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辐射避难所Fallout Shelter任务翻译
辐射避难所Fallout Shelter中文翻译任务攻略,不少玩家表示在游戏中任务看不懂是什么意思,那么有了下面的内容相信就能帮助大家解决这个问题了噢~~!
很多玩家看不懂任务,领不到奖励.这是我整理的游戏会出现的所有类型的任务.(1)基本资源收集类型收集XX个水/电/食物/治疗针/福特宁(collect XX water/power/food/stimpaks/radaways)直接从房间收集资源就可以了没有什么难度(2)武器外套收集类型收集/卖掉XX个武器/外套(collect/ sell XX weapon/outfit)需要派人去废土收集,回来的时候结算(卖需要去仓库界面卖)(3)穿戴类型给XX个人装备 武器/外套(equip XX Dweller with weapon/outfit)给小人装备武器或者外套,可以把小人身上的脱下来再装备也算(4)锻炼类型升级XX个人的任何一个属性(Raise any SPECIAL stat of XX Dweller)去培训室锻炼(5)满意度提升XX个人的快乐度到100%(Raise XX Dweller to 100%)啪啪啪几次就够了(6)怀孕让XX个人怀孕(assign XX Dweller to pregnant)啪啪啪几次就够了(7)生孩子生XX个宝宝(Deliver XX Baby Dweller)啪啪啪几次就够了(8)合并房间合并XX个房间(merge XX pairs of rooms together)相同的房间建造到一起(9)去冒险派XX个人去冒险(sent XX Dweller to the Wasteland)把小人拉到门口,再点recall就算一次(10) rushRush XX次(successfully XX Vault fire)随便一个房间点击加速rush(11) 破灭大火扑灭XX次大火(successfully XX extinguish Vault fire)大火需要rush失败才会出现(12) 合理分配合理分配XX个人(assign XX Dweller to the right room)根据小人的最高属性送小人到对应房间,比如最高的是I,就送到写着I的房间。做任务的基础攻略介绍:首先是一切的基础,避难所人物的属性,即S.P.E.C.I.A.L,在辐射的设定里是这样的:S-P-E-C-I-A-L:S:Strength 力量P:Perception 洞察力E:Endurance 体能C:Charisma,魅力I:Intelligence,智力A:Agility,敏捷.L:Luck.即幸运(人品)在初始教程的时候,你首先会建立一个发电厂,大部分监督者在此急于进行下一步而忽略了研究建造菜单,我在这里补完一下对,看到S了吧?S即代表力量,所以说力量属性越高的人在发电厂里越好,会提高生产速度。刚开始教程里避弹所会给你一个力量初期很高的人,就把它固定分配到这里就可以了。同理,剩下的几个初期建筑需要的的你也可以在建造菜单里查看:(没人吐槽餐厅要敏捷吗?)拿初始的发电厂举个例子,拖动人物到发电厂你可以看见人物头上有一个:S 2代表发电厂需要的是S属性,该人物S属性为2点;把发电厂人放满,在添加人进去就会有三种情况①:S +3 即将这个人物添加进去之后,会比当前多3点属性,会把发电厂里属性最低的那个人和当前人物互换。②:S +0 即属性不变 ③:S -1 即替换进去之后发电厂属性降低1点,也会换人物。(加减的数字是看人物决定的)看到这里我相信大部分监督者都已经着手于人员调动和区域建设,但发现手头瓶盖数量不够。我来说说瓶盖的主要来源,没有接触过辐射系列的玩家可能不知道瓶盖是什么,瓶盖即核战后的通用货币,即核子可乐的瓶盖。在避难所里瓶盖的主要来源是:房间收集时有瓶盖,房间Rush成功后,人物升级,废土探险,做任务等。先讲讲做任务。做任务的时候右下角有任务提示,你也可以从右下角菜单点进去看看。以上,就是小编为亲们带来和分享的关于任务方面的全部内容,友友们可以简单的了解一下!
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Fallout Shelter
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How to Deal With Thos F***-ing&Deathclaws
Deathclaws, the notoriously monsters from the Fallout universe, begin appearing in Fallout Shelter once your Vault reaches 60 dwellers. As you might know already, Deathclaws&can decimate your entire Vault in minutes if you're not prepared as they are not only the toughest enemies, but they can dish out a ton of damage in seconds and move from room to room far faster than raiders can.
There are two main methods to deal with deathclaws:
1) Cause an incident intentionally.&Deathclaws generally appear whenever you open your vault door either to welcome in a new dweller or when you want to send out or take back a Dweller from exploring the wasteland. But the game can only have one incident occur at a time. So if you create an incident by intentionally failing a Rush attempt, causing for example a fire or a radroach infestation, then you can override the entire Deathclaw&possibility and skip it. You also may want to consider getting rid of the Radio Station, if you have one in your Vault, since that also attracts deathclaws&to your humble abode.
2) Brute Force: Of course, if you have the firepower and the armor and Level 50 Dwellers (recommended), then you can survive a Deathclaw attack just fine. Besides, even if you're diligent about strategy #1 above, you might still need to deal with deathclaws&randomly anyway. The first key point here is to have Dwellers with high HP (which means high Endurance and strong Endurance armor) and the highest-damage weapons around (gatling guns, laser rifles, fat man, whatever you can muster). Have these Dwellers man the Vault Door area (hopefully Fortified) as well as any areas on the first floor.
Single Rooms: The second key is to redesign the entire first floor into single rooms. This will likely take some work and a lot of caps, but the benefit is worth the price. I opted to alternate between power generators and nuclear reactors (since these rooms level up the dwellers inside and I wanted them to reach Level 50), but you can make these single rooms however you want so long as they aren't merged together.
Why?&Deathclaws are difficult mainly because it's hard to heal everyone in a room while they're running around being pulverized. Single rooms help contain the situation to just having two of your dwellers attack them at a time, so you can heal them properly with stimpaks. The deathclaws also move quite fast from room to room, so they won't deal too much damage to the two dwellers and then you can just concentrate on the next room with a separate group of two dwellers.
By following this strategy, I can usually knock out all of the deathclaws before they even reach the second floor.
General Tips
Make sure you put each vault dweller in the correct room. Pay attention to their SPECIAL stats to decide who goes where.
Pay the most attention to rooms that produce power, water, and food, as those are the three vital resources in the game.
Focus on the simplest objectives first so you can earn more caps and build out your vault.
Extra people can go in the living quarters, which may then lead to a romance and eventually babies.
Make sure your workers are happy, otherwise their production will go down. To ensure success, let some of your workers hang out in the social rooms if their happiness goes down.
Put similar rooms next to each other to gain bonuses in production.
Don't let anyone with radiation into your vault, otherwise it will spread.
Infinite Lunch Boxes and Money (Exploit) - This exploit requires you to start a game with a brand new vault. Place the rooms you start with, and have the Dwellers occupy them. Complete objectives from there, until you are asked to either &Equip 1 Dweller With a Weapon& or &Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit.& Instead of completing either of those objectives (by claiming a reward), which will disable the exploit, complete other missions until both of the aforementioned objectives are listed. From there, you should soon see a mission to &Get 50 Water,& or to &Get 50 Food,& or to &Level Up a Dweller.& You can complete any of these three missions repeatedly, as long as you have not first completed &Equip 1 Dweller With a Weapon& or &Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit& already noted. Completing those repeatable missions is an easy way to quickly amass a pile of lunchboxes and coins.
Tap on any building you want to build. Next, you'll need to choose where to place it. Instead of selecting an empty space, eliminate rocks until you have almost no money left. Now go ahead and place the building wherever you like. The rocks should still be gone but you won't have to pay for their removal.
You can easily obtain some truly epic loot by carefully following the steps indicated below, though note that it seems to work on only around every 1 out of every 3 attempts. Send out a single dweller who has been trained well and is equipped to deal with the wasteland. Allow him to sit for at least 2 hours. Once that time transpires, check your Wastelander's log to note the time when your dweller last received a loot item (for example, 1:43). At 1 to 3 minutes before his most recent loot acquisition (1:40, if you're following the example), send 3 to 5 random dwellers into the wasteland. They won't be out there for more than around 10 minutes or so, meaning you needn't worry about equipment, stims, or rads. Just after sending them, completely close the game (make sure it's not still running in the background). Wait a few minutes and then open the game again. Quickly look to your first dweller to see if he received an item. If so, you're set. Any dwellers that were sent after him should now have legendary items in their possession. If they don't, try again.
Objectives List
Similar to Achievements or Trophies, objectives are offered in Fallout Shelter. Complete the objectives indicated below to gain the corresponding reward.
Assign Two Dwellers to the Right Room - 25 CAPS
Collect 50 Water - 1 LUNCHBOX
Collect 2,000 Water - 1 LUNCHBOX
Equip 1 Dweller with an Outfit - 1 LUNCHBOX
Collect 5 Weapons - 150 CAPS
Raise the Endurance of 5 Dwellers - 1 LUNCHBOX
Send 1 Dweller to the Wasteland - 25 CAPS
Send 3 Dwellers to the Wasteland - 100 CAPS
Collect 2,000 Food - 1 LUNCHBOX
Raise any SPECIAL stat of 9 Dwellers - 220 CAPS
Successfully Rush 1 Room - 1 LUNCHBOX
Have 10 Male and Female couples dance in the Living Quarters - 200 CAPS
Raise any SPECIAL Stat of 10 Dwellers - 1 LUNCHBOX
Upgrade 2 Rooms - 200 CAPS
Raise Happiness of 10 Dwellers to 100% - 1 LUNCHBOX
Collect 100 Food - 50 CAPS
Successfully Extinguish 1 Vault Fire - 25 CAPS
Sell 2 Weapons or Outfits - 50 CAPS
Collect 50 Food - 25 CAPS
Collect 100 Power - 50 CAPS
Sell 1 Weapon or Outfit - 25 CAPS
Raise the happiness of 1 Dweller to 100% - 25 CAPS
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Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务攻略大全
[] []发表:机智的瓜哥&&&&人气:12064&&&&时间: 11:02:00
在Fallout Shelter辐射避难所游戏过程中,很多玩家看不懂任务,领不到奖励。那么Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务是什么意思,怎么完成?任务奖励是什么?今天小编给大家整理了游戏中会出现的所有类型任务的汇总攻略,Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务攻略大全,Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务说明详解,希望可以帮助到大家。
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所基本资源收集类型任务
(collect XX water/power/food/stimpaks/radaways)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所武器外套收集类型任务
(collect/ sell XX weapon/outfit)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所穿戴类型任务
给XX个人装备 武器/外套
(equip XX Dweller with weapon/outfit)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所锻炼类型任务
(Raise any SPECIAL stat of XX Dweller)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所满意度任务
(Raise XX Dweller to 100%)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所怀孕任务
(assign XX Dweller to pregnant)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所生孩子任务
(Deliver XX Baby Dweller)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所合并房间任务
(merge XX pairs of rooms together)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所去冒险任务
(sent XX Dweller to the Wasteland)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所rush任务
(successfully XX Vault fire)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所扑灭大火任务
(successfully XX extinguish Vault fire)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所合理分配任务
(assign XX Dweller to the right room)
Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务奖励任务
以上就是由手心攻略小编给大家带来的Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务攻略大全,Fallout Shelter辐射避难所任务说明详解全部内容了,希望对你有所帮助。
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