
一个豆荚里的五粒豆 - 搜狗百科
安徒生  (Hans Christian Andersen,日-日)丹麦作家,诗人,因为他的童话故事[1]而世界闻名。他最著名的童话故事有、《》、《》、《》、《》和《》等。安徒生生前曾得到皇家的致敬,并被高度赞扬为给全欧洲的一代孩子带来了欢乐。他的作品已经被译为150多种语言,成千上万册童话书在全球陆续发行出版。他的童话故事还激发了大量电影,舞台剧,以及电影动画的制作。
  有一个豆荚,里面有五粒。它们都是绿的,因此它们就以为整个世界都是绿的。事实也正是这样!豆荚在生长,豆粒也在生长。它们按照它们在家庭里的地位,坐成一排。太阳在外边照着,把豆荚晒得暖洋洋的;雨把它洗得透明。这儿是既温暖,又舒适;白天有亮,晚间黑暗,这本是必然的规律。豌豆粒坐在那儿越长越大,同时也越变得沉思起来,因为它们多少得做点事情呀。   “难道我们永远就在这儿坐下去么?”它们问。“我只愿老这样坐下去,不要变得僵硬起来。我似乎觉得外面发生了一些事情——我有这种!”   许多星期过去了。这几粒豌豆变黄了,豆荚也变黄了。   “整个世界都在变黄啦!”它们说。它们也可以这样说。   忽然它们觉得豆荚震动了一下。它被摘下来了,落到人的手上,跟许多别的丰满的豆荚在一起,溜到一件的口袋里去。   “我们不久就要被打开了!”它们说。于是它们就等待这件事情的到来。   “我倒想要知道,我们之中谁会走得最远!”最小的一粒豆说。“是的,事情马上就要揭晓了。”   “该怎么办就怎么办!”最大的那一粒说。   “啪!”豆荚裂开来了。那五粒豆子全都滚到太阳光里来了。它们躺在一个孩子的手中。这个孩子紧紧地捏着它们,说它们正好可以当作豆枪的子弹用。他马上安一粒进去,把它射出来。   “现在向广大的世界里去了!如果你能捉住我,那么就请你来吧!”于是它就飞走了。   “我,”第二粒说,“我将直接飞进里去。这才像一个豆荚呢,而且与我的身份非常相称!”   于是它就飞走了。   “我们到了什么地方,就在什么地方睡,”其余的两粒说。   “不过我们仍得向前滚。”因此它们在没有到达豆枪以前,就先在地上滚起来。但是它们终于被装进去了。“我们才会射得最远呢!”   “该怎么办就怎么办!”最后的那一粒说。它射到空中去了。它射到顶楼窗子下面一块旧板子上,正好钻进一个长满了的霉菌的裂缝里去。青苔把它裹起来。它躺在那儿不见了,可是我们的上帝并没忘记它。   “应该怎么办就怎么办!”它说。   在这个小小的顶楼里住着一个穷苦的女人。她白天到外面去擦炉子,锯木材,并且做许多类似的粗活,因为她很强壮,而且也很勤俭,不过她仍然是很穷。她有一个发育不全的独生女儿,躺在这顶楼上的家里。她的身体非常虚弱。她在床上躺了一整年;看样子既活不下去,也。   “她快要到她亲爱的姐姐那儿去了!”女人说。“我只有两个孩子,但是养活她们两个人是够困难的。善良的上帝分担我的愁苦,已经接走一个了。我现在把留下的这一个养着。不过我想他不会让她们分开的;她也会到她天上的姐姐那儿去的。”   可是这个并没有离开。她安静地、耐心地整天在家里躺着,她的母亲到外面去挣点生活的费用。这正是春天。一大早,当母亲正要出去工作的时候,太阳温和地、愉快地从那个小窗子射进来,一直射到地上。这个病孩子望着最低的那块窗玻璃。   “从窗玻璃旁边探出头来的那个绿东西是什么呢?它在风里摆动!”   母亲走到窗子那儿去,把窗打开一半。“啊”她说,“我的天,这原来是一粒。它还长出来了。它怎样钻进这个隙缝里去的?你现在可有一个小花园来供你欣赏了!”   病孩子的床搬得更挨近窗子,好让她看到这粒正在生长着的豌豆。于是母亲便出去做她的工作了。   “妈妈,我觉得我好了一些!”这个小姑娘在晚间说。“太阳今天在我身上照得怪温暖的。这粒豆子长得好极了,我也会长得好的;我将爬起床来,走到温暖的太阳光中去。”   “愿上帝准我们这样!”母亲说,但是她不相信事情就会这样。不过她仔细地用一根小棍子把这植物支起来,好使它不致被风吹断,因为它使她的女儿对生命起了愉快的想象。她从窗台上牵了一根线到窗框的上端去,使这粒豆可以盘绕着它向上长,它的确在向上长—— 人们每天可以看到它在生长。   “真的,它现在要开花了!”女人有一天早晨说。她现在开始希望和相信,她的病孩子会好起来。她记起最近这孩子讲话时要比以前愉快得多,而且最近几天她自己也能爬起来,直直地坐在床上,用高兴的眼光望着这一颗豌豆所形成的小花园。一星期以后,这个病孩子第一次能够坐一整个钟头。她快乐地坐在温暖的太阳光里。窗子打开了,它面前是一朵盛开的、粉红色的。小姑娘低下头来,把它柔嫩的叶子轻轻地吻了一下。这一天简直像一个节日。   “我幸福的孩子,上帝亲自种下这颗豌豆,叫它长得枝叶茂盛,成为你我的希望和快乐!”高兴的母亲说。她对这花儿微笑,好像它就是上帝送下来的一位善良的。   但是其余的几粒豌豆呢?嗯,那一粒曾经飞到广大的世界上去,并且还说过“如果你能捉住我,那么就请你来吧!”   它落到屋顶的水笕里去了,在一个鸽子的里躺下来,正如躺在中一样(注:据人的神话,希伯莱的约拿因为不听上帝的话,乘船逃遁,上帝因此吹起大风。船上的人把约拿抛到海里以求免于之祸。约拿被大鱼所吞,在鱼腹中待了。事见《··》。)。那两粒懒惰的豆子也不过只走了这么远,因为它们也被鸽子吃掉了。总之,它们总还算有些实际的用途。可是那第四粒,它本来进太阳里去,但是却落到水沟里去了,在脏水里躺了好几个星期,而且涨大得相当可观。   “我胖得够美了!”这粒豌豆说。“我胖得要爆裂开来。我想,任何豆子从来不曾、也永远不会达到这种地步的。我是豆荚里五粒豆子中最了不起的一粒。”   水沟说它讲得很有。   可是顶楼窗子旁那个年轻的女孩子——她脸上射出健康的光彩,她的眼睛发着亮光—— 正在豌豆花上面交叉着一双小手,感谢上帝。   水沟说:“我支持我的那粒豆子。”
 THEREwerefivepeasinonepod:theyweregreen,andthepodwasgreen,andsotheythoughandthatwasjustasitshouldbe!Thepodgrew,theyaccommodatedthemselvestocircumstances,sittingallinarow.Thesunshonewithout,andwarmedthehusk,andtherainmadeiitwasmildandagreeableduringthecleardayanddarkduringthenight,justasitshouldbe,andthepeasastheysattherebecamebiggerandbigger,andmoreandmorethoughtful,forsomethingtheymustdo.  “Arewetosithereeverlastingly?”askedone.“I’mafraidweshallbecomehardbylongsitting.Itseemstometheremustbesomethingoutside-Ihaveakindofinklingofit.  Andweekswentby.Thepeasbecameyellow,andthepodalso.  “Alltheworld’sturningyellow,”andtheyhadarighttosayit.  Suddenlytheyfeltatugatthepod.Itwastornoff,passedthroughhumanhands,andglideddownintothepocketofajacket,incompanywithotherfullpods.  “Nowweshallsoonbeopened!”andthatisjustwhattheywerewaitingfor.  “Ishouldliketoknowwhoofuswillgetfarthest!”saidthesmallestofthefive.“Yes,nowitwillsoonshowitself.”  “Whatistobewillbe,”saidthebiggest.  “Crack!”thepodburst,andallthefivepeasrolledoutintothebrightsunshine.Theretheylayinachild&shand.Alittleboywasclutchingthem,andsaidtheywerefinepeasforhispea-andheputoneinatonceandshotitout.  “NowI&mflyingoutintothewideworld,catchmeifyoucan!”Andhewasgone.“I,”saidthesecond,“Ishallflystraightintothesun.That&sapodworthlookingat,andonethatexactlysuitsme.”Andawayhewent.  “Wesleepwherewecome,”saidthetwonext,“butweshallrollonallthesame.”Andsotheyrolledfirstonthefloorbeforetheygotintothepea-buttheywereputinforallthat.“Weshallgofarthest,”saidthey.“Whatistohappenwillhappen,saidthelast,ashewasshotforthoutofthepea-andheflewupagainsttheoldboardunderthegarretwindow,justintoacrackwhichwasfilledupandttherehelay,aprisonerin-deed,butnotforgottenbyourLord.  “Whatistohappenwillhappen,”saidhe.  Within,inthelittlegarret,livedapoorwoman,whowentoutinthedaytocleanstoves,sawwood,andtodootherhardworkofthesamekind,forshewasstrongandindustrioustoo.Butsandathomeinthegarretlayherhalf-grownonlydaughter,whowaforawholeyearshehadkeptherbed,anditseemedasifshecouldneitherlivenordie.  “Sheisgoingtoherlittlesister,”thewomansaid.“Ihadonlythetwochildren,anditwasnotaneasythingtoprovideforboth,butthegoodGodprovidedforoneofthembytakingherhometoHnowIshouldbegladtokeeptbutIsupposetheyarenottoremainseparated,andshewillgotohersisterinheaven.  Butthesickgirlremainedwhereshewas.Shelayquietandqatientalldaylongwhilehermotherwenttoearnmoneyoutofdoors.Itwasspring,andearlyinthemorn-in,justasthemotherwasabouttogoouttowork,thesunshonemildlyandpleasantlythroughthelittlewindow,andthrewiandthesickgirlfixedhereyesonthelowestpaneinthewindow.  “Whatmaythatgreenthingbethatlooksinatthewindow?Itismovinginthewind.”  Andthemothersteppedtothewindow,andhalfopenedit.“Oh!”saidshe,“onmyword,itisalittlepeawhichhastakenroothere,andisputtingoutitslittleleaves.Howcanithavegothereintothecrack?Thereyouhavealittlegardentolookat.”  Andthesickgirl&sbedwasmovednearertothewindow,sothatshecouldalandthemotherwentforthtoherwork.  “Mother,IthinkIshallgetwell,”saidthesickchildintheevening.“Thesunshoneinuponmetodaydelight-fullywarm.Thelittlepeaisthrivingfamously,andIshallthrivetoo,andgetup,andgooutintothewarmsun-shine.  “Godgrantit!”saidthemother,butshedidnbutshetookcarectopropwithalittlestickthegreenplantwhichhadgivenherdaughterthepleasantthoughtsoflife,sothatitmightshetiedapieceofstringtothewindow-sillandtotheupperpartoftheframe,sothatthepeamighthavesomethingroundwhichitcouldtwine,whenitshotup:anditdidshootupindeed-onecouldseehowitgreweveryday.  “Really,hereisaflowercoming!”andnowshebegantocherishthehopethathersickdaughterwouldrecover.Sherememberedthatlatelythechildhadspokenmuchmorecheerfullythanbefore,thatinthelastfewdaysshehadrisenupinbedofherownaccord,andhadsatupright,lookingwithdelightedeyesatthelittlegardeninwhichonlyoneplantgrew.Aweekafterwardstheinvalidforthefirsttimesatupforawholehour.Quitehappy,shesatththewindowwasopened,andinfrontofitoutsidestoodapinkpeablossom,fullyblown.Thesickgirlbentdownandgentlykissedthedelicateleaves.Thisdaywaslikeafestival.“TheHeavenlyFatherHimselfhasplantedthatpea,andcausedittothrive,tobeajoytoyou,andtomealso,myblessedchild!”andshesmiledattheflower,asifithadbeenagoodangel.  Butabouttheotherpeas?Why,theonewhoflewoutintothewideworldandsaid,“Catchmeifyoucan,”fellintothegutterontheroof,andfoundahomeinapigeon&scrop,andlaytherelikeJthetwolazyonesgotjustasfar,forthey,too,wereeatenupbypigeons,andthus,atanyrate,tbutthefourth,whowantedtogoupintothesun,fellintothegutter,andlaythereinthedirtywaterfordaysandweeks,andswelledprodigiously.“HowbeautifullyfatI&mgrowing!”saidthePea.“IandIdon&tthinkanypeacandomorethanthat.I&mthemostremarkableofallthefivethatwereinthepod.”  AndtheGuttersaidhewasright.  Buttheyounggirlatthegarretwindowstoodtherewithgleamingeyes,withthehueofhealthonhercheeks,andfoldedherthinhandsoverthepeablossom,andthankedHeavenforit.  “I,”saidtheGutter,“standupformyownpea.”
点击编辑词条,进入编辑页面whathasaroundfaceANDTWOTHINHANDS,ONEISSHORT,THEOTHERISLONG的谜语中文_百度知道Hand Eczema - What is hand eczema?
What is hand eczema?
Hand eczema, or hand dermatitis, describes any type of eczema that develops on the hands. It is commonly job-related and can be made worse by factors including frequent hand washing and exposure to chemicals. Hand eczema may require specific testing and treatments.
It may cause itchy, dry, scaly patches of skin that crack and flake. This can occur acutely, but may also be a condition referred to as chronic hand eczema (CHE) or chronic hand dermatitis (CHD). Hand eczema, and CHE can profoundly affect everyday living and one's quality of life. Chronic hand eczema may not respond to traditional eczema management strategies such as frequent moisturizing, protecting the hands, and topical prescription treatments, and the appropriate treatment plan will depend on a number of factors.
Who does hand eczema affect?
Hand eczema occurs commonly among the following occupations:
mechanical industry workers
hair dressers
health care workers
janitors and housecleaners
food service industry workers
agricultural workers
Hand eczema can happen to anyone, however, you are more likely to be affected if:
you had similar skin problems, eczema, hay fever, or other allergies as a child.
your hands get wet a lot, whether at home, work or with leisure activities.
your job exposes your hands to irritating chemicals or very frequent hand washing and disinfection.
you frequently wash your hands around the house or at work, which breaks down the skin's natural protective barrier.
What causes hand eczema?
however, there can be one or more conditions present. The three most common conditions related to hand eczema are irritant contact dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, and atopic dermatitis.
Irritant Contact Dermatitis
The most common is Irritant Contact Dermatitis. Repeated exposure to irritants such as water, soaps, detergents, solvents, degreasers, lubricants, oils, coolants, fiberglass dust, food products, metals, and plastics can inhibit the repair of the skin barrier.
What are the signs and symptoms?
affects the fingertips and web spaces
skin is dry and chapped, with areas of itchy, red, scaly, and swollen skin
skin may sting or burn when in contact with irritants, and may eventually crack and bleed
Allergic Contact Dermatitis
The next most common is Allergic Contact Dermatitis. Common allergens include nickel, certain food additives and fragrances, and preservatives. Occupational allergens could include antibacterial soaps and solutions, organic dyes, rubber, plastic resins, and plants.
What are the signs and symptoms?
soon after exposure, small blisters may appear with itchy, swollen, red skin
later, the skin may dry out with crusts, scales, and cracks
prolonged exposure to the allergen can cause the skin to darken and it may become thick and leathery
it may appear all over the hands and fingers, particularly on the inside of the hands and finger tips
Atopic Dermatitis
Hand eczema can also be caused by Atopic Dermatitis, whereby skin in other areas of the body is affected.
What are the signs and symptoms?
intense itchiness
acute skin lesions
the condition is chronic
skin thickens
Speak with your doctor to get a diagnosis on your specific condition, and to talk about treatment options that are right for you.
How is Hand Eczema Diagnosed?
Without proper diagnosis and treatment, hand dermatitis can persist and become chronic. It can often become disabling because it affects one's ability to perform at work and home. Additionally, hand dermatitis may interfere with sleep, cause emotional discomfort, and negatively affect interpersonal interactions.
A thorough history and physical examination are essential in helping to deduce the possible cause(s) of hand dermatitis. Medical, occupational and social history are important. It is often challenging to distinguish irritant contact from allergic contact dermatitis.
Patch Testing
Patch testing should be considered for everyone with chronic hand dermatitis. The gold standard method for diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis is patch testing. This is an office procedure in which allergens are applied to the back.
Your doctor should strongly consider patch testing if:
you have chronic hand dermatitis
you are not able to manage your dermatitis
your dermatitis responds to treatment but flares immediately when you stop using your topical treatments
See your doctor!
The longer the condition goes undiagnosed and untreated, the more likely you are to suffer with chronic hand eczema.
Self Care & Lifestyle Modification
Lifestyle modification and self care are the first lines of defence. This includes:
Moisturizing and Gentle Cleansing
Use hand cleansers and moisturizers that are free of irritating ingredients and fragrances (see our Seal of Acceptance products). Moisturizing regularly will help to replenish skin moisture, and will help you to keep your eczema under control.
Petrolatum is often the preferred moisturizer for hand eczema as it has few ingredients, and doesn't sting or irritate open areas. Petrolatum also holds in the skin's natural moisture and provides a protective barrier to keep irritants out.
Apply a rich moisturizer immediately after bathing, hand washing, and anytime in between. If your eczema has cleared up, and you are no longer using your prescription treatments, continue with a diligent moisturizing routine, which may help to prolong the period between flares./
Lifestyle Modifications
Where possible, avoid or minimize wet-work.
Avoid excessive sweating and dry conditions which are sometimes triggers.
Avoid scratching which worsens the condition and may cause cracks allowing bacteria to enter leading to infection. Sometimes applying cold compress to area reduces itch. Keep fingernails short.
Avoid the substance(s) causing the irritation or allergy. Avoiding all substances can be very difficult-if not impossible-especially if these substances are encountered at work. Using barrier cream, wearing gloves, and practicing glove hygiene is often helpful.
Minimize contact with fruit juices, fruits, vegetables, raw meat while preparing food, or wear gloves.
Protect hands by using cotton gloves as liner under vinyl gloves.
Shampoo and style hair while wearing vinyl gloves, if possible.
Take off rings before wet-work or hand washing.
Use emollients frequently to help restore normal skin barrier function. A thin smear of a thick barrier cream should be applied to all affected areas before work, and reapplied after washing and whenever the skin dries out.
Stress management-stress triggers flare-ups in many people so reducing stress may be beneficial.
Topical Therapy
To treat inflammation, topical corticosteroids are commonly used. Use only as needed & that is, when your eczema is actively flaring. Prolonged use can cause thinning of the skin. Fearing side effects, patients more commonly use too little rather than too much.
If your response is unexpectedly slow, discuss the possibility of corticosteroid allergy with your doctor. Pimecrolimus (Elidel &) and tacrolimus (Protopic &) may be helpful as an alternative to topical corticosteroids.
Phototherapy (Light Therapy)
Narrow-band UVB light and PUVA are helpful for their local immunomodulatory effect. Speak to your doctor about the possibility of Phototherapy as a treatment option. There are specific Phototherapy units that are used to treat the hands.
Antibiotics are sometimes needed if infection develops, and most infections are caused by staph.
Oral Corticosteroids (Prednisone)
Oral corticosteroids may be effective in a short course for recurrent pomphylx and dyshidrotic hand dermatitis. Warning about serious side effects of prednisone must always be given.
Toctino& (alitretinoin) is a new oral retinoid. A once daily treatment, it is available for patients suffering from severe symptoms that never go away completely or keep coming back even after using potent topical steroids. Research has demonstrated significant clinical improvement in patients with chronic hand eczema, especially for the variant known as hyperkeratotic dermatitis. Side-effects include headache and flushing. Some patients are not suitable candidates for alitretinoin. Speak with your doctor about this treatment.
Strict pregnancy prevention is required 1 month before, during, and for 1 month after treatment with alitretinoin for women of child bearing potential due to the teratogenicity of the product (the product can cause birth defects). Never share your prescription of Toctino& and speak with your doctor about whether this treatment is right for you.
for more information.
Can it be cured?
There is no cure for hand eczema, but you can work toward management. Speak with your doctor about finding a treatment plan that is right for you.
*This content from this page was generously reviewed by Dr. Neil H. S Professor & Chief of Dermatology, University of Toronto Medical Schoolwhole site search:
Rust-Oleum Deck Restore Review
Update May, 2014: After a full year, our deck continues to look great and we are very happy with Rustoleum’s product. However, other users have had a poor experience with this product and that is reflected in many of the comments. It is important to note that people visiting who do leave a review are more likely to write a negative review than a positive one. This happens because people only look for reviews on sites like ours after they use a product when that product didn’t perform well. We have not taken the time to analyze all of the use cases, as this product was installed on our deck (and we only have one!). It could be that this product performs better on certain wood species than others, or with certain pre-treatments, or in certain climates. It may fail when being used over top of an existing stain, or over top of newer wood.&Given the number of negative reviews below, and the amount of negative user reaction on Rustoleum’s Facebook page (), we encourage you to tread cautiously before proceeding.
Early this year Jocie and I attended a Rust-Oleum media event. They shared information about several products, and the one that really piqued my interest was the . They described it as a thick coating that fills gouges and cracks and buries splinters. It also hides imperfections, and the textured surface is slip resistant. In short, Rust-Oleum Deck Restore sounded like the perfect product for my old, weathered deck.
When Jocie and I purchased our home, the deck was already a bit neglected. It was bad enough that you’d easily get splinters, and subsequently we never spent too much time on the deck. If you know anything about decks, they require periodic cleaning and sealing to combat mother nature. Fred and Kim went through the process with their pine deck and used . After witnessing their experience, I was convinced composite decking was the way to go. However, the cost for materials to re-board the deck was high enough for me to abandon the idea. Needless to say, I was excited about a low-cost alternative that would enable us to enjoy our deck again.
Rust-Oleum kindly provided enough Deck Restore to cover the horizontal surfaces of our deck and stairs. Deck Restore isn’t intended for vertical surfaces (like balusters) so they also provided a matching solid acrylic stain. Rust-Oleum offers a broad range of color choices, and we selected Saddle. I estimate all the materials cost approximately $450 (Deck Restore, stain, rollers, roller grids).
Preparing the Deck
To get the deck ready, we cleared it off and removed any embedded dirt. Around here the Oak flowers can be a real hassle, and we had to sweep the deck periodically.
The deck needs to be dry before applying Deck Restore so we waited till the next day to resume.
We taped off were the deck meets the house. We also covered the shed underneath the stairs and the HVAC unit underneath the deck.
I went around with a hammer to pound in any nail-pops. I also removed various hardware like the gate latch and some plant hangers.
I put in a bunch of screws to further secure the railing and any boards that had a tendency to bounce.
Applying Rust-Oleum Deck Restore
Deck Restore is very thick, and we used a lot more product than I expected. Rust-Oleum states that a four gallon pail covers about 100 square feet with two coats.&It’s applied with the Restore rollers which are a polyester honeycomb roller designed to help texture the surface of the deck boards.
I rolled it on in the direction of the deck boards, and I was pleased to see it fill in so many cracks. I also rigged up a painters tool for edging the boards. More on that later though.
While the first coat dried, I went to work on the stairs.
Four hours later I was back applying the second coat, making sure to fill in missed areas like the one pictured below.
I found that letting the Deck Restore dry enough to walk on and using a garden hoe to cut the gap between boards worked really well. It resulted in nice, clean lines.
The Finished Product
We found that the deck needed a little more than 48 hours to completely dry. It’s only been a few days since the work was completed, but already I’m extremely pleased with results. The deck looks like a hybrid between composite and wood. All the cracks are filled in creating a nice, even surface. Plus, I’m not worried about splinters anymore.
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