澳网开始 魁拔之十万火急急

出门在外也不愁十万火急英语造句unit8 8年级下册1.公共假日 a public holiday 2.特别的事情 anything/something special 3.度假 take a vacation 4.…的开始 the start of… 5.在同一天 on the same date 6.在一个不同的日子 on a different date 7.去野营 go camping 8._百度作业帮
十万火急英语造句unit8 8年级下册1.公共假日 a public holiday 2.特别的事情 anything/something special 3.度假 take a vacation 4.…的开始 the start of… 5.在同一天 on the same date 6.在一个不同的日子 on a different date 7.去野营 go camping 8.结束 be over 9.去海边 go tho the beach 10.开始上课 start classes 11.从…倒数到… count down from… to … 12.聚会 get together 13.许下新年的愿望make New Year’s resolutions 14.遵守诺言 follow the resolutions 15.全世界all over the world
1.公共假日 a public holiday TOday is a public holiday.2.特别的事情 anything/something special Is there anything special?3.度假 take a vacation He is taking a vacation.4.…的开始 the start of… 5.在同一天 on the same dateWe arrived in Beijing on the same date.6.在一个不同的日子 on a different date We arrived in Beijing on the different date.7.去野营 go camping Let's go camping!8.结束 be over The game is over.9.去海边 go tho the beach Let's go to the beach.10.开始上课 start classes Teacher start classes.11.从…倒数到… count down from… to … He count down form 10 to 1.12.聚会 get together We will get together today.13.许下新年的愿望make New Year’s resolutions Let's make New Year’s resolutions now.14.遵守诺言 follow the resolutions Please follow the resolutions you said.15.全世界all over the world I'm the king of all over the word!
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如果你已经用了避孕 就不会怀孕的。月经也会时候情绪,生活黄静,内分泌,...
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World's Toughest Fixes is an American reality series that premiered on the National Geographic Channel on September 28, 2008. It features Se...
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中文名:&国家地理.十万火急系列英文名:&National Geographic Situation Critical资源格式:&720P版本:&全13集(暂缺第3、4、11集)/HDTV/外挂中字制作发行:&地区:&语言:&简介:&
※※※※※※※ 影片信息 ※※※※※※※【英 片 名】National.Geographic.Situation.Critical【中 文 名】国家地理.十万火急系列【出品年代】【国  家】美国【集
源】0day-720p-HDTV【类  别】纪录片【对白语言】英语【字幕语言】中文字幕(纪录片之家会员w-aiguo原创摘订)※※※※※※※ 资料信息 ※※※※※※※英文资料简介官方链接:中文资料整理如下:生命可能在瞬间变得危机四伏,一颗子弹、一声警报或踏错一步,都可能带来悲剧,让一般人甚至有经验的专家,同样陷入绝望。国家地理频道的《十万火急》系列 节目,回顾现代史上最震撼的事件,瞭解相关人士在当时如何奋力求生。01.好莱坞银行抢案美国境内最激烈的警匪枪战,发生在日。一对绰号「极恶抢匪」的恶徒,在好莱坞一家银行持械抢劫。由於巡警发现抢案发生,银行立刻被警方包围。但这对抢匪持有进口钢壳弹,穿著全身防弹装,还有六把枪枝,其中三把是AK-47步枪。本节目要带领观眾亲临现场,目睹抢匪发射超过一千一百发子弹,射中九名警员和两个平民,无辜顾客身处火线之间,现场警员面临强大火力。洛城警局在这场枪战后做出回应,让某些警员配戴M-16步枪。02.塔利班**当数以千计的塔利班民兵向阿富汗的北方联盟投降,表面上美国好像赢了一场重要战争。但是当这些阶下囚杀害一名美国人,并且掌控监狱大权时,大规模的**随即爆发;其中最引人注目的是效力塔利班政权的美国人约翰沃克林德。03.丛林救援英国军队菁英分子在富含钻石矿的非洲动乱地区,展开英勇的救援任务。十一名英国维和部队成员跟一名狮子山军官,被恶名昭彰的叛军组织绑架。这些饮酒嗑药的叛军可是全副武装,绝非泛泛之辈。简称SAS的英国空降特勤队的座右铭向来是「勇者无敌」,这句话正好为他们的救援行动下了最好的注解。叛军如何掳获并绑架英国人质长达两週?英军如何成母跼挩皉陪姜邞Z力的非洲叛军?04.阿波罗十三号阿波罗十三号计画是美国的第三次载人登月任务。这艘太空船在日发射,但在发射后两天就遇上大麻烦。太空船上的一个氧气槽破裂了。这个氧气槽不但要供应太空人呼吸所需的氧气,也负责供应电力。在氧气和电力不足的情况下,太空人只好进入登月小艇中。登月小艇的电力和水只够让两个人撑上两天,但要回到地球至少要花上三天,而且小艇上有三个太空人。这场登月任务因此成了一场分秒必争的太空救援任务。05.抢救飞行员北约战斗机驾驶员史考特欧葛瑞迪,在1995年6月飞越饱经战火蹂躪的波士尼亚上空时被击落,在敌后被困了六天,像动物一样猎食。面对飢饿、脱水和恶劣天气,他要如何躲避塞尔维亚军队的追捕?等待美军前来救援?06.惊涛骇浪第五十四届雪梨-荷巴特游艇竞赛,发生了运动史上有史以来最严重的悲剧之一。日,一百一十五艘游艇竞相就定位,超过千名的选手将踏上一千一百公里的旅程。然而在比赛开始后没多久,气象预报员发现有个暴风雨成形,将对赛事造成重大影响。本节目将重现当时的赛况,为观眾分析为何暴风雨会造成六名选手死亡、眾多选手受伤,也将为您呈现直升机展开紧急救援的惊险画面。07.毒梟追缉令他是全世界有史以来最有权力、危险又残忍的罪犯。在年代早期,哥伦比亚人帕布罗艾斯科巴是全世界最大毒贩,他打造每年出口数百吨古柯硷的王国,为自己赚进数十亿美元。由於喋血事件逐渐失控,於是哥伦比亚政府在美国支援之下,展开大型追缉行动,企图将他绳之以法。然而艾斯科巴自有打算,他标价悬赏杀害街头警察,甚至美国和哥伦比亚缉毒官员。当他威胁在哥伦比亚发动大型炸弹袭击时,哥伦比亚治安维持组织的成员出面维护正义,给予美国和哥伦比亚军队超乎意料之外的支持。本节目回溯暗杀哥伦比亚最令人畏惧的人物,过程中有数百人为之丧命的行动。08.莫斯科剧院人质事件日,在莫斯科市中心,在距克里姆林宫仅几哩之遥的杜布罗夫卡剧院,五十多名车臣恐怖分子,挟持近九百名观眾为人质。这次行动由恶名昭彰的叛军孟沙维巴拉耶夫领导,他们在剧院装设炸药,观眾被名为「黑寡妇」的女性自杀炸弹客包围。恐怖分子提出什么要求?他们要求俄罗斯停止对车臣长期且残酷的军事镇压。若俄罗斯政府不答应,剧院里的人全都会死。接下来三天,总统普丁拒绝与车臣人谈判,并计画用最高机密的「击昏」瓦斯攻坚,叛军和人质都将无法动弹。攻坚行动一开始很成央A但人质却开始因瓦斯的影响成群死亡,俄罗斯的胜利变成一场灾难。杜布罗夫卡剧院攻坚到底出了什么问题?为何会有那么多人死亡?以及为何俄罗斯至今仍拒绝透露瓦斯的真正成分?09.恐怖劫机日,一架载著两百五十八名乘客,从以色列飞往巴黎的例行班机成为一群国际恐怖分子的目标,他们拦截飞机,命飞机飞往乌干达的恩特贝,并在那里要求释放全球各地五十八名囚犯,不照他们的话去做,机上的乘客就将被处决,以色列会不会屈服并答应嫌犯的要求?10.俄国潜舰事故日,一艘俄国海军迷你潜舰,载著七名船员在北太平洋执行祕密任务,却意外在海面下数百公尺,被弃置的旧渔网缠住。船员受困在深海,舰内的氧气快要耗尽,制氧机可以提供八十小时的氧气,船员穿著防寒衣在摄氏四度下苦等救援。唯一有能力执行救援的小组远在数千公里外,但俄国政府在船员受困一天后才下令救援。救援小组要透过陆海空三方管道,尽快拿到所需设备,救出即将罹难的船员。11.阿富汗任务在911事件之后六个月,发动了「反恐战争」,美军攻佔阿富汗。日,海军特种部队企图降落在阿富汗的一座山顶上,情报单位的通知是这个区域安全无虞,但直升机却遇上枪林弹雨。海军特种部队的尼尔罗伯兹在困惑之餘,摔落直升机,受困山区,同袍回头救他却不果,於是再找来救兵,然而还是被击落,四名人员因而丧生。后来,突击队员不得不垂降在山区,在深及大腿的雪地里跋涉,抢救落难的同袍,还要面对逊F组织的强力武装攻击。12.矿坑危机日,十八名矿工开始在宾州魁溪矿坑深处值晚班。突然一名矿工凿穿一座废弃矿坑,不慎让两亿五千万公升的污水宣泄到魁溪矿坑。九名矿工看到逃生路线已完全被水阻挡,他们快速衝到一座通风井,慢慢地爬出矿坑。但另九名矿工没这么幸运,他们撤退到矿坑最高处,只能等待救援,否则就将死在矿坑里。困在地下将近三天后,他们唯一的希望是在他们上方75公尺处积极进行救难的队伍,他们必须在水淹没矿工前,进行紧急抢救。13.胡德峰惊魂日,一名登山客在美国胡德峰失足,结果导致美国史上最严重的山难事件之一。一开始是四名登山客由绳索连结著,速度稳定地沿著斜坡下山,其中一人失足,撞上他的同伴,其他同伴都站不稳,跟著滑下山坡,撞上另外两名登山客。这六人一起滚向一个裂隙,沿途还撞上三名登山客,九人一起掉入裂隙,其中三人当场毙命。裂隙上方的其他登山客开始使用滑轮,将生还者吊到安全处。此时救援直升机到来,但新的灾难又发生了。直升机在稀薄的高山空气中失去动力坠毁,里面有五名机员。在美国最危险的山区,救难者与遇难者的差别仅有一线之隔。National Geographic: Situation CriticalA NEW brand and returnable series for NGC and International Co-production. A sharp and smart approach that builds on the success of Seconds From Disaster. Compelling stories of major incidents unpacked. In each Situation Critical we unpack a major incident combining eyewitness and expert testimony, archive, dramatic reconstructions and the latest CGI. The narrative arc will progress through a timeline that chronologically builds throughout the show as we intercut between the perpetrators and the heroes. There will be powerful human interest - heroism, human error and compelling tales of survival. We will create new signature elements, using photo-real CGI & crystal vision CGI to give greater context. And there will be a clever Nat Geo spin - reflecting geographically and culturally the location of each incident.E01: Hollywood ShootoutOn February 28, 1997, LAPD officers spot a robbery in progress while on routine patrol. But the situation that follows is about to turn Hollywood movie-nasty. For 40 minutes, the robbers easily outgun the LAPD in one of the most violent shootouts in US history. Squad cars are destroyed and nine officers and two civilians are shot in a hail of more than 1,100 rounds. But, miraculously, only the perpetrators die. How did two men keep dozens of fully armed police officers at bay? How did police keep themselves and many civilians from being fatally shot? How were the two criminals finally subdued?E02: Taliban UprisingWhen thousands of Taliban surrender to the Northern Alliance in Afghanistan, it appears as if America has won a key battle. But when the prisoners kill one American and take control of the prison, a massive battle ensues with journalists capturing the entire fight on camera. Among the Taliban fighting to the death is an American, John Walker Lind.E03: SAS Jungle RescueElite British soldiers mount a daring rescue in a diamond-rich African trouble-spot. Eleven British peacekeepers and a Sierra Leone Army officer have been kidnapped by a notorious rebel gang, the so-called West Side Boys. High on drink and drugs and armed to the teeth, these guys are no pushovers. British Special Forces, the SAS, have a motto: Who Dares Wins. How appropriate for an audacious operation that would set the standard for 21st century military raids. How did the rebels capture and keep British hostages for more than two weeks? And how did the British assault force mount such a successful attack on an unpredictable and heavily-armed rebel group?E04: Apollo 13Apollo 13 is on its way to the moon in 1970 with three astronauts aboard, for the most challenging of lunar missions yet. As Jack Swigert performs the regular housekeeping chore of stirring the oxygen tanks, he unwittingly triggers a catastrophic explosion. How will Mission Control get the ill-fated Apollo 13 home? How long will the lunar module engine function? Will the crew have enough food and water? And how will they cope with the freezer-like conditions?E05: Downed PilotOn Friday June 2, 1995, Captain Scott O'Grady is patrolling a NATO no-fly zone over Bosnia when his F-16 aircraft bursts into flames after being hit by a Bosnian Serb missile. The fighter pilot ejects from his disintegrating plane and parachutes to earth, landing deep in hostile territory. With armed militia hot on his heels, O'Grady dives into the undergrowth. Moments later his pursuers pass five feet from his head. For six days, O'Grady evades capture, moving only by night, desperately trying to establish radio contact with his comrades. On the sixth night, a pilot from O'Grady's air base finally hears his radio call, setting into motion a daring, daylight rescue mission by US Marines.E06: Sydney-Hobart: Hell on High WaterA fleet of 115 yachts sets off on the gruelling 630-mile course of the Sydney to Hobart yacht race. Twenty-six hours into the race and every competitor's fear becomes a reality - a weather bomb explodes in the treacherous waters of Bass Strait. Even the sturdiest yachts are hammered by 70-knot winds and 100-foot waves, as one of the greatest ocean challenges becomes a desperate race for survival. Countless racing yachts are capsized, sunk or simply left stranded. Australian authorities must now launch one of the largest peacetime rescue operations the world has ever seen.E07: Hunting Pablo EscobarIn the cocaine capital of the world, violence is the law. One man, more than any other, holds the country in a bloody death grip: Pablo Escobar, the world's most notorious drug-baron. With US support, Colombia's President fights back, but Escobar is too strong. In a desperate bid to bring about peace, the President resorts to offering a tempting deal. If the drug-lord serves just a few years, he will emerge with a clean slate. Escobar surrenders in the early 90's, but the prison offers him a safe place to keep running his drug empire, from where he even continues ordering murders on the outside. When the government decides to act after a year of humiliation, Escobar simply walks past the guards and disappears. What follows is one of the biggest manhunts in history. But can an elite Colombian force, backed by top-secret US military technology, finally get their man? Or will the most ruthless criminal in history slip through the net, and bring an entire country to its knees once more?E08: Moscow Theatre SiegeOctober 23, 2002. In the centre of Moscow, just a few miles from the Kremlin, over 50 Chechen terrorists storm the Dubrovka Theatre, home to Russia's first Broadway-style musical &Nord-Ost& and take all of the 900-strong audience hostage. Led by the notorious rebel Movsar Barayev, the terrorists rig the theatre with explosives as the audience is surrounded by female suicide bombers known as the &black widows&. The terrorists demands? An end to Russia's long and brutal war with Chechnya. If these conditions are not met, everyone inside will die. Over the next three days President Putin refuses to negotiate with the Chechens and a plan is hatched to use a top-secret 'knock-out' gas which will immobilise both rebel and hostage alike. Initially a success, victory turns to disaster for Russia as hostages start to die in their dozens due to the effects of the gas. What exactly went wrong during the siege of the Dubrovka theatre, why did so many die and why does Russia still, to this day refuse to reveal exactly what the gas was?E09: Assault On EntebbeA routine flight from Israel to Paris carrying 258 passengers becomes the target for a gang of international terrorists in June of 1976. They hijack the flight and redirect it to Entebbe in Uganda. There they issue their demands: release 58 prisoners from around the world or the hostages die. It quickly becomes clear Israel is the real target of this attack. Conditions deteriorate and time is running out for the hostages. As the final deadline approaches will Israel cooperate with the terrorists? Is Uganda too far to launch a rescue mission? Will the terrorists begin executing their prisoners? With the lives of so many hanging in the balance the world watches breathlessly, waiting to see how the story will unfold.E10: Russian Sub RescueA Russian Navy submarine on a secret mission gets entangled in fishing nets. It is trapped underwater with limited oxygen. Who can save the crew from the icy depths?E11: Al-Qaeda AmbushOn March 4th, 2002, U.S. Navy SEAL Neil Roberts prepares for a nighttime mission in Southeast Afghanistan as part of Operation Anaconda. Robert's special forces unit prepares to fly deep into enemy territory - the Al Qaeda stronghold in the Shahi Kowt Valley. U.S. advanced technology indicates the area is clear, but an enemy rocket-propelled grenade unexpectedly hits the chopper. Amidst the chaos, Roberts falls from the helicopter and is left alone on a mountain top with only a light machine gun to defend him against approaching Al Qaeda fighters. Robert's unit realizes he has been left and is determined to save their stranded comrade. Outgunned and outnumbered, the SEALs, and later, Army Ranger rescuers, face a desperate struggle for survival against a merciless Al Qaeda force.E12: Miracle at QuecreekDeep inside Pennsylvania's Quecreek mine, 18 workers descend for their evening shift on 24 July 2002. A few hours later, their lives are plunged into peril when one of the miners accidentally breaks through into a long abandoned mine - unleashing 60 million gallons of stagnant groundwater. Nine of the miners fight their way through the raging torrent and escape. The other nine retreat to the highest section of the mine, where they sit and wait to be drowned by the rising floodwater. Their only hope is that the feverish rescue operation underway 240 feet above their heads will reach them before the water does. 77 hours later, the miners are plucked to safety through a 30-inch wide rescue shaft, drilled by their heroic team of rescuers.E13: Nightmare on Mt. HoodOne wrong step by a climber on Mount Hood in the US leads to one of America's worst climbing disasters. Linked together by ropes, four climbers steadily trace a path down the mountain slope in May 2002 when one man loses his footing in the icy conditions and crashes into his partners. With no one able to gain footing, the group careens down the mountain, slamming into other climbers along the way. Nine men tumble into a gaping crevasse known as the Bergshrund - three are killed instantly. But for the six survivors, some badly injured, the fight is now to escape the crevasse. Fellow climbers group together to lift them to safety, but as a rescue helicopter approaches, a fresh disaster looms. With TV cameras running, the state-of-art Air Force helicopter loses power in the thin mountain air and crashes to the ground with five crewmembers inside. The lines between rescuer and rescued blurs on one of the most dangerous mountains in America. ※※※※※※※ 编码参数 ※※※※※※※※※※※※※※ 截图信息 ※※※※※※※引用高清纪录片QQ交流群:!一起分享纪录佳片与完美字幕!高清双语字幕下载:


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