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Trouble is a friend[1]来自Electronic-Rock团体Decoder Ring中的优质创作甜美女歌手,动员Stuart Brawley、Pierre Marchand、Mike Elizondo、John Alagia、Jason Lader等五位当红制作人联手打造。外文名称Trouble Is A Friend所属专辑Lenka歌曲时长3:37发行时间填&&&&词Thomas Salter,Lenka Kripac谱&&&&曲Thomas Salter,Lenka Kripac音乐风格流行歌曲语言
★ 来自Electronic-Rock团体Decoder Ring中的优质创作甜美女歌手。
★ 动员Stuart Brawley、Pierre Marchand、Mike Elizondo、John Alagia、Jason Lader等五位当红制作人联手打造。
★ 倚着曼妙琴韵随处飘扬,散发如、这类电气女伶相似迷离,甜而不腻之嗓音绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳一位古灵精怪的小女孩,脑子充满天马行空的七彩画面转由音符输出,可爱有趣之迷人特质让听众很快的喜欢上Lenka,生动活泼的丰富曲风,完全排除千篇一律枯燥乏味的编排模式,加上毫不吹嘘的创作功力,Lenka邀你一同进入她多样的音乐异想世界。
来自澳洲全名Lenka Kripac的Lenka,六岁时伴随吹奏小号的父亲而开口歌唱,慢慢培养出对音乐的高度兴趣。移居悉尼之后,Lenka开始学习舞蹈等表演课程,进入艺术学院加强其发声训练。2004年加入Electronic-Rock团体Decoder Ring,替短片《犹太男孩/Jewboy》编写配乐而风靡许多电影节会场,更跃登澳洲大小音乐祭典舞台。Lenka飞到美国洛杉矶寻找更多音乐灵感,同时不断于工作室里头制作自己的歌曲,2007年获得赏识,顺利签入旗下筹备个人专辑。
首张同名大碟《》,一次动员Stuart Brawley(Celine Dion、Seal、The Rolling Stones)、Pierre Marchand(Sarah McLachlan、Rufus Wainwright、BT)、Mike Elizondo(Maroon 5、Pink、Sheryl Crow)、John Alagia(Dave Matthews Band、John Mayer、Jason Mraz)、Jason Lader(Jay-Z、Gwen Stefani、Coldplay)等五位当红制作人连手打造。轻巧舒服的开场曲《》,倚着曼妙琴韵随处飘扬,Lenka的嗓音甜而不腻且像个小淘气般蹦跳游移其中,绝对讨好你挑剔的双耳;无压舒缓的引出《》,轻柔抚慰成人世界的疲惫心灵;飘散如Jem、Feist这类电气女伶相似迷离音场的《Don’t Let Me Fall》,加料的有着弦乐适时辅佐,拉开更为美丽的章节片段;小心翼翼的让Acoustic吉他不越矩的回荡《》里头,动听满点的让你不忍随乐摇摆;《》、《》等曲目都是值得你一再反复聆听的推荐佳作。[2](2009年)最佳排名
德语选拔图 65
单曲榜 10Trouble is a friend 烦恼是位朋友
Trouble will find you no matter where you go oh oh
No matter if you're fast no matter if you're slow oh oh
The eye of the storm or the cry in the morn oh oh
You're fine for a while but you start to lose control
He's there in the dark he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
Trouble is a friend but trouble is a foe oh oh
And no matter what I feed him he always seems to grow oh oh
He sees what I see and he knows what I know oh oh
So don't forget as you ease on down the road
He's there in the dark he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
So don't be alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
How I hate the way he makes me feel
And how I try to make him leave
I try oh oh I try
But He's there in the dark he's there in my heart
He waits in the wings he's gotta play a part
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
So don'tbe alarmed if he takes you by the arm
I won't let him win, but I'm a sucker for his charm
Trouble is a friend yeah trouble is a friend of mine
Ahh… Ooh …
新手上路我有疑问投诉建议参考资料 查看iputitonmydesk.whereisiit?是什么意思_百度知道
十字镐,鹤嘴锄,铁镐 ,铁撬 ,用于挖掘的尖状物
(琴弦的)拨子, 琴拨,拨指
vt. & vi. 挑选,选择 choose or select
vt. & vi. 采,摘 take up, remove, pull away , with the fingers
vt. & vi. 啄,叼,啃 take up or remove sth separately or bit by bit using the fingers, a beak, a pointed instrument, etc.
vt. 挖,剔 remove unwanted pieces from, especially with a finger or a pointed instrument
[S]挑选,选择 choice
[S]最佳选择,精华 the best of sth
[C]镐,锄 heavy tool with an iron head having two pointed ends, used for bread small sharp-pointed instrument
pick&:&拣, ...
pick&:&拣, ...
pick&:&凿 ...
pick&:&纸张 ...
pick&:&纬纱 ...
pick&:&拣, ...
pick&:&挑选 ...
the person or thin
"he was my pick for mayor"
the quantity of a cr
"he sent the first picking of berries to the market"
"it was the biggest peach pick in years"
the best people
"the cream of England's young men were killed in the Great War"
the yarn woven across the warp yarn in weaving
a small thin device (of metal or plastic or ivory) used to pluck a stringed instrument
a thin sharp implement used for removi
"he used a pick to clean the dirt out of the cracks"
a heavy iron tool with a wooden handle and a curved head that is
"they used picks and sledges to break the rocks"
a obstructing an opponent with one'
"he was called for setting an illegal pick"
the act of c
"your choice of colors was unfortunate"
"you can take your pick"
"She finally picked her successor"
"He picked his way carefully"
"pick mushrooms"
"pick flowers"
harass wit
"Don't always pick on your little brother"
"pick a fight or a quarrel"
"pick meat from a bone"
remove unwanted substances from, such
"Clean the turkey"
"pick pockets"
"pick up the tab"
"pick up the burden of high-interest mortgages"
"foot the bill"
pull lightly but sharply wi
"he plucked the strings of his mandolin"
attack with or as if with a pickaxe of ice or rocky ground,
"Pick open the ice"
hit lightly with a picking motion
"He pieced at the sandwich all morning"
"She never eats a full meal--she just nibbles"
用作动词 (v.)
That sentimental girl likes to pick up the fallen petals on the ground in autumn.
He picked the watch up from the carpet.
You should not pick any of the flowers in the park.
He seemed determined to pick a quarrel with us.
He picked up French while he was staying in Paris.
用作名词 (n.)
He bent to the ground to pick up the pen.
Please pick up dog feces from camps and trails.
His pick of the wallet on his way home had caused him great trouble.
Here are ten books in English, take your pick.
The pick of apples is put off due to the bad weather.
The pick of this poem lies in the last sentence.
He breaks up strong ground with a pick.
I don't want us all to run at the nearest politician with a pick axe!
用作动词 (v.)
The chicken picked about the yard.
Ripe apples pick easily.
S+~+ n./pron.
Pick the best one.
Why not pick that one?
It took her two hours to pick a dress that suited her.
The housewife picked a tin of tomatoes nearest to her in the shop.
We picked the coolest room among those available.
This month is the time to pick fruit.
We picked the field in a whole day.
I could manage to pick a bit of food.
Don't pick your nose!
It's bad form to pick one's teeth in public.
The thief picked the man's pocket.
They picked the lock and went in.
The young writer picked the main content of the novel.
用于be ~ed结构
The famous reporter's brain was picked.
Just pick what suits you and leave the rest.
These are my sketches.You may pick the one you like best.
S+~+ pron./n. + n./pron.
Pick me a nice melon.
He picked her a rose.
S+~+ n./pron. +for pron./n.
He picked a good dictionary for me.
She picked a bunch of flowers for her mother.
Will you pick some flowers for the dinner table?
用于be ~ed结构
He was picked for the England team.
S+~+ n./pron. + adj.
The dog picked the bone clean.
S+~+ n./pron. +to- v
Edison had the gift of picking the right man to handle his affairs.
He picked a man to teach English.
用于be ~ed结构
She's been picked to head the planning committee.
Only the best players were picked to play in the match.
用作名词 (n.)
Of course I'll lend you a pen. Take your pick.
He take your pick.
Which one do you want— take your pick?
I can give you your pick of half a dozen.
The salesman gave me my pick of the litter.
He can have his pick of jobs.
The winner has first pick of the prizes.
I was the first to arrive at the inn and got the pick of rooms.
Which of the books is your pick?
That book is my first pick.
She could have had her pick of all the eligible young men.
He is our pick for monitor.
He is our pick of the president.
This lovely rose is the pick of the bunch.
It's not much good, but it's the pick of the bunch.
He is the pick of the aviators at the world.
Only the pick of the schools are able to pass the exams.
He breaks up strong ground with a pick.
用作动词 (v.)
pick and choose (v.+v.)
挑三拣四,仔细挑选 se be very pa choose carefully
pick and choose
He was never one to pick and choose.他从来不挑三拣四。
I spent days picking and choosing before deciding on the wallpaper and curtains.我挑选壁纸和窗帘用了好几天的时间。
pick and choose to-v
Some people pick and choose to get something perfect.有些人挑三拣四是想弄到一些完美无缺的东西。
pick and steal (v.+v.)
扒窃 steal sth from sb's pocket
pick and steal
Jacelin often picked and stole when he was at school.杰斯林上学时经常扒窃。
pick and steal sth
用于 be ~ed 结构
The purse has been picked and stolen from my pocket.我的钱包被人从口袋里摸走了。
pick apart (v.+adv.)
把…撕成碎片,拆散 separate (sth) into pieces
He picked apart an old quilt.
She sat on the ground, picking the pictures apart.
The tailor told me that she couldn't change the size of my trousers without picking the whole thing apart.
〈非正〉对…吹毛求疵 find fault on (sth)
They picked the play apart.
pick at (v.+prep.)
扯,拉 tear or pull (with fingers)
pick at sth
The baby is picking at the bedclothes.婴儿在抓弄被褥。
The sick man picked at the blanket.病人拉扯着毯子。
找茬儿,批评 criticize
pick at sb
L you're always picking at her.不要管那孩子,你总是找她的岔。
I wish she would stop picking at the little girl so much.但愿她不再老找那个小女孩的岔儿。
Why are you always picking at the poor child?你为什么总是挑那可怜的小孩的毛病?
用于 be ~ed 结构
She'd been picked at so often by parents and teachers that she didn't know how to behave.家长和老师经常对她求全责备,她简直不知怎么办才好。
少量地吃 eat very little eat without interest or appetite
pick at sth
She only picked at her food.她只吃了一点点食物。
The sick boy was only picking at his food.这个有病的孩子只吃了几口饭。
I think something must be worrying D he has only picked at his food for the last two days.我看达德有心事,最近两天他吃得很少。
He never feels hungry and just picks at his food.他从不觉得饿,吃东西也没胃口。
pick from (v.+prep.)
从…摘下〔剔去〕; 从…捡起 lift or remove (sth) from (some place)
pick sth from sth
She picked some flowers from the garden.她从花园里摘了一些鲜花。
You mustn't pick the bananas from others' tree.你不该从别人的树上摘香蕉。
He picked a pen from the ground.他从地上捡起一支钢笔。
从…中挑选 choose or select (sb/sth) from (a group)
pick sb/sth from sb/sth
Imes picked Rose from all the beautiful girls in the school to be a model.艾姆斯从全校那些美丽的女孩子中选中露丝做模特儿。
pick in1 (v.+adv.)
画上(阴影) draw a shadow
The artist is picking in shadows in the picture.
承揽,接收 contract or receive (sth such as extra-clothes)
That woman worker picked in some other extra-clothes.
pick in2 (v.+prep.)
在…上扎开〔抠开〕洞 make a hole in sth by pulling at it or by using one's fingernails or a sharp instrument
pick sth in sth
The child has picked a hole in his new jumper.孩子在新毛衣上勾了一个洞。
Don't just sit there picking holes in your meat with your fork, get on with your dinner!别坐在那儿只是往肉上扎洞,好好吃饭!
The bird picked a hole in the ice with its beak.那只鸟在冰上啄出了一个洞。
pick off (v.+adv.)
摘去 take or pluck off
Don't pick off any of these flowers.这些花一朵也不要采摘。
The insecticide might harm the flowers.Let's pick off the insects by hand.杀虫剂可能会伤害花朵。我们用手把虫捉下来吧。
逐个毁掉; 瞄准射死 d shoot (sb) with deliberate aim
A sniper behind the bushes picked off three of our men.藏在树丛后面的一个狙击手射死了我方三个人。
We picked off the officers first, so as to throw the attack into confusion.我们首先把敌军官一个个地射死,致使敌人的进攻陷入混乱。
pick on (v.+prep.)
挑选 choose (sb) for punishment, blame, or an unpleasant job
pick on sb/sth
I know someone has to fetch some more logs, but why pick on me?我知道得有人再去捡些木头,但为什么挑上了我?
The teacher always picks on her to translate the long passages.老师总是叫她做长篇翻译。
Why should you pick on me to do the chores?你为什么要挑我去做那些杂务?
She wondered why we had picked on that small room to work in.她不知道为什么我们偏要选中那个小房间作为工作室。
用于 be ~ed 结构
I was picked on to announce the bad news.偏偏选中我去宣布这个坏消息。
招惹,找茬儿; 责备 speak angrily (to sb)
pick on sb
Why pick on me every time?为什么每次都找我的岔?
They always pick on her when anything goes wrong.每当事情出了什么差错,他们总是责怪她。
She felt that her parents were picking on her.她觉得,父母老是偏偏责备她。
Stop picking on me or I'll tell father.不要对我这么凶,不然我会告诉爸爸的。
用于 be ~ed 结构
In the assignment of various sorts of work, none of them felt as if they were being picked on.在分配各项工作时,他们中间没有人觉得自己受到亏待。
pick out (v.+adv.)
取出,去掉 carry out sth (from sth)
The child refuses to eat this fruit without first picking out the stones.不把果核取出来,那个小孩就不会吃这水果。
This special blade on the boy's knife is for picking stones out of horses' feet.男孩子这把刀上的特殊刀刃是用来剔除嵌在马蹄上的石头的。
挑选,选择; 选拔 choose from〔among〕 others
pick sb/sth
Let's pick out the bad potatoes from the basket.让我们把坏掉的土豆从篮子里挑出来。
He is going with me to help me pick out a color TV set.他要陪我一起去,帮我选一台彩电。
My wife is going with me to help me pick out a new suit.我妻子跟我一起去以帮我挑选一套新西装。
Have you picked out the movie you want to see?你选好你想看的电影了吗?
I'm going to pick out a few books to send to some friends.我将挑选几本书寄给几个朋友。
It's not easy to pick out the best actors for this play, because they're all so good.要在这出戏里选出最佳演员可真不容易,因为他们都演得十分出色。
The architect has to pick out a new site for his building.建筑师得为他承建的房子选择新址。
He picked out the ripest peach.他把最熟的桃挑了出来。
We must pick out the enemy's weakest units for attack.我们必须找敌人最薄弱的部队攻击。
用于 be ~ed 结构
That pile on the left are the ones that have been picked out for the library.左边的那一堆是挑出来给图书馆的。
The pile of books on the shelf is picked out for you by the teacher.书架上那堆书是老师替你们挑选的。
分辨出 distinguish from surrounding persons, objects, etc.; recognize or see sb/sth among others
pick sb/sth
The police asked the witness to pick out the murderer from four suspects.警察让目击者从4名嫌疑犯中辨认出谁是杀人犯。
The witness picked out the thief from a crowd of men.证人从一群人中认出了窃贼。
He picked out a friend's face in the crowd.他在人群中认出了一位朋友的脸。
用于 be ~ed 结构
Counsel stated that the accused had been picked out by two different people at an identity parade.辩护律师声明,被告是在一次身份检验中被两个不同的人认出来的。
Her house is easily pick it has a large black gate.她的住宅很容易和其他的区别开来,它有一个黑色的大门。
了解; 领会 see (the meaning of a passage, etc.) by careful study
I picked out the meaning of the passage.我领会了这段文章的含义。
Can you pick out the operatic arias quoted in this orchestral passage?你能听出这段管弦乐曲里有歌剧式的咏叹调吗?
衬托,点缀,使明显 make (sth) clear to see, especially in a different colour
常用于 be ~ed 结构
The design was picked out in the bright red.这图案色彩鲜艳,灿烂夺目。
The actors' and actresses' costume was picked out by the spotlights.男女演员的服装在聚光灯照耀下显得十分显眼。
凭听觉〔记忆〕奏出 play a tune on a musical instrument by guessing which notes to play and experimenting
pick out the tune
As soon as she'd sung the first verse, he picked out the tune on the piano.她刚刚唱完了第一段,他就在钢琴上弹出了这首歌的曲调。
pick over (v.+adv.)
挑出来 examine carefully in order to choose the better ones
He picked over the tomatoes, looking for the ripest ones.
Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones among them.
The housewives pick the fruit over carefully before making their minds up which to buy.
She picked the apples over and threw out the bad ones.
用于 be ~ed 结构
You won't find any good tom they've been well picked over.
老谈,老想 keep talking or thinking about (especially sth unpleasant)
Don't keep picking o let's be friends again.
pick up (v.+adv.)
拾起; 捡起; 抬起 take hold of and lift up
pick sb/sth
Pick up your feet there, men!诸位,把脚抬起来!
She picked up the ashtray and put it on the table.她拾起烟灰缸并把它放到桌子上。
Facer dropped his pen and bent to pick it up, causing a sharp pain in his back.费塞掉了钢笔,在弯腰拣笔时,感到背上一阵剧痛。
On hearing the news through the telephone she picked up her kit and dashed out of the door.从电话里听到这个消息后她拿起药箱冲出门去。
I picked up your bag by mistake.我拿错了你的手提包。
The telephone rang just as I was about to pick up the receiver.我刚要去拿听筒,电话就响了。
I would have picked it up if I had noticed it.我如果看见的话,我早就把它捡起来了。
安排接取; 使搭乘; 搭救 give sb save (sb)
pick sb/sth
While driving to Edinburgh he picked up two students who were hitching a lift.他在驾车去爱丁堡的途中,让两个要求搭车的学生上了车。
The bus stopped several times to pick up passengers.那辆公共汽车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车。
I'll pick you up at your place at eight o'clock.我8点钟在你住的地方接你上车。
Please wait at the school gate.John will pick you up there.请在校门口等候,约翰要来找你一块走的。
用于 be ~ed 结构
It's not safe to travel by standing at the roadside hoping to be picked up by passing motorists.站在路边等着搭便车,这样旅行并不安全。
The boy is picked up in a lifeboat.小男孩被救上了救生艇。
爬〔站〕起来; 振作起来 raise (oneself) collect
His spirits picked up.他的精神振作起来了。
pick oneself up
When the child fell off her bicycle, she picked herself up, got back on and rode away .那个女孩子从自行车上摔下来后自己爬了起来,又上车赶路了。
Pick yourself up and brush yourself down.自己爬起来,把衣服掸干净。
After the failure of his business, he had to pick himself up and start all over again.他的生意失败后,他不得不振作起来,一切重新开始。
使增加〔加快〕 cause to increase (usually speed)
The speed of the train began to pick up.火车开始加速。
The car began to pick up the moment the vehicle got onto the motorway.一开上高速公路,车子的速度就加快了。
The engine coughed for a few minutes, then picked up, and soon we were on our way.发动机突突地响了几分钟而后加速,很快我们就上路了。
Let's see how fast you can pick up from a standing start.看看你站着起跑后能加速多快。
Soon after the train left the station, it began to pick up speed.火车出站后不久就逐渐加快速度。
The car picks up speed with just a touch of the accelerator.这辆车只要你一踩油门就会加速。
The teacher told her singing class
the class did well after her.老师叫全班同学加快节拍唱歌,大家跟着她唱得很好。
收拾东西〔屋子〕 tidy a room
Children, it's time to pick up and have supper.孩子们,该收拾东西吃晚饭了。
I refuse to pick up after children who are old enough to keep their own things in order.我不愿替那些能料理自己东西的大孩子们收拾房间。
“What are you doing?”“I'm picking up my room.”“你在做什么呢?”“我在收拾屋子。”Pick up your room before you go out, please.请在离开之前整理好房间。
Please pick up all your toys when you've finished playing.你玩过后请把玩具都收拾好。
Let's pick up everything on the floor and get the room tidy before we go out.我们出去之前,先把地板上的东西收拾干净,把房间搞整齐。
It's time to pick up tools and go home.到收拾工具回家的时候了。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The room must be picked up before the guests arrive.这个房间在客人到达之前必须收拾出来。
掘,挖 dig up
The peasants were picking up in the field.农民们在田里翻地。
The man was picking up the ground very hard.那个人正在使劲地挖地。
用于 be ~ed 结构
The frozen ground will have to be picked up by hand before machine digging can begin.这冻土必须挖过后才能用掘土机掘土。
〈非正〉学得〔会〕 learn or acquire casually
He picked up Japanese while living in Japan.他在日本生活的时候学会了日语。
I don't know where my children have picked up those rude words!我不知道我的孩子们从哪儿学来了这些粗话。
Haas has never had a F he picked up the language by himself.哈斯从未请过法文教师,他的法语是自学的。
Jacelin served no formal apprentices he just picked it up at the garage where he works.杰斯林没有正式学过汽车机械修理,他只是在自己的汽车修理厂学的。
用于 be ~ed 结构
It is said that the essentials of Esperanto can be picked up in a few lessons.据说上几次课就能掌握世界语的基本要领。
获得; 接收到 be able to receive (sth such as electricity, sound waves, etc.)
Where did you pick up that book?I've been trying to get it for weeks!你在哪儿弄到这本书?好几个星期来,我一直想买这本书。
Where did you pick up that lovely vase?你是在哪里弄到那个漂亮的花瓶的?
My friend knows where he can pick up a good used car for you at a very reasonable price.我的朋友知道在哪儿能给你弄辆还不错的旧车,而且价钱还相当公道。
If Mother picks up a temporary job, they'll stop our welfare money.如果妈妈找到临时工作,他们就会停发福利金。
You can always pick up new ideas if you keep your eyes open.你要是留意的话,总能接收到新的思想观点的。
She tried to pick up a humble living by selling baskets that she had made by hand.她设法卖些自己编织的篮子挣钱糊口。
Car factory workers can pick up good wages, especially with overtime.汽车厂的工人们能挣很多钱,特别是加班的时候。
Besides his regular wages, the chauffeur picks up money in tips.那位汽车司机除领取正常工资外,还可以收点小费。
My radio can pick up London very clearly.我的收音机能清楚地收到伦敦的广播。
I picked up Fujian on the radio last night.我昨晚收听到福建广播电台。
They can pick up a lot of stations on this radio set.他们能用这台收音机收到许多电台的广播。
This powerful radio can pick up stations from halfway round the world.这台大功率的无线电能接收到半个地球的电台发出的电波。
The searchers at last picked up a signal from the crashed plane.搜索者终于收到了一个那架失事飞机发出的信号。
These new electric buses pick up their power from overhead wires.这些新电车从车顶上方的电线接受供电。
用于 be ~ed 结构
John suggested to his companions that a few shillings might be picked up by running errands for the neighbours.约翰向伙伴们建议,帮邻居们跑跑腿也许还能挣些钱。
An intruding enemy plane was picked up by our radar installations.我方雷达发现了一架入侵敌机。
染上 acquire or obtain by chance, or unexpectedly
He must h he's begun to sniffle.他鼻子有点不通,一定是感冒了。
He has picked up some bad habits at that club.他在那个俱乐部里染上了一些坏习惯。
I don't want to pick up any bad habits from those people.我不想从那些人那里染上任何坏习惯。
捉住,逮住 catch or arrest (sb); bring (sth such as a sound, smell, or sight) within the range of one's senses
pick sb/sth
The police picked the man up for burglary.警察以盗窃罪逮捕了那个人。
He was implicated in a murder, and sooner or later they would pick him up.他和一宗凶杀案有牵连,迟早他们会逮捕他的。
The police picked the burglar up as he was leaving the house.窃贼正要离开那幢房子的时候,警察捉住了他。
They picked Eby up from a battlefield and sold him as a slave.他们把伊比从战场上捉住当作奴隶卖了。
His ears are so sensitive that they can pick up very faint sounds from a long way away .他的耳朵非常灵敏,能听见远处的微弱的声音。
The trained dogs soon picked up the smell of the creature that they were hunting.经过训练的狗很快就能嗅出被追捕的动物的气味。
用于 be ~ed 结构
He is picked up on a charge of killing a man.他因被指控杀人而被逮捕。
The fleeing culprit was picked up within twenty-four hours.那名逃犯在24小时之内就被抓获了。
The escaped prisoners were picked up by the police only a short distance from the prison.那些逃犯就在离监狱不远的地方被警方捕获。
好转; 恢复 get better〔increase〕 recover
It looks as if the weather may pick up soon.看起来天气很快就会好起来。
When is the weather going to pick up?It's been bad for weeks.天气什么时候转好?几周来一直很糟糕。
Business is at last beginning to pick up.生意终于开始好转了。
The hotel business always picks up in summer.夏季,旅馆的生意一向很好。
Trade has been picking up again since the winter.自冬季以来,生意逐渐兴隆起来。
He seemed to pick up quickly after his fever went down.他发烧好了以后身体似乎在很快好转。
He has picked up slowly since he came out of hospital.他自出院以来,身体恢复得很慢。
pick sb/sth
The writer's personal appearance picked up the sales of the book considerably.那位作家亲自到场,使那本书的销售量大增。
This medicine will help to pick up your health.这种药物能帮助你恢复健康。
继续,回到 continue or return to sth after a break or interruption
The engine sputtered and see then it picked up again.发动机劈劈啪啪响了几声,像是要停下来似的,接着又转了起来。
We'll pick up where we finished yesterday.我们从昨天停止的地方继续进行。
Let's pick up where we left off before our coffee break.咱们从喝咖啡休息之前停下的地方重新开始。
He picked up the story where he had left it the day before.他接着往下讲前天没有讲完的故事。
Because I had not studied for some years, it was difficult trying to pick up the threads again.我几年不摸书本了,重新再拾起书本非常困难。
We lost the animal's track for some time, but picked it up further ahead.有好一会儿,我们失却了野兽的足迹,不过再往前又找到了。
It's difficult to pick up the thread of a conversation when it has been interrupted.谈话一被打断就很难重新接上话题。
They met after five years, and picked up their friendship as if there had been no interruption.分别了5年之后他们又重逢了,继续发展他们之间的友谊,就像他们从未分离过。
着火 burst into flame
This sort of match picks up easily.这种火柴容易点燃。
结识; 拉伙,勾搭 become friendly with sb after a short meeting, use. with sexual intentions
I picked up this girl on the train and I'm going to meet her again tonight.我在火车上认识了这个姑娘,今晚我再去与她见面。
They happened to pick up each other in a park yesterday.他们昨天在一个公园里偶然认识。
I think she picked him up at a dance.我想她是在一次舞会上搭上他的。
Some men go to dances just to see if they can pick up a girl for the night.一些男人去跳舞就是想看看能不能找个姑娘共度良宵。
Mother told Cage not to walk home by herself from the party because some strangers might try to pick her up.母亲要凯奇晚会后不要单独回家,因为可能会有陌生人想跟她搭讪。
The policeman took the woman to the police station for picking up men outside the hotel.警察把那个在旅馆外面拉男人的女人带到警察局去。
pick up with sb
Where did you pick up with that queer fellow?你在哪里结识那个怪家伙的?
She's picked up with some peculiar people.她勾搭上一些不三不四的人。
〈非正〉纠正 find the weak points in
pick sb/sth
While reading this book,I have picked up twenty-five printing mistakes.阅读这本书时,我纠正了25个印刷错误。
I'm always having to pick up the children for rude behaviour.我不得不一再纠正孩子们的无礼举动。
为…付款 pay money for sth
pick up the bill
They offered to pick up the bill for all the expenses of the trip.他们表示愿意支付全部旅行的费用。
It is the custom for the new wife's father to pick up the bill for the wedding.依照风俗,由新娘的父亲筹措婚礼的费用。
The government should pick up the bill for the damaged ship.政府应该为那艘受损船只承担付款的责任。
接受挑战 accept to cause intentionally
pick up the gauntlet
He's said you can't possibly finish in time. Are you going to pick up the gauntlet?他说你未必能按时完成,你打算接受他的挑战吗?
〈非正〉收拾残局; 重整旗鼓 sa do one's best to find or make some result
pick up the pieces
If you fail now, who will pick up the pieces?你现在要是失败了,谁来收拾残局?
We must pick up the pieces of our political defeat, and start working towards the next election.我们在政治上失败后必须重整旗鼓,开始为下次的竞选进行工作。
Their lives were shattered by the tragedy and they are still trying to pick up the pieces.他们的生活被这场悲剧摧垮了,但他们仍尽力重新整顿。
pick up on (v.+adv.+prep.)
对…熟悉起来 become familiar gradually on (sth)
pick up on sth
Eby was posted there to pick up on the whereabouts of their enemies.把伊比派到那里是为了了解他们敌人的行踪。
Haas had a rep for picking up on any information that might turn to be useful some day.哈斯以掌握有朝一日可能有用的一切情报著称。
pick with (v.+prep.)
偶然和(某人)相识 be acquainted with (sb) occasionally
pick acquaintance with sb
I picked acquaintance with Mary in the park.我在公园里和玛丽偶然相识。
找人吵〔打〕架; 向某人挑衅 bring about a q provoke an incident
pick a bone〔fight,quarrel〕 with sb
Facer picked a bone with Haas this morning.今天上午费塞跟哈斯发生了口角。
He picked a fight with his classmate.他和他的同学打了一架。
Eby's going through a tiresome stage, always picking fights with his brother for no reason at all.伊比正是淘气的时候,总是和他的弟兄无缘无故打架。
When he gets a little drunk, he begins to pick a quarrel with whoever is at hand.他喝得有几分醉意后就开始与身旁的人吵架。
That dog will pick a quarrel with anyone he meets.那只狗碰到任何人都要叫。
用作动词 (v.)
用作名词 (n.)
Small picks..used by modern archaeologists.
出自:J. A. Michener
A short-handled pick..to loosen the earth.
出自:J. G. Farrell
The picks of the miners long ago.
出自:J. Gardam
A pick of meat on Feastdays.
出自:Austin Clarke
They didn't take a pick of notice.
出自:W. Trevor
He picked his Nose, which..is neither graceful nor royal.
出自:M. Coke
You were picking your teeth with a..straw.
出自:G. Naylor
pick用作名词时的意思是“挑选,选择”,可指“挑选”的行为,也可指“选择权”; 可指供人选择的商品,也可指被选择的人,还可指各项选择中最好的部分,即“精华,最佳选择”。
pick常用于take one's pick和the pick of两个短语中。
pick, choose, collect, elect, select, single
My wife is going with me to help me pick out a new suit.我妻子和我一起去以帮我挑选一件新西装。
I like collecting stamps very much, and I've also collected many foreign stamps.我非常喜欢集邮,我还收集了许多外国邮票。
It is highly important for us to choose and train successors.对我们来说,挑选和培养接班人是十分重要的。
The students chose him as their monitor because they liked him.学生们选他做班长,因为他们喜欢他。
The greedy boy chose the largest apple in the dish.那贪心的孩子从盘中挑了一个最大的苹果。
You may choose from them the one you like best.你可从它们中间选出你最喜欢的一个。
They chose her a secretary.他们选择她做秘书。
He was chosen our team leader.他被选为我们的队长。
They selected a diamond engagement ring.他们挑选了一枚钻石订婚戒指。
Why didn't you select a nice subject?你为什么没选一个好题目?
Select the book you want.选你需要的书。
We selected her to represent us.我们选她作为我们的代表。
He selected the village as a base of operation.他选择了该村为试验基地。
He selected a pair of socks to match his suit.他为配他的那身衣服选了一双袜子。
We elected the captain of our football team by a show of hands.我们举手选举我们的足球队长。
Only someone born in the United States can be elected as President.只有在美国出生的人才可以被选为美国总统。
The committee is made up of men and women elected by the people.委员会是由人民选出的人员组成。
He was singled out to succeed his uncle.他被选出来继承他叔叔的产业。
误 We picked up apples at his orchard.
正 We picked apples at his orchard.
析 pick意为“摘,拾”(而非“拾起,捡起”)时不可与副词up连用。
误 It took Mary a long time to pick up a new dress at the store.
正 It took Mary a long time to pick out a new dress at the store.
析 表示从很多东西中“挑选出”应该说pick out。
误 When she went shopping yesterday, she had her pocket stolen.
正 When she went shopping yesterday, she had her pocket picked.
析 steal pocket是指把口袋偷走, pick pocket才是指扒窃口袋中的东西。
误 She saw a wallet lying on the ground and picked up it.
正 She saw a wallet lying on the ground and picked it up.
误 He picked the old man's hat up and dusted it.
正 He picked up the old man's hat and dusted it.
析 pick up表示“拾起,捡起”,是“ v.+adv. ”型短语。当宾语是代词时,习惯上把代词放在pick与up之间; 当宾语是名词时,一般放在pick up之后。
☆ 直接源自古英语的pician,意为扎,刺;最初源自日耳曼语的pikka,意为扎。
pick&:&选取,挑选 ...
picky adj. 喜欢挑剔的,难讨好的
pick:pick n. 精选, 掘, 鹤嘴锄vt. 摘, 掘, 凿, 挑选, 挖, 挑剔vi. 摘, 掘, 凿, 挖, 挑选v. 拾取 英英解释:名词pick:1. the person or thing c…


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