleanse - Monday July 25th, 2016
Sign up today to take part in the above sessions plus access all future sessions too!
BONUS GIFTS -- Right now, when you sign up for this 2-Program Special, you will also receive The Raw Empowerment Program with 4 special raw menu plans, The Raw Rumpus, the Vital Force Diet System, and the Next Level Raw eBook!
All available for instant download as soon as you order!
2-Program Lifetime Membership
Early Bird Special - Only $137!
(A $299.00 Value!)
Find out how to get these programs FREE at the bottom of this page!
Topics covered in our eMaterials
The following topics are covered in our daily emails, daily reading materials, and motivational materials
in the 28 Day Program….All of these are designed to guide you step-by-step to
a better, healthier, happier new way of life!
Mini - eBooks' Contents.....
Prep Week - mini eBook
Getting Ready for the 28 Day Program
Eliminating Toxins
Prep Menus
Exercise Prep
Making the Program a Home Retreat
Doing the Program at Work
Tips to Get you Drinking Water
Types of Water
The Last Hurrah
Getting Whole
28 Day Journaling - mini eBook
Food Journal
Personal Journal
Blogging for Health
Dealing with Cheating
28 Day Exercise Program - mini eBook
Exercise Program Philosophy
Hiking in Nature
Wildlife Preparedness
Practical Tips For Positive Thinking - mini eBook
Why Positivity Can Be Learned
Beautifying Your Inner Landscape
How Do We Cultivate a Positive Inner Terrain
Positive Thinking is just a Habit
The Inner Terrain of the Mind
How to Cultivate New Habits
Journal Exercise - Developing A New Synapse
Negative Thinking is Just a Habit
Habits take 21 days to Create
21-Day Positivity Program
Pitfalls to Positive Thoughts
8 Practices that Lead to Positive Thinking
Faith, The Final Frontier
A Journey To Happiness - mini eBook
Health and Happiness
My Journey to Happiness
Being Happy is Important
The Highly Sensitive Person
The Flowering Conversation of Gratitude
The Will To Live
In Praise of Hard Work
Raw Forgiveness - mini eBook
Tools for Letting Go
Forgiveness As Part of Weight Loss
Forgiveness and Taking Care of Ourselves
Healing Breath - mini eBook
Deep Breathing Detox Tip
Yogi Breathing
Yogi Cleansing Breath
Yogi Vocal Breath
The Retained Breath
Stimulating Circulation
Yogi Rhythmic Breathing
Cycles of Health - mini eBook
The HEALTH Cycle
The LOVE Cycle
Importance of Byron Katie - mini eBook
How Can Reality Be Perfect?
A New Way of Looking At Our Lives
Doing &The Work&
The Four Questions of Self-Inquiry
The Turn-Around
Understanding Your Life
Journey of Self-Discovery
Understanding Orthorexia - mini eBook
Signs of Orthorexia
Difference between Orthorexia and Anorexia
Responsibility, Control, and Power
Natural and Spiritual Beauty - mini eBook
Natural Beauty Remedies
Homemade Facials
Homemade Toners
Beauty Foods
Natural Tomato Cures
Oil pulling
Getting Rid of Cellulite
Dry Brushing for Healthy Body Skin
How To do Dry Brushing, step-by-step
Warts and Moles
The Beauty of Breath
Spiritual Beauty Tips
Beauty Secrets From Around The World
Yoga For Beauty - mini eBook
Yogic Tips For Glowing Skin
Yoga For Body Sculpting
Science of Raw - mini eBook
Pinpointing the Pathogenic Nature of Cooked Foods: Leukocytosis
Raw Foods, Cancer and Heart Disease
Raw Food and Eye Health
Raw Food and Other Diseases
Scientific Research on Denaturation, What Cooking Does to Protein
Cooked Food - Carcinogens and other Toxins caused by Heat
The Maillard Reaction - Degradation of Protein, Amino Acids and Carbohydrates
Raw Food and Enzymes
Pottenger’s Cats
Is Cooking Ever Better?
The Health Miscellany - mini eBook
Weight As Protection
Raw Kitchen Space
Storage Ideas
How to Drink More Water
Kicking Coffee
Common Cold and Cooked Cravings!
How to Cheat Wisely
Raw Muscle Weight Loss
Healthy Eyes
Eye Exercises…
Salt - It's about Balance!
Why Cut Down on Salt
Cleansing As a Way of Life
Anti-Aging Phenomenon Teresa Jordan
The Secret Raw Matrix
28 Day Happiness Program Topics....
Carving Out Time for Thinking
List of Pleasures
Combating Compulsive Eating
Positive Thinking
Accepting Your Shadow
What is Your Life Trying to Teach You?
How Can I Live More Lovingly?
Stress Less Solution
Deep Breathing Detox
Raising Your Consciousness
Contributing To Happiness
Discipline and Fun
Doing &The Work&
Dealing with Pain
Health Cycles
A Commitment to Happiness
Opportunities for Growth
Walk in Beauty
Outline Your Steps to Happiness
Listen Deeply
Positive Talk Experiment
A Call to Health
Cultivating Passion, Knowing What you Love
Loving Service with a Giving Heart
Cultivating the Heart of Gratitude
Bonus Materials:
Motivational Reading Materials:
- Bulking up on raw for men
- Building muscle out of raw food, what you need to know
- Secrets and tips for gaining weight on a raw diet
- Mental attitudes in which disease can not live
- Tricks for staying on the wagon
- Anti-aging Attitudes
demo videos.....
Basic Raw Kitchen Skills:
- Almond Milk demo
- Opening a Young Coconut demo
Basic Raw Equipment Skills....
- Citrus Juicer demo
- Food Processor demo
- Green Juicer demo
What Does The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition Program Do?
The Garden Diet 28 Day Raw Transition Program will....
help you easily transition to a sustainable raw vegan diet
- cause you to look 10-20 years younger
- transform your skin, hair and nails
- transform your body shape
- change your outlook on life
- give you more energy at any age
- help you to stop beating yourself up!
- flatten your tummy
- help you overcome cravings for junk food, sugar, fried foods, candy, chips, pizza, soda, coffee, and alcohol!
- have people stopping you in the street to ask your secret!
- have your family enjoying healthy meals
- make the process of going raw
easy and fun!
Read more details below....
How to Order
Two ways to order the 28 Days Raw Program....
Order The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw
Online today!
Next Session: August 15th, 2016
Workouts - $40 value
Daily Instructions, Journal Exercises, Well-Being Module - $80 value
Online Community - $100 value
Motivational, Educational, and Inspirational Materials - $140 value
4 Conference Calls - $97 value
Lifetime Membership - $90/yr. value
Email Support - $40/wk
Menu Plan, Recipes, Shopping Lists - priceless
Total Value - Over $500.00
Previously Priced at - $189.00
Early Bird Special -
The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program - $97 (includes all modules above including lifetime membership)
(Original Price: $189.00)
Or order The Garden Diet 2-Program Lifetime Membership Special
Special: To sign up for a Lifetime Membership to both The
and The 28 Day Transition to Raw Program, held back-to-back continuously, now for the
Early Bird Special
Price of $137 click below!
(Includes All Modules and Lifetime Access to ALL
future sessions of both Programs, so you can stay with the programs as long as you like for an ongoing raw support system!)
Upcoming Back-to-Back Sessions:
*28 Days Raw Program - Monday August 15th, 2016
*21 Day Raw Cleanse - Monday July 25th, 2016
Sign up today to take part in the above sessions plus access all future sessions too!
BONUS GIFTS -- Right now, when you sign up for this 2-Program Special, you will also receive The Raw Empowerment Program with 4 Special raw menu plans, The Raw Rumpus, the Vital Force Diet System, and The Next Level Raw eBook!
All available for instant download as soon as you order!
2-Program Lifetime Membership
Early Bird Special - Only $137!
(For a very limited time!)
(This is a one-time payment! There are NO additional charges!)
(Previously priced at $299.00)
Find out how to get these programs FREE at the bottom of this page!
Four Things you'll need to have at home to do the 28 Day Transition:
1. Blender
- Any blender will do (around $50 at a home store), but the power blender raw vegans like best is the .
2. Vegetable Juicer - Any vegetable juicer will work fine (around $100 at a home store), but our favorite is the .
Good lower-cost options are the Juiceman or the Champion. My favorite, a mid-range juicer, is the Breville Elite Juice Fountain.
3. Citrus Juicer - Available at any home store or drug store for around $20, you can buy them online too! The best one I've found is the one they sell at Target for about $25.
4. Food Processor - Available at any home store for around $100, or small ones for only $30 or so, you can also purchase one online!
That's it!
Our Approach...
The 28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program is designed to help people to go raw and stay raw for life. We have put together a very balanced meal plan so you will feel energetic, and you will be unlikely to experience any uncomfortable detox symptoms. If you do, we will guide you through them with tried and tested ways of overcoming these symptoms quickly. Our transition-to-raw Program uses only 100% raw vegan foods from Day 1. Through a balance of a variety of raw food ingredients from all the raw vegan food groups, you will be provided with an abundance of nutrients, vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, and building blocks, all directly through your food with recipes that combine nutrients for ideal absorption. This is a gentle Transition Program that will help you transition easily and safely to a raw vegan diet, a way to eat right and eat healthy for the rest of your life!
When you stop eating addictive foods there is always some sense of withdrawal. This program is designed in a way that these withdrawals will not be severe. The food is so good, and you work out so hard, your sense of well-being will supplant any possible sense of withdrawal.
The 28 Day Raw Transition Program is not just a 28 Day D this Program actually introduces you to a whole new way of eating that is easily carried on into your normal daily life.
FREE Bonus!!!
If you sign up for the Garden Diet 28 Day Raw Transition Program you will also get
16 Raw Food eBooks FREE! (A $180 value!)
eBook 1 - The Garden Diet
Raw Food 101! What, Why, and How to Eat Raw!
eBook 2 - Raw Pregnancy, Ecstatic Birth
The joys of the raw-vegan diet for healthy pregnancy
eBook 3 - Raising Raw Vegan Children
The Talifero Family Secrets.
eBook 4 - Jinjee's Journal
My battle to stay 100% raw vegan.
eBook 5 - Storm's Story
Storm's Story, autobiography of a long-term raw-vegan.
eBook 6 - Forever Young, The Anti-Aging Guide
Storm's guide to staying forever young with raw foods!
eBook 7 - Raw Vegan Body Building Muscle Mass
The elusive art of adding weight, muscle, and tone on raw foods.
eBook 8 - Healing With Raw Food
How raw food heals, with testimonials from people who have reversed a variety of conditions.
eBook 9 - The Orange Juice Diet
A 2 week cleanse to jump-start your raw lifestyle.
eBook 10 - Sergeant Boo-Yow's Online Boot Camp
Kick the junk food habit and get in shape quick.
eBook 11 - The Raw Vegan Holiday Survival Guide
This year, bring the light inside!
eBook 12 - Seven Days Raw, with Shopping Lists and Menu Plans eBook
Three different 7-day plans with recipes included. One for weight loss, one for weight gain or maintenance, and one for children.
eBook 13 - Take A Deep Breath
365 ways to start taking care of yourself right now
eBook 14 - The Yoga of Nursing
the joys of attentive nursing for emotional intelligence and spiritual bonding
eBook 15 - Raw Food in Real Families - Introductions and Recipes by the founding members of The future Raw Vegan Village
eBook 16 - Take a Deep Breath, 365 Ways to Start Taking Care of Yourself Right Now!
Going Raw will help you become more....
Inwardly attuned
Environmentally conscious
and Happy!
Our Unique Exercise Program!
Each day on The 28 Day Raw Transition Program you will receive in the daily instructions an exercise schedule for the day. The exercises go with the diet plans so you can achieve maximum results with the greatest degree of safety.
The 28 Day Transition Program's exercise program is easy to adapt to your unique level of fitness. It takes in to consideration the amount of calories you are taking in during the four weeks of the program, and adjusts accordingly.
Sign up Now!
When you sign up for our 28 Day Transition To Raw Program, you will be directed to download a zip file, called 28days.zip with all the materials (in adobe acrobat PDF format) you need to get started on the 28 Days Program. Before the Program starts, you will receive an email invitation to log in to The 28 Days Raw Community, where you will access the Daily Instructions, Daily Exercises, and Daily Reading Materials in the Forum. You'll also access the Blog area where you can keep and read blogs about the 28 Day Raw Transition Program. You will also receive an email assigning you to a Program Pal with instructions on Setting Goals and making Daily Progress Reports. You will be able to choose a Program Pal with a similar commitment level to your own. You will also receive the Daily Instructions via email each morning.
Two ways to order the 28 Days Raw Program....
Order The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw
Online today!
Next Session: August 15th, 2016
Workouts - $40 value
Daily Instructions, Journal Exercises, Well-Being Module - $80 value
Online Community - $100 value
Motivational, Educational, and Inspirational Materials - $140 value
4 Conference Calls - $97 value
Lifetime Membership - $90/yr. value
Email Support - $40/wk
Menu Plan, Recipes, Shopping Lists - priceless
Total Value - Over $500.00
Previously Priced at - $189.00
Early Bird Special -
The Garden Diet 28 Day Transition-to-Raw Program - $97 (includes all modules above including lifetime membership)
(Original Price: $189.00)
Or order The Garden Diet 2-Program Lifetime Membership Special
Special: To sign up for a Lifetime Membership to both The
and The 28 Day Transition to Raw Program, held back-to-back continuously, now for the Early Bird Special
Price of $137 click below!
(Includes All Modules and Lifetime Access to ALL
future sessions of both Programs, so you can stay with the programs as long as you like for an ongoing raw support system!)
Upcoming Back-to-Back Sessions:
*21 Day Raw Cleanse - Monday July 25th, 2016
*28 Days Raw Program - Monday August 15th, 2016
Sign up today to take part in the above sessions plus access all future sessions too!
BONUS GIFTS -- Right now, when you sign up for this 2-Program Special, you will also receive The Raw Empowerment Program with 4 Special raw menu plans, The Raw Rumpus, the Vital Force Diet System, and the Next Level Raw eBook!
All available for instant download as soon as you order!
2-Program Lifetime Membership Special:
Early Bird Special - Only $137!
(For a very limited time!)
(This is a one-time payment! There are NO additional charges!)
(Previously priced at $299.00)
Find out how to get these programs FREE at the bottom of this page!
To give you every tool you need to help you achieve the healthiest and most beautiful you possible! To return you to your natural shape that nature intended you to have, your true and unique natural beauty, so that you can be the light-bringer that you were meant to be on this world, and so that you can enjoy your amazing life to its fullest! We want you to be healthy, happy, and energetic! We want you to be prosperous and joyful! We want you to have blissful well-being and abundant health! We want to give you everything you need to improve your quality of life so that you can help improve the quality of life of others, rippling to the whole of humanity. As we heal ourselves we heal this good earth and all of our Brothers and Sisters upon it also!
How To Get This Program Free of Charge!
1.) Order the 28 Days Raw Program or the 2-Program Special on this site above.
2.) Do one or both of the Programs just once or up to four times.
3.) Take decent quality Before and After Pictures showing a visible amount of weight loss, comparable to the photos on this site.
4.) Write a Testimonial about how you did it, how you were able to stick with the menu and workouts, and what changes you experienced in your weight, health and well-being.
5.) Post your Before & After Pictures and Testimonial on a public blog site. You can start one for free quite easily at
for instance.
the Before & After Pictures and Testimonial to us along with your permission allowing us to use them on our sites. Also let us know the location of your blog site.
Follow these steps and we'll send you back your entire payment in full!
if you take us up on this offer that you will motivate yourself to succeed! We hope this will give you the incentive to stick with the program and thereby achieve your health goals! We are so excited about the positive changes you will experience on our programs, the quality of life and incredible feelings of health and well-being you will enjoy, that we would be absolutely delighted to refund your money as a celebration of your success!
For questions or if you have any trouble with your order please !
copyright 2010 The Garden Diet


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