unitfavored nationss association of the uk(una-uk)是哪里

JMBA | Marine Biological Association of the UK
The Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Executive Editor
Dr Ann Pulsford
Journal of the Marine Biological Association,
The Laboratory, Citadel Hill, Plymouth, PL1 2PB, UK
Tel +44 (0) ,
Fax +44 (0)
Published for the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom by .
JMBA is an international journal, publishing original research on all aspects of marine biology. Subjects covered include: ecological surveys and population studies o physiology and
morphology and life history of marin and chemical and physical oceanographic work. In addition we also welcome original articles and short reviews in the area of Ocean Acidification and Climate Change, Human Health and the Oceans as well as Novel Educational and Outreach tools for promoting marine biology and also marine issues related to policy and for policy makers.
On-line and Print
On-line only
Print only
Price does not include VAT, GST or other taxes.
You can also obtain the journal when you become a .
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Special arrangements exist for Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom members.
Additional information for authors
Please submit manuscripts via the web site
Marine Biodiversity Records
The MBA also produces the electronic journal Marine Biodiversity Records, published on the Cambridge Journals website.
Marine Biodiversity records is currently included free to MBA members with subscriptions to JMBA.
Marine Biodiversity Records is a rapid peer-reviewed, online publication that complements the long-established Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom. Marine Biodiversity Records has been launched in response to the changing marine and coastal environment and an increasing demand for the documentation of marine organisms in locations where they have not formerly been recorded, as well as of species loss from habitats. Marine Biodiversity Records therefore welcomes original research articles which document and review changes in geographical ranges of marine species, including the effects of the introduction of novel or alien species to marine ecosystems, and of taxonomic studies relevant to these changes.
on the Cambridge Journals website.
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Please submit manuscripts via the web site
Terms of Membership for 2015
MBA MEMBERSHIP (prices per annum)
New price from 1st March 2015
Former price
Young Marine Biologist
Student Member
Associate Member
(direct debit discount ?5)
(direct debit discount ?5)
Professional Member, Mem.MBA
(direct debit discount ?5)
(direct debit discount ?5)
MBA Fellow, FMBA
?120.00 (direct debit discount ?5)
Institutional Member
JOURNAL SUBSCRIPTION (MBA price added to the above membership fees, with the exception of YMB as no Journal option for this category)
Online Journal
Print Journal
Print & Online Journal
Tel: +44 (0)
| Fax: +44 (0)
| Email: sec@mba.ac.ukHarvard Kennedy School - Workshop with Simon Adams, Director of the Global Center for the Responsibility to Protectunited nations association of the uk(una-uk)是哪里_百度知道
united nations association of the uk(una-uk)是哪里
是中国人民支持和促进联合国和平与发展事业的全国性非政府组织。 此外你可以参考“中国联合国协会”,是英国最重要的热心联合国事务的全国范围内非政府性草根组织。中国联协同时也是“与联合国有咨商关系的非政府组织会议”的成员:The United Nations Association – UK (UNA-UK) is the leading independent policy authority on the United Nations in the UK维基百科原文解释为, and a UK-wide grassroots membership organisation,总部设于英国伦敦。是“联合国协会世界联合会”的成员.即英国联合国协会。组建于1945年。中国联协是“联合国协会世界联合会”(简称“世联会”)的创始会员之一:中国联合国协会(简称“中国联协”)由热心联合国事务的中国公众和社会团体组成、联合国新闻部的联系会员,在联合国经济社会理事会享有“全面咨商地位”


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