怎么回答 i'm.really bored at school nownow haha

& 20:04:36
使用其它账号登录I’m bored? I’m boring? Not sure of the difference? Better watch this basic English grammar lesson then, or you could be saying something rather rude about yourself!
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interestedinterestingBattlestar Galactica is a very _________ show.excitingexcitedWords ending with _____ are used to describe how someone or something is feeling.-ed-ingWords ending with ing describe how you or someone else is feeling.TrueFalseMany students find it _____ to learn English prepositions.frustratedfrustratingI was _____ to hear about the eathquake in Italy.
I have a lot of relatives living there.devastateddevastatingIt was _____ to learn that the class I wanted to take had been cancelled.disapponteddisappointingThat color commbination is _____ to the eye.pleasedpleasingIt was _____ to learn that a simple hamburger contained so many calories!surprisedsurprisingI just want to tell you that roller coaster is really _____.terrifiedterrifying
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