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4 Steps to Success In Life, Business, The Universe And Everything
zongxujian 于发布 l 已有人浏览
Everyone wants to succeed in life. And no one starts a business of any sort, on-line or off-line, wanting to fail.Yet the sad fact is that 80% of offline and 97% of internet businesses will fail in the first year.
84% of internet businesses will never make any income at all.So what can you do to ensure your success?Luckily these four simple (never confuse simple with easy), tried and tested steps dramatically increases your chances.1. Set Out Your GoalsSuccess means something different to us all.
A self-made businessman worth millions of dollars would be thought
successful by most.
But if that businessman only rarely sees his family, never gets to play golf and spends all of his time on airplanes or in some exotic sounding (but usually antiseptic) hotel, is that really a success?
Would that businessman think his life a success?Possibly, possibly not.But if that man had set himself goals for his business, private and social lives he at least has some way of measuring his
achievements.Before starting on any endeavour - set your goals.Make sure your goals are specific enough that you know when you have
achieved them.
"I want to make money on the internet" is weak. "I want to make $100,000 next year and $200,000 the year after" is much stronger.Don't forget to include your private and social goals.
Many rich people complain that they have all the freedom that money
can buy - but money can't buy the time to enjoy what they have earned.2. Plan, Plan, PlanIf the number one key to success in retailing is location, location and location, the number one key to success in businessis plan, plan, plan.Remember the 5 Ps success model - Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance.
(When I was taught this in the military there was a 6th P - for the sake of a mixed audience I have left this out. Use your imagination - you'll guess what it was :-))If you've done your goal setting you know what you are going to achieve.
The point of planning is how you are going to do it.
Break each goal down into constituent steps needed for its achievement.
For each step decide what, who, where and when it
is to be done.Be realistic and make sure that every step is achievable in the
Be prepared - when you plan-out all that you need to do, the amount of work can be daunting.
Better to know this up-front than sale merrily into a venture only to find it is a huge monster that is going to take you a lifetime to kill.3. Action CountsI've seen some beautiful plans.
Highly researched, well thought out and presented.
I'll talk to a business owner and they'll say, "We've got a plan" and pull it out of the bottom draw of a filing cabinet somewhere."So, why aren't you using it", I'll
Nine times out of 10 the plan was produced to obtainfunding.
Lot's of really good work is done but once the money
is obtained the plan is put to one side and ignored.Big mistake.
Taking action is the only thing that counts.Every successfull business I have looked at has clear, current
business, operational and marketing plans.
It doesn't matter whether your business is offline or online.
It's taking action
that delivers the results.4. Another 5 'P's
to SuccessPassion - You have to believe in what you are doing.
No where is this more obvious than on the internet.
You can spot the
'me-too' advertisers in a second.
The people who succeed are
the ones in have passion, who truly believe in what they are
Do something that you love.Push - No matter how good your plan you have to provide a big push to get it moving.
Your plan inevitably involves change.
Achieving change takes effort.
Think of it as if you were trying
to move a boulder.
To get that boulder up and moving takes a lot of muscle and effort.
Once it is moving though it becomes much easier.Persistence - Getting started is relatively easy.
Afterall, you
are all fired up with energy and enthusiasm at that time.
Few things worth achieving happen over night.
Instead, there will be problems, hold-ups and frustrations.
Don't allow yourself to become disillusioned or demotivated.
You need persistence.Patience - Results don't happen instantly.
Allied to persistence you will need some patience.Profit - OK, OK it's trite.
But follow the steps here, gear yourself to provide these 5 Ps and you will succeed.
business, profit is a measure of your success.No one can guarantee your success whether in life or in business.
You can dramatically increase your chances of success through these four simple, very well established principles.The question is, "WILL YOU"?Keith Longmire is the owner of JKL Business Growth Solutions. JKL specialises in bringing main stream business improvement and marketing solutions into the reach of smaller businesses. Throughout his time in Corporate Consulting as a programme
manager and business development consultant Keith has been constantly surprised how many people go through life and
business with no sense of direction, no goals and no plan.
His website Breakthrough Business Growth is designed to help owner-managers cut through
the hype and produce innovative marketing plans that deliver results.Copyright 2004 Keith Longmire.Please feel free to pass this article on to your friends.
It may be used in your ezine or newsletter as long as this resource box is included intact.
Sharing Our Creative Work with Others
zongxujian 于发布 l 已有人浏览
In my "Roadblocks to Creativity" e-course, I ask the question:"What's your first thought if someone hesitates before giving you their opinion about your creative project?"One artist wrote: "When some one hesitates before giving their opinion of my work, I think it is
I recently showed some work to my boss and her criticism was so harsh that I now won't show her anything, but the worse part is--it made me even more conscious of showing my work to others as well. She was going through some hard stuff at the time, so my timing was way off.I now will show my work if it is something I am really sure of----or to someone that isn't so harsh.
When showing some one else my work--if I get a negative response I take it as some thing against me personally. Not too smart."I replied to this person:"It's too bad that you had such a negative experience when you showed your work to your boss. It's great that you recognize that she was having a bad day, and that her response had more to do with that than the value of your work. But I hear some distorted thinking that now you can NEVER show her anything ("all or nothing" is a prime example of distorted thinking).I think you're absolutely wise to protect your fragile creative projects as they're being brought into the world. There are certain stages of a project when you really should choose very carefully who you share them with."This correspondence got me thinking about the fragility and sensitivity of the artist soul, the seeming insensitivity of the "real world" and how to bridge the two.Two of my creativity heroes, Julia Cameron and SARK, each have much to say on the subject.Julia Cameron, in the chapter of The Artist's Way titled "Week 12: Recovering a Sense of Faith", describes "Wet Blankets" as those people in our lives who dampen our creative spirit. She suggests that we "move silently among doubters", and that we actually craft lists of who will nourish and support us and thosewho are sure to act as "Wet Blankets". Then it's up to us to protect our creative dreams by choosing carefully who to share them with.SARK, in the chapter of Make Your Creative Dreams Real titled "Fabulous Fifth Month: Creative Dreams Support Systems", advises us to be proactive and that we teach our friends and family how best to support us in our creative work. She gives concrete suggestions about what to say and what to ask for. She also gives guidelines for looking outside your regular circle of family and friends and forming a "creative dream team" with other artists for the specific purpose of nurturing each other's creativity.Julia Cameron also points out that a common self-sabotage mechanism can be running straight to a "Wet Blanket" when we've got something exciting (therefore scary) going on. I've done this myself.It happens when one of my creative dreams is taking form and shape. This is when I get that feeling of being connected to the Universe, of receiving "divine" inspiration, of really being onto something that feels right for me AND in service to the world at the same time. It's exciting and it's also very scary.I can take many paths at this point. One path that I sometimes choose is to immediately seek validation, reassurance and support. It's a lifelong habit of not quite trusting myself (and, really, not quite trusting the Universe, which is very silly of me!), and of needing something outside of myself to tell me it's ok (and that I'm ok).I remember once when I was feeling excited, scared and on the verge of something amazing. I immediately reached for the phone, didn't choose carefully, and opened myself to feedback without requesting the specific type of feedback I was after.When I was told the project wasn't ready, that I needed to do more research, that I shouldn't rush into it and that "this type of thing" hadn't proven to be successful for others, I was crushed and devastated (exactly what that self-sabotaging part of me wanted).Luckily I am VERY stubborn and defiant (not always my best qualities, but in this situation they actually worked FOR me), and after a couple of days of licking my wounds I was able to build up my hope and faith in the project again, regardless of what that person said.That project did see the light, and it is bringing success. It feels right for me AND it's serving the world.Here are some steps to consider BEFORE reaching out and sharing your creative work and dreams - I'll be keeping these in mind as well!1. Choose carefully. Think about people you've shared with in the past and what kind of responses you got. Think about how it felt to have the conversation and how you felt afterwards - did you feel like you couldn't wait to get back to creating something else or did you feel like hanging it up for good? If it's someone you've never shared your creative work before, imagine having the conversation and what response you might get. Choose the person who will build you up, not tear you down.2. Consider the timing. The less formed the idea, the more "fragile" it is and the more important it is be supported in a non-judgmental and creativity-enhancing way. Are you truly ready to let someone into the process or would it be better to keep it to yourself for a while longer? Be very honest with yourself about this. Get still and quiet and listen closely for the truth when it comes.3. What do you want? Again, think carefully about this and be honest. Do you want support and validation so that you can be re-fueled in your excitement of the project? Do you want a sounding board so that you can hear yourself think (talking to someone else can be a GREAT idea generator)? Or do you want to invite constructive criticism and suggestions for making the work better?4. Ask for what you want! The other person can't read your mind and depending on their line of work and their personality type they may instinctively want to give advice, make suggestions or look for possible reasons why something might not work.Many wonderful creative sparks have been extinguished by conversations that never should have happened. Don't let yours be snuffed out! Linda Dessau, 2005.Linda Dessau, the Self-Care Coach, helps artists enhance their creativity by addressing their unique self-care issues. Feel like your creativity is blocked? Sign-up for your complimentary copy of the popular e-course, "Roadblocks to Creativity" by visiting
It was Valentine's Day and the previous months had been like a
frightening dream. Just at that time, our father& 1 &&&&&&us,
which made me sad for quite a long time. What was& 2&&&&
broke out in our house then,& 3&&&&
inside. We had nothing& 4&&&&&
clothes, no money and no place to stay, nothing.
After the fire, we went to live with my grandma in her one-bedroom
apartment, and& 5&&&&
her living room floor. Practically& 6&&&&
only the clothes on our backs.
Immediately after
remembering what day it was, I& 7&&&&&
I didn't have anything to give my mother for Valentine's Day. We
had always given each other something, even if it was just a cookie
heart she baked or a paper card I had made.
I stayed on the balcony of the second floor apartment, feeling sad,
being able to give my mother anything, especially now. She needed
she was every bit as& 9&&&&&&
me. Then I saw it. The most beautiful& 10&&&&&&
could have ever imagined. The brightly colored sun rested lightly
on top of some clouds& 11&&&&&&
blues, browns, and reds. The colors combined in delicious ways.
Something clicked in my headthat was the
my mother.
I ran inside, too
excited to talk, and pulled my mother out onto the balcony. The
colors had&
entire sky.
Mother was&
then happy. She told me in a breathless voice that no one had ever
given her anything as& 15&&&&&
beautiful. She said she would take the light and colors of that
sunset and keep them in her heart forever...
1& A. beat&&&&&&
C. missed&&&&
A. more&&&&&&
C. wrong&&&&&&&&&
C. breaking&&&&&&&
D. destroying
A. on the minute
&B. at any
C. on the whole&&&
D. for a while
A. played&&&
C. hopeful&&&&&&&&
D. embarrassed
B. expected&&&&
C. thought&&&&&&
D. realized
C. disliked&&&&&&
D. considered
C. lucky&&&&&&&&&
D. unhappy
A. clouds&&&&&
C. scene&&&&&&&&&
A. filled with
&B. covered
C. made of&&&&&&&
D. divided into
A. plan&&&&
C. excuse&&&&&&&
A. filled&&&&&&
C. surrounded&&&&&
C. scared&&&&&&&
B. common&&&
C. special&&&&&&
I received a hard
blow to my self-confidence in the first interview of my high school
years. I applied to be a host in our Student Acting Group and felt
confident that I would be accepted. But one of the judges told me:
“You seem 16_________(suit) because you are not tall enough.” My
life has never been the same since. I used bigger heels to make
17_________ my height and try to hide my lack of confidence.
18_________ president of English Club, I organized the rehearsal of
Snow White for an English party. 19_________(pity), we could not
find an actor to be the last dwarf. It had to be the one
20_________ was humorous by nature and fluent 21_________ English.
To my great delight, once on stage, I was totally absorbed in the
performance and my humorous nature 22_________(put) to full use. As
the dwarf, I was 23_________ great success. Yes, each of us is only
one among millions of others, but each of us is an individual and
each of us is unique. 24_________(give) a choice, I’d rather be a
genuine dwarf 25_________(accompany) a Snow White than be a Snow
white. I would rather be myself. I would contribute my individual
and unique colors to create a more diverse universe. Please, be
One of the world’s
(great) detectives turns 120 this month! Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
introduced Sherlock Holmes to the reading public in 1887 in his
novel A Study in Scarlet. Three years later, a British magazine ran
short stories that featured the brilliant detective 27&&&&&&&&&
his pipe, magnifying glass and hat. Sherlock Holmes immediately
became popular, especially among those 28________&&&&&&&
enjoyed mysteries. In addition to his 29&&&&&&&&&
&&(appear), Holmes had
unique method of using careful observation and “deductive
reasoning”() when 31________
(solve) crimes, which made him famous.
Before finding
worldwide fame 32&&&&&
writer, Doyle attended medical school. There, he met Professor John
Bell, who was well-known 33_______&&&&&&&&&&
using deductive reasoning to judge diseases. Doyle was so
(impress) with the method that he later made 35&&&&&&&
Holmes’s signature method.
All her life, my
mother wanted busy children. It was very important that her house
should remain at all times clean and tidy.
You could turn your
back for a moment in my mother’ s house, leave a half-written
letter on the dining room table, a magazine open on the chair, and
turn around to find that my mother had put it back where it
belonged”, as she explained.
My wife, on one of
her first visits to my mother’s house, placed a packet of biscuits
on an end table and went to the kitchen to fetch a drink. When she
returned, she found the packet had been removed. Confused, she set
down her drink and went back to the kitchen for more biscuits, only
to return to find that her drink had disappeared. Up to then she
had guessed that everyone in my family held onto their drinks, so
as not to make water rings on the end tables. Now she knows
These disappearances
had a confusing effect on our family. We were all inclined
to(…)forgetfulness. And
it was common for one of us, upon returning from the bathroom, to
find that every sign of his work in progress had disappeared
suddenly. “Do you remember what I was doing?” was a question
frequently asked, but rarely answered.
Now my sister has
developed a second-hand love of cleaning windows, and my brother
does the cleaning in his house, perhaps to avoid having to be the
one to hit his feet. I try not to think about it too much, but I
have at this later time started to dust the furniture once a
We have all become
busy persons.
36. Which of the
following is TRUE about my mother?
A. She enjoyed
removing others' drinks.
B. She became more
and more forgetful.
C. She preferred to
do everything by herself.
D. She wanted to keep
her house in good order.
37. My wife could not
find her biscuits and drink in my mother's house because
A. she had already
finished them
B. my mother had
taken them away
C. she forgot where
she had left them
D. someone in my
family was holding them
38. The underlined
part to the fifth paragraph suggests that my sister
A. is happy to clean
B. loves to clean
used windows
C. is fond of
cleaning used windows
D. likes cleaning
windows as my mother did
39. How many persons
are mentioned in the passage?
A. Four&&&&
B. Five&&&&
40. This passage
mainly tells us that _______.
A. my mother often
made us confused
B. my family members
had a poor memory
C. my mother helped
us to form a good habit
D. my wife was
surprised when she visited my mother
As the pace of life
continues to increase, we are fast losing the art of relaxation.
Once you are in the habit of rushing through life, being on the go
() from morning till
night, it is hard to slow down. But relaxation is essential for a
healthy mind and body.
Stress is a natural part of everyday life and
there is no way to avoid it. In fact, it is not the bad thing it is
often supposed to be. A certain amount of stress is vital to
provide motivation and give purpose to life. It is only when stress
gets out of control that it can lead to poor performance and ill
The amount of stress a person can withstand
depends very much on the individual. Some people are not afraid of
stress, and such characters are obviously prime material for
managerial responsibilities. Others lose heart at the first sight
of unusual difficulties. When exposed to stress, in whatever form,
we react both chemically and physically. In fact we make choice
between “flight or fight” and in more primitive days the choices
made the difference between life or death. The crises we meet today
are unlikely to be so extreme, but however little the stress, it
involves the same response. It is when such a reaction lasts long,
through continued exposure to stress, that health becomes
endangered. Such serious conditions as high blood pressure and
heart disease have established links with stress. Since we cannot
remove stress from our lives (it would be unwise to do so even if
we could), we need to find ways to deal with it.
41. What does the
author want to convey in the first paragraph?
A. People live in an era of change and
B. People should act of their own free
C. Relaxation is indispensablefor sound
D. Relaxation means slowing down the pace of
42. Stress is
generally believed _____.
A. to be dangerous to health
B. to give stimulation to life
C. to be vital to good performance
D. to lead to high responsibility
43. According to the
writer, the most important qualification for a good manager is
A. his taking control over his
B. his responding to stress
C. his knowing the art of relaxation
D. his facing up to stress
44. The extreme
crises people met in more primitive days are the choices between
A. life and death
B. chemical reaction and physical
C. fight and flight
D. short-term reaction and long-term
45. According to the
author, the right attitude toward stress is
A. to avoid
B. to try to cope
C. to regard it as a
vital motivation
D. to find some
Do you know a Mom
that deserves a special gift this year for Mother's Day? Sure,
flowers can always brighten a Mom's Day and a dinner out is always
appreciated. However, doesn't she deserve something more personal
and something that lasts longer than an evening?
I' m talking about the girl of fitness. Improved fitness is a gift
that is invaluable to everyone. When you give a woman the gift of
fitness, you are helping her open a door to better health. I can't
think of a more thoughtful gift that shows the
recipient() how much you care
about their well-being. By giving the gift of fitness you are
providing them with unlimited health benefits. And, it's a gift
that you can truly feel proud to give.
Of course, we all know that exercising can help people stay slim
and fit. But, do you also know about all the other great benefits
of exercising? Daily physical activity reduces stress and can help
you sleep better. Fitness has been linked to reducing the risk of
some diseases and to avoiding depression. Researchers also believe
that strength training can help prevent
osteoporosis(). Not to mention
that exercising also improves self-esteem, increases energy and
helps you be able to do continuous work for
All Moms would find these fitness benefits extremely invaluable. If
they are like most of us, they have probably even mentioned how
they would like to drop a few pounds or just get in better shape.
In fact, experts say that about 62% of Americans are currently on a
diet. By giving the gift of fitness you are helping provide your
Mom with extra motivation.
&& She may be more
motivated to actually get fit because she doesn’t want to feel
guilty about ignoring such a thoughtful gift.
46. The first
paragraph is most likely to tell us that ______
& &A. we should invite
Moms to a dinner for Mother’s Day
& &B. it is good to send
flowers to Moms for Mother’s Day
& &C. we should give
special gifts to Moms for Mother’s Day
& &D. Moms aren’t worth
special gifts for Mother’s Day
47. You would like to
send the gift of fitness to your mother because
& &A. it is very
it doesn't cost you too much
& &C. it makes your
mother healthy&&&&&&&&
D. you will be proud of it
48. If you want to
keep healthy you should_______________.
& &A. reduce stress and
have a good sleep&&&
B. try your best to
get rid of depression
& &C. increase your
energy and work longer&
D. take an active
part in physical activity
49. According to this
passage the gift of fitness will_____________.
& &A. help Moms to lose
some more weight&
B. encourage them to
do more exercise
& &C. keep them having a
healthy diet&&&&&&
D. make them look
even more beautiful
50. Which of the
following would be the best title for this
& &A. This Mother’s Day,
Give the Gift of Fitness
& &B. Better Pay
Attention to Your Mom’s Health
& &C. Moms Like to Accept
the Gift of Fitness
& &D. Help Your Mom Keep
a Good Shape
Mayor Boris Johnson
Monday outlined plans to make London “the cleanest, greenest city
on Earth” by the 2012 Olympics and called for commitments from
other world cities at a climate change conference, leaders of the
world' s 40 largest cities are meeting in Seoul this week for a
summit on combating global warming -- the third to be held since
“What we should do in Seoul is agree that we will stop the endless
addiction of mankind to the internal combustion
engine() ,” said Johnson. He
said at a press conference the world's cities consume 75 percent of
the world's energy and produce 80 percent of the emissions which
cause climate change. “The problem of our planet is an urban
problem,” Johnson said.
He said the British capital wants to use the Olympics “to drive the
greening and the improvement of our city” and noted that London is
committed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 percent by
Johnson said the key measure was being taken to solve problems
relating to housing and commercial buildings, which accounted for
70 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in London. This involved
retrofitting() -- installing
lagging -- in large numbers of public buildings.
Johnson proclaimed himself a "passionate cyclist" and said he would
push ahead with cycle superhighways around
London's air quality problem, he said, was caused by vehicle
emissions from 8,300 worn and used
diesel() buses, which could
be replaced by low-carbon vehicles. In addition, there were also
32,000 taxis running on diesel fuel, which could be replaced by
electric vehicles.
Johnson said there would be a few programs in the next few years to
produce a “cleaner, greener" bus for the city. "The age of the
diesel bus has got to be over in London."&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
51. Which would be
the best title for the passage?
&&&A. The third summit on
global warming.
& &B. London plans to
make the cleanest and greenest city on Earth by
& &C. Some measures to
deal with pollution.
& &D. The problem of our
planet appeared.
52. Which of the
following statements is NOT TRUE according to this
& &A. London's air
quality will be improved in the near future.
& &B. The used buses
running on diesel will be replaced by electric
& &C. London promises to
reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 60 pendent by 2025.&&&&&&
& &D. Something has been
done to solve the problem of carbon dioxide
53. What does the
underlined word mean in the first
B. Objecting.&&&&&&&
C. Agreeing&&&&&
D. Promoting
54. The topic of the
meeting in Seoul might be______.
A. climate
B. global warming&&&&&&&
C. London Olympics in
D. green environment
55. If the passage
was continually written, the following might be
A. measures to end
the age of the diesel bus
B. measures to reduce
carbon dioxide emissions in London
C. measures to solve
housing and commercial items
D. measures to
replace the old and used vehicles
The famous cartoon character known as Hello Kitty was created by
Japanese company Sanrio in 1974 and quickly& became& a& pop& cultural& phenomenon
() through a series of
animated television shows. This collection of the Hello Kitty
series includes five volumes for a total of 25 episodes, such as
Hello Kitty Tells Fairy Tales, Hello Kitty Plays
This is a funny, silly, and colorfully animated children’s film
featuring (……) Jimmy Neutron.
Jimmy has created all kinds of interesting things to make his life
easier, including a robotic dog, Goddard, who follows him
everywhere. Jimmy and his friend, Carl, use a homemade spaceship to
launch a satellite.
Elmo runs across a Magic Cookbook and sets free a Genie that lives
inside. Together, Elmo and the Genie explore the fun world of
cooking and making food, with the help from Emeril Lagasse and
Heather Headley, who show tips on making pizzas and pocket
Sing and Dance With
Barney has planned a very special sing along party and invited many
of his friends, old and new. The group enjoys singing their
all-time () favorites, while
being transported to magical places. It has over 55 minutes of
singing and dancing.
Steve and Blue explore the worlds of math and reading as they help
each other with familiar activities. Viewers are invited to join in
the counting, reading, adding and subtracting.
Adventures of Willy
Eerie lakes, bottomless pits, dinosaurs, and volcanic eruptions
() are just a few of
the places laying in wait for Willy Fog and his friends in this
exciting journey. Trying to get to the centre of the earth proves a
lot more difficult than they originally ()
56. Robert studies in
an art school. Not only does he like singing, but he is good at
dancing. This weekend he is going to see a film about singing and
57. Turner is a brave
boy who likes adventure. Everyone knows that he has rich
imagination. Turner wishes he could travel to the centre of the
58. Lena is a lovely
girl who is only ten years old. In her spare time she likes
watching cartoon. Among all the cartoon characters she likes Hello
Kitty best.
59. Philip, a clever
student, likes science very much. He is especially interested in
computer and robot. He wishes he could be an astronaut in the
60. Nancy shows
special interest in cooking. At home she often watches her mother
cooking in the kitchen room. Besides, Nancy loves seeing films
about fairy tales.
We hope all of you
can take an active part in such a public-interest program that love
will be gathered and carried on.
Looking forward to
your support.
Teenagers’ secrets should be kept to themselves and no one else,
their parents included, has the right to stick their nose into
their private life. As we know, teenagers are going through a
special period of development both physically and psychologically.
They are curious about and puzzled by the unexpected changes in
their body and mind. What’s more, exposed to a world of adults, it
is only too natural for them to begin imitating adults’ behaviors
in secret. Boys begin to smoke and girls begin to spend time doing
their hair and care more about what to wear. Some even begin to
date with a girlfriend or boyfriend without letting their parents
know. They are doing all this in secret because they are still
unsure whether it is right to do so and afraid that, if found out
by their parent, they will get misunderstood and even punished. In
fact, in many cases, parents can not deal with such matters well
but hurt their children’s feelings badly, making children unwilling
to communicate with them any more. When this happens, it hurts
terribly feelings of the family as well. Therefore, it sounds
reasonable and acceptable that teenagers should keep their secrets
to themselves instead of sharing them with their parents, who
should give them the freedom in dealing with secrets.
2. 120“”
15 DBDDB&&&
610 ADCDB&&&
unsuitable&& 17.
18. As&&&&&&
19. Pitifully &&&&&20.
22. was put
a &&&&&24.
Given &&25.
with &&&28&&
36-40 &DBDBC&&
41-45 &CADAB &&&46-50
We hope all of you can take an active part in such a
public-interest program that love will be gathered and carried on.
It is the two-year anniversary of the May 12 Earthquake. If you buy
one “Carry with Love” postcard, it means you have presented one
children’s book to one rural child. Each postcard costs 10 yuan,
including 1.2 yuan for the postage. By participating in this
program, we hope to collect 300,000 books for the children in rural
schools or schools in the disaster area. If you are interested,
please link to the “Taobao Shop” from .
Looking forward to your support.
Students’ Union
Teenagers’ Secrets Should be Shared with Their
Many teenagers have their own secrets but their parents always want
to know them, which will probably hurt children’s feelings. As a
result, they won’t like to share their secrets with their
parents. 33w&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&
Oppositely, I insist that teenagers’ secrets, if not at all, should
be shared by their parents. For one thing, parents are the dearest
relatives in the world, who, trying every possible means to do good
to the young, should be respected and trusted. For another, lack of
experience, teenagers need some help and support in making
decisions or solving problems. If many of the secrets are kept to
children themselves, they may do unimaginable harm in the long
Speaking from my
experience, I always let my parents know my secrets, like a close
friend. In return they appreciate my attitude so much that they are
always ready to offer me valuable advice, which benefits me a lot
in this special time of development.


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