psv flame ovepsvr怎么操作作

一楼V酱   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
【写在前面】 本文不过...
【ID】流浪诗人er 【地...
他们才是最可爱的人儿 ...
万一火了呢——来自SONY™WALKMAN客户端 For Music Lovers.By Music Lovers.
先说一下,原帖子非常长。。。所以我故意在最后一个讲解楼会弄一个非常笼统的概括,如果大家没什么时间,或者看完没看懂请移步   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
The truth about the Vita PSP Kernel ExploitVita上PSP内核漏洞的真相The internet has been going wild the last few days over a leak of a Vita PSPEMU Kernel Exploit...最近几天网络上广泛的流传着Vita的PSP模拟器的一个内核漏洞泄露了I will tell the true story about it... and use the chance to make a important announcement.我将告诉大家这件事背后的真相,同时借这个机会宣布一件重要的事A person named Sam Jordam, aka. Batman:Beyond aka. Ipadboy has been making news the last few days...一个名叫Sam Jordam之类的人前几天宣布了一条消息&A kernel exploit for Vita got leaked!& - &artmaze / The Z did it...!& - &I'm a limp ** who can't please a girl!& - you could read stuff like that coming from Sam Jordam the last few days.“一个Vita上的内核漏洞泄露了!”-“是artmaze / The Z泄露的...!”-“我是一个不能满足少女的软蛋!”(这么翻合适么?= =)- 这些言论都来自于Sam Jordam,你们可以在网上看到它们The thing is... all he did so far was lie and scheme to frame other people for it!事情的真相是,所有他做的都是在撒谎,这是有计划的诋毁为此事(应该是指破解PSV)付出的人He's a evil mastermind of manipulation and I will tell you guys what has been going on for real, well knowing that if this story came from someone else other than me, a well trusted source of information and code in the scene, no one would believe it either way.他是一个罪恶的幕后操纵者,我会告诉大家究竟发生了什么,如果没有一个像我这样充分了解此事,而且在破解领域受到充分信任的人出面澄清,恐怕大家都不会相信此事(这段有点复杂,翻得不好,见谅)   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
This all started 4 months ago, when I discovered the Urbanix user mode exploit and a fitting kernel mode exploit to go along with it... VHBL has always been interesting to me and I wanted to take it a step further, wondering whether a full CFW was possible on Vita.这一切都起源于4个月前,那时我发现了Urbanix中的一个用户模式漏洞和一个合适的内核模式,并且可以深入下去...VHBL对我来说很有趣,但是我觉得我可以更进一步了,我想知道一个完整的Vita自制系统是否可行What shall I say... 3 months later, it was done. A fully working CFW for Vita... but the time wasn't right for a release... so many things were still out of place...3个月后,它(指Vita的自制系统)完成了,一个完整的,正常工作的自制系统...但是发布它的时机还不成熟...许多事情还没有到位PSX emulation worked, but we didn't have sound, 's new console was still having problems getting it's safe spot on the market and - while a whole lot of people think we are pirates, we are the total opposites.PSX模拟器完成了,但是还无法出声,的新系统在安全问题上依旧存在问题,很多人认为我们在支持盗版,实际上我们完全反对Yes, the CFW could play ISO files, but no - we never supported piracy... and we knew that PSN sales of PSP games would dwindle if this became public.是的,自制系统可以加载,但是不 - 我们从未支持盗版...而且我们清楚,这个自制系统一旦传播开,PSN上的PSP销量将会下降With Vita still having a more than suboptimal amount of good games to go with it, the PSP PSN sales were what kept the console going... and we didn't wish to harm this very fragile ecosystem.当Vita还没有足够数量的好时,PSN上的PSP游戏销量才是维持这个平台继续前进的动力...而且我们不希望伤害到这个非常脆弱的生态系统We knew the time for it to shine wasn't there yet... and we made sure this would stay this way for a while...我们清楚那时不是将自制系统公之于众的好时机...而且我们确定这种状态也会持续一段时间We placed a whole bunch of security locks onto the files, so that even if a leak occured from our beta testers, like the one you guys saw a few days ago, no one would be able to use it and 's new system would remain secure and tight, unharmed by piracy - which sadly - whether we like it or not... is a negative side effect of the work we do to enable homebrew.我们在破解文件上采取了一系列的安全措施,就像前几天你们看见的那位一样,即使在公测程序员中发生一次泄露,也没有一个人可以使用这些文件,的新系统已经会保持安全,不会受到盗版的损害,遗憾的是,无论我们是否喜欢,自制程序也将无法运行   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
So yes... the leak is real, yes it contains both a user exploit and a kernel exploit... and in fact, a tightly locked - publically unusable - CFW too.所以,是的,这次泄露是真的,它确实包含了一个用户模式漏洞和一个核心漏洞,此外还有一个加密的自制系统,虽然大众还无法使用它So... what exactly happened here?那么,这次到底发生了什么?One of our beta testers, who's name I won't mention here to protect him from the flames of rage upon the request of several big names in the scene, decided it was a good idea to leak the files to rivaling developers for unlocking of our CFW encryption preventing it to run on unpermitted Vita units.我们公测测试员中的某人,为了保护他不受到破解领域的其他大神的责难,我就不提起他的名字了,他提议将这些文件泄露给其他开发者,但同时将自制系统加密,避免它运行在未被允许的机器上This wouldn't have been too bad... if the rivaling developer, who's name I won't mention either, would have just shut up and kept it to himself... he failed in breaking our security anyway, so no harm done there.如果那个开发者(我也不会提及名字)对此事保密,这件事也不会太糟,如果他没有违背我们的保密措施,也不会发生什么不好的事So the files kept getting handed on... until they reached a person named The Z, who carelessly handed it to someone by the name of Sam Jordam (real name btw, if you wish to contact him IRL).文件就这么不断传播,直到传播到TheZ的手上,TheZ非常粗心的把这些文件又传播给了Sam Jordam(这是他的真名)Sam in turn leaked the files in public, pretending that he did it for the good of all people, which is a obvious lie and thankfully, most of the scene realized this, not supporting his ideals.Sam转而将这些文件公布出去,并假装他是在为大家做好事,这明显是假的,值得庆幸的是,破解领域的大多数人并不支持他的想法I congratulate the scene for showing so much courage and stability in staying - at least mostly - united here and able to detect who the bad person is. This is a rather rare sight in the scene.我很高兴,破解领域中大部分人在这次事件中展现出的勇气和坚定的团结在一起,因而我们得以发现这个坏人到底是谁。这在破解领域是相当少见的一幕The reason he did it was quite simple... he is a person who can't feel guilt, a selfish person which only does what benefits him, ignoring the fact that the rest of the world suffers for his deeds.Sam做这些的原因非常坚定,他是那个毫无负罪感的人,一个自私自利的人,他不会顾忌世界上的其它人因为他的行为而受罪。The thing is... this person, Sam Jordam, has been threatening Wololo and his entire community from behind the curtains, planning to attack the server and taking it down for good.事实是,这个人,Sam Jordam,曾经在幕后威胁wololo和他的整个**,计划攻击wololo论坛服务器以使网站崩溃   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
Back then, he tried to frame a innocent person from the forums, saying this person was his &employer& - hiring a hacker to take down除此之外,他还试图诋毁wololo论坛一个无辜的人,声称这个人是他的雇主,雇佣他攻击wololo网站The Team and I did research however... we aren't the average user and know ways to detect whether someone's lying or not. We have found his &employer& was nothing but a average user of the forums, while he was the master mind behind it.wololo论坛团队和我也做了调查,我们不是一般用户,而且我们有办法知道一个人是不是在撒谎,我们发现他说的雇主只是一个论坛的一般用户,而他自己才是幕后黑手As we used shady ways to get the data on this however, without real proof - or at least - publically accessible proof, we couldn't legally do anything against him, and kept watching the situation.因为我使用了不光彩的手段获取了这些信息,并没有确凿的,或者公开合法的证据,我们不能通过法律制裁他,只有持续的关注着态势His treason reached its climax however, when he tried to frame his most trusted friend, artmaze, for the leak of confidential work in progress files, hoping that we would buy it but we didn't.但是他却更加猖狂,他试图去陷害他最信任的朋友,artmaze,只是为了泄露加密文件,他还希望我们支付一定金钱来避免他公布,但是我们拒绝了We did our research here too... and made sure to double check the facts which easily proved that he was the culprit behind all of this.我们也在做着调查,并且多次检查后确信,他就是这一切事件背后的罪人So what do we have here, summed up in a single sentence?那么我们在这应该做什么呢,总结成一条审判?Sam has been doing evil things in the past, threatening the whole community, which basically forms the center of the PSP / Vita scene, and yet - on his leak videos on
he claims to do the leaking for the &good of the scene&?Sam过去也曾做过罪恶的事,威胁整个wololo网站(那里是PSP/Vita破解领域的中心),而且,在他的泄露视频中,他声称他所做的对破解是有帮助的This is ridiculous, a person threatening and attacking the whole scene trying to disguise himself as a hero of the people?这是非常荒唐的,一个威胁和攻击整个破解领域的人试图把自己伪装chengren们的英雄But the story doesn't end here either, he has been doing other - less critical crimes - and tried to frame the moderators for it, fate6, a trusted person of the administration team knows what I'm talking about here, as he has been one of his victims too.但是故事并未到此为止,他还做过其它相对温和一些的犯罪,他还陷害wololo论坛的一位版主,fate6He has been trying to trick us into doing as he pleases with everything foul-play has to offer, going as far as leaking our files hoping that the loss of a user plus kernel exploit would be enough to make us release public, unlocked CFW files for Vita, which would have been the final step for converting him from the traitor into a hero, bringing people CFW for Vita, and ruining a system before its prime time came by enabling piracy, even if just for PSP titles.他试图通过泄露破解文件来迫使我们发布未加锁的自制系统,这样他就变成了给vita带来自制系统的英雄,同时也让PSV系统在刚起步阶段就因为盗版而毁灭,就像PSP那样   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
The CFW is real everyone... we have made the impossible possible, but due to what Sam did, it will never come to happen for any of you as he gave away the only bullet we had in our barrel, the only chance to make it come true.各位,自制系统是真的,我们把不可能变成了可能,但是由于Sam的所作所为,但是现在什么都不会发生了,因为他葬送了我们唯一的机会This leak isn't a blessing, it's a curse... and one that the whole scene will have to pay a high price for.这次泄露不是祝福,而是诅咒,这件事会让整个破解界付出高昂代价4 months of work I've did for you all has been rendered useless in a single day, by a hypocrite who feels no guilt and no love for the scene, a person which in fact, just a week before the leak, still threatened Wololo with taking his website down for good.我为大家工作了4个月的成果在一天之内烟消云散,就因为一个没有负罪感,对破解无爱的伪善者,而实际上这个人在泄露发生一周前还在威胁wololo,并以黑掉wololo论坛取乐。I won't make a move anymore, I won't code for this scene anymore and I will make sure I take the CFW I've crafted into my grave with me.我不会再前进一步了,我不会再为破解PSV而写代码了,而且我保证我会把这个我编写的自制系统带进我的坟墓If you wish to thank Sam Jordam for this, please by all means go ahead. He wasn't exactly too smart in hiding his real life data anyway, just check his blog, etc.如果你想因为目前的状况感谢Sam Jordam,那么请便,他没有聪明到隐藏自己的现实信息,只要查看一下他的博客等就行It's not like I encourage doing a house visit or something... *hint hint*我并没有鼓励大家去拜访他家或是别的什么...*暗示 暗示*(这最后啥意思?= =|||)What is worst is... this person thinks he is above all things in the world.最糟的是这人认为他高于世间一切Concerning the leak he did, I was so nice to contact him and tell him to take it offline, for his own good... well knowing that I had private data on him, data that linked him to the threat to Wololo and the scene and way more beyond that.在他泄露之后,我很高兴的联系他并告诉他将文件撤下网络,这对他自己更好,他知道我有他的私人信息、他威胁wololo和先关人员的证据等(这个伪善者。。。接下来是高能。。。)   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
my fair warning...但是这就是他对我善意的警告的回应Coldbird: Mr Jordam, recently it seems you pretty much enjoy this leaking game of yours. However this is a dangerous game. For your own good I suggest you quit and delete all related files on your mediafire account. You have received your one and only warning. If you insist on walking this wrong path, something we both don't want to see will happen. And I am sincerely hoping you choose the path wisely.Coldbird: Jordam先生,最近你似乎很沉醉于泄露秘密,但是,这是一场非常危险的游戏,为了你自己的利益,我建议你退出,并且删除你mediafire账号上的所有相关文件,这是我的最后通牒,如果你坚持走这条错误的道路,一些我们都不希望见到的事将会发生,我真诚地希望你理智的选择道路Sam: By releasing these files, not only does Sony have the files to stop this exploit, but also the public is aware of what they need to do.Sam: 发布了这些文件,不仅Sony有办法阻止这个漏洞,公众也会意识到他们应该做什么I win regardless of whether you release this yourself, or someone else patches the files I leaked to remove your protection, and there is nothing you can do to stop me. Unless, you have something to trade me.Sam: 无论是你自己发布自制系统,还是别的什么人通过打补丁移除了你的加密,都是我赢了,除非,你有什么可以和我交易Nothing to regret. Not my files, not my problem.Sam: 我没什么好后悔的,不是我的文件,不是我的问题Now does this sound like a hero of the people? Someone that has the good of people in mind?这像是一个英雄说的话吗? 这像是一个好人的想法吗?I doubt it, but this made me realize why I left the scene the first time... and why I will - finally - after years of struggling to make this scene a better place to be, fully retire, taking with me all my unreleased work.我不相信,但这让我想起我第一次退出破解领域的原因,想起多年努力,希望这个领域变得更好,但最后依然带着我未发布的作品彻底退出的原因This isn't worth it anymore and to be honest, I don't want to harm Sony's new handheld either - I've done good work, but the world wasn't ready for it yet as this leak and betrayal of trust once again showed clearly.说实话,这太不值得了,我也不想伤害Sony新的掌声设备,我做出了非常帮的成果,但是这个世界还没有准备好,正如这次泄露和背信弃义的再次发生所清楚地展示的I wish everyone in the scene, especially my team, who's command I will be handing down to Virtuous Flame, one of my most loyal team mates, actually, one of my best friends, the best of luck.我祝愿这个领域,尤其是我的团队,都能有好运,我将会把我的工作交给我最忠诚的团队伙伴,同时也是我的好朋友的Virtuous FlameI also send greetings to Wololo, who has been a big asset in making this leak, at least somewhat worthwhile - by launching a instant Urbanix exploit ninja release upon me asking for it.我同样也写了一封感谢信给Wololo,感谢他的帮助使得这次意外泄露至少还有一点好处,通过Urbanix的漏洞来运行VHBL(ninja release指的是啥?)So hopefully, from the ashes of this empire I've built, at least one final revision of VHBL can be crafted for the people.所以,从我建立的帝国灰烬之中,人们至少还能得到一个VHBLI admire everyone that has the strength to keep going even though this scene sucks so much.我很敬佩那些拥有力量继续前进的人们,尽管这个领域的环境如此差劲Now Sam, I really wonder - was this the way you intended things to turn out?现在,Sam,我真的很想知道,这就是你所期待的结果吗?You are left with nothing now, the truth is out there... and everyone knows what a big scumbag you are.你现在什么都没有得到,真相已经揭晓,所有人都知道你是个多么卑鄙的人了You got no CFW, you ruined your only chance of ever having one, and every team will be avoiding you like the pest in the future... which considering how ugly you were from the pictures I've seen of you - might actually suggest you do have the pest.你没有得到自制系统,你自己毁掉了你拥有它的唯一机会,今后所有的团队都会像发防害虫一样防着你,考虑到照片中的你如此丑陋,也许你确实就是个害虫   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
With this, Coldbird is out - this time around forever.因此,Coldbird退出了,也许是永远的I wish that Sony manages to keep this system locked down for as long as possible, just so that the people can really feel what Sam ruined for them - and of course... so that it can shine, free of piracy - and sadly... also homebrew.我希望Sony能够保持系统封闭尽可能的长,这样人们就会意识到Sam究竟毁掉了什么,当然也会变得更正规,没有盗版,遗憾的是,也没有自制程序   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
最后:个人简单的说明下:一直以来破解界都是有**有计划有操守的,他们是反对盗版的,他们的乐趣只是自制程序,他们早就可以用psv运行iso,但是他们并没有发布,他们不想让的新掌机胎死腹中,他们认为时机并未成熟,他们再不停地努力加快破解进度,等时机成熟,给玩家最大的惊喜。但是因为一个自私者,窃取了破解界所有人一直以来的劳动成果,将漏洞泄露出去,将一切化为徒劳,导致所有人一致的愤怒,痛下决心后,销毁一切关于psv的破解代码,停止一切破解工作,将所有工作重心全部转向3ds。也许,这将是掌机史上最大的一次悲哀,psv也很有可能将成为第一个破解不了的掌机。   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
额 只是有可能无法破解罢了 可是还是会有人去破解的吧!虽然我很不想破解!
完全搬运完毕   -- 不,不行!那里很敏感的~咿呀!不,不要摸,舔也不行!啊。。。啊!要,要去了~要去写作业了~
大快人心 破解的人早晚会把成果公诸于世 早与晚的问题而已 都是犯罪行为无误
会破解的 不过不是现在 也不支持现在 现在破解了 大家都玩盗版会有恶性循环 可以参考国内的单机商
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We’ve mentioned hacker YifanLu several times on this blog, being that he is one of the handful of people believed to be in possession of a “native” vita hack (I put “native” in quotes here, as I mean per opposition to a hack in the psp emulator, but I don’t want people to assume he has a hack available in the Vita’s firmware code). Today Yifan Lu released a beta version of his new tool: a full open source alternative to Sony’s Content Manager Assistant for the Vita.
The CMA is a tool divided in two parts: a server running on your ps Vita, and a client running on your computer (or your PS3, as a matter of fact). For those of you who just joined us, there are many reasons to hate Sony’s CMA, from a hacker’s perspective but more importantly from a customer’s perspective (see my article on CMA and privacy concerns ). Also, last time I checked, that tool is not available for Linux, only for Mac and Windows.
Nobody else than Sony can fix the fact that you have to use CMA to do anything with your Vita, but we’ve seen initiatives to lower the pain of using this tool. VirtuousFlame’s “OpenCMA” was one of those, a patch that let the CMA client on windows run without having to be constantly connected to the internet.
Today’s release from YifanLu should not be confused with VF’s OpenCMA above. The “Open” here is to be taken literally, as YifanLu’s OpenCMA is a complete open source implementation of the client side code of CMA. Basically, this tool can completely replace Sony’s client, where VF’s OpenCMA was a patch over the closed source tool from Sony.
More importantly, it is the first compiled version for linux ever, so linux users should finally be able to copy content to and from their Vita! (no thanks to Sony. You can’t begin to imagine how messed up I feel typing that it apparently takes a year and a half between the release of a computer device and the possibility to copy files to it, and that the initiative is not driven by the device’s manufacturer themselves. Feels like a 50 years step back to me)
Additionally, and more interestingly for devs out there, YifanLu also released the sources for libVitaMTP, a library for devs who would for example want to create their own content managers for the Vita. Think iTunes for the Vita, or even if you have lower ambitions it shouldn’t be difficult to come up with something that looks a bit more polished than the official Sony client, which does exactly nothing to help you manage your backups and files.
In theory nothing should prevent this code from being ported to Windows/Mac as well, provided motivated devs look into the sources.
You can download the binaries here.
To provide feedback, bug reports, and access the source code, check the github pages here. Also check YifanLu’s original article on his blog, and feel free to drop him a line on the thread he opened on our forum here
翻译(BY 海星云):
我们已经好几次在这个blog里提到yifanlu这个黑客了,我们相信他是少数几个拥有原生破解PSV的人之一(之所以用原生这个词是相对于一般意义上的PSP模式破解而言的,但是这也并不代表他拥有PSV的系统固件的破解)。今天yifanlu发布了一个测试版本的新玩意:区别于传统sony CMA的开源的PSV管理工具。
传统CMA的运行被分为了两部分:一个在你的PSV上面运行的服务器,和一个在你的电脑(或者是PS3)上运行的客户端。对于那些新晋的玩家来说,你们很快就会意识到CMA实在是一个非常蛋疼的东西,无论是从黑客的角度来说,还是从消费者的角度来说(大家可以去参考下我之前发布的关于CMA和隐私信息的一篇文章)。而且,据我所知这个工具并不对Linux开放,而只针对MAC和windows。在SONY的强迫下所有人都必需使用CMA来管理你PSV里面的各种内容,但是我们也看到很多人做出了不少努力来改变这一现状,比如VirtuousFlame的“opencma”就是其中的一个例子。它可以让windows下的cma在不连接 网络的情况下运行。
这一次yifanlu发布的这个工具将会同VF的那个CMA又不一样。顾名思义,yifanlu的这个开源工具opencma是一个完全开放源代码的客户端CMA。就是说,这个玩意可以完全取代sony开发的那个客户端,在VF所做的仅仅在sony的版本上打了一个补丁之外又更进了一步。更关键的是,这是第一个兼容linux 的管理工具,因此linux用户们终于可以让他们的小V上面传东西了!(这对SONY来说实在是一个偌大的讽刺,我意识这实在是有点可怕:在一个硬件发布了一年半之后,玩家才被允许能够从一台电脑往上面传东西,而达成这一点居然不是由SONY这个原开发公司所推动的,这简直就像是倒退了50年还不止。)
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