I don't have fun teaching____(fun) all day. It's so boring.该填什

This is love, hand in hand with you, old age to the old.I made a promise to myself on the way down to the vacation beach cottage. For two weeks I would try to be a(an) &&31&&husband and father. Totally loving. No ifs, ands or buts. The &&32&&&had come to me as I listened to a talk on my car radio. The &&33&&was quoting Biblical passage about husbands and their wives. Then he went on to say, “Love is an&&&34&&of will. A person can choose to love.” To myself, I had to &&35&&that I had been a selfish husband. Well, for two weeks that would &&36 . And it did, &&37&&from the moment I kissed Evelyn at the door and said, “That new yellow sweater looks &&38&&on you.” “Oh, Tom, you noticed,” she said, &&39 &and pleased. Maybe a little puzzled. &&40&&the long drive, I wanted to sit and read. Evelyn &&41&&a walk on the beach. I started to refuse, &&42&then I thought she wanted to be alone with me.” We walked on the beach while the &&43 &flew their kites. So it went. Two weeks of not calling the firm where I am a director. We visited the shell museum &&44&&I usually hate museums. Relaxed and happy, that’s how the whole &&45&&passed. I made a new promise to keep on remembering to choose love. There was one thing that went &&46&&with my experiment, however. Evelyn and I still laugh about it today. On the last night at our cottage, preparing for bed, Evelyn &47&me.&&& “What’s the matter?” I asked her. “Tom,” she said in a(an) &&48&&voice, “do you know something? I don’t….” “What do you mean?” “Well… that &&49&&I had several weeks ago … our doctor … did he tell you something about me? Am I dying?” It took a moment for it all to be understood. Then I burst into &&50&. “No, honey,” I said, wrapping her in my arms. “You’ I’m just starting to live.”【小题1】A.hardworkingB.challengingC.lovingD.convincing【小题2】A.planB.ideaC.decisionD.hope【小题3】A.speakerB.driverC.listenerD.passenger【小题4】A.resultB.startC.processD.act【小题5】A.agreeB.avoidC.assumeD.admit【小题6】A.remainB.changeC.respondD.continue【小题7】A.properlyB.especiallyC.rightD.straight【小题8】A.commonB.unusualC.uglyD.great【小题9】A.surprisedB.frightenedC.disappointed D.discouraged【小题10】A.BeforeB.DuringC.AfterD.For【小题11】A.suggestedB.cancelledC.deniedD.delayed【小题12】A.otherwiseB.butC.yet D.so【小题13】A.neighbors B.touristsC.childrenD.employees【小题14】A.whenB.unlessC.becauseD.though【小题15】A.planB.vacationC.businessD.week【小题16】A.smoothB.badC.wrongD.well【小题17】A.stared at B.glared atC.glanced atD.pointed at【小题18】A.loudB.excitedC.sadD.doubtful【小题19】A.checkupB.makeupC.buildup
Ok, I admit it: Emoticons(表情符号) are popular. Some people even think they are fun. Many seem unable to get through an e-mail or Instant Message chat sentence without using one. Some feel that they add feeling and character to otherwise cold digital communications.Some, however, such as editor and Hollywood scriptwriter John Blumenthal, blast the use of emotions as “ infantile(幼稚的) just like the people who use them”. He believes that words themselves should be enough. “If you’re being funny, happy or sad, that should be apparent from the comment that goes before the emoticons,” he argues.In the eyes of Blumenthal, the use of emoticons is a gender issue. “Men don’t use emoticons very much. Maybe not at all.,” he said. “Teenage girls and women seem to use them a lot. Maybe there’s an emoticons gene.”It’s an interesting opinion, but it is not shared by all.In an interview with The New York Times, Dacher Keltner, professor of psychology at the University of California, said that emoticons are popular because our brains are programmed “ to seek out representations of humanity”. He believes that they appeal not because they are shortcuts for the lazy, but because they tap into(输入)something beyond language. They reach to our need to be with and communicate with people.All of these arguments may be somehow valid(正确的). Each one of us will choose to communicate in our own way. I do not have much time for emoticons. I tried to use one once and felt like I was stealing into a primary school class that I had no place being in. I’d rather let my words do the talking.Friends, however, send me messages and e-mails full of emoticons. I have no problem with this, I don’t regard any of my friends as lazy or immature. It’s just a question of individuality.【小题1】According to the article, emoticons are popular because_________.A.most of them look funnyB.they are easy for lazy people to useC.they add feeling and character to a communicationD.a reader cannot understand a message without them【小题2】 Which of the following views would John Blumenthal agree with ?A.Instant Message chatters are childish.B.It’s enough to use language in digital communication.C.Men never use emoticons.D.There is an emoticon gene in everybody.【小题3】From the text, we can conclude that the author________.A.feels he has no difficulty using emoticonsB.thinks emoticons don’t suit himC.encourage his friends to use emoticonsD.believes that emoticons are suitable for everyone【小题4】What is the main point of the article ?A.Advice on language used over the Internet.B.The history of emoticons.C.Arguments over the use of emoticons.D.Reasons for the popularity of emoticons.
Norah had a cottage on a cliff(悬崖)above a big bay. In winter it could be very unpleasant
because of strong winds and sea waves. In fact, when a gale was blowing,
Norah and her husband got used to sleeping in a small room downstairs, because
their bedroom upstairs, which faced the gales, had a very big window, and they
were afraid that an extra violent wind might break it and blow pieces of broken
glass over them.
Also, the salt wave from the sea put an end to many of
the colorful plants Norah planted in her garden. She tried putting up a fence
to protect them, but the wind just hit it, went up over the top and then down
the other side, so in the end she filled the garden with trees and bushes that
liked salt.
But most of the summer Norah enjoyed her cottage and
garden very much. At weekends she could sit out-of-doors in the sun, looking at
the beautiful view, with interesting ships and boats passing by, and she could
very easily cycle down to the sea for a swim.
Now, Norah and her husband had plenty of friends and
relations. In the summer lots of them used to come to enjoy the beautiful
place, and in the end it really became quite annoying for the couple. When they
were at home, they found friends and relations arriving, expecting to be given
unlimited drinks and meals, and to sit in the sun for hours, talking as if
Norah and her husband had nothing else to do but entertain and listen to them.
This went on for several years. Norah didn’t wish to
appear rude by refusing to let her friends and relations in, but on the other
hand, she was getting tired every summer.
Then one day Norah was complaining about this to her
hairdresser while she was doing her hair. “You’re disturbed by too many
uninvited guests, are you?” said the hairdresser. “Why don’t you try my way of
“What’s that?” asked Norah.
“Well,” the hairdresser answered, “when the bell
rings, I put on my coat and take my shopping bag. If it’s someone I don’t want
to see, I say innocently, ‘I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go out.’ But…”
1.The underlined word “gale” can be replaced by _____.
A.wind&&&&&&&&&&&& B.ship&&&&&&&&&&&&& C.sea&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.animal
2.We can infer that _____.
A.lots of
friends cam to visit them in winter
B.few friends
came to visit them in winter
C.friends came
to visit them only for drinks and meals
D.Norah was a
good cook
3.How did Norah go to the sea for a swim?
A.She went
there by ship.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& B.She walked
C.She swam
there.&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.She went
there by bicycle.
4.The hairdresser likely to continue to say “_____” in
the end?
A.if I’m tired, I say ‘Sorry, can
you come next time?’
B.if it’s someone I like to see, I say ‘How lucky! I’ve just come
C.if it is fine
that day, I say, ‘I’m tired of
this, but I’ll show you around the place.’
D.if it’s someone I like to see, I say, ‘How happy to see you! But I was going shopping now .’
5.Which of the following is the best title?
A.A Good Place of
Enjoying the Sea&&&&&&&&&& B.A Visit to
C.A clever Way
of Escaping&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&& D.A
Warm-hearted Couple
It's not a new phenomenon, but have you noticed how many nouns are
being used as verbs? We all use them, often without noticing what we're doing.
&& I was arranging to meet someone for dinner last week,
and I said “I’ll pencil it in my diary”, and my friend said “You can ink it in”,
meaning that it was a firm arrangement not a tentative one!
&& Many of these new verbs are linked to new technology.
An obvious example is the word fax. We all got used to sending and receiving
faxes, and then soon started talking about faxing something and promising we'd
fax it immediately. Then along came email, and we were soon all emailing each
other madly. How did we do without it? I can hardly imagine life without my
daily emails.
&& Email reminds me, of course, of my computer and its
software, which has produced another
couple of new verbs. On my computer I can bookmark those pages from the
World Wide Web that I think I'll want to look at again, thus saving all the
effort of remembering their addresses and calling them up from scratch. I can
do the same thing on my PC, but there I don' I favorite—coming from
“favorite pages”, so the verb is derived from an adjective not a noun.
& Now my
children bought me a mobile phone, known simply as a mobile and I had to learn
yet more new verbs. I can message someone, that is, I can leave a message for
them on their phone. Or I can text them, write a few words suggesting when and
where to meet, for example. How long will it be before I can mobile them, that
is, phone them using my mobile? I haven’t heard that verb yet, but I’m sure I
will soon. Perhaps I’ll start using it myself!
1. “I’ll pencil
it in my diary” in the second paragraph probably means&&&&&&&&
A. it was a firm arrangement
B. it was an uncertain arrangement
&&C. the arrangement should be written as a diary
D. he prefers a pencil to a pen
2.A website address can be easily found if it has been______.
&&&&&& A. emailed&&& B.
messaged&&& C. favorited&&&&& D. texted
3.Which of the following has not been used as a verb, yet?
&&&&&& A. message& &&B.
page&&&& &&&C. email&&&&
&&&&D. mobile
4.The best title for this passage is____.
&&&&&& A. New Verbs from Nouns
 B. The Development of the
English language
&&&&& &C. New Technology and New words
&& D. Technology and Language.
People who put a smiley face at the end of a message, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air.I had some bad news this week. My manager informed me of this news via email. It was like hearing about the death of a loved one via pigeon. Bad news should only ever be delivered face to face or voice to voice.We seem to celebrate our numerous methods of communication, but really there is no communication at all. I talk to my plants more than I talk to my neighbors, I get text messages that take me three hours to read because they’re written like this: “Hi, I ope you av a gr8 day. Call me La8tr.” I had an email from someone this week that read, “Da ut ov 2day are really annoying me!” Ut? I had to say this 20 times before I understood it. Youth has now become ut. Haven’t we taken enough from them—now we have to take their letters?I had an email recently from a girl who used to live over the road from me as a child. She wrote, “Hi Shazia, howz u? Im sure u used 2 live across the road from me. We sumtimes played tennis 2 gever at the park and you was in your eliment. I am married now wif 3 daughters.” Then, to my horror, she ended the email with: “Im now teachin in Leeds. Luv Clare.”Teaching? With English like this. It’s like saying you’re a train driver when you’ve never seen a train. It was like reading modern Morse code.Getting bad news via email makes it seem so much worse than it actually is. Just a few lines, no emotion, no comfort, not really an explanation. Just a few cold hard words. It’s an excuse. Just write a few words and the problem of delivering it is no longer yours. A close friend recently told me she was very happy to announce she was getting married—and made the announcement by email. I don’t know how she didn’t fall off her chair with excitement while writing it. If you are really happy or really sad to announce something important, wouldn’t you like a human reaction? Some euphoria, elation, tears, a punch in the face?I receive long text messages every day with information and explanations that I don’t bother reading. They’re boring, and annoy me. In the time it took someone to write me three laborious texts, they could have called, spoken to me, made some tea. People who put a smiley face at the end of a sentence, in an attempt to show feeling, show no feeling. I wish there was a symbol for two fingers in the air, because that’s the one I’d send back.The telegram has been responsible for reporting world-shattering events when there were very few other options(选择权). Now we have options, and people opt for the least humane one. My mum, in an attempt to get down with the ut of today, asked me to teach her to text. Now she constantly texts me in block capitals, so it looks as if she is still angry and annoyed with me after all these years.People don’t even write by hand any more. My doctor prints out prescriptio even my mechanic prints out a receipt. I get typed Christmas cards and my friends send me emails. I get very excited when hand-written letters come through my door, only because they rarely do.When I was at school, the girls used to write letters to each other, even though we sat side by side and spoke to one another all day. I think it was a way of expressing private things we were afraid to say when we were 14 and too shy. We used to write things like, “You are my best friend, can’t wait to sit next to you in math.”I miss the personal method of communication. Once the pen was mightier than the sword, now it seems the keyboard is mightier than the pen.1.We can learn from paragraph 3 and paragraph 4 that the writer wants to say ________.A.the spelling mistakes in the messages make her very annoyedB.only writing letters will bring friends and neighbors much closerC.she talks to plants more because no one shares her joys and sorrowsD.gestures and the pen can express a lot more than the cold keyboard2.According to the writer, which of the following can support her opinion?A.She has been separated from all his classmates many years.B.No doctors write prescriptions by hand because of computers.C.In communication, we should write more letters than send messages.D.Less shy than school girls, boys rarely write letters to their friends.3.According to the passage, we can conclude that ________.A.the writer is a person full of emotions and treasures friendship and affectionsB.the writer becomes excited when she gets priceless gifts from other peopleC.her classmates would write to each other because they couldn’t send messagesD.people put a smiley face at the end of a message just to show they are happy4.What message is conveyed in the passage?A.The writer wastes much time in reading many rubbish text messages every day.B.Few people can write letters well in modern society owing to texting messages.C.Now people are too busy to communicate with each other face to face often.D.The writer prefers personal communication rather than electronic equipment.5.Why does the writer mention the telegram?A.Because she thinks the annoyance of reading text messages is originated from it.B.Because we have more options to keep in touch with each other than ever before.C.Because advanced technology partly takes the blame for lacking the human touch.D.Because she thinks humans today become colder with the development of society.6.Which of the following best describe the tone of this passage?A.Optimistic.B.Critic.C.Sympathetic.D.Pessimistic.英语翻译It’s so beautiful outside that spending the day in the Office would be very boring.Sowhy not take the vacations off?.A new survey found that 31% of U.S.workers don’t alwaystake all of their vacation days.Americans have 12 vacation day_作业帮
英语翻译It’s so beautiful outside that spending the day in the Office would be very boring.Sowhy not take the vacations off?.A new survey found that 31% of U.S.workers don’t alwaystake all of their vacation days.Americans have 12 vacation day
英语翻译It’s so beautiful outside that spending the day in the Office would be very boring.Sowhy not take the vacations off?.A new survey found that 31% of U.S.workers don’t alwaystake all of their vacation days.Americans have 12 vacation days on average (平均) eachyear,but they give back an average of 3 vacation days each year.So why don’t they use up their vacation days?Some say they would rather get moneyback f some busy workers say they just can’t leave their work.Americans have fewer vacation days than workers in any other country surveyed.The French take their vacations seriously.French workers get an average of 39vacation days,and 40% plan to take at least one there-to-four-week vacation.Workers in Sweden receive an average of 25 vacation days a year,but they can’t findtime to use them all.More workers there return vacation days than any other countrysurveyed.British workers have the longest working week in Europe,with 23 vacation days--theshortest vacation.So they feel overworked.75% say their weekends or vacations are tooshort and 40% would sacrifice (牺牲) a day’s pay for one more vacation day.


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