bib gourmandds是什么意思

a. 贪吃的, 美食的être gourmand d'un mets 特别喜欢某种菜肴les vieillards sont parfois gourmands 老年人有时贪吃美味佳肴 法语 助 手
近义词:, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, &, & , &, &, &, &, &, &, &反义词:, &, &, &
1. n. m【植物学】徒长枝2. adj. m【植物学】徒长枝
Il est gourmand de
flatteries.他很喜欢听奉承话。Il est gourmand, donc il devient rond.他很贪吃,所以他变得圆滚滚的。En général, les gourmands aiment le chocolat. 一般说来,贪吃的人都喜欢巧克力。être gourmand comme un chat像猫一样嘴馋Je crée des émotions gourmandes.我为老饕们创造感动。Il est bon vivant et gourmand (il est rond).他有活力又很贪吃(于是他圆乎乎的)。une voiture gourmande en essence油耗大的车子Le roi est gourmand;ce qu’il aime le plus au monde, ce sont les figues.国王很贪吃,最喜欢吃的东西,就是无花果。Vous risquez de vous ennuyer et de vouloir évoluer trop rapidement ou de vous montrer trop gourmand.你可能会无聊或者想平步青云。Heureusement, je suis gourmande, aojourd'hui, un bol de soupe chaude sauve mon humeur de toute la journee.一碗热热的剩汤拯救了我一天的心情。幸好,我还有馋嘴这一嗜好。Le 2 fevrier, c'est la Chandeleur, fete religieuse et aussi fete gourmande.2月2日:圣蜡节,这是一个宗教及美食的双重节日。Trop dipl?mé ?Vous risquez de vous ennuyer et de vouloir évoluer trop rapidement ou de vous montrer trop gourmand. êtes-vous prêt à accepter n’importe quoi ?学历太高?你可能会无聊或者想平步青云。Vous risquez de vous ennuyer et de vouloir évoluer trop rapidement ou de vous montrer trop gourmand. êtes-vous prêt à accepter n’importe quoi ?你可能会无聊或者想平步青云。你无论如何都准备要接受吗?Les pièces ont ensuite été distribuées gratuitement aux gourmands qui passaient par-là.这些炸鸡被免费分发给路过那里的美食爱好者们。Le 2 février, c’est la Chandeleur, fête religieuse et aussi fête gourmande.二月2日:圣蜡节,这是一个宗教及美食的双重节日。Amateurs de chocolat noir et gourmands, voici le temple du chocolat !喜爱黑巧克力的食客们,这里是巧克力的圣殿!Synonymes de candeur estivale et de bonne humeur printanière, les volants signent leur grand retour.Ils se font gourmands et volumineux chez Stella McCartney et Valentino.荷叶边又卷土重来了,你可以发现Stella McCartney, Valentino, Lanvin系列中发现这一元素被大量的运用。Et pour ne rien g?cher à ses saveurs gourmandes, les plus beaux vins du terroir fran?ais attendent les gourmets.为了不让任何东西来破坏美食的风味,这里还有法国各地美酒等待着美食家们。Idée gourmande. L coquillages et crustacé sorbets... en raffolent. Autant ne pas les en priver.美食点子:可以做酸醋沙司,鱼,贝壳类和甲壳类的调味汁,可以加在塔糕,果汁冰糕上......想怎么样就怎么样吧。Les industries gourmandes en main-d’uvre se déplaceraient vers les régions centrales, les provinces orientales se destinant à des activitésà plus forte valeur ajoutée.那些劳动密集型产业大概将会移往中部地区,而东部地区则会面向那些拥有更高劳动附加值的产业。
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Traveling gourmands
By Xie Wenting Source:Global Times Published:
Chinese foodies will go to extraordinary lengths for the perfect bite
Wang Sida, a dedicated foodie, on the harbor of Bandar Abbas in Iran. Photo: Courtesy of Wang Sida
Wang Sida's love of crab had taken him more than 5,800 kilometers from his home in Beijing to Iran's sixth largest city, Shiraz. "The locals there don't eat crab for religious reasons. So they get very big, and they're very cheap," said Wang. "The locals usually just smash the crabs up to feed fish." A 30-year-old gourmand who used to work in the finance industry, Wang had eaten his way across four continents and dozens of countries, including popular tourist destinations Thailand, Japan, the US and Italy. But his trip to Shiraz was his most intrepid food pursuit yet.&&&&& From Shiraz, Wang would still have to travel another 12 hours by road to arrive at Bandar Abbas, a seaside town off Iran's southern coast. Without a second thought, he and his wife boarded& a night bus. The bumpy roads did nothing to dampen their sense of anticipation. After arriving at Bandar Abbas, shortly before sunrise, Wang and his wife made their way to the harbor.& "We didn't speak any Persian. So I imitated the way that crabs walk sideways," said Wang. "An Iranian man understood it and took us to a fishing boat which just returned from sea."The captain of the vessel to which Wang was taken was happy to oblige."Each crab weighed around half a kilogram. We took more than a dozen, which cost us less than 20 yuan ($3.27) in total," said Wang with a smile.Wang returned to their hotel, and steamed the crabs in a pot. "We didn't add any additional ingredients or seasoning. The natural flavor of crab meat is fantastic," said Wang, who boasted that he ate more than 10 crabs that day. "They even tasted better than the ones I ate in Alaska!"
Chinese tourists are traveling around the world to satisfy their cravings for international cuisine. Photos: IC, CFP
A kitchen in ThailandIn September, during an official visit to the Maldives, President
made remarks urging Chinese travelers to sample more local cuisines rather than eating instant noodles. One of the people who has heeded Xi's advice is 30-year-old Xu Er, who runs a food blog called Laifantang. On a trip to Thailand last month, Xu not only ate as much as she could of the regional delicacies, but even tried her hand at making them herself, by signing up to a local cooking class in Bangkok.As part of the class, Xu was taken to a local market to learn about and choose her own ingredients. Afterwards, she was taught to make a few simple local dishes.& "I have a special interest in the ingredients and the gourmet cultures of other countries," said Xu. "And cooking is always a special experience." Xu made a mango salad, fried noodles, and shrimp pad thai. "All of the dishes were delicious," said Xu. "For the shrimp pad thai, the noodles were fresh and soft and the flavor of the shrimp was succulent and intense."The best part of the experience, said Xu, was the bond she was able to make with people through cooking together. "You are cooking with people all around the world," she said. "It's an opportunity to make friends and to meet people who share the same passion for food as you." Drink and be merryFor many gourmands, what they drink during a meal is just as important as what they eat. Just as there are those who travel primarily to eat, there are those who travel to find the best to drink.Shen Li, 21, is a wine connoisseur who has traveled through Europe, the US, and as far as New Zealand for wine tastings. A student at the University of Science and Technology Beijing, Shen has funded his trips through working as a part-time jewelry designer. "My most memorable experience of traveling for wine tastings was this summer, when I went to California, which is an important wine production area in the US," said Shen. Shen said that the wine he liked most on the trip was a 2005 La Sangre de Jonata, which was rated 95 out of 100 by Robert Parker, one of the world's most influential wine critics. Shen said he bought a bottle for around $300."I was really surprised by the American wines I tasted," said Shen. "They not only have the strong tannin taste of French wines, but the complicated structure and rich mellowness of Italian wines."Shen said that in countries that have a rich history of winemaking like France, there are tourist routes for wine lovers to visit vineyards, pick their own grapes, and sample different vintages. He added that it was less expensive to drink wine overseas than it was in China.&& "At wineries overseas, you can often sample wines by the glass, whereas in China, you have to buy by the bottle," said Shen. Finally, Shen said, being a wine connoisseur did not mean that you only like expensive wines.& "You should drink the wines that a region is known for," he said. "For example in New Zealand, you should drink the Sauvignon Blanc."Sticking with what one knowsWhile more Chinese tourists are traveling to actively seek out new culinary experiences, others are still stubbornly resisting.& When 22-year-old Li Boyuan took his mother to Europe last April, they quickly discovered that they found authentic western food to be unbearable. "After that, we always went to Chinese restaurants, whichever city we were in. It was quite costly," said Li. Since then, Li has made a deliberate effort to recreate the taste of home while traveling, by cooking rather than eating out. Originally from Chongqing, Li now carries an abundance of ingredients and cooking utensils with him every time he travels.This July, when he went to the US with his family, he made sure to arrange accommodation at places that had kitchen facilities. They even bought their own electric rice cooker there. "We bought some semi-prepared local foods like the turkey at the supermarket," said Li. "We didn't have the time to learn to cook local dishes, so the semi-prepared meals were a good choice." To committed gourmands like Wang, travelers like Li are missing out."What you eat is an important part of traveling," said Wang. "It's much better to sample all the local delicacies, which are a nice change from the food that you're eating every day." Wang recommended Japan and Thailand as good destinations for Chinese foodies. He said he always does research beforehand, and will deliberately seek out dishes and drinks that are unique to the region. "The strangest drink I've ever tried was when I was in Turkey. It tasted like a combination of carrot, vinegar and chili. I drank the whole bottle, but I didn't like it very much," Wang said, laughing.&"Travel should be a new experience," he concluded. "[And] trying new foods is the best experience."
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gourmandsn.喜欢吃喝的人,贪吃的人( gourmand的名词复数 ); 美食主义; 例句:Industrial eel farms buy baby eels and raise them for gourmands in japan and elsewhere.工业鳗鱼养殖场会买来小鳗鱼,饲养它们以作为日俯氦碘教鄢寄碉犀冬篓本和其他地方的美食。
gourmand 直译为:美食家;贪吃的人;嗜俯氦碘教鄢寄碉犀冬篓食者;美食者;善食者 可以译为吃货~


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