beit is supposed to be什么意思

料想( suppose的过去式和过去分词);
1. The government, the executive and the judi-ciary are supposed to be separate.
2. And what is that pearl of wisdom supposed to mean?
3. They are supposed to be here at about half four.
4. "Is she supposed to work today?" — "Nope, tomorrow."
5. Women were not supposed to parade their ambition nakedly.
变硬的,坚毅的 (harden变硬+ed有……的,被……的→adj.变硬的,坚毅的)
坏的,邪恶的,缺德的,不道德的 (wick+ed有……的,被……的→adj.坏的,邪恶的,缺德的,不道德的)
确定的,坚决的 (decide决定+ed有……的,被……的→decided)
Pronounced /s?'p??zd/ or /s?'p??st/ for meanings 1 to 4, and /s?'p??z?d/ for meaning 5. 义项 1 到 4 读作 /s?'p??zd/ 或 /s?'p??st/。义项 5 读作 /s?'p??z?d/。
(按计划或期望)应当,应该,须 If you say that something is supposed to happen, you mean that it is planned or expected. Sometimes this use suggests that the thing does not really happen in this way.&
He produced a handwritten list of nine men he was supposed to kill...
他拿出了一份手写的名单,上面列有 9 个他应该要杀死的人。
Public spending is supposed to fall, not rise, in the next few years.
本应该(发生而没有发生) If something was supposed to happen, it was planned or intended to happen, but did not in fact happen.&
He was supposed to go back to Bergen on the last bus, but of course the accident prevented him...
The first debate was supposed to have been held on Tuesday.
认为;觉得;相信 If you say that something is supposed to be true, you mean that people say it is true but you do not know for certain that it is true.&
'The Whipping Block' has never been published, but it's supposed to be a really good poem...
'The President cannot be disturbed,' his son is supposed to have told an early morning caller.
(表示恼怒)还是,竟 You can use 'be supposed to' to express annoyance at someone's ideas, or because something is not happening in the proper way.&
You're supposed to be my friend!...
Don't try to tell me what I'm supposed to be feeling...
What am I supposed to have done wrong now?
误以为的;误信的;所谓的 You can use supposed to suggest that something that people talk about or believe in may not in fact exist, happen, or be as it is described.&
【搭配模式】:ADJ n
Not all indigenous regimes were willing to accept the supposed benefits of British trade.
...when the rule of law is broken by its supposed guardians.
He was more of a victim than any of the women he supposedly offended...
Supposedly his last words to her were: 'You must not pity me.'
1. 假定的;想像上的;被信以为真的
a supposed case
2. (按规定、法律、协议等)(不) 应当, 理应
She’s supposed to do an hour’s homework every evening.
We’re not supposed to be at the party for an hour yet.
3. (只用于否定句)不准;不应当
You’re not supposed to walk on the grass.
4. (对某人所说的话表示气愤或不大理解)那是什么意思
‘You aren’t the most popular person at school, you know.’ ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘He says you’re not suitable for the job.’ ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
“ 他说你不适合这份工作。”“他那是什么意思?”
"the way things are supposed to be"
"the supposed existence of ghosts"
3. commonly put forth or accepted as true on
"the foundling's putative father"
"the reputed (or purported) author of the book"
"the supposed date of birth"
"medication that is supposed to relieve pain"
"what's that gadget supposed to do?"
"these so-called experts are no help"
"I'm supposed to be there at ten"
"he was supposed to go to the store"
7. based primarily on surmise rather th
"theories about the extinction of dinosaurs are still highly conjectural"
"the supposed reason for his absence"
"suppositious reconstructions of dead languages"
"supposititious hypotheses"
We are supposed to give the room at general cleaning once a week ., 我们应该每周把屋子打扫除一次.
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未分类 - - Nicolas’ Blog - Upholstery ... suppose v. 假定,推测 supposed a. 假定的,推测的 suppress 抑制.
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想象-的英语翻译-bab.la词典 ... 想象上的 fictive 想象的 supposed 想象出来的 fanciful.
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4. 想象上的
英语广播词汇(3)|无忧教育 ... supporter n. 支持者,援助者 supposed adj. 想象上的,被信以为真的 suppression n. 镇压,阻止.
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who do you suppose telephoned yesterday ., 你认为昨天是谁打的电话.
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高一英语问题_百度知道 ... 4 dare 的用法: 1 I suppose (我想): They dared not move. 他们不敢动。.
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例如,通常说 I don't suppose he ever saw it(我认为他从没见过),而不说 I suppose he didn't ever saw it。同样的句型也适用于其他含义相近的动词,如.
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Suppos and suppose yo, 假设你是个蠢蛋 , 再假设你是个立法委员.
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yes , i suppose you could do that ., 是的 , 我想你可以这样做.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
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方便的话,请您留下一种联系方式,便于问题的解决:suppose与besupposed to的用法_论文_百度文库
suppose与besupposed to的用法
你可能喜欢be supposed to do
[bi: s?'p??zd tu: du:]
[bi s?'pozd tu du]
1. We're supposed to be running a business here. I've got work to do.
2. Institutions do all the things that are supposed to be bad.
3. Do not be alarmed you are supposed to lose.
1. 应该做某事
八年级英语下册重点语法和短语 ... pass on 传递 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 be good at = do well in 在某方面做得好.
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Sth. require doing / to be done 某物需要被32. be supposed to do 应该33. be equipped with & 装备有&&hellip.
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人教版新目标九年级英语短语_百度知道 ... in agreement 意见一致 3. be supposed to do 应该做 4.belong to 属于.
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4. 被期望做某事
八年级下册英语复习资料.rar 新目标 ... 10 pass on 传递 13 be supposed to do sth 被期望做某事 14 be hard-working 努力学习.
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1. 应该去做某事
前面只能用系动词,而不能用实意动词,它的句型是Be supposed to do sth
这... 前者是应该去做某事后者是(别人)猜测某人会去干某事be supposed to应该做.
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2. 应当做某事
legit 是legitimate的简写be supposed to do sth应当做某事如果用于过去时就表示原本应当做某事,暗指实际上未能完成比如He was.
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1. 某人应该去做
日&-& sb. be said to do 某人将要……
sb. be supplied with sth. 某人被提供……
sb. be supposed to do 某人应该去做
sb. be supposed.
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She ' s not supposed to be doing such heavy work . She isn ' t quite recovered yet ., 她不应当干这样的重活 , 她身体还未完全恢复.
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高中词法整理... ... e.g. He is supposed to arrive here at seven. 他应该七点到达这里。 be not supposed to do (口语)不应当.
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2. 不应该做某事
Friends 老友记第五季... ... unbelievable: 不可思议的 be not supposed to do sth: 不应该做某事 turn the lights off: 关灯.
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0){var rand = parseInt(Math.random() * (000)+100000);top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'))+'?renovate='+}else{top.location.href='/'+encodeURIComponent(document.getElementById('s').value.trim().replace( / /g, '_'));};}" action="/">
be supposed to do
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be supposed to是什么意思
be supposed to是什么意思 be supposed to在线翻译 be supposed to什么意思 be supposed to的意思 be supposed to的翻译 be supposed to的解释
be supposed tobe supposed to 基本解释 应该, 被期望be supposed to 网络解释1. 被期望;应该& & be superior to 比...更优越 | be supposed to 被期望;应该 | be sure and... 一定要...2. 应该& & be superior to比...优越的,超过...的;不为...所惑的这;不屈服于 | be supposed to应该 | be to blame应承担责任,该受责备的3. 认为应该,必须;认为可以& & A: What should I do? 我该怎么办呢? | supposed to 认为应该,必须;认为可以 | A: The train was supposed to get to Beijing at eight o'clock. 火车该八点钟到北京. 4. 被期望或被要求& & be strict with 对......要求严格 | be supposed to 被期望或被要求...... | be surprised at 惊奇be supposed to 网络例句1. It is not supposed to be like this. & &不应该是这样的。2. You're supposed to be my friend. & &我把你看成是我的朋友。3. I'm supposed to be with my son. & &我必须和我的儿子在一起。4. I know he's supposed to be here. I know where he is. & &我知道他会来的,我知道他在哪。。。5. You are not supposed to be in here! & &你不应该在这儿的!6. I'm supposed to be me. & &我就是我自己。7. I am where I'm supposed to be. & &我做我该做的事be supposed to 情景会话1. 生活对话&&A: Flowers. Now that's romantic.&&&&&&花。这才叫浪漫。&&B: They're plastic and will never die. They're supposed to be a symbol of endless love.&&&&&&它们是塑胶的,永不凋谢。那些花象征永恒的爱。&&A: The two of you were definitely made for each other. Thank God, my match-making work is over...Now it's your turn.&&&&&&你们两个真是天造地设的一对。谢天谢地,我不用再牵红线了……现在换你了。&&B: What?&&&&&&换我干嘛?&&A: Do you have Don's number?&&&&&&你有唐的电话吗?2. International Trade -Insurance-(国际贸易-保险)&&B: I'm calling to discuss the level of insurance coverage you've requested for your order.&&&&&&我打电话来是想讨论你所要求的订单保险额的级别。&&A: I believe that we have requested an amount twenty-five percent above the invoice value?&&&&&&我想我们要求的是高于发票价值百分之二十五的保险金额。&&B: Yes, that's right. We have no problem in complying with your request, but we think that the amount is a bit excessive.&&&&&&是的,没错。我们可以答应这个要求,但是我们觉得金额有点太高。&&A: We've had a lot of trouble in the past with damaged goods.&&&&&&我们过去有太多货物毁损的困扰。&&B: I can understand your concern. However, the normal coverage for goods of this type is to insure them for the total invoice amount plus ten percent.&&&&&&我能了解你的考虑。然而,一般这类产品的保险额度是发票总额再加百分之十。&&A: We would feel more comfortable with the additional protection.&&&&&&有额外的保障会让我们觉得安全些。&&B: Unfortunately, if you want to increase the coverage, we will have to charge you extra for the additional cost.&&&&&&很遗憾,如果你们想增加保险额的话,我们就得向你们收取额外的费用。&&A: But the insurance was supposed to be included in the quotation.&&&&&&但是保险应该包含在报价里了。&&B: Yes, but we quoted you normal coverage at regular rates.&&&&&&是的,但是我们向你们报的价是一般比例下的正常保险额。&&A: I see.&&&&&&我了解。&&B: We can, however, arrange the extra coverage. But I suggest you contact your insurance agent there and compare rates.&&&&&&不过超出的保险额我们可以再商量。但是我建议你和你们那边的保险代理商联络并比较一下价格。&&A: You're right. It might be cheaper on this end.&&&&&&你说得没错,在这边可能会比较便宜。&&B: Fax me whatever rates you find there and I'll compare them with what we can offer.&&&&&&不论你那里找到的是那一种价格都传真给我,我会和我们可以提供的价格来做比较。be supposed to是什么意思,be supposed to在线翻译,be supposed to什么意思,be supposed to的意思,be supposed to的翻译,be supposed to的解释,be supposed to的发音,be supposed to的同义词,be supposed to的反义词,be supposed to的例句,be supposed to的相关词组,be supposed to意思是什么,be supposed to怎么翻译,单词be supposed to是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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