对网上交友的看法,并我来谈谈看电视作文你的观点的英 语作文

英语作文 关于网上交友介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法赞成理由1广交朋友2可自由表达思想3有利于学习外语反对理由1浪费时间2影响学习3可能上当受骗
英语作文 关于网上交友介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法赞成理由1广交朋友2可自由表达思想3有利于学习外语反对理由1浪费时间2影响学习3可能上当受骗
Nawadays , making friends on the internet has become increasingly popular . people have diffrent views about it.
Some of people are in favor of it. Firstly. they can make more friends in this way. Secondly, they can express their feelings and thoughts freely on the internet. Thirdly, it is useful to learn foreign language.
However, some others hold the opposite opinion, in their opinion, it is a waste of time to do this, Besides,
it may have a negative effect on study. Last but not least , we may be cheated.
From my point of view, I support the former pespective, making friends on the internet can release pressure, and add to communication , As long as we are careful, it is safe.
最近, 网上交友越来越受青睐,人们关于此点的看法也众说纷纭.
一些人支持, 首先,用这种方式,他们可以交更多朋友. 其次,在网上,他们可以自由的表达自己的想法和感受.最后,这对他们学习外语还有所帮助.
&&&& 人们对于学生网上交友持不同意见。请你用英语写一篇关于学生网上交友的短文,介绍人们的不同观点,并表达自己的看法。 注意:1. 文章必须包括表中的全部内容。&&&&&&&&&&&2. 词数为100左右。 &&&&&&&&& 3. 参考词汇:网络朋友 on-line friend(s)& 上当受骗 be cheated
&&&& _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
One possible version: &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& Should students make friends on line? &&&& As to whether students should make friends on line, different people think differently. Some think that the Internet does help make it much easier for them to make friends. Chatting on line, students can express their feelings and opinions more freely, and even get help in their foreign language studies. Others, however, think students should not do this. They say making friends on line is a waste of time. Students should spend their time more meaningfully on their studies. Besides, it is dangerous to make friends on line. From time to time, some students get cheated. &&&& Personally, students should place their study, health and safety before other things. As for friendship, we can find it in our classmates and other people around us.
图表作文可细分为表格、曲线图、柱形图和圆形图。弄懂这四种图在写作方面的各自特点,我们才可以写好这种类型的作文:1)表格形式要求考生对表格中所给出的大量数字进行比较分析,从中找出其变化规律。2)曲线图形式要求考生认真观察坐标系所显示的数据信息,并且密切注意交汇在坐标横轴和纵轴上的数字及单位。3)柱形图形式要求考生通过宽度相等的柱形的高度或长度差别来判断事物的动态发展趋势,因此考生应密切关注坐标线上的刻度单位及图表旁边的提示说明与文字。4)圆形图形式旨在要求考生准确理解并阐述一个被分割成大小不等切片的圆形图所传达的信息。考生应清楚掌握部分与整体,部分与部分之间的相互关系,这种关系通常是以百分比的数字形式给出的。图表类英语作文具备以下特点: 1、题材涉及广泛,如人物介绍、地点介绍、新闻报道、生活话题及社会热门话题,试题设计真实性高,符合学生的认知水平,其中学校生活类题材占比例最大。体裁多种多样,包括应用文(书信、日记、通知、发言稿、寻物及招领启事等)、说明文、记叙文、议论文等。 2、图表类作文提示点一目了然,需要表达的信息一览无余。答题时无须花过多的时间去揣摩写作内容,要点一般不会遗漏。 3、图表类作文中通常是以不完整的汉语句子(包括术语或概括性的短语)作为提示形式出现。这样既能够让考生获得命题人所要求的信息,又留给考生一定的发挥空间,因而要求考生具备很强的语言驾驭能力和语篇整合能力。
注意事项:第一步:审题,确定体裁格式、主体时态、中心人称和内容要点,避免填表式或履历表式表达。第二步:拟定提纲,创造良好的开端;叙述得体,布局谋篇;巧妙过渡,完美结尾。第三步:遣词造句,套用句型,上下衔接,地道表达,行文成篇(注意“参考词汇”的提示作用)。图表式作文的几种形式:一、表格形式(table):将统计的数据或被说明的事物直接用表格形式体现出来,即统计表。二、图形形式:A、线形图(linegraph):以曲线形式表示数据变化;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&B、条形图(bargraph):以条形方式表示数据的大小或数量之间的差异;&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& C、圆形图(piechart):以圆内扇形的大小表示总体内部结构变化;
图表作文典型句式:1、描述总趋势(单增单减) As the chart above shows,… We can see from the graph that… As is described in the chart…From the table we can find out that… As can be seen from the chart… As is shown in the chart, the production for all products is higher/lower/rising/increasing/falling…2、数据分析:Comparedwith…,/Incomparisonwith…:(1)the number of…is more than/over… (2)the amount of…increases/grows/rises/goes up to…/by… (3)the number of…is similar to/almost the same as/smaller than/below… (4)the amount of…is quite different from…/decreases/falls/drops from…to… 3、原因分析:(1)Several factors contribute to the changes./There are some reasons for the rise in the number of (2)First of all, In addition/More over, Perhaps the main cause is. (3)Due to all those reasons, there is no doubt that such great changes happened. 4、结论或预测:From the figures/statistics above, we can conclude/draw a conclusionthat… we can estimate(估计)that the population/amount of…will 增减increase/dropsteadily&稳固地/gradually逐渐地/rapidly迅速地稳定:remainstable 波动:rebound/wave
With the help of internet .It is good for the development of communicative skills. The internet is not the direct cause of the cheat.What we need to do is to control the time we spend on internet and be careful .Everything has a limit, we can have better efficiency both in work and in study. we also can make friends on the internet, life will be tough for us. Having a clear mind and decent behaviour is the most important thing . Even in the real life the cheat still exist everwhere. Absolutely we can not live without the internet and it is not necessary to give up such a powerful tool.The internet faciliated our daily life in varied aspects.Without the internetThe sword has two bladesIn now days internet has brought huge change to our life. No matter in the real life or the virtual world if you spend too much time making friends with other people you will not have enough time for study
出门在外也不愁英语作文《online friends》 要求1.介绍人们对网上交友的不同观点 2.谈谈你自己的_百度知道
英语作文《online friends》 要求1.介绍人们对网上交友的不同观点 2.谈谈你自己的
In this world. As members of a modern society , but we should not go far beyond a friend. So it is the bad aspect of making friends online, is it good to make online friends. On the contrary !In my opinion, and the online people may cheat you! But some people say it is ok to make online friends. You can share your ideas about people with your friends online. We can see many things like this from newspapers, and try to get moneyjewelry and even thet know the people,they blow horse to get their friends’ trust. But there are still many people who want to cheat their friends online. It may be a pride to have some good friends online, and they can surely keep the secrets because they really do not know who you are, you can tell your sufferings to your friends online and you need not worry about being laughed at. Chatting online with friends is very relaxing, it is OK to make friends online, we should take care and try not to be cheated, because you don&#39? Some people say it is not wise, TV programs and so on. More and more people love to surf the Internet and chat with people that they really do not knowOnline friendsNow internet has become a part of our life. Internet presents an unreal world to us . Because it is an unreal world , because you can broad your horizen through these people. So,we should use Internet in the right way
combining contradictory features or qualities, and easy to mislead the direction moral development. We should make use of it fully. There are two main kinds of views on this issue, network&#39,for youngsters. As a convenient channel and broad platform.O on the other hand, some regard that network is a good channel for making friends. Its a worthy act to promote. Some people think it is dangerous,it becomes common phenomenon mt say no or yes partially. In my opinion, on the one hand, there are many passive information on the network that s advantages are undeniable, we can&#39, it's a feasible choice making friends on line under the effective management of networkMaking Friends on LineWith the development and popularization of computers. So. Everytiing is a parodox, especially


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