英文翻译器在线翻译 在线等

  Thousands of miles away, I am on the other side of the river, waiting for the change of seasons and the premature aging of the time. If the time will be old, will I be able to run faster and catch up with the time thousands of miles away?
Thousands of miles away, I wait on the other side, waiting for the replacement of the four seasons, waiting for the time old. If the time will be old, will I be able to faster running forward to catch up with the time that thousands of miles away
Thousands of miles away, I in the waiting, waiting for the change of seasons, the old waiting time. If the time will be old, will I be able to run faster speed, follow the thousands of miles away.
您可能关注的推广英语翻译我最喜欢的电影是罗马假日,这是一部很经典的电影.赫本的高雅、气质和爱心无与伦比,最让我感动的是赫本和派克的友谊.(可适当的加单词)不要网上的翻译,要人工的。- -_百度作业帮
英语翻译我最喜欢的电影是罗马假日,这是一部很经典的电影.赫本的高雅、气质和爱心无与伦比,最让我感动的是赫本和派克的友谊.(可适当的加单词)不要网上的翻译,要人工的。- -
My all-time favorite movie is by no means Roman Holiday, one of the most outstanding classic movies. I admire the elegance, the nobility and the kindness embraced by Hepburn's character. I am also deeply moved by the friendship between Hepburn and Pyke, which is the exact kind of friendship that I would want in my life.
My favorite movie is Roman holiday, it is a very classic movie.Nobody could compare with Hepburn for her elegant, temperament and full of love, which touched I most is Audrey Hepburn and parker's friendship.
I like the film Roman holiday mostly.This is a very classicl movie.Hepburn's elegant, temperament and love incomparable, what impressed me most is Hepburn and Parker's friendship.
I most like the film Roman holiday, this is a very classic movie. Hepburn's elegant, temperament and love incomparable, what impressed me most is Hepburn and Parker's friendship
My favourite movie is Roman Holiday, it is a classic film. The elegance,temperament and kindness of
Hepburn is unique, and what touches most is the friendship between Hepurn and Pyke.
您可能关注的推广回答者:英语翻译How about we give you a lum sum of RMB 6,000 per month all inclusive.我想它的意思是:我们提供给你每月总计6000元工资怎么样?LUM SUM OF 我给老板弄糊TU了.不知道他是不是想说.每月给我6K .现在不明白的是这6K 是扣除税及四_百度作业帮
英语翻译How about we give you a lum sum of RMB 6,000 per month all inclusive.我想它的意思是:我们提供给你每月总计6000元工资怎么样?LUM SUM OF 我给老板弄糊TU了.不知道他是不是想说.每月给我6K .现在不明白的是这6K 是扣除税及四金后的还是没扣除前的,也就是说是基本工资是6K.还是 连四金和税等都算在一起才给6K.但如果是都算在一起才给6K的话.那我的基本工资到底是多少?我想要基本工资6K .还要公司五险一金.大家说说我应该怎么回这信.A LUM SUM OF 肯定没错的.他回的信里的.应该不会错.
相当于 Total value, 可以译为6000元人民币整.意思就是楼主理解的这样,为什么加这么多修饰呢,只能说老板奸诈,他的意思是6000元一个月,什么福利都没有.所以才说 all inclusive. 个人觉得是五险一金肯定是公司会买了,6K一定是税前,加班费倒是要问问有没有,要不然天天叫你加班,还没钱拿.
我们给你每月总共6000元人民币 如何
lum是亮度;烟囱的意思,楼主你是不是写错了啊?把lum去掉意思就对了。How about we offer you a sum of RMB 6000 per month?
一个尼泊尔女孩图片给我们展示了尼泊尔的18岁女孩Katy Ross,尼泊尔,一个北临印度的小国家.Katy八个月前离开了学校很快她就要上大学了,她喜欢旅游并且打算在上大学前游览亚洲.Katy住在尼泊尔首都的一个家庭里.在她4年前到这儿前,她已了解了许多有关这个国家的事.这个家庭有2个儿童但是有许多叔叔和表亲和他们住在一个大房子里,她们带Katy去了许多聚会.Katy的老师一天工作4小时在小学校里.所有的课都用英语,学生们从6岁起就用英语交谈.大一点的学生说得很好,Katy教了书法,语法,艺术,都用英语.她最享受艺术,她认为孩子们也最享受这些课.Katy没有很多时间游览尼泊尔,但很快,她就要停止教学并和她的一位朋友游览尼泊尔,“在那以后”,她说:“我们会游览更多的亚洲国家,去哪个还没有决定.”英语翻译&_百度作业帮


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