
求一篇寒假趣事短文250字左右,内容越简单越好,不要太过华丽的形容词..(俺要参考这个写英语作文..) PS:10分钟以内打雪仗、下雪的不要,俺是南方的..
(中文的)寒假趣事 寒假中的一天,我在一本书中看见了一个“吹球实验”,我觉得十分有趣,就来做.我先拿来一个木架,木架上横放着一根铁丝,铁丝上挂着两个用线穿着的乒乓球,两球之间大约有三四厘米的距离.我又继续看书,书上说:“当你往两球之间吹气时会出现什么样的现象呢?”我想:这个问题太简单了,简直是易如反掌.“这可由不得你乱说”.我身旁的付红强发话了.“为什么?”我疑惑不解的问.“等你把这个实验做完了,答案自然你就明白了”.“好!”做就做,到时候谁的观点是正确的,就知道了. 实验开始了,我鼓起两腮,用力一吹,两球“砰”的一声,碰在一起了.他大笑起来,我说:“你笑什么笑,刚才是我使的劲太小了,所以这两球才会碰在一起的,我再试一次吧”.这一次,我深深地吸了一口气,低下头,屁股一撅,使劲一吹,结果两球还是碰在一起了.我自言自语地说:“真怪,为什么两球不分开Y,反而碰在一起呢?”我想理想对付红强说:“你平时最喜欢看书,那就请你给我讲讲道理吧!”这个道理很简单,因为流动的空气压力小,四周空气的压力大,这样,当我们往两球之间吹气时,空气一流动压力就减小,两边空气压力就大,所以就推着两球向内碰. 哟! 一个小小的实验还有不少科学道理呢?(英文的)winter vacation fun
Winter break in the day, I saw in a book, a "blowing the ball experiment", I find it very interesting, on the make. I first used a wooden stand, wooden cross placed on a wire hanging wire on the two-line dress with the table tennis, two about 34 centimeters between the distance. I also continued reading, the book said: "When you go two goals and there will be between the inflatable What kind of phenomenon?" I think: This question is too simple, it is easy. "This may not be your targets." I pay Hongqiang beside the speaker. "Why?" I asked puzzled. "And so you done this experiment, the answer is natural you will understand." "Good!" Done all that time, who's view is correct, will know.
The beginning of the experiment, and I summon the cheeks, a blow hard, two "Bang" bang, touching together. He laughed, I said: "What do you laugh to laugh, just that I make the effort too small, so it will be touch with two goals, I try again now." This time, I took a deep breath, bowed his head, a stick up ass hard a blow, resulting in two or touching together. I said to myself to say: "really strange, why are not two separate Y, instead of touching them together?" I think the ideal deal Hongqiang said: "You usually likes reading books, then please talk to me things! "The reason is simple, because the flow of small air pressure, ambient air pressure, so that when we go between two inflatable air flow pressure on a reduced air pressure on both sides, so pushing inward on the two touch.
Yo! A small experiment there are many scientific rationale?
扫描下载二维码求一篇英语作文(要原创) 《Should Parents Read Their Children's Diaries?》 要求不少于120字内容要求1.有人认为家长看孩子的日记无可厚非2.有人认为家长不应该看孩子的日记3.我的看法PS:不要写的很好的也可以的,我今天要交,非常非常急的要!9点15之前请务必给我
Should parents read their children's diaries? Someone says it's rightful for parents to read their children's diaries because they are able to know what their children think about and help them out of problems in time. However, some others believe that parents should not read their children's diaries without permission because everyone has his or her privacy. Parents should respect their children.In my opinion, if parents really want to read their children's diaries, they should first ask for permission from their children. Besides, parents should often communicate their children and establish a good relationship with their children. Parents can be children's friends, too. In this way, it's not necessary to read their children's diaries, because children would like to communicate with their parents actively.原创的,望对你有帮助.


