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Success!You have successfully done it.A propaganda machine run by the CIA since at the very least the 1950’s and owned by the big banks that have given a handful of consolidated media corporations a license to kill any truth in media. « InvestmentWatch
Submitted by IWB, on March 30th, 2016
Lies upon lies are churning out of mainstream media on a daily basis. Lies shuffled in with distractions and biased reporting. A propaganda machine run by the CIA since at the very least the 1950’s and owned by the big banks that have given a handful of consolidated media corporations a license to kill any truth in media.
That is right. In 2013 while America slept, the Smith-Mundt Act, a decades old anti propaganda legislation, was quietly killed. And the absence of the bulwark bill is becoming increasingly apparent and dangerous, as a false narrative of reality is blended in with the growing criminal policies of the Obama Administration and his United Nations backed refugees agenda.
This explains why Hillary Clinton can run a campaign ignoring a laundry list of potential indictments. This explains the accepted narrative deeming Donald Trump a racist because he dared bring the threat of radical Islam to the national stage. This is what the elite mafia controlling reality looks like.
The lifespan of a major news story is equivalent to that of a common housefly. Any lingering questions are buried. And by now, civilization has become accustomed to it. By unleashing complete chaos and controlling the narrative. A full scale slow motion soft war has been waged funded and promoted by our own enslaved ignorance.
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