我们现在停止播音英语用closedown down怎么翻译

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中文翻译英英解释关闭, 中止, 降临关机
例句与用法1.Liquidations and closedowns are the healthy catharsis of an efficient market .停业清理和关门倒闭是一个高效率的市场的一种通便下泻的现象。2.New tendency - why lots of japanese insurance companies closedown美国州保险企业税收制度及其启示3.The segment result of this operation also reflected additional air freight expenses and effects of order cancellations due to the closedown of us ports last year去年美国货运码头关闭,导致部份订单取消,亦令空运费用增加,影响玩具部门的分类业绩。 4.Lastly , it designs the electric circuit . the valve achieves the function of self - closedown when the electricity is stopped by using big capacitance components and reverse pulse discharge最后,对电磁阀进行电路设计,采用大电容元件及反向脉冲放电,实现了断电自关闭功能。 5.Closedown and bankruptcy of resource - exhausted state - owned enterprises is a kind of public policy , thus bankruptcy law is not exactly suited for this kind of problems资源枯竭型国有企业的关闭破产属于政策性关闭破产, 《破产法》等正式法律并不完全适用解决此类企业的关闭破产问题。 6.A closedown of acf / tcam during which incoming message traffic is suspended and queued outgoing messages are sent to their destinations before closedown is completed通信系统acf tcam的一种关闭方式,在完成清仓关闭前的关闭期间,将入报文挂起,将排队的出报文发送到各自的目的站。 7.Closedown and bankruptcy , one of state - owned enterprise ' s main means to exit , is related to large mounts of asset , liability and employees , easily turning economic issues into social issues摘要关闭破产是资源枯竭型国有企业主要退出途径之一,涉及大量的资产、债务和职工,很容易由经济问题演变为社会问题。 8.With the serious rectification efforts in the past two years , the probability of sudden shock on the market triggered by the closedown of securities companies due to their various irregularities has been dramatically reduced随着近两年的严肃整顿,由证券公司各种违规违法行为导致关闭引起市场突发性冲击的危机概率已经大大下降。 9.Differentiate diagnose : should distinguish closedown of congenital bravery path , new student contagious hepatitis , tumour of hemal endodermis cell , portal vein thrombosis , ni man - be equal to the disease that overcome a family name鉴别诊断:应区别先天性胆道闭锁,新生儿传染性肝炎,血管内皮细胞瘤,门静脉血栓形成,尼曼匹克氏病等。 10.If arteries and veins approachs infinity , diastolic pressure is too low , it is even 0 , systole pressing is tall , give priority to arterial valve closedown likely not complete , can make clear further through doing heart colour to exceed假如脉压无穷大,舒张压过低,甚至为0 ,收缩压高,有可能为主动脉瓣闭锁不全,可以通过做心脏彩超进一步明确。 &&更多例句:&&1&&
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Television closed down for the night after eleven o'clock.
We'll stop now and resume working at 2 o'clock.
That station goes off the air at midnight.
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英文翻译: sign off
Station TC is off the air now. They signed off one hour ago.
Station TC is off the air now. They signed off one hour ago. TC
2015播音结束英文怎么写由沪江网提供。close with的翻译中文意思-在线英汉词典
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&&英文单词:close with
简明英汉词典close withv.靠近, 接受, 答应现代英汉词典close 1[klEJz]adj.(1)(常与to连用)靠近的;近的;接近的I live close to the shops.我住得离商店很近。(2)近亲的;亲近的;亲密的;(关系)密切的a close friend一位亲密的朋友English has a close affinity to French.英语同法语很相近。(3)紧密的;密集的;狭窄的;有限的(4)谨慎的;彻底的;严格的We keep a close watch on the prisoners.我们严密看守囚犯。(5)不通风的;闷热的close weather闷热的天气It's very close in here. Would you mind opening the window?"这里面太闷了,把窗子打开好吗?"(6)势均力敌的(比赛);不分胜负的(7)秘而不宣的(8)吝啬的;小气的词性变化closeadv.接近地;紧密地She came close to him.她走近他。习惯用语close to home接近事实What she said was very close to home.她说的情况非常接近事实。词性变化closen.(1)死胡同(2)教堂周围的建筑基本词义close 2[klEJz]vt., vi.closed, closing(1)关;闭;封闭(2)停工;打烊;关门When does the shop close?店铺几点关门?(3)停业The firm has decided to close its London branch.公司已决定伦敦分店停业。(4)结束;完成The speech abruptly closed.演讲突然结束。(5)合拢;靠拢They closed on the heels of the runner.他们紧跟在跑者之后。Left close!向左靠拢!词性变化closen.结束;终了;完结to come to a close结束;终止常用词组close down(1)(广播电台、电视台)停止播音,停播(2)(工厂等的)关闭,歇业close inThe firm has decided to close down its Chicago branch.公司已决定关闭芝加哥的分公司。(1)白昼渐短The days close in as autumn becomes deeper."随着深秋的到来,白昼渐渐短了。"(2)包围;封闭;逼近The enemy began to close in.敌军开始逼近。close up(1)关闭;停歇The old road has now been closed up since the highway was open to public use."自从高速公路通车以来,那条旧公路已经封闭了。"(2)靠拢;靠近;靠紧Close up the ranks!靠拢!The teacher told the children to close up to each other near the camp fire and then began his story."老师叫孩子们在营火旁互相靠拢些,接着就开始讲起故事来。"close with(1)同意;和解;接受(2)格斗;搏斗The two armies closed with each other.两军短兵相接。现代英汉综合大辞典close[klEuz]vt.(1)关(闭), 闭(合), 合(拢), 封(闭), 盖(死), 塞(2)结束, 终止; 完结; 停闭(3)商定(交易等), 结清(帐目等)(4)使靠拢, 使接近; 靠紧(5)(电路)接通(6)谈妥; 缔结close a meeting [discussion]结束会议[讨论]close a bargain成交, 讲妥买卖close an electric current接通电流The shop is closed for a week.这家商店停止营业一周。词性变化closevi.(1)关, 闭, 塞住(2)结束; 完结; 停止; 散会(3)接近, 靠近, (船)靠岸(4)扭打, 交战(5)集合(6)同意, 与...一致(on, upon, with)The window won't close.窗关不上。The labour union closed with the company.工会和公司和解。closen.(1)结束, 终止, 完结(2)[古]扭打, 格斗, 交手战(3)(私人的)围地, 场地, 院子; [英](从街道通入院子的)通道, 入口继承用法closeableadj.closeern.关闭者; 关闭器习惯用语break sb.'s close侵入某人的土地bring to a close算完, 结束come to a close算完, 结束have one's eyes closed看不见; 不肯看, 不管, 不理会with one's eyes closed看不见; 不肯看, 不管, 不理会close about包围, 围住; 逼近...周围close around包围, 围住; 逼近...周围close round包围, 围住; 逼近...周围close down(1)(工厂等的)关闭, 停歇; 封闭(2)(夜的)降临(3)(电台的)停止播音close down on限制, 禁止; 抓牢, 逼迫close in(1)围拢; 迫近, 围上来(2)(白天)渐短close upon(1)围拢; 迫近, 围上来(2)(白天)渐短close it up靠拢close off(1)结(帐)(2)隔离, 封锁, 阻塞(3)停止close on围拢, 围上来; 隐没; 同意close upon围拢, 围上来; 隐没; 同意close out(1)抛售(2)停止, 停闭(业务)close over封盖; 淹没; 遮蔽close up(1)靠紧, 靠近(2)关闭, 停歇(3)停止; 结束; 堵塞(4)(伤口)愈合(5)(排球等运动中)封网close upon(1)(手)握紧(某物)(2)(眼向着某物)渐闭(3)(夜)渐深(4)把...关在外面[里面]; (箱子)关着close with(1)靠近, 逼近(2)接受, 答应, 谈妥(3)突击, 与...肉搏特殊用法circuit close闭路器, 开关exhaust close排气开关; 排气停止fit close吻合force close气闭式inlet close进气停止joint close接合缝normal close常闭, 常断阀pipe close管塞close of business停业close of leaf canopy林冠郁闭close of transmission播出结束参考词汇close&&&& end&&&& conclude&&&& terminate&&&&都含“完毕”, “终了”的意思。close指“终止”、“结束”, 如:She closed her speech with a funny joke. 她滑稽地一笑, 结束了发言。 end指“结束”、“突然停止”, 如:Let's end the argument. 让我们结束辩论吧。conclude 系正式用语, 表示“结束”、“完成”, 指“正式会议、事务等结束”或“达成协议(决定)”, 如:conclude the negotiation 结束谈判。terminate 指“(时间上)使结束”、“(空间上)使终止”, 如: The gallery was terminated by folding doors. 走廊尽头是折门。begin&&&& start&&&& commence&&&&英汉航海大词典close with vt.靠近,接受 英汉化学大词典close with vt.靠近,接受 英汉海运大词典close with 靠近
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close down是什么意思
中文翻译英英解释(工厂等)关闭,倒闭查封关闭, 歇业, 停止播音停机停业;打烊停止播送;控制:&&&&adj. 1.关闭着的,密闭的。 2.窄狭的,局促的;严 ...:&&&&短语和例子 down3 n. 1.(装被、褥等用的)鸭绒 ...
例句与用法1.The evening was closing down tranquilly .暮色正在静悄悄地笼罩下来。2.They won't close down for a long time .他们在一段时期内不会倒闭。3.When we arrived they were closing down .我们到时,他们正在关门。4.One publishing house was closed down .一家出版社被封闭了。5.It is midnight and we are now closing down .时间已到午夜,本台现在停止广播。6.The mill's closing down for three days .工厂将停工三天。7.The night closed down without further event .那天一直到天黑,并没有其它的动静。8.They will have to close down soon. business is too bad .他们将不得不歇业,生意太坏了。9.We are now closing down until 7 o'clock tomorrow morning .现在我们停止广播,明天早上再播。10.Close down autos and you close down steel and rubber .关掉了汽车工业你也就关掉了钢铁工业和橡胶工业。&&更多例句:&&1&&&&&&&&


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