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《NBALive2007》是一款体育竞技类的游戏。EA最近确认了其老牌体育游戏最新作《NBA LIVE 07》,新作修正了人物在运动时的脚步移动,并且让球员的反应性更加灵敏和真实,除此之外最令人兴奋的就是其画面的改进了,球员脸部的造型更加真实,同时光源也更加柔和。从画面上看,2K7已经比前作2K6有了不少提高,尤其是在动作方面。在2K6中暴露的扣篮,假动作等问题得到了很大改善。现在你可以看到球员们有着正确的节奏,出色的步伐,甚至在突破过程中出现的磕磕绊绊。
游戏说明游戏将使玩家进入更真实的篮球世界,藉由硬体的提升而在图像表现上有著大幅的进步,包括玩家的个性、态度、自信与风格都可以真实表现在篮球比赛的过程中。在设计游戏的同时,也给予玩家更多的自由移动空间,将可以呈现完整360度的移动,体会置身真实篮球世界的感受。&&EA并将与全球知名的体育媒体&ESPN&合作,在《NBA&Live&07》游戏中提供ESPN最新比赛资讯,以及电视与广播节目的串流下载播放功能,玩家可以在游戏中直接观赏最新的&ESPN&内容,甚至可以将广播节目当成背景音乐,边玩游戏边听广播,节目的内容并将持续更新。游戏内容方面,经典的VIP系统,经营模式,投篮操作都将保留并得以改进。其它一些内容包括一个全新的街球模式,以及一种新增加的传球方式--击地传球。另一个值得称赞的地方就是2K7会让感觉置身于赛场之中,忘记原来那些呆板的换人选择吧,现在你可以直接从替补席上选择替换队员。你甚至可以看到球员从替补席起身,接着坐在记分台前等候上场的画面。游戏特色1、EA SPORTS(TM) 完全自由风格控制系统:彻底控制自由风格超级巨星,施展高飞球员、射球员、得分球员和主控球员等栩栩如生的招式,然后,经由即时改变技巧属性将你的球赛提升至全新层次,并随时切换你的自由风格超级巨星招式,决定你的明星在比赛中获胜的方式。2、掌控比赛:使用全新的先进控制系统操控你的自由风格超级巨星,提升他们的球技并掌控比赛。展现绝妙招式令观眾如痴如狂,并且提升你的球队气势。感受你的防守抄截球员、精锐球星或球迷喜爱的球员在关键时刻适时出手的紧张气氛。3、数百种招式:为了忠实呈现 NBA 球员,自由风格超级巨星现在拥有多种不同的能力等级,让你完全控制数百种招式。但只有比赛中最出色的球员才有机会提升至最高等级,因此,於球赛中尽量让他们有出手的机会。4、招牌跳投: NBA 顶尖球员的招牌跳投招式,分毫不差地在游戏中重现。5、无与伦比的 ESPN 整合套件:透过最先进的 ESPN 整合套件,世界体坛媒体巨擘 ESPN 将为你带来最新消息、战绩快报、Podcasts 广播和 ESPN 体坛动态。6、全新的人工智慧系统:导入专为次世代游戏主机设计的直觉式游戏引擎。运用球队专属战术,例如三角战术和挡切,彻底控制你的进攻步调,或是腾空盖火锅、在第一时间抢下篮板球,巩固防守优势。7、NBA 明星週末:当你在灌篮大赛和三分球大赛中展现球技时,ESPN 分析师 Greg Anthony 和 TNT 播报员 Ernie Johnson 将在一旁进行评述。明星週末包括精彩的新秀挑战赛和著名的NBA明星赛。8、先进的王朝模式:成为球队经理,经营你最喜爱的球队,体验在球季中管理球队士气所面临的挑战。探查球员情报、提出交易以及调查流言,让你的球队能从 NB A选秀开始一路挺进至NBA总冠军赛。9、NBA 之声:前任芝加哥公牛队球星 Steve Kerr 与当红球评 Marv Albert 将在篮球场边的最佳位置为你带来精彩绝伦的实况转播,并针对所有的超级巨星给你独到的专家见解。游戏指南发现这个NBA&LIVE&2007真是超搞笑,我不小心玩着玩着,玩到2009年时,我的主力阵容就变了。首发:PG:克里斯.保罗(原来总评86,现在总评92)&SG:特雷西.麦克格雷迪(总评93)&SF:安东尼(掘金的,原来总评86吧,现在总评94)&PF:霍华德(猛龙的,原来总评81,现在总评92)&C:姚明(原来88,现在总评92)&之后替补有马盖特(86)&ALSTON(70,他每年都在下降)&还有其它的忘记名字了,所有人的总评都在70以上。&我的方法是充分利用电脑的BUG(没办法,谁叫它笨呢)&坚决用2换一或3换一的方法换人&或者等着人家队里有主力受伤(比如C受伤你就可以拿3个C去换它的90多的或者80多的人)&当然,最主要的是你得尽可能找价钱合适的和他们队里有剩位置的&我第一年只换了保罗和安东尼,第二年才换来了霍华德,如果我想换的话,估计詹母斯和WADE也能换到的中间的过程是你必须先去山猫队换OKAFOR,这个家伙超容易换,似乎用2换一就行了,直接拿火箭的霍华德改成C去换吧,肯定能换到。之后拿OKAFOR当跳板很快就能换到安东尼。第一个赛季,热火和骑士都没剩什么位置,所以很难换,而之前的人说换太阳的迪奥,那根本是在骗自己.太阳对所有位置的人都没兴趣,而且迪奥的价钱又那么少,你很难找得到一个跟他差不多价钱又能让太阳愿意跟你换的,至于用3个PF换WADE,不到第二第三个赛季,根本没可能.大家换的时候记得认准人家缺什么你就送什么,而且找个附带品的时候千万别找人家缺的那个位置上的人.之后请人时,球探和那个首席助席少花点钱,之后用那2M多的钱买三个助理教练,这样训练起来速度超快.(有兴趣的话也建议大家去修改下教练的能力,呵呵,我自己是没有修改的).最后说下关于新秀的,你找个再好的球探天天去探察也没用的.无论我怎么选,最后选的都是B或者C的新秀,那些A的变态电脑会全部选得一个不剩的.而且有些A还会剩到第二轮让电脑选中了,简直不可思议.&好了,上面讲的都是火箭用2007上的人员能换到的人,现在来讲个用最新(加了WELLS)的阵容建的王朝换人法,在第一天,你就可以用WELLS加个HAAD换到保罗(个人超喜欢他,06时也千方百计去换他)&之后再用木桶伯&斯耐德和帕吉特又可以从猛龙队换到BOSS&嘿嘿,这样的首发就变成&C:YAO&MING&PF:BOSS&SF:BATTIE&SG:T.M&PG:PAUL&够强了吧&而且还有很多后卫和PF可以让你去换人&建议你等到下赛季时去换L.B,那时很容易换的&这样阵容就变&C:YAOMING&PF:BOSS&SF:L.B&SG:T.M&PG:PAUL&游戏配置& &【推荐配置】&CPU:Pentium4&&2GHz以上&&&内存:1G&&显卡:128&MB的支持DirectX&9.0游戏测试环境此游戏在以下硬件配置环境测试正常运行电脑型号映泰 TH61A 台式电脑电脑型号技嘉 台式电脑操作系统Windows 7 专业版 64位 SP1操作系统Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3处理器英特尔 第二代酷睿 i5-2500K @ 3.30GHz 四核处理器英特尔 第三代酷睿 i3-3220 @ 3.30GHz主板映泰 TH61A ( 英特尔 H61 芯片组 )主板技嘉 B75M-D3V (英特尔Ivy Bridge - B75 Express 芯片组)内存4 GB ( 宇瞻 DDR3 1333MHz )内存8 GB ( 金士顿 DDR3 1600MHz )硬盘西数 WDC WD20EARX-00PASB0 (2TB/转/分)硬盘西数 WDC WD5000AAKS-00V1A0 ( 500 GB / 7200 转/分 )显卡Nvidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti ( 1 GB )显卡ATI Radeon HD 6570 &( 2 GB / ATI )声卡威盛 高保真音频声卡瑞昱 ALC887 @ 英特尔 Panther Point High Definition Audio Controller网卡瑞昱 RTL8168E PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC / 映泰网卡瑞昱 RTL8168E PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC / 技嘉组件DirectX 11组件DirectX 9.0c注:如果您玩不了此游戏,请使用硬件检测工具认真核对是否与斗蟹测试通过的配置一致,非一致配置不能玩请加QQ群 & & & &【NBA】系列游戏推荐游戏名称游戏类别游戏大小下载地址体育竞技6.8&GB体育竞技6.5&GB体育竞技39.29&GB体育竞技6.8&GB体育竞技39.29&GB体育竞技37&GB体育竞技6.6&GB体育竞技6.55&GB体育竞技6.81&GB体育竞技3.69&GB体育竞技6.41&GB体育竞技6&GB体育竞技6.6&GB体育竞技288.46&MB体育竞技375.35&MB体育竞技279.19&MB体育竞技247.7&MB体育竞技152.92&MB体育竞技225.03&MB《NBA》系列游戏秘籍帮助(573)人帮助(534)人帮助(394)人帮助(366)人帮助(358)人帮助(1774)人帮助(843)人帮助(661)人帮助(4502)人帮助(231)人帮助(74)人帮助(83)人帮助(245)人帮助(111)人帮助(88)人帮助(66)人《NBA》系列游戏辅助工具帮助(375)人帮助(256)人帮助(72)人帮助(1116)人帮助(882)人帮助(142)人帮助(1065)人帮助(306)人帮助(171)人帮助(653)人帮助(309)人帮助(220)人
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Includes 50 Steam Achievements
Title: NBA 2K15
Release Date: 6 Oct, 2014
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About This Game
Nominated for 70 'Game of the Year' Awards, the NBA 2K franchise returns with NBA 2K15, our most true-to-life NBA experience yet.
Now, for the first time in franchise history, the PC version of NBA 2K15 will be a fully featured Next-Gen experience.
Featuring NBA MVP Kevin Durant on the cover and an eclectic soundtrack curated by internationally-renowned artist and producer, Pharrell Williams, NBA 2K15 hits the court with unprecedented life-like graphics, ultra-realistic NBA gameplay, and more.
It’s up to you to claim your destiny.
With full controller support on PC, NBA 2K15 features a number of significant gameplay improvements, including approximately 5,000 new animations, all-new defensive AI, shooting systems, new team-specific play sets, and more control over rebounding, steals, and blocks, making players feel engaged in every basketball decision and action.
An upgraded broadcast-style presentation hosted by Ernie Johnson and Shaq delivers authentic commentary and analysis to the action.
Experience the life of an NBA player in an all-new storyline.
Take your MyPLAYER online in this massive-multiplayer playground mode.
Build your fantasy dream team with cards from every era by earning a collection of MyTEAM cards.
PC Exclusives
o Steamworks
o Steam Achievements
o Steam Cloud
System Requirements
OS: Windows 7 64 bit or higher
Processor: Intel Core2 Duo or better (SSE3 or later)
Memory: 2 or more GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 10.1 compatible (512 MB) or better
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 50 or more GB available space
Sound Card: 9.0c compatible
Additional Notes: Keyboard or dual- Additional Notes: Initial installation requires one-time internet connection for S software installations required (included with the game) include DirectX and Visual C++ Redistributable 2010.
OS: Windows 7 64 bit or higher
Processor: Intel Core i5 or better
Memory: 4 or more GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 11.0 compatible (2 GB) or better
DirectX: Version 11
Storage: 50 or more GB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible
Additional Notes: Dual-analog gamepad
Take-Two Interactive Software and its subsidiaries. All rights reserved. 2K Sports, the 2K Sports logo, and Take-Two Interactive Software are all trademarks and/or registered trademarks of Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc. The NBA and individual NBA member team identifications used on or in this product are trademarks, copyrights designs and other forms of intellectual property of NBA Properties, Inc. and the respective NBA member teams and may not be used, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of NBA Properties, Inc. (C) 2014 NBA Properties, Inc. All rights reserved
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One of my best nba games i buyed
Deep content for a game, the career mode is near perfect, the GM mode is also quite fun, some visual bugs, but overall this is one of the best basketball games of all time, and definitely the best available on PC.9/10.
NBA 2K15 is great! and to think the improvement of the graphics is just awesome!&PLAY HARD because BALL IS LIFE&
Kobe really doens't pass! 11/10
fun game runs good
it's a nice NBA game.
This is the game I have put the most hours into and it's for good reasons.-It's significantly better in terms of gameplay and graphics compared to 2k14-There's so much content from my team, career, gm, blacktop, play park, playoffs multiplayer, etc.-Immensely frustrating because it is definitely a video game that does not come close to the real thing.Overall: If you like basketball, then get this game and get lost in the basketball world
You know a game is good when it's the last thing you think about at night and the first thing you want to do in the morning.NBA 2K15 made me forget to masturbate.69/10
Very nice game with good graphics and animations! The sounds are perfect and the game makes you feel that you are in a real nba game !
It's basketball without the gang shootings and getting robbed of your shoes
You know a game is good when it's the last thing you think about at night and the first thing you want to do in the morning.NBA 2K15 made me forget to masturbate.69/10
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Its ok I guess
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good game :)
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Review of NBA 2K15, 7 months after the release, good timing amirite?Anyway I'll go over the different parts of the game, the good, the bad and the ugly of the game's mechanic and such.Animations:+ Fluent animations+ Bench reactions, the bench players go nuts whenever you throw down the jam on the center+ Helps giving the game it's amazing atmosphere- The actual ball mid air can look like it's attached with a string to the basket. Which gives it a ugly look- If your 5'8 guard has dunking capabilities it'll look weird as ????.- Teleporting players during cut scenes :/9/10 overallA.I:+ It learns from your way of game+ Good in general+- Overrated, when I picked this up I was expecting more from all the hype it has gotten.- The coaching A.I has questionable time outs.7/10Graphics:+ 10/10 nothing more to sayMechanics/Gameplay:+ Defending is actually fun, YES, DEFENDING IS FUN, who'd know.+ Offense is even more fun.+ The shooting system is good and balanced to a certain degree. If your Durant is facing up against a good perimeter defender he'll have a harder time shooting from the 3, for example.- Rebounding is too easy. Way too easy.The review of the game content:MyGM:+ Realistic drafting + Realistic trading+ Training camps+ Staff have different traits to them, which is nice I guess.- Annoying A.I, the coaches and players especially keep on nagging about not getting enough play time or training being too hard. Hell I've got a 85 overall Zach Lavine complaining about his 25MPG when I've got Damien lillard 96 overall playing 34MPG. - The owner, sets unrealistic goals and gets whiny whenever you fail them.- You can't retire numbers, which is really sad. This should definatily be implemented in to the gamemode.- The progression of the players isn't all that good. - 50K VC for buying the club. 50K. I'm in my 8th year as the GM of the Timberwolves, I've won 3 straight titles, gotten the most points in the season 4 times in a row. Spent around 5k VC on training camps and such. Yet I've only managed to gather a total of 15K VC...--- Andrew wiggings broke 3 NBA records in a game, I wanted to see how it played out so I gave him the ball all the time. Turns out there's not even a scene from him breaking the record(s). He just scored the 101th point. Why is there no outburts. Dissapointment really.MyCareer/MyPlayer:Now this is the mode I've been playing for 200 hoursYou start off as a undrafted rookie and you've got to train for different teams, yada yada yada.+ Well voiced cutscenes (SOMETIMES)+ Well made player editor, probably the best I've played around with.+ You can buy animations from different legends and players (FOR VC)- VC, ???? the currency. This game is a money grab, honestly. You shouldn't be able to buy VC, it makes it so unfair when you're playing MyPark. And it's a nuisance to farm up all the VC.- You become a starter for the club WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYY (I can't express this enough) too easy. I got traded to LAC as a PG, 3 games and I was competing with CP3 for the starting position. - You can't decide what type of player you want to be. As I've heard you could do in the previous games. Now you start of with the same stats. A 6'8 250lbs SF has the same attributes as a 6'6 175lbs SF.- I can't buy uppgrades for one single attribute, I've got to buy a so called &pack&. You get 1-3 points in each shooting attribute. Even if I just want to be a sharpshooter from 3.- Coach gives too much + in teamgrade. You'll always end up with at least an A.MyTeam: I haven't played much of this, but I've gathered some of my favorite players from history and present. Like Rondo, The Worm, KG, Paul Pierce and Andre Drummond. But from what I've played this game mode is the best out of the 3 in terms of most positive to negative aspects. Still the VC currency, which is a ?????.Online:I've yet to play a single online game apart from MyPark. (Location isn't the most relevant, and the network not the best)I still would want them to add a few things.LIKE KAREEM ABDUL JABBAR. NEVER UNDERSTOOD WHY HE ISN'T PRESENT IN THE GAME.Add some more &legend teams& (Like the '01 Phillies and '94 Bulls which are already in the game).Did I say add Kareem Abdul Jabbar? Do it.Overall rating 8/10The gamemodes need fixing, the &system A.I& (Don't know what to call it) needs some fixes, the VC... Please remove it.
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Let's break this game down. Let me start this off with this is not a bad game. I REPEAT &THIS GAME IS NOT A BAD GAME&.Matter of fact this is the best sports game I have played. Let's break this down with a +/- pros and cons list. Make sure to check my updates!! Very important Update #9 (Final update)Pros:-Great atmosphere-Great gameplay-Awesome Graphics-Realism (The feel of being at the game is almost always there for me.)-Game is actually very well done from what I have played.-Great story... Yes story. In a sports game. Crazy-Possibly the best 2K gameplay ever.-Fluency with contollers is greatCons:-Servers are down no VC is available for purchase as of right now. (It's just the first day I don't blame them)-My VC that was promised when I pre-ordered the game is not available. (I think this is due to the servers)-This game is a straight hard ??? game they make your myplayer soooo hard to play with. (500 hours on 2K14 PC+360)-Servers are empty (Servers are down as of now.-(Update) MyTeam one of the most played game modes is unavailable due to the servers on PC as well. There is so much fun to have here in this game. Arguably the best sports game saga and this one is taking a shot at all of the 2K games. The story in MyCareer is the most well polished story next to Shadow of Mordor. Is this game worth it? Absoulutley. Check for updates! I got this as soon as it came out so let me know what you guys think about the game!!Update #2: Purchasable VC is still not available in game. I think this is so the players can get to play there MyPlayers with out maxing them out instantly. Although this game has a lot of server side issues on PC, I still look forward to playing this game at it's final build which should be soon. I've been wanting to play MyPark but to servers this isn't aloud. Sadly. I'll keep updating as the game get's better.Update#4 Specs:My computer is very well made. Very cheap. A lot of people have added me recently asking if their computer can run this game. So lemme make this clear. Your graphics card has to be above a 640 Nvidia to run this game. I have issues running this game on my 650 Ti Boost. So let's break this down.Graphics card minimum:-650 regular (Not boost)CPU:-Anything above and equal i5 pretty much (I have i7)RAM:6GB at the leastHard Drive:At least 50GB of free space on your hardrive.Update #5:I finally got my Pre-Order. Got on and now the servers are off. Again. Still only the third day. Game's are hard to get going I understand. I'm still waiting on playing the full game which should be sometime this week. So prepare for updates.Update #6: VC is here finally. I got my Pre-Order just a while ago. This game is sooo great. There are only two problems with the game and that happens to be there aren't a lot of players at MyPark. I cannot find any players servers are empty. Then I can't buy clothes right now but I think there is a bug so i'll wait. This game is getting better by the day.Update #7: Yes there is MyTeam. I meant there MyTeam servers aren't up. The 2K Servers are bugers. Now the servers are up and the game is almost at the final verdict with minor patches.Update #8: So many server issues. These issues have been all over the 2K support and Devs personal twitters. Unfortuantely I believe they're gonna do PC last. Also the MyPark's are always empty still. I met a person but only one person lol. I left. Also you can still not purchase clothes. Oh what a sad day for 2K...Update #9:Servers are back. You can pretty much do everything from this point on. The only issue I seem to face now is empty MyParks. I still haven't been able to play MyPark. It might be the park i play for the Sunset Beach Ballers is what I rep so if you wanna get dunked on feel free to come to my park
&:)Update #10 (Final):Everything is working now. The game is worth every penny. The only issues I've had are gameplay issues. Like handling the ball is so hard there is no way you aren't getting a turnover. The game is very hard. But besides that nothing seems to bother me. MyPark is always buggy but they expierenced that last year too. So whatever. So final verdict... Is this game worth it? Yes. Is the game fun absoulutley. So if you get this game meet me on the court..New: Lol people. If you expect to write reviews about this game because you can't run it on your ?????? 2008 laptop is not my fault and it's not 2Ks fault. You should know your computers limits. That goes to show why some of you can't run this game. Lol if your computer is good you can run this game don't run unless you know for a fact you can run it.
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Worth 60$? No. Worth 15$ during Steam Summer Sale? Yes.
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Stephen Hawking thinks AI is going to spell the end of mankind in the far future, apparently, but rest assured ladies and gentlemen. Play 150+ hours of this game and you'll learn that if IN THE YEAR 2014-15, BASKETBALL SIMULATOR VIDEO GAME AI IS INCAPABLE OF REPLICATING NORMAL BLOODY FLOOR SPACING IN A BASKETBALL SIMULATOR VIDEO GAME, THEN WE HAVE A VERY LONG TIME BEFORE THE END OF HUMANITY IS UPON US, MR.HAWKING. MY CAT COULD UNDERSTAND FLOOR SPACING BETTER THAN THE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN THIS GAME. Summary of the gameplay in NBA 2K15: Opening Tip - Win every time because the AI is incapable of timing its jump.First possession - Try to pass to open 3 point shooter, 3 point shooter AI ignores common-sense, runs into middle of the key where there are 3 other players. Pass gets aimed into cluster of players. Turnover.Opposition Possession - You play good defense, you don't allow any easy scores. The AI holds the ball until the shot clock runs down to 4 seconds, then isolates their best player. Despite having a hand in the AI's face and terrible shot selection, the opposition will somehow make a 3 pointer as the shot clock expires.2nd Possession - You move the ball around, avoiding the cheese as much as possible. Open 3 point shot to tie the game off a good screen, Steph Curry shooting. Despite the open shot for an excellent shooter, your shot will clank off the back rim and fall directly into the hands of your center. You fake a shot, try to get the defender up, and your center, I.E. LaMarcus Aldridge, an all-star and one of the best players at his position, will miss a wide-open layup. Opposition Possession - You'll play excellent on-ball defense, but your AI defender will stand in one position and allow their player to get an open layup/dunk. If your center rotates, it will be completely pointless, because every time your center contests a shot, there's either a foul or a ridiculous contested layup make.3rd Possession - By this point you're fustrated that you're down 4-0 despite doing nothing wrong. You pass to your power forward who has a ridiculous bumped up post-fadeaway rating, and exploit the overpowered post-offense system in the game. Congrats, you just cheesed your way to your first bucket.Opposition Possession - Opposition finally misses a shot! It's too bad your center doesn't offensive rebound for them, 6-2. By now you're so angry that you can't be bothering risking getting cheesed again, so for the rest of the game you just use your best post player and best 3 point shooter and throw up shots 5-6 seconds into the shot clock all game.Now rinse and repeat for 150 hours, pay $50 for VC so you can buy some over-priced and usually useless packs for your MyTeam. If you're lucky, you'll get David Lee or maybe, just maybe, Anthony Davis, who despite being a current top 3 NBA player, is incapable of making an open layup in this game.I wish I could say it gets better when you play online, and in many ways, the AI becomes a lesser factor for starters. However, everyone you play will be a 2K cheeser. I'm not exaggerating, literally everyone I've played is a cheeser. They will exploit the zig-zag 3 pointers, they will abuse the post, they will try to take charges at every chance they get (especially when you're dribbling up the court), every shot will fall their way and every shot you take will clank off the rim, wide open or not.
Especially with Kobe, apparently he shoots 25% on any jump shot in this game. You'll get about 70% of your poin in this game, alley-oops are a higher percentage shot than open 3-pointers. You get given a choice around half- stick to your principals and keep playing a clean game on your half, and lose by 25 points or more. Or, you could stoop to their level, and cheese them back, exploiting their own techniques. and maybe have a small chance of winning. MyGM is a brilliant game mode and i too bad you can buy your way to winning regardless. EDIT - Also in MyGM, terrible players will demand trades because they're coming off the bench. I had SHANE LARKIN demand I trade him because I wasn't starting him over 91 overall Dante Exum. WHEN WOULD THAT EVER HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE? Joel Embiid demanded a trade because he &wasn't happy with his usage rate& even though I was giving him 33 minutes a game and he was averaging 27ppg. Every starter was unhappy with their usage rate, every bench player is unhappy with their minutes and &organisational role&. Extremely unrealistic in that regard.AND MYCAREER. If you don't start yourself off with $20-$50 of VC, you are in for a hell of a grind my friend. I'm talking 3 minutes a game, 100 VC a match struggle here, and upgrades aren' usually around 2000 VC for a single upgrade. They took away a lot of the customization this year and restricted player overalls extremely, allowing only 1 upgrade per 7 games played once you hit the upgrade cap. Which is somewhat good for MyP but it's not like that even matters anyway because everyone on mypark just uses 7 foot small forwards with maxed out athleticism, so they have massive height advantage and the same speed as a 6'1 point guard (seriously, what the hell 2K?). Your teammates won't take open shots. I once got benched for about 15 games for literally no reason while averaging 37ppg, 12asp and 7rpg (Because I brought my way there, like a complete knob jockey). For some reason your assistant coach follows you to any team you go to, as well. In my 7th season, I still get called &Rookie& and every contract season is the exact same. It's literally like they expect you to rage quit after 10 games.But all above all, the gameplay is worth playing, and is why you put up with this dog poop. It's actually a fun game under all the glaringly obvious flaws and easily the most realistic basketball simulator I've ever played. Lot's of fun playing with friends (but I guarantee all your friends are on console, correct)?Don't expect anything to get fixed either. 2K won't listen to a damn thing you say, because they know there isn't any realistic competition on the basketball game market. Despite this, customers actually consider buying NBA Live, a god-awful piece of utter f**k-sauce, because this game is so fustrating. Yes, 2K, you treat your customers so poorly that they would consider buying a game made by EA over your overpriced garbage. Hell, if NBA Live was on PC, I'd take it into consideration if they made a half decent game. The 2K producers are decent enough people. People like Ronnie 2K, LD2K, all interact with the community, release fairly generous locker codes, listen to w thus why it fustrates me so much that they don't fix the frustrating bugs and cheesy animations. I'm certainly not one to whinge and moan about a game like this. I've played plenty of buggy, unplayable, sometimes just flat out terrible games, but when I pay $89 USD for a game (Roughly $110 Australian), I and this game has so much potential to be an enjoyable experience, it's just the little things that are holding it back from reviews like this one.9/10, I'm probably going to buy 2K16 and go through the exact same ???? again.EDIT: Now that I'm officially done playing this game, I can tell you with hindsight that the only thing to come out of this game for me is that I know all the lyrics to Aerosol Can. P.S, ][G][ The Cure, please show a hint of maturity and stop abusing anybody who comments on this review.
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Kobe doesn't pass10/10 Realism
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I bought NBA 2K15 on 10/9/14. I was skeptical considering the mixed reviews, especially considering that most of the negative reviews from users were claiming that game-breaking bugs and server issues had ruined the game-play experience. Some people even said they had lost all their progress, including their pre-order bonuses. I can't promise that these bugs don't exist, but I haven't experienced any myself. As of this writing, I've been playing 2K14 for roughly 8 hours. During that time I have only had it crash once, and I haven't experienced any graphical anomalies or bizarre glitches. After playing the disappointing port of NBA 2K14 on PC, this year's edition is a major upgrade. The graphical overhaul was much needed (no more 2D crowd members), and the game looks fantastic. In addition, the mechanics have been seriously tuned up, and shooting feels much more natural now. Career mode is all new, and I personally think the changes (from the better voice acting to the more immersive story line) significantly improve the franchise.
There are still minor gripes about the game, like how sometimes in career mode you will be assigned a certain player to defend, but suddenly that assignment will switch to a player on the other side of the court, just as that totally unreachable player is shooting the ball, resulting in a b.s. &you allowed a player to score& penalty to your team grade. But, in all sincerity, most of my gripes are minor. All in all, I'm vastly enjoying the game, and I think that 2K has done a great job making a respectable PC version of their basketball franchise. I can't promise that you won't have issues with your copy, and I won't blame you for exercising caution if you decide to wait and purchase this game after patch releases, but I personally don't regret spending the $60 at all. My rig consists of: - NVIDIA GTX 770 2GB- Intel Core i5 4590 CPU- 8GB 1600MHz Corsair Vengeance- 120GB Samsung EVO SSD- 1TB 7200RPM WD HDD (where I have the game installed)- Windows 8.1I'm running everything on max settings with no studder or frame rate issues.
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If you ever wanted to know the feelings of being black and able to dunk a basketball, this game is for you.
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