You are a lucky dog的意思什么意思

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中文翻译幸运儿&&&&adj. ( -iest) 1.运气好的 ...&&&&n. 1.犬,狗;猎犬;犬科动物。 2.(狼、狐等)雄兽 ...&&&&耳朵大有福; 辛运的人; 幸运的人; 幸运儿&&&&狡猾之徒&&&&他是个幸运的家伙&&&&你真是个幸运儿; 你真幸运; 幸运儿&&&&意思就是&&&&时运亨通&&&&碰巧&&&&adj. ( -iest) 1.运气好的,侥幸的。 2.兆头好的,吉祥的。 3.〔俚语〕难得的,碰巧的;顺便的。 4.很恰当的, a luc ...&&&&一只狗&&&&n. 1.犬,狗;猎犬;犬科动物。 2.(狼、狐等)雄兽,雄狗;类似犬的动物。 3.卑鄙的人,无赖;废物,没用的人。 4.〔口语〕(…样的)家伙〔常加形容词 ...&&&&打扮起来摆阔, 偷懒, 躲开; 拈轻怕重,逃避工作:不花费必要的力气去做或者完成某事&&&&此狗; 那个狗东西&&&&大头狗; 买报的狗&&&&他们的狗&&&&左右全局的人&&&&汪汪汪; 小花狗&&&&吉祥饰物&&&&幸运地逃脱&&&&吉人天相&&&&侥幸免难&&&&一生的幸运&&&&情场得意&&&&胡涂福星
例句与用法You are a lucky dog .你真是个幸运儿。Upon my soul, that future captain of mine is a lucky dog .说真话,我那位未来船长真是一个交运的家伙。Did you hear that bob got a scholarship ? what a lucky dog听没听说鲍勃得了奖学金?他真幸运! John is a lucky dog , he just won 100 dollors on a bet约翰真是个幸运儿,他与人打赌刚赢了100元。 You are really a lucky dog . how did you get through the exam你真是个幸运儿。你怎么通过考试的? John is a lucky dog , he just won 100 do
* ors on a bet约翰真是个幸运儿,他与人打赌刚赢了100元。 John is a lucky dog ; he just won 100 dollars on a bet约翰真是个幸运儿,他与人打赌刚赢了100元。 He won lottery , he is a lucky dog他中了彩票,他是个幸运儿。 So that was a lucky dog那只狗真幸运! He is a lucky dog他是个幸运的家伙。 更多例句:&&1&&&&&&
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I'm a lucky dog and I love my country.
Dog Proverbs and Sayings He is a lucky dog.
You're really a lucky dog, John.
He won lottery, he is a lucky dog.
Ian is a lucky dog; his wife has just inherited a small fortune.
He is a lucky dog.
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在中国,与狗有关的词语大都不是特别好的意思。好像,一提到狗,整个世界都是满满的恶意。然而,在西方,“dog”的身份绝对不仅仅只是宠物这么简单,大多数的情况下,他们扮演的甚至是家人的角色。狗狗死后,人们会为它立墓碑;狗狗生病了,有专门的宠物医院和医生照顾;在俄罗斯,打狗狗和在中国酒驾量刑差不多,是要被监禁的。 狗狗在西方文明中受到的尊重,通过语言,就已经展示出来了。大量使用“dog”的词组和句子都是充满了褒义和善意的表达。
在西方,狗有着仅次于人的地位,它是可以用来形容人的。如果你不了解,别人跟你讲:a lucky dog, 你或许还以为别人在骂你,那笑话可不是闹的一点两点的了。除了人以外,与狗狗有关的词汇还可以用来形容天气。 The dog days of summer 是指一年中最热的三伏天。 Rain cats and dogs。是指倾盆大雨,而不是雨淋猫狗。当然,还有更多的在日常生活中会用到dog的句子。今天我们举例一些经常会见到的句子,希望大家不要在沟通中闹笑话咯!
1. to lead a dog's life形容人过着贫困潦倒、惨不忍睹的生活
Tom’s been leading a dog's life since he gotdivorced.
2. dog eat dog残酷、竞争激烈
Some people say we live in a dog-eat-dogworld.
3. work like a dog指一个人努力、卖命地工作
They say that to be successful,a person has to work like a dog.
4. dog-tired筋疲力尽
Such hard work can make him dog-tired.
5. sick as a dog病得严重
The situation would be even worse if shebecame sick as a dog.
6. Every dog has its days.每个人都有属于自己的运气/每个人都有时来运转的一天
Don't give up and try your best I believe everydog has its day。
7. You can never teach an old dog new tricks.老古董学不会新东西
You're never going to teach your father atthe age of 79 to use a computer. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, youknow.
8. meaner than a junkyard dog冷漠,不友好
He is a man meaner than a junkyard dog.
9. His bark is worse than his bite.刀子嘴、豆腐心
I wouldn't be scared of her if I were you.Her bark's a lot worse than her bite.
10. let sleeping dogs lie不要自找麻烦、自讨苦吃
Green is trying to let sleeping dogs lie.
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a lucky doga lucky dog 双语例句1. 1. Then you will turn out to be a lucky dog, some day.&&&&然后你会变成一个幸运儿,某一天。2. 2. Maybe youll be lucky and your dog will be a Napper.&&&&也许you 当地雇员是很幸运的和你的狗将是一个联络3. Ox disgusting alert vitality hamster as timid as a mouse chinchilla weasel ferocious glare energetic twice as powerful bully others by flaunting one's powerful connections tiger cub roar vet surgery come around injection vigorous mating season white tiger Bengal tiger graceful agile adoptability oath vow dragon rising and tigers leaping punishment cold blood animal longevity dark horse freedom uphold mustang Prince Charming high horse chivalrous vigor black sheep meek monkey slim dexterous rare animals mischievous platform diving macaque hot spring trouble maker young monkey imitative ability coomedian primate sweet potato salt water imitative rob diligent auspicious ordinary punctual cock-a-doodle-doo frank decisive aggressive cockfighting showtime chicken run circus clown grass roots lucky dog Every dog has his day.&&&&牛年 讨厌警报活力仓鼠由于胆小作为鼠标 chinchilla 黄鼠狼来势凶猛眩光精力充沛两次威力欺负别人的旗号,一个强大的连接老虎幼童吼审核手术来靠近注射液大力交配季节白虎孟加拉虎婀娜多姿敏捷可采宣誓发誓龙的崛起和跨越式老虎处罚冷血动物长寿黑马自由坚持野马王子魅力高马侠客活力害群之马温柔猴小井灵巧稀有动物恶作剧平台跳水猕猴温泉麻烦制造者青少年猴模仿能力 coomedian 灵长类甘薯咸水模仿抢劫勤政吉祥普通准时公鸡一派对斗坦率决定性侵略性斗鸡演出鸡运行马戏团小丑基层这只幸运的狗每只狗都拥有他那一天。4. Upon my soul, that future captain of mine is a lucky dog.&&&&说真话,我那位未来船长真是一个交运的家伙。5. Then I thought that in the cartoon dog are many: Shi Nubi, Mama Du Ke, Palestinian lucky hunting dog Ruide, but very little has the cartoon take the cat as a lead.&&&&然后我想到,漫画中的狗非常多:史奴比,玛玛杜克,巴吉度猎犬弗瑞德,但很少有漫画以猫为主角。6. 6. A I`m a lucky dog.&&&&我真是幸运。7. 7. Compared with the other children, he was a lucky dog.&&&&与其他孩子相比,他是一个幸运儿。8. If you're lucky, you will get that perfect blend from a stud dog.&&&&如果你够幸运,你可以通过与一只异系种公的交配,得到理想中的??9. 9. Compared to /with many others, you`re really a lucky dog.&&&&与许多其他的人相比,你确实是个幸运儿。10. Dogs never have been afraid of corpses or ghosts, they would dig up the buried corpses to eat. This shows that dogs are not afraid of charnelgrounds, not afraid of the dark. So if people are still afraid of ghosts, I understand their minds to be lower than that of a dog, because dogs are never afra they never look for an auspicious day, they are not worried what is a good day and what is not. Wherever they go, they just go. They lie down whenever they want, no need to wait for a lucky omen.&&&&一般人会害怕这种地方,但是狗从来就不怕尸体或鬼,它们会把埋葬的尸体挖出来吃,这说明了一点,狗不怕坟场也不怕黑暗,所以如果有人还会怕鬼,我认为他们的心还不如一只狗,因为狗并不怕鬼,它们也绝不会去挑一个黄道吉日,它们不会担心哪天是吉日哪天不是,他们想去哪儿就去哪儿,想怎麼躺就怎麼躺,不需要等什麼良辰吉兆。11. Cloy is a Beverly Hill lucky baby dog, has spoiled it is lived extremely luxuriously.&&&&&&克洛伊是比佛利山的一只吉娃娃狗,被宠坏了的它生活极其奢侈。12. You are really a lucky dog. How did you get through the exam?&&&&&&但这句通常是在相熟的朋友间才说的话。13. 13. It is really bad. But in other word, you are a lucky dog.&&&&&&这确实倒霉,但换句话说,你又是幸运的。14. Dog A lucky star has a your spirit will be lifted and your heart will be filled with hope and confidence. Even if you come across a difficult situation, you`ll be able to deal with it positively.&&&&&&狗- 吉星加临,精神为之一振,内心充满希望及信心,即使遇到困难也可积极处理;今年你会驿马星动,就像大鹰一样,可以大鹏展翅,有四处外游的机会。15. The word says, I feel my station progress is very rapid still, quite lucky, cannot help ostentation: Build a station the 4th Tian, google received me, the 5th Tian, yahoo received me, the 7th Tian, adsence looks for Lai, the 13rd Tian, 11349 pieces of my webpages were included on search dog, today, baidu also Lai patronage.&&&&&&话说回来,我感觉我的站进步还是很快的,挺幸运的,忍不住卖弄一下:建站第四天,google收了我,第五天,yahoo收了我,第七天,adsence找来了,第13天,搜狗上包含了我11349张网页,今天,百度也来光顾了。16. Also I wish Ashton is a lucky dog forever!&&&&&&我希望小龙永远是个幸运儿!17. 17. He is really a lucky dog because he becomes the manager of the factory.&&&&&&他真是一个幸运儿,因为他当上了这家大工厂的经理。18. A sly, lucky, gay dog&&&&&&狡猾之徒、幸运儿、快乐的家伙19. You are a lucky dog.&&&&&&你真是个幸运儿。20. He is a lucky dog to get a chance like that.&&&&&&他真是个幸运儿,能得到那样的机会。a lucky dog 单语例句1. As the tiger mother refuses to feed Lucky, staff members of the zoo selected a dog to raise it in the dog family.2. Zhang is a lucky dog because for more blind athletes like her, maybe they won't get even one medal in their sporting career.a lucky dog是什么意思,a lucky dog在线翻译,a lucky dog什么意思,a lucky dog的意思,a lucky dog的翻译,a lucky dog的解释,a lucky dog的发音,a lucky dog的同义词,a lucky dog的反义词,a lucky dog的例句,a lucky dog的相关词组,a lucky dog意思是什么,a lucky dog怎么翻译,单词a lucky dog是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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