
Marketing and advertising absolutely must appeal to people in one way or another to be successful. Research has shown that using celebrities and attractive people can motivate consumers to purchase a ...
  作文单项“the difficulty in acquiring useful information in spite of advanced information technology”,结构上属于“图画题”,内容属于常考的“网络话题”。故,从六级作文三大评分侧重点“语言,结构,内容”来考虑,此次六级作文考题难度系数不大。
  第一段:六级作文图画描述首段应包括两个部分“描述图画+点题“。其中对应模板分别为 “as is explicitly manifested in the cartoon above,... undoubtedly...”而此题设定场景为办公室,图中有一个老板和四个员工,根据字幕提示,得知“信息产业飞速发展,而有用信息并不多”主题为“获取有效信息是非常难的”:
  As is explicitly manifested in the cartoon above, in the office there sit one boss and three employers confronting lots of information technology and wondering how to acquire useful ones. Undoubtedly, it is increasingly difficult for common citizens to acquire useful information although there does exist advanced information technology.
  There exist numerous reasons accounting for the phenomenon mentioned above. First and foremost, with the remarkable advancement of science and technology, a myriad of information penetrates into every facet of our life by leaps and bounds, out of which only a tiny percentage of knowledge is available or accessible to common people. Apart from that, from the perspective of individuals, facing a huge amount of information, those who lack relevant background information or self-consciousness can barely be prudent in choosing what they really need, thus worsening the situation.
  Judging from what has been discussed above, useful information should be more available. On the one hand, the mass media should set an example in eliminating the false and retaining the true. on the other hand, we each individual are also supposed to be more sensible in sorting-out. Only in this way can we be in possession of more useful information beneficial to us in the long run!
  As is explicitly manifested in the cartoon above, in the office there sit one boss and three employers confronting lots of information technology and wondering how to acquire useful ones. Undoubtedly, it is increasingly difficult for common citizens to acquire useful information although there does exist advanced information technology.
  There exist numerous reasons accounting for the phenomenon mentioned above. First and foremost, with the remarkable advancement of science and technology, a myriad of information penetrates into every facet of our life by leaps and bounds, out of which only a tiny percentage of knowledge is available or accessible to common people. Apart from that, from the perspective of individuals, facing a huge amount of information, those who lack relevant background information or self-consciousness can barely be prudent in choosing what they really need, thus worsening the situation.
  Judging from what has been discussed above, useful information should be more available. On the one hand, the mass media should set an example in eliminating the false and retaining the true. on the other hand, we each individual are also supposed to be more sensible in sorting-out. Only in this way can we be in possession of more useful information beneficial to us in the long run!
  针对作文单项“the harm caused by misleading information online”,结构上属于“图画题”,内容属于常考的“网络话题”。故,从六级作文三大评分侧重点“语言,结构,内容”来考虑,此次六级作文考题难度系数不大。
  第一段:六级作文图画描述首段应包括两个部分“描述图画+点题“。其中对应模板分别为 “as is explicitly manifested in the cartoon above,... undoubtedly...”而此题设定场景为家庭,画中为一对夫妻,根据字幕提示,得知“在如此多错误信息的当今社会,人感到不舒适”主题为“网上误导信息造成的伤害”:
  As is explicitly manifested in the cartoon above, at home there exists a couple, with the husband sitting in front of a computer and facing a large amount of mis-information. Undoubtedly, the harm caused by misleading information, consciously or unconsciously, has penetrated almost every facet of life and severely affected people’s daily life.
  There exist numerous demerits for the phenomenon mentioned above. First and foremost, from the viewpoint of a company, the so-called confidential information prevailing online may, to some extent, lead the managers on board to make unwise or unreasonable decision, thus causing uncountable financial loss. Apart from that, those widespread misleading information is more detrimental to individuals, since they are likely to form their own judgment upon what they see online, on the condition that internet is the only means for them to acquire information.
  Judging from what has been mentioned above, it is high time we should take some effective measures to reverse this adverse situation. On the one hand, governments should set up some regulations as to online behaviors. on the other hand, we each individual are also supposed to be more sensible in eliminating those false concepts online. Only in this way can we make full use of this virtual world rather than be a slave of it!
  As is explicitly manifested in the cartoon above, at home there exists a couple, with the husband sitting in front of a computer and facing a large amount of mis-information. Undoubtedly, the harm caused by misleading information, consciously or unconsciously, has penetrated almost every facet of life and severely affected people’s daily life.
  There exist numerous demerits for the phenomenon mentioned above. First and foremost, from the viewpoint of a company, the so-called confidential information prevailing online may, to some extent, lead the managers on board to make unwise or unreasonable decision, thus causing uncountable financial loss. Apart from that, those widespread misleading information is more detrimental to individuals, since they are likely to form their own judgment upon what they see online, on the condition that internet is the only means for them to acquire information.
  Judging from what has been mentioned above, it is high time we should take some effective measures to reverse this adverse situation. On the one hand, governments should set up some regulations as to online behaviors. on the other hand, we each individual are also supposed to be more sensible in eliminating those false concepts online. Only in this way can we make full use of this virtual world rather than be a slave of it!
  1. B. The dressing makes the mixed salad very inviting.
  2. B. He is opening a new consulting firm.
  3. B. The man may find the supplies in the cabinet.
  4. D. He has to use a magnifying glass to see clearly.
  5. C. Redecorating her office.
  6. A. Shortage of container ships.
  7. A. A colleague.
  8. C. Hold the banquet at a different place
  Conversation 1
  9-11题:答案依次为:9. D. He often goes back home late for dinner.
  10. B. To discuss an urgent problem.
  11. C. There is a sharp increase in India's balance of payment deficit.
  Conversation 2
  12. D. They have unrealistic expectations about the other half.
  13. A. He is lucky to be able to do what he loves.
  14. B. It is all glamour.
  15. A. Amazed.
  Passage 1
  16-18题,答案依次为:16.选B ,Follow closely the fast development of technology.17.选B ,What type of personnel the team should be composed of.
  18.选D ,A team manager should develop a certain set skills
  Passage 2
  19-21题,答案依次为:19.选A ,It is a program allowing people to share information on the Web.20.选B ,He met with an entrepreneur named Jim Clark.
  21.选B ,B) They had confidence in his new ideas.
  Passage 3
  22-25题,答案依次是:22.选A ,Word-of-mouth advertising.23.选D ,To build up their reputation.24.选D ,By using the services of large advertising agencies.
  25.选C ,Pre-test alternative ads or commercials in certain regions.
  10个空依次是:1. eternal2. diminishing3. absolute4. succeed5. on a vast scale6. As regards7. used up8. disposing9. modification10. magnitude
  36 O( vulnerable)。本题考查了一个搭配,即be vulnerable to(易受…伤害)。本题所在句表明的是正处在发育期的大脑更容易受到物品中所含有害物质的伤害。
  37 J(permanent)。本题考查了be+adj.的搭配,表明有害物质对于大脑的伤害可能是永久性的。
  38 A(advocates)。本题前为environmental(形容词),形容词修饰名词,可见本空应填名词,而本空后用的助动词为have,可见本空需填复数名词。
  39 N(tighten)。本题考查不定式搭配。To后面跟动词原形,强调环保提倡者们要求限制某些化学物质的使用。
  40 K(restricted)。本题所在语境为2001年,故为过去时态。而本句中由是对上文内容的一种论证,依然强调限制使用含有特定化学物质的物品。
  41 E(facilities)。本题所处语境在and后,与and前的homes是对称位置词,故本题选择复数名词,child-care连字符词在此处做形容词用。
  42 G(investigating)。本题放在now的时间限定下,前面有is,故本题所在句为现在进行时,加之宾语为effects,所以本题考查的是调查效果。
  43 M (statistical)。本空要修饰其后的名词evidence,加之前面有并列修饰词solid为形容词,故本题所选词汇为形容词词性。
  44 F(interaction)。本题所在语境为 a direct___. 为形容词direct修饰的对象,形容词修饰名词,加入前面有不定冠词a的限定,本题需选择名词单数形式。
  45 D(exercise)。本题中exercise做动词原形用。本题为句型it is adj. to do something的用法。
  46. When people find they are powerless to change the situation, they tend to live with it.
  C This inconsistency largely stems from a feeling of powerlessness. “When we can’t remove the source of our fear, we tend to adapt psychologically…”
  47. To be effective, environmental messages should be carefully framed.
  L Cialdini recommends some careful framing of the message.
  48. It is the government’s responsibility to persuade people into making environment-friendly decisions.
  G They argue that governments should persuade us into making better decision-such as saving more in our pension plans- by changing the default options. Professor Weber believes that environmental policy can make use of similar tactics.
  49. Politicians are beginning to realize the importance of enlisting psychologists’ help in fighting climate change.
  P The power of such simple psychology in fighting climate change is attracting attention across the political establishment.
  50. To find effective solutions to climate change, it is necessary to understand what motivates people to make change.
  H “We need to understand what motivates people, what it is that allows them to make change.”
  51. In their evolution, humans have learned to pay attention to the most urgent issues instead of long-term concerns.
  D Evolution has programmed humans to pay most attention to issues that will have an immediate impact.
  52. One study shows that our neighbors’ actions are influential in changing our behavior.
  J Cialdini conducted a study in San Diego…But it is the ones that mentioned the actions of neighbors that drove down power use.
  53. Despite clear signs of global warming, it is not easy for most people to believe climate change will affect their own lives.
  B Despite mournful polar bears and charts showing carbon emissions soaring, most people find it hard to believe that global warming will affect them personally.
  54. We should take our future into consideration in making decisions concerning climate change before it is too late.
  F By the time we wake up to the threat posed by climate change, it could well be too late. And if we are not going to make rational decisions about future, others may have to help us to do so.
  55. Existing social networks can be more effective in creating change in people’s behavior.
  H “It is actually about what their peers think of them, what their social norms are, what is seen as desirable in society.”
  Passage one
  56. What is traditional educators’ interpretation of the research outcome mentioned in the first paragraph?
  根据题干关键信息:traditional educator和the first paragraph定位到第一段的最后一句,from the standpoint of traditional educator,this outcome indicated that schooling had failed to help students think about ecosystems and extinction,major scientific ideas.
  由此对应选项C Education has not paid attention to major environmental issues.
  57. In what way are college students different from children?
  题干问的是大学生与孩子的区别。对于大学生与孩子的区别本文的进一步深挖来自于第二段。该段的最后一句说the college students have cultivated the ability to ask questions,the cornerstone of critical thinking. They had learnt how to learn.
  选项A They have learned to think critically是对第二段最后一句的同义表述,故为正确答案。
  58. What is the benefit of asking questions with no ready answers?
  题干中的question帮助定位到第三段we taught participants…questions that nobody present would know the answer to and that would spark exploration,they engage in better inquiry…
  对应选项B it cultivates students’ ability to make scientific inquiries.
  59. What is said to be the advantage of informal learning?
  利用题干的informal learning 定位到最后一段,可以看到informal learning environments tolerate failure better than schools,由此可知选项A It allows for failures为本题答案。
  60. What does the author seem to encourage educators to do at the end of the passage?
  题干已表述在end of passage,所以本题定位到最后一段。最后一段表述了非正式学习与学校学习的区别,并表示非正式学习给人们带来的好处是至关重要的。所以本文的最后会说For that,we have a robust informal learning system that gives no grades,takes all comers,and is available even on holidays and weekends.
  本句表述的意思正是选项C Make full use of learning resources。
  Passage two
  61. How does Obama view economic inequality?
  用题干的Obama回文定位到首段首句,Economic inequality is the “defining challenge of our time”。下文紧接着指出inequality is dangerous,… not merely because it doesn’t look good…but because inequality itself destroys upward mobility.
  对应A It is the biggest obstacle to social mobility.
  62. What do we learn about inequality gap from Scott Winship’s data analysis?
  用Scott Winship这一专有名词定位到第三段最后一句,Inequality itself is not a particularly strong predictor of economic mobility,as sociologist Scott Winship noted…本句话是对上文内容的反驳,说明不平等的差距不是经济变动性的预报器,正对应B选项 it is not a reliable indicator of economic mobility.
  63. Compared with Atlanta,metropolitan Salt Lake City is said to______.
  本题干中的两个地名均用来定位到第四、五段。这两段均在表示盐湖城的穷人最有可能拜托贫困,而亚特兰大地区的人则最不可能。整体盐湖城呈现的是正向的形态,由此可知选项C offer poor children more chances to climb the social ladder为本题答案
  64. What is strongly correlated with social mobility according to economist Raj Chetty?
  本题定位词为Raj Chetty,从而定位到第五段第一句, Raj Chetty此人提出了若干个影响社会变动性的因素,与其提出的因素相匹配的只有选项D community density
  65. What does the author seems to suggest?
  最后一段中作者根据Chetty提出的一系列影响因素,提出自己认为的三个最重要的影响因素。三个因素有人均收入、有家庭形态、有政府支出,其共同特征在于都在放在群体中考量,因此,本题选项D It is better to start from the community to help poor children move up the social ladder为正确答案。
  Recently, the Chinese government has decided to upgrade its indusry, and China now gets involved in building high-speed trains, ocean-going vessels, robots, and even airplanes. Not long ago, China gained the contract of constructing a high-speed rail in Indonesia and signed a contract to provide high-speed trains to Malaysia, both of which demonstrate that products made in China are trustworthy.
  Products made in China are becoming more and more popular. Although its price has been paid in China , it did contribute to the elimination of poverty, and more job opportunities for people all around the world, which is something good and deserves praises. So when you go to stores the next time, you might be curious about the country of production of the item you purchase. It is likely that the item is made in China.
  In China,parents always strive to help their kids, and even make important decisions on kids’ behalf, not caring what their children really want, because they believe their behaviors do good to the children. As a result, the children’s development and education are subjected to parents’ ideas.
  If parents make up their mind to sign up for an extracurricular activity for the children, so as to enhance the chance of their children being admitted into a key university,they will persist in their own decision, even when the children are not interested in the activity at all.
  However, parents in America are more likely to respect children’s thoughts, and put their children before them in making decisions.
  Although it is quite praisable that Chinese parents attach much importance to education, they need to take a page from their American counterparts in balancing the relationship between parents and children when dealing with educational issues.
  China is playing an increasingly important role in helping the International community to eliminate poverty by 2030.
  Since the implementation of reform and opening-up policy in late 1970s,
  China has gotten more than 400 million people out of poverty. And in the following five years, China will offer its assistance in such aspects as the reduction of poverty, educational development, agricultural modernization, environmental protection and medical care.
  China has already made prominent progress in combating poverty and has also made persistent efforts in promoting its economic growth, which will encourage other less developed countries to deal with challenges in their own growth. While seeking for a development path characterized with their own features, these countries can borrow ideas from China.
生活时尚&搭配博主 /生活时尚自媒体 /时尚类书籍作者
主演:尚格?云顿/乔?弗拉尼甘/Bianca Bree
主演:艾斯?库珀/ 查宁?塔图姆/ 乔纳?希尔


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