
boyfriend是什么意思 boyfriend在线翻译 boyfriend什么意思 boyfriend的意思 boyfriend的翻译 boyfriend的解释 boyfriend的发音 boyfriend的同义词
boyfriend英 ['b??frend] 美 ['b???fr?nd] 第三人称复数:boyfriend的解释boyfriend 基本解释名词男朋友; 情郎boyfriend 网络解释1. 男朋友:<>(boyfriend)一曲中则颠倒了个角色,这个角色也就是Ray J展示的那个做爱比老公强的家伙的角色. ...2. 2. 男友:尽管已经出现最新的高科技女性牛仔裤,但当今最流行的风格是男友(Boyfriend)和紧身(Skiy)牛仔裤,这些牛仔裤的祖先是利维斯特劳斯公司早年开发的牛仔裤.3. boyfriend是什么意思3. 男朋友, 情郎,&美口&情人:aphasic seizure 不语性发作 | boyfriend 男朋友, 情郎,情人 | misbehavior 不礼貌, 品行不端4. 4. 挚爱:7.Boyfriend(摯愛) | Lyrics:Anders Nilsson Music:Anders Nilsson Arranger:林從胤 | I m sorry for me buggin you 很抱歉我對你如此迷戀boyfriend 双语例句1. Her boyfriend, a police officer in Canton, is being charged with two counts of murder.&&&&她的男朋友,坎通州的一名警察,正面临两项谋杀罪名的指控。2. On the other hand, Pakistan's sister close by his father, the Palestinian anger can not be closed brown, chopped angrily to his father and seriously injured, and its de facto abolition Chai boyfriend alone.&&&&另一方面,巴闭的妹妹被父亲,巴闭怒不可褐,愤而把父亲斩至重伤,其同居男友废柴独力承担。3. boyfriend的反义词3. Is that other doctor your boyfriend?&&&&那个医生是你男朋友?4. Her doctor boyfriend is her meal ticket.&&&&她那当医生的男友是她的饭票。5. 5. I believe there was not a girl who gained a Ph. D just for her boyfriend wanted a doctor wife.&&&&我相信没有一个女孩谁获得了博士,为她的男友希望医生的妻子。6. 6. Natural disposition strong and good she equally long to like flowered age, her doctor the boyfriend is also very good to her.&&&&生性坚强而且善良的她一样长到了如花芳龄,她的医生男朋友也对她很好。7. With the sex, and the bloody nose, and the doctor boyfriend.&&&&撞见^做**、撞伤鼻子还有医生男友8. It was a complete mess after all when Pe Jazz realized her boyfriend doctor Jom is gay.&&&&Jazz(饰演BUM RANYA)完全被搞乱了,当她发现自己的男友医生Jom是个同性恋。9. 9. Blair: You did. You told your low-rent boyfriend&&&&你告诉他了,你告诉了你的穷酸男朋友10. 10. You are my boyfriend for 100 days and I'll be your girlfriend for 100 days.&&&&你是我的男朋友达 100 天之久,而且我将是你的女朋友达 100 天之久。11. boyfriend的反义词11. Problem is, it's often super hard to get a boyfriend to open up.&&&&&&但问题是,让一个男人敞开心扉可不像翻本杂志那么简单。12. I'm dying to know what you thought of my new boyfriend.&&&&&&我很想知道你对我的新男友的看法。13. boyfriend的近义词13. Why do I think she's pretty, I do not care, it is only the boyfriend of a title it?&&&&&&为什么我觉得她蛮不在乎我的,难道只是男友的一个头衔吗?14. B: My boyfriend and I broke up.&&&&&&我和我的男朋友分手了。15. Ha ha ha, I know that her boyfriend do not mind sub-book, too.&&&&&&哈哈哈,我知道男友子书也不会介意的。16. 16. Hi suresh, my boyfriend also had the same problem, when i suggested him to use oatmeal scrub.&&&&&&您好苏雷,我的男朋友也有同样的问题,当我建议他用燕麦擦洗。17. boyfriend17. Today, I went up to a secluded mountain my boyfriend took me to for our first date.&&&&&&今天,我自己一人来到了我和我男友第一次约会的地方:一个孤僻的山上。18. In 2005, Zhang Xi, boyfriend of my student Weng Luyan, told me that the second floor of a store in Xi Dan Shopping street was free now, and wanted to do some art issue. He suggested me to talk with the store manager and prepare a curatorial plan. I made a plan titled Human Desire and I and negotiated with the store for several days. Finally we had to give upbecause the store not only didn`t invest money but also asked for works. Afterwards I have been refining the plan while creating artworks.&&&&&&04年我开始写点这方面东西选择艺术家,05年过完年后我的学生翁露燕的男朋友张曦说西单有个商场二楼现在闲着,想做艺术这方面的事情,要我出个策划方案和商场的经理谈谈,我以《物欲与我》为题弄好了方案,结果谈了几天商场不掏一分钱还要艺术家的作品,我们两人无奈的放弃了。19. 19. Insurance is necessary even if you have a boyfriend--believe me, when you`re sick, when you`re getting old, that`s something you can count on.&&&&&&在年轻的时候就要有保险的观念,在你生病,在你垂老的时候,什么男朋友都没有保险指望得上。20. Boyfriend fit—casually chic with a longer shirttail hem and a slightly oversize fit (it's just like his, only you don't have to give it back).&&&&&&男友装修随便较长shirttail下摆和特大型适合略有别致的(这就像他的,只有你没有给它背面)。boyfriend 词典解释1. 男朋友;情人&&&&Someone's
boyfriend is a man or boy with whom they are having a romantic or sexual relationship.&&&&e.g. ...Brenda and her boyfriend Anthony...&&&&&&&&&&&布兰达和她的男友安东尼&&&&e.g. I don't know if she's got a boyfriend or not.&&&&&&&&&&&我不知道她有没有男朋友。boyfriend 单语例句1. Singer Ian Watkins was in fourth place, followed by Lloyd and Goody's boyfriend Jack Tweed.2. She said she will send her love by telephone to her boyfriend in Beijing.3. Still, she can't help but gush about her boyfriend's talents.4. She and her boyfriend Huang Feng then took withdrew cash from three ATMs the next day.5. She explained she wanted to keep her boyfriend who was actually 12 years younger than she.6. The movie stars Amy Adams as a woman who finds love in an unexpected place as she chases across Ireland to propose to her boyfriend.7. A Georgia beauty queen turned herself in to police Saturday to face a murder charge in the death of her boyfriend.8. She claims she has dropped two dress sizes after splitting from her boyfriend Seb Chew.9. His father was Hong's boyfriend who disappeared shortly before the child's birth.10. An Oklahoma woman was arrested after she visited the Delaware County Jail with a Christmas card for her incarcerated boyfriend.911查询·英语单词大全boyfriend 英英释义noun1. a man who is the lover of a girl or young woman&&&&e.g. if I'd known he was her boyfriend I wouldn't have asked&&&&Synonym: boyfriend是什么意思,boyfriend在线翻译,boyfriend什么意思,boyfriend的意思,boyfriend的翻译,boyfriend的解释,boyfriend的发音,boyfriend的同义词,boyfriend的反义词,boyfriend的例句,boyfriend的相关词组,boyfriend意思是什么,boyfriend怎么翻译,单词boyfriend是什么意思常用英语教材考试英语单词大全 (7本教材)
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Boyfriend为韩国男子音乐组合,组合由东玄、贤星、正玟、荣旻、光旻以及玟玗六位成员所组成,所属公司为STARSHIP Entertainment。Boyfriend的歌迷名称为Best Friend(??????)。Best就是指无论何时何地都在Boyfriend的身边,成为一个坚不可摧、最棒的支持者;而Friend是随著Boyfriend的「Friend」所决定的,有著永远成为Boyfriend的好朋友的意思。同时,这亦意味著Best Friend无论在何时都会守护在Boyfriend的身边,成为他们最好的朋友。
即将於3日晚间播出的MBC MBig TV综艺节目《花美男Bromance》,将迎来第13组主人公:BTOB成员陆星材以及Boyfriend成员赵荣旻&赵光旻的友情故事。
日 & 星期二10:10 &
今日(12月7日)下午,网剧《The Miracle》在首尔市江南区Ilchi Art Hall举办了制作发布会。
日 & 星期三17:22 &
日 & 星期四14:37 &
歌手K.Will自2007年出道后,发表许多作品,更时常为戏剧演唱OST,深受大众喜爱。一首好歌若是有著好MV,相信会加分不少。而出演过K.Will歌曲MV的男偶像、男演员,不乏「花美男」啊!你们 ...
日 & 星期五10:48 &
充满活力的TWICEEK 歌曲《OOH-AHH??》,由Starship的Vocal三兄弟演唱了抒情版本,大家都听过没?
日 & 星期二12:30 &
日 & 星期日12:30 &
MBLAQ G.O、Teen Top 天地、BOY FRIEND 贤星将於2月14日共同参与《I.CAL LIST》偶像歌手演唱会,将和粉丝共度情人节。
日 & 星期三21:44 &
日 & 星期四17:51 &
日 & 星期三17:01 &
日 & 星期一13:43 &
昨日(11月26日),Starship娱乐公司在官方社交媒体上公开了一张STARSHIP PLANET冬季歌曲《Softly》的宣传图。
日 & 星期五13:28 &
Boyfriend成员东炫亮相时尚杂志《VOGUE girl》,以「后台」为主题,展现音乐剧世界背后的故事。
日 & 星期一15:08 &
日 & 星期二17:46 &
日 & 星期五08:38 &
日 & 星期日15:58 &


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