
FAQ — Plagiarism Checker | WriteCheck by TurnitinIssue #19 &(Implied eval() and Learning Tools)
Most of us probably know that using eval() is regarded as bad practice. If you use a linting tool like JSLint or JSHint, you'll be able to ensure your code doesn't use eval() unnecessarily. In addition, these tools will also warn you of syntax that uses implied eval(). Here are three such examples:
1. The function constructor
You'll get a warning in many tools and linters about this syntax, which looks like this:
var myFunc = new Function("x", "y", "return x + y");
myFunc(3,4); // 7
To remedy this, you should use a function expression or function declaration.
2. Passing a string literal to a setTimeout() or setInterval() call
This is another form of eval(). Here's an example:
setTimeout("alert('Hello World!');", 3000);
The correct way to do this, to avoid eval-like behavior, is to pass a function instead:
setTimeout(function() {
alert("Hello World!");
3. Using document.write()
You've most certainly seen this or used it at some point:
document.write("Example text.");
When using document.write and linting your code you'll get a warning such as "document.write can be a form of eval", or something similar.
In almost all instances, document.write() is unnecessary and there are perfectly valid alternatives even though they may not do exactly what it does.
For more on the stuff mentioned above, here are some links:
&(JSLint Errors)
&(JSLint Errors)
(James Wiseman)
Now on to this week's learning tools!
Interactive Tools
"Teaches HTML, CSS, and Javascript through fun projects you can do in your browser."
Part of the "Let's Code: Test-driven JavaScript" series, this lesson includes an on-page code visualization tool to help you grasp object-oriented concepts in JavaScript.
"Five functions to fill. One ticking clock. How fast can you code?"
Lea Verou used this tool a while back in one of her talks. Write a regular expression, then write a matching string, and the tool will highlight the matched portion and even tell you when there is no match.
"Build software to solve challenges. Compete in online competitions or in-person hackathons for fun and profit."
Guess which programming language by looking at "Hello World!" snippets.
Solve coding exercises, make awesome projects and win cool contests. Includes Ruby, JavaScript, HTML/CSS, PHP and lots more.
A free course on&Code School, it's "a combination of videos, interactive console challenges, and writing code in the browser."
"The game is pretty simple, look at some code & decide if it would trigger an HTTP request in the latest stable release of particular browsers."
A CSS selectors quiz for the more challenging selectors that we may not be as familiar with.
"In each lesson, you'll be given an introduction to a single Markdown concept. Then, you'll be asked to complete several exercises with that new knowledge."
"Codersumo is a community of ninjas, wrestlers, airbenders, samurai and sumo coders. We get better at coding by solving problems."
E-Book by Henrik Joreteg. "Practical patterns for simple but powerful JavaScript apps." Includes a lifetime subscription to book updates with purchase.
By Martin Angelov. In his words: "100 advanced jQuery techniques that I have developed over the years as a JavaScript programmer and author for Tutorialzine, presented as easy to understand tips."
By Ilya Grigorik. Viewable for free online. "Provides what every web developer should know about the network, from fundamental limitations that affect performance to major innovations for building even more powerful browser applications"
Originally a StackOverflow post, this is now a well-populated GitHub repo.
Yet another list of free books, this time focused on JavaScript.
By Reginald Braithwaite. "A strong cup of functions, objects, combinators, and decorators."&Free to read online or you can purchase a proper E-Book.
This is an old book (1994). It caught my eye because it seems to be a highly recommended book for all programmers. It has well over 300 reviews on Amazon averaging 4.5 stars, which is very impressive.
By Boris Smus. A short book to get you quickly up to speed with HTML5 audio. Available free online with code examples and demos or for purchase.
By&E. Hoigaard. "Discover the beauty of functional programming in CoffeeScript." Free online, and includes an 'Interactive HTML5 edition'.
Podcasts and Newsletters
Curated by Jake Bresnehan, one of the well-known "weeklies". Always good links and there's usually (always?) a section on new tools.
A podcast by&John Macpherson covering various front-end development/design topics, and also includes interviews with well-known web personalities.
A WordPress-focused podcast by&by Brad Touesnard and Pippin Williamson.
"An in-depth discussion on the latest tooling, workflow and best practices for front-end developers." Hasn't been updated recently, but the archives might be worth a listen.
Hosted by Garann Means and Divya Manian, with occasional guests. Lots of good stuff on front-end engineering and related topics.
One of the many Cooper Press weeklies, I believe this is one of their newest, with a focus on Node.js news and articles.
Suggest Your Tool via Twitter
Made something? Send links via Twitter &(). No tutorials or articles, please.
3 CSS E-Books for $7!
To help Web Tools Weekly&stay ad free, you can offer support:
Criticism? Corrections?
Suggestions, corrections, improvements? Feel free to reply to this email.
Before I Go...
Keeping with the theme of learning tools,
helps you practice your typing speed but in the context of programming. Choose from lots of different languages and there's even a pay option with lots of extra features.
Thanks to all for subscribing and reading!
Keep tooling,JsHelper & CakePHP Cookbook 2.x documentation
class JsHelper(View $view, array $settings = array())
The JsHelper is currently deprecated and completely removed in 3.x.
We recommend using regular JavaScript and directly interacting with
JavaScript libraries where possible.
Since the beginning CakePHP’s support for JavaScript has been with
Prototype/Scriptaculous. While we still think these are
excellent JavaScript libraries, the community has been asking for
support for other libraries. Rather than drop Prototype in favour
of another JavaScript library. We created an Adapter based helper,
and included 3 of the most requested libraries.
Prototype/Scriptaculous, Mootools/Mootools-more, and jQuery/jQuery
UI. While the API is not as expansive as the previous
AjaxHelper we feel that the adapter based solution allows for a
more extensible solution giving developers the power and
flexibility they need to address their specific application needs.
JavaScript Engines form the backbone of the new JsHelper. A
JavaScript engine translates an abstract JavaScript element into
concrete JavaScript code specific to the JavaScript library being
used. In addition they create an extensible system for others to
Using a specific JavaScript engine
First of all download your preferred JavaScript library and place
it in app/webroot/js
Then you must include the library in your page. To include it in
all pages, add this line to the &head& section of
echo $this-&Html-&script('jquery'); // Include jQuery library
Replace jquery with the name of your library file (.js will be
added to the name).
By default scripts are cached, and you must explicitly print out
the cache. To do this at the end of each page, include this line
just before the ending &/body& tag:
echo $this-&Js-&writeBuffer(); // Write cached scripts
You must include the library in your page and print the cache for
the helper to function.
JavaScript engine selection is declared when you include the helper
in your controller:
public $helpers = array('Js' =& array('Jquery'));
The above would use the Jquery Engine in the instances of JsHelper
in your views. If you do not declare a specific engine, the jQuery
engine will be used as the default. As mentioned before, there are
three engines implemented in the core, but we encourage the
community to expand the library compatibility.
Using jQuery with other libraries
The jQuery library, and virtually all of its plugins are
constrained within the jQuery namespace. As a general rule,
“global” objects are stored inside the jQuery namespace as well, so
you shouldn’t get a clash between jQuery and any other library
(like Prototype, MooTools, or YUI).
That said, there is one caveat:
By default, jQuery uses “$” as a shortcut for “jQuery”
To override the “$” shortcut, use the jQueryObject variable:
$this-&Js-&JqueryEngine-&jQueryObject = '$j';
echo $this-&Html-&scriptBlock(
'var $j = jQuery.noConflict();',
array('inline' =& false)
// Tell jQuery to go into noconflict mode
It is not possible to declare a JavaScript engine inside a custom
helper. Doing that will have no effect.
If you are willing to use an other JavaScript engine than the
default, do the helper setup in your controller as follows:
public $helpers = array(
'Js' =& array('Prototype'),
Be sure to declare the JsHelper and its engine on top of the
$helpers array in your controller.
The selected JavaScript engine may disappear (replaced by the
default) from the JsHelper object in your helper, if you miss to do
so and you will get code that does not fit your JavaScript
Creating a JavaScript Engine
JavaScript engine helpers follow normal helper conventions, with a
few additional restrictions. They must have the Engine suffix.
DojoHelper is not good, DojoEngineHelper is correct.
Furthermore, they should extend JsBaseEngineHelper in order to
leverage the most of the new API.
JavaScript engine usage
The JsHelper provides a few methods, and acts as a facade for
the the Engine helper. You should not directly access the Engine
helper except in rare occasions. Using the facade features of the
JsHelper allows you to leverage the buffering and method
chaining features built- (method chaining only works in PHP5).
The JsHelper by default buffers almost all script code
generated, allowing you to collect scripts throughout the view,
elements and layout, and output it in one place. Outputting
buffered scripts is done with $this-&Js-&writeBuffer(); this
will return the buffer contents in a script tag. You can disable
buffering wholesale with the $bufferScripts property or setting
buffer =& false in methods taking $options.
Since most methods in JavaScript begin with a selection of elements
in the DOM, $this-&Js-&get() returns a $this, allowing you to
chain the methods using the selection. Method chaining allows you
to write shorter, more expressive code:
$this-&Js-&get('#foo')-&event('click', $eventCode);
Is an example of method chaining. Method chaining is not possible
in PHP4 and the above sample would be written like:
$this-&Js-&event('click', $eventCode);
Common options
In attempts to simplify development where JavaScript libraries can change,
a common set of options is supported by JsHelper, these common
options will be mapped out to the library specific options
internally. If you are not planning on switching JavaScript
libraries, each library also supports all of its native callbacks
and options.
Callback wrapping
By default all callback options are wrapped with the an anonymous
function with the correct arguments. You can disable this behavior
by supplying the wrapCallbacks = false in your options array.
Working with buffered scripts
One drawback to previous implementation of ‘Ajax’ type features was
the scattering of script tags throughout your document, and the
inability to buffer scripts added by elements in the layout. The
new JsHelper if used correctly avoids both of those issues. It is
recommended that you place $this-&Js-&writeBuffer() at the
bottom of your layout file above the &/body& tag. This will
allow all scripts generated in layout elements to be output in one
place. It should be noted that buffered scripts are handled
separately from included script files.
JsHelper::writeBuffer($options = array())
Writes all JavaScript generated so far to a code block or caches
them to a file and returns a linked script.
inline - Set to true to have scripts output as a script
block inline if cache is also true, a script link tag will be
generated. (default true)
cache - Set to true to have scripts cached to a file and
linked in (default false)
clear - Set to false to prevent script cache from being
cleared (default true)
onDomReady - wrap cached scripts in domready event (default
safe - if an inline block is generated should it be wrapped
in &![CDATA[ ... ]]& (default true)
Creating a cache file with writeBuffer() requires that
webroot/js be world writable and allows a browser to cache
generated script resources for any page.
Add $content to the internal script buffer.
JsHelper::getBuffer($clear = true)
Get the contents of the current buffer. Pass in false to not clear
the buffer at the same time.
Buffering methods that are not normally buffered
Some methods in the helpers are buffered by default. The engines
buffer the following methods by default:
Additionally you can force any other method in JsHelper to use the
buffering. By appending an boolean to the end of the arguments you
can force other methods to go into the buffer. For example the
each() method does not normally buffer:
$this-&Js-&each('alert(&whoa!&);', true);
The above would force the each() method to use the buffer.
Conversely if you want a method that does buffer to not buffer, you
can pass a false in as the last argument:
$this-&Js-&event('click', 'alert(&whoa!&);', false);
This would force the event function which normally buffers to
return its result.
Other Methods
The core JavaScript Engines provide the same feature set across all
libraries, there is also a subset of common options that are
translated into library specific options. This is done to provide
end developers with as unified an API as possible. The following
list of methods are supported by all the Engines included in the
CakePHP core. Whenever you see separate lists for Options and
Event Options both sets of parameters are supplied in the
$options array for the method.
JsHelper::object($data, $options = array())
Serializes $data into JSON. This method is a proxy for json_encode()
with a few extra features added via the $options parameter.
prefix - String prepended to the returned data.
postfix - String appended to the returned data.
Example Use:
$json = $this-&Js-&object($data);
JsHelper::sortable($options = array())
Sortable generates a JavaScript snippet to make a set of elements
(usually a list) drag and drop sortable.
The normalized options are:
containment - Container for move action
handle - Selector to handle element. Only this element will
start sort action.
revert - Whether or not to use an effect to move sortable
into final position.
opacity - Opacity of the placeholder
distance - Distance a sortable must be dragged before
sorting starts.
Event Options
start - Event fired when sorting starts
sort - Event fired during sorting
complete - Event fired when sorting completes.
Other options are supported by each JavaScript library, and you
should check the documentation for your JavaScript library for more
detailed information on its options and parameters.
Example Use:
'distance' =& 5,
'containment' =& 'parent',
'start' =& 'onStart',
'complete' =& 'onStop',
'sort' =& 'onSort',
'wrapCallbacks' =& false
Assuming you were using the jQuery engine, you would get the
following code in your generated JavaScript block
JsHelper::request($url, $options = array())
Generate a JavaScript snippet to create an XmlHttpRequest or
‘AJAX’ request.
Event Options
complete - Callback to fire on complete.
success - Callback to fire on success.
before - Callback to fire on request initialization.
error - Callback to fire on request failure.
method - The method to make the request with defaults to GET
in more libraries
async - Whether or not you want an asynchronous request.
data - Additional data to send.
update - Dom id to update with the content of the response.
type - Data type for response. ‘json’ and ‘html’ are
supported. Default is html for most libraries.
evalScripts - Whether or not &script& tags should be
dataExpression - Should the data key be treated as a
callback. Useful for supplying $options['data'] as another
JavaScript expression.
Example use:
array('action' =& 'foo', 'param1'),
array('async' =& true, 'update' =& '#element')
Set the internal ‘selection’ to a CSS selector. The active
selection is used in subsequent operations until a new selection is
The JsHelper now will reference all other element based methods
on the selection of #element. To change the active selection,
call get() again with a new element.
JsHelper::set(mixed $one, mixed $two = null)
Pass variables into JavaScript. Allows you to set variables that will be
output when the buffer is fetched with
. The JavaScript variable used to output
set variables can be controlled with JsHelper::$setVariable.
JsHelper::drag($options = array())
Make an element draggable.
handle - selector to the handle element.
snapGrid - The pixel grid that movement snaps to, an
array(x, y)
container - The element that acts as a bounding box for the
draggable element.
Event Options
start - Event fired when the drag starts
drag - Event fired on every step of the drag
stop - Event fired when dragging stops (mouse release)
Example use:
'container' =& '#content',
'start' =& 'onStart',
'drag' =& 'onDrag',
'stop' =& 'onStop',
'snapGrid' =& array(10, 10),
'wrapCallbacks' =& false
If you were using the jQuery engine the following code would be
added to the buffer
JsHelper::drop($options = array())
Make an element accept draggable elements and act as a dropzone for
dragged elements.
accept - Selector for elements this droppable will accept.
hoverclass - Class to add to droppable when a draggable is
Event Options
drop - Event fired when an element is dropped into the drop
hover - Event fired when a drag enters a drop zone.
leave - Event fired when a drag is removed from a drop zone
without being dropped.
Example use:
'accept' =& '.items',
'hover' =& 'onHover',
'leave' =& 'onExit',
'drop' =& 'onDrop',
'wrapCallbacks' =& false
If you were using the jQuery engine the following code would be
added to the buffer
Droppables in Mootools function differently from other libraries.
Droppables are implemented as an extension of Drag. So in addition
to making a get() selection for the droppable element. You must
also provide a selector rule to the draggable element. Furthermore,
Mootools droppables inherit all options from Drag.
JsHelper::slider($options = array())
Create snippet of JavaScript that converts an element into a slider
ui widget. See your libraries implementation for additional usage
and features.
handle - The id of the element used in sliding.
direction - The direction of the slider either ‘vertical’ or
min - The min value for the slider.
max - The max value for the slider.
step - The number of steps or ticks the slider will have.
value - The initial offset of the slider.
change - Fired when the slider’s value is updated
complete - Fired when the user stops sliding the handle
Example use:
'complete' =& 'onComplete',
'change' =& 'onChange',
'min' =& 0,
'max' =& 10,
'value' =& 2,
'direction' =& 'vertical',
'wrapCallbacks' =& false
If you were using the jQuery engine the following code would be
added to the buffer
JsHelper::effect($name, $options = array())
Creates a basic effect. By default this method is not buffered and
returns its result.
Supported effect names
The following effects are supported by all JsEngines
show - reveal an element.
hide - hide an element.
fadeIn - Fade in an element.
fadeOut - Fade out an element.
slideIn - Slide an element in.
slideOut - Slide an element out.
speed - Speed at which the animation should occur. Accepted
values are ‘slow’, ‘fast’. Not all effects use the speed option.
Example use
If you were using the jQuery engine:
$result = $this-&Js-&effect('fadeIn');
// $result contains $(&#foo&).fadeIn();
JsHelper::event($type, $content, $options = array())
Bind an event to the current selection. $type can be any of the
normal DOM events or a custom event type if your library supports
them. $content should contain the function body for the
callback. Callbacks will be wrapped with
function (event) { ... } unless disabled with the
wrap - Whether you want the callback wrapped in an anonymous
function. (defaults to true)
stop - Whether you want the event to stop. (defaults to
Example use:
$this-&Js-&event('click', $this-&Js-&alert('hey you!'));
If you were using the jQuery library you would get the following
JavaScript code:
$('#some-link').bind('click', function (event) {
alert('hey you!');
return false;
You can remove the return
by passing setting the
stop option to false:
$this-&Js-&alert('hey you!'),
array('stop' =& false)
If you were using the jQuery library you would the following
JavaScript code would be added to the buffer. Note that the default
browser event is not cancelled:
$('#some-link').bind('click', function (event) {
alert('hey you!');
Creates the special ‘DOM ready’ event.
automatically wraps the buffered scripts in a domReady method.
Create a snippet that iterates over the currently selected
elements, and inserts $callback.
$this-&Js-&each('$(this).css({color: &red&});');
Using the jQuery engine would create the following JavaScript:
$('div.message').each(function () { $(this).css({color: &red&}); });
Create a JavaScript snippet containing an alert() snippet. By
default, alert does not buffer, and returns the script
$alert = $this-&Js-&alert('Hey there');
Create a JavaScript snippet containing a confirm() snippet. By
default, confirm does not buffer, and returns the script
$alert = $this-&Js-&confirm('Are you sure?');
JsHelper::prompt($message, $default)
Create a JavaScript snippet containing a prompt() snippet. By
default, prompt does not buffer, and returns the script
$prompt = $this-&Js-&prompt('What is your favorite color?', 'blue');
JsHelper::submit($caption = null, $options = array())
Create a submit input button that enables XmlHttpRequest
submitted forms. Options can include
both those for
and JsBaseEngine::request(),
Forms submitting with this method, cannot send files. Files do not
transfer over XmlHttpRequest
and require an iframe, or other more specialized setups that are
beyond the scope of this helper.
url - The URL you wish the XHR request to submit to.
confirm - Confirm message displayed before sending the
request. Using confirm, does not replace any before callback
methods in the generated XmlHttpRequest.
buffer - Disable the buffering and return a script tag in
addition to the link.
wrapCallbacks - Set to false to disable automatic callback
Example use:
echo $this-&Js-&submit('Save', array('update' =& '#content'));
Will create a submit button with an attached onclick event. The
click event will be buffered by default.
echo $this-&Js-&submit('Save', array(
'update' =& '#content',
'div' =& false,
'type' =& 'json',
'async' =& false
Shows how you can combine options that both
when using submit.
JsHelper::link($title, $url = null, $options = array())
Create an HTML anchor element that has a click event bound to it.
Options can include both those for
, , $options
array that are appended to the generated
anchor element. If an option is not part of the standard attributes
or $htmlAttributes it will be passed to
as an option. If an id is not supplied, a randomly generated one will be
created for each link generated.
confirm - Generate a confirm() dialog before sending the
id - use a custom id.
htmlAttributes - additional non-standard htmlAttributes.
Standard attributes are class, id, rel, title, escape, onblur and
buffer - Disable the buffering and return a script tag in
addition to the link.
Example use:
echo $this-&Js-&link(
'Page 2',
array('page' =& 2),
array('update' =& '#content')
Will create a link pointing to /page:2 and updating #content
with the response.
You can use the htmlAttributes option to add in additional
custom attributes.
echo $this-&Js-&link('Page 2', array('page' =& 2), array(
'update' =& '#content',
'htmlAttributes' =& array('other' =& 'value')
Outputs the following HTML:
&a href=&/posts/index/page:2& other=&value&&Page 2&/a&
JsHelper::serializeForm($options = array())
Serialize the form attached to $selector. Pass true for $isForm
if the current selection is a form element. Converts the form or
the form element attached to the current selection into a
string/json object (depending on the library implementation) for
use with XHR operations.
isForm - is the current selection a form, or an input?
(defaults to false)
inline - is the rendered statement going to be used inside
another JS statement? (defaults to false)
Setting inline == false allows you to remove the trailing ;.
This is useful when you need to serialize a form element as part of
another JavaScript operation, or use the serialize method in an
Object literal.
Redirect the page to $url using window.location.
Converts a PHP-native variable of any type to a JSON-equivalent
representation. Escapes any string values into JSON compatible
strings. UTF-8 characters will be escaped.
AJAX Pagination
Much like AJAX Pagination in 1.2, you can use the JsHelper to
handle the creation of AJAX pagination links instead of plain HTML
Making AJAX Links
Before you can create AJAX links you must include the JavaScript
library that matches the adapter you are using with JsHelper.
By default the JsHelper uses jQuery. So in your layout include
jQuery (or whichever library you are using). Also make sure to
include RequestHandlerComponent in your components. Add the
following to your controller:
public $components = array('RequestHandler');
public $helpers = array('Js');
Next link in the JavaScript library you want to use. For this
example we’ll be using jQuery:
echo $this-&Html-&script('jquery');
Similar to 1.2 you need to tell the PaginatorHelper that you
want to make JavaScript enhanced links instead of plain HTML ones.
To do so, call the options() at the top of your view:
'update' =& '#content',
'evalScripts' =& true
now knows to make JavaScript enhanced
links, and that those links should update the #content element.
Of course this element must exist, and often times you want to wrap
$content_for_layout with a div matching the id used for the
update option. You also should set evalScripts to true if
you are using the Mootools or Prototype adapters, without
evalScripts these libraries will not be able to chain requests
together. The indicator option is not supported by JsHelper
and will be ignored.
You then create all the links as needed for your pagination
features. Since the JsHelper automatically buffers all
generated script content to reduce the number of &script& tags
in your source code you must write the buffer out. At the
bottom of your view file. Be sure to include:
echo $this-&Js-&writeBuffer();
If you omit this you will not be able to chain AJAX pagination
links. When you write the buffer, it is also cleared, so you don’t
have worry about the same JavaScript being output twice.
Adding effects and transitions
Since indicator is no longer supported, you must add any
indicator effects yourself:
&!DOCTYPE html&
&?php echo $this-&Html-&script('jquery'); ?&
//more stuff here.
&div id=&content&&
&?php echo $this-&fetch('content'); ?&
echo $this-&Html-&image(
array('id' =& 'busy-indicator')
Remember to place the indicator.gif file inside app/webroot/img
folder. You may see a situation where the indicator.gif displays
immediately upon the page load. You need to put in this CSS
#busy-indicator { display: } in your main CSS file.
With the above layout, we’ve included an indicator image file, that
will display a busy indicator animation that we will show and hide
with the JsHelper. To do that we need to update our
options() function:
'update' =& '#content',
'evalScripts' =& true,
'before' =& $this-&Js-&get('#busy-indicator')-&effect(
array('buffer' =& false)
'complete' =& $this-&Js-&get('#busy-indicator')-&effect(
array('buffer' =& false)
This will show/hide the busy-indicator element before and after the
#content div is updated. Although indicator has been
removed, the new features offered by JsHelper allow for more
control and more complex effects to be created.
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